
Image histogram python pil. getdata()) print pxl columnsize,rowsize=im.

Counts are grouped into 256 bins for each band, even if the image has more than 8 bits per band. , histograms. source: np. Ideally the coordinates would point to the middle of the line, but as the lines are narrow, it's enough that they point somewhere inside the line. Returns a histogram for the image. dsize :The desired width and height of the resized image. # Access all PNG files in directory. However PIL’s last release was way back in 2009 and the blog also stopped getting updated. getextrema` to determine the bins used. register_extensions (id: str, extensions: list [str]) → None [source] ¶ Registers image extensions. PIL indexes images in Cartesian co-ordinates. open("QWiTL. One common method for sharpening images using OpenCV and Python is to use the cv2. The ImageStat module calculates global statistics for an image, or for a region of an image. resize(src, dsize,interpolation) Here, src :The image to be resized. Mar 14, 2024 · We now use the function np. ylabel("pixels Frequency") #hist function is used to plot the histogram of an image. PILLOW_VERSION)" print? Paste the output into your question so people don't have to rummage through the comments to see it. pyplot as py from PIL import Image as im from scipy import misc img = misc. filepath = "default1. open("lena. histogram() Return Feb 4, 2017 · It will map over each pixel in each channel, which should be faster than doing three nested loops in python. imread("Zpicture. show (title=None, command=None) Parameters: title – Optional title to use for the image window, where possible. imread('wiki. img = img. Here is a pseudo-code: 1. from skimage import exposure. I have microscopic images with 12 bit which are stored inside 16 bit tiff files. Many operations act on each band separately, e. Cartesian coordinates are not restricted to the (horizontal, vertical) convention. sum(axis=1) # Sum the colors, then the y-axis. pgm") pxl=list(im. Dec 28, 2015 · Adjust the pixel values of a grayscale image such that its histogram. For example, if i = 0, the h (0) is the number of pixels with a value of 0. mean(axis=0) # bottom to top rows = n. Image. mask: 一个可选的掩码。. Note how it is obvious in the histogram above. This function should not be used in application code. Arguments: -----------. open(file) pixels = img. getdata () 将此图像的内容作为一个包含像素值的 6. histogram () method returns a list of pixel counts for each band present in the image. The histogram () method provides information on counts of different colors/bands. template: np. The Python Imaging Library or PIL allowed you to do image processing in Python. The histogram is returned as a list of pixel counts, one for each pixel value in the source image. However this implementation also relies on skimage. -- for fun, you can try applying your original CDF to your image. Aug 5, 2013 · Since you know that the pixel values are 0-4095, I can't find a faster way than this: new_image= image. Image. interpolation:The interpolation method to be used. The Image Module in it provides a number of functions to flip and rotate images. sum(axis=2). Calculate statistics for the given image. The original author, Fredrik Lundh, wrote one of my favorite Python blogs when I first started learning Python. Depending on whether the image is colour or black and white we then save the three or the one histogram before closing the image. Nov 26, 2020 · We can use the split() method available in the library cv2. For example, if the top left pixel of an image im of mode "L" has value 128, then im. def hist_eq(image): Feb 15, 2023 · Sharpening can be used to correct blur or softness in an image and can be applied using a variety of techniques. open (f) where f is the path. create_histograms, catching the returned dictionary in the histograms variable. array(i) # average columns and rows # left to right cols = n. getextrema` to return per-band extrema for the image. channel: Specifies the color channel. In astronomy images, they reflect data intensity and distribution, aiding in validating data integrity, assessing noise, or enhancing feature visibility. We are going to use NumPy for storing the Stat. the ImageOps module contains a number of ‘ready-made’ image processing operations. resize () Returns a resized copy of this image. If a mask is included, only the regions covered by that mask are included in the statistics. filter2D () function, which convolves the image with a kernel. open('/PATH/') Next step, you need to convert the image to grayscale and convert variable type to numpy array in order to calculate histogram easily. Color images typically have blue, green, and red channels. ImageOps. PIL. It can therfore store any value in the range [-2147483648; 2147483647]. equalize(image, mask=None) 参数: 图像: 要均衡的图像。. misc. jpg") img_left_area = (0, 0, 400, 600) img_right_area = (400, 0, 800, 600) img_left = img. At first, let’s have a look at requirements below. The Image module provides a class with the same name which is used to represent a PIL image. ImageStat. Feb 14, 2015 · Using timeit, 'image_histogram_equalization' in Trilarion's answer has a mean execution time was 0. Hello Reader, In this tutorial, you will be able to learn how to plot a histogram for an Image in PIL in Python. Start IPython either directly at a shell, or with the Jupyter Notebook (where IPython as a running kernel). convert("L") # convert to numpy array n = np. Calculates statistics for the give image. """ def minmax (histogram: list [int]) -> tuple [int, int]: res_min, res_max = 255, 0 for i in The Python Example Program given here does thresholding on each band of the image – Red, Green and Blue. xlabel("Value") plt. Only a range of blue values are set to 1 and the remaining bands are set to 0. point(lambda value: value<<4 | value>>8) According to the documentation, the lambda function will be called at most 4096 times, whatever the size of your image. load() Mar 29, 2018 · The images in my dataset come from photographs of images in books, some of which have very high or low exposure rates. It’s a technique for adjusting the pixel values in an image May 23, 2016 · I am trying to create rgb histogram corresponding to each image in a folder. convert('L') code for plotting the histogram on the plane: plt. Returns the pixel value or values at the given coordinates (p. Kernel (), and then would use that filter for edge Oct 4, 2016 · I have a basic algorithm for desaturating an image using the pillow library and Python 3: - find max of a pixel's RGB values - find min of a pixel's RGB values - calc average: (max + min) / 2 How PIL是Python Imaging Library,它为python解释器提供了图像编辑函数。的Image模块提供了一个具有相同名称的类,用于表示PIL图像。该模块还提供了许多出厂函数,包括从文件加载图像和创建新图像的函数。 Image. 0534 seconds. 587*pixel[1] + 0. The following sample code displays the histogram of each individual RGB channel as well as the histogram with the three Mar 4, 2014 · Python's for loop construct has too many things going on to be fast. hstack((img,equ)) #stacking images side-by-side cv2. Mar 2, 2021 · 1. g. Output: The extra portions / difference between both image is green in colour. zeros((img. The core image library is designed for fast access to data stored in a few basic pixel formats. Plot the original image and equalized image. plt. From here, identify the largest block of white space. array(pxl) plt. title("histogram") plt. Stat (list) => Stat instance. getdata()) print pxl columnsize,rowsize=im. We pass in 256 because we want to see the pixel Aug 15, 2012 · Since the histogram method of PIL seems to be all weird on 16 bit images, I wrote my own function which generates histograms. im = cv2. matches that of a target image. H = pix. Oct 23, 2023 · right = (width + size) / 2. 114*pixel[2] grey = np. In the second one we would be creating a Laplacian Filter using PIL. from PIL import Image import re black = [(110,110,110),(0,0,0)] #The highest value and the lowest RGB value for the color black img = Image. 比如一幅灰度图像,数据会是0到255之间的256个数,每个数表示像素值等于这个数的像素的数量。. Support for Python Imaging Library got discontinued in 2011, but a project named pillow forked the original Michael Zippo. See here. 299*pixel[0] + 0. from PIL import Image. Same as above, but calculates statistics for a previously calculated histogram. It is a most excellent enhancement to the standard Python prompt, and it ties in especially well with Matplotlib. imwrite('res. 语法: PIL. Images used for difference: r. If you really want to keep the for loop, the only solution is numba or cython but these have their own set of issues. import numpy as np. 41. jpg". Calculate a histogram of each image: H [i] 2. ADAPTIVE to avoid dithering. jpg',0) equ = cv2. The list will have all the counts concatenated for each band. png. I have been working on a similar problem and came across this thread, 5 years late. Mar 19, 2019 · Also, the change only happens in the brightness of the images and not contrast since I want to preserve all the other details. Mar 25, 2019 · Histogram Equalization in Python from Scratch. From there, open a shell and execute the following command: $ python adaptive_equalization. 该模块还提供了一些工厂函数,包括从文件加载图像和创建新图像的函数。. FIND_EDGES) for edge detection. Syntax: Image. jpg') im. Calculate the norm of the difference. equalize () 方法可以均衡图像直方图。. open("input. Stat (image) => Stat instance. According to NumPy documentation np. 3696 seconds, while this function has a mean execution time of 0. For true color images, RGB histograms help with color balancing, exposure adjustment, and contrast enhancement. The library encourages adding support for newer formats in the library by creating new file decoders. If the images have multiple channels, the matching is done independently for each channel, as long as the number of channels is equal in the input image and the reference. Dec 12, 2019 · import numpy as np from PIL import Image import matplotlib. PNG"]] # Assuming all It manipulates the pixels of an input image so that its histogram matches the histogram of the reference image. With Pillow installed, let’s create a basic image: from PIL import Image # Setting the size of the image. open("ImageName. It does so using the two lists corresponding to pixels ( pixels) and the intensity ( count) of those pixels. crop((left, top, right, bottom)) Resizing and cropping your images to a standard size is a crucial first step. For example, the images below come from two different books; the one on the top is an over-exposed reprint of the one on the bottom, wherein the exposure looks good: I'd like to normalize each image's exposure in Python. PIL stands for Python Imaging Library, and it’s the original library that enabled Python to deal with images. PIL was discontinued in 2011 and only supports Python 2. image –. png",". Jan 7, 2024 · Getting Started with Pillow. May 18, 2019 · I want to get a histogram of my input_image and then do some process on it and after that apply new histogram on the input_image. Coding for Image Similarity in Python Import the dependencies we are going to use from PIL import Image from collections import Counter import numpy as np. Mar 4, 2022 · On Windows, it saves the image to a temporary BMP file, and uses the standard BMP display utility to show it (usually Paint). from PIL import ImageChops. jpg. This function takes an image as a parameter and plots a histogram for that image. cropped = img. pyplot as plt. method – One of Oct 20, 2001 · This function calculates a histogram of the input image (or mask region), removes ``cutoff`` percent of the lightest and darkest pixels from the histogram, and remaps the image so that the darkest pixel becomes black (0), and the lightest becomes white (255). import os, numpy, PIL. PIL es la biblioteca de imágenes de Python que proporciona al intérprete de Python capacidades de edición de imágenes. Jul 1, 2009 · Sorted by: Reset to default. Mar 31, 2023 · The Image module provides a class with the same name which is used to represent a PIL image. Histogram equalization is good when histogram of the image is confined to a particular region. A very short line or a point should be identified with at least one coordinate. For this, we need the Python Imaging Library ( PIL) and Matplotlib. import matplotlib. png',res) So now you can take different images with different light conditions, equalize it and check the results. plot(cols In true color images, RGB histograms reveal color distribution. I have developed the following Python code, which, given an image, is capable of extracting its correspondent histograms with R, G and B values: Image. With line histogram = np. point ()方法. hist(x) Now combine the whole program: #important library to show the image. mean(axis=1) # plot histograms f, ax = plt. resize (size, resample=0) Parameters : Oct 6, 2012 · I am considering using PIL for the task, but other python or java-based libraries would also be OK. Dec 16, 2021 · PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. figure() The Python Imaging Library allows you to store several bands in a single image, provided they all have the same dimensions and depth. When the image is read in gray_scale. Feb 22, 2012 · pix = 255 - pix # Invert the image. After thresholding when the blue band is displayed in the output the blue rings are counts. that should make it look even more out of whack. That's easy, just use the undocumented colors argument: result = image. resize(size,resample=Image. jpg") #The input image size = (8,8) #The dimensions of the output image out = img. Sep 18, 2018 · To import the image from your computer, use this code and change your path which is the location of your image. This is more correct and efficient because, for non-8-bit modes, the histogram method uses :py:meth:`~PIL. This function applies a non-linear mapping to the input image, in order to create a uniform distribution of grayscale values in the output image. Stat (image, mask) => Stat instance. equalize(image: Image, mask: Image | None = None) → Image [source] ¶. If an image is of mode "RGB" then for each of band/color a list of pixel counts will be returned, totaling 768. ndim == 3: # Input image is three channels. Jun 26, 2018 · An image is basically an array (2D or 3D, depends if you are in RGB/grayscale), and there a multiple ways to compare 2 images : if you need to see if they are identical, image1-image2 will give you the information. pyplot as plt # load Image as Grayscale i = Image. Startup commands# First, let's start IPython. hist(a, bins = 255) plt. We pass in 256 because we want to see the pixel Aug 2, 2018 · Here, I'll read an image and then generate a histogram where image pixel is in X axis and image gray value in Y axis. Oct 16, 2021 · Python Pillow or PIL is the Python library that provides image editing and manipulating features. convert("L") #Convert photo to gray scale. Contrast stretching maps one intensity range present in the image to another intensity range. listdir(os. I used openCV instead of PIL to generate the histograms and it is much quicker. Mar 7, 2017 · import numpy as np import matplotlib. histogram () => list. 2). Just apply the equalization method for the image matrix. 如果给定,只有被掩码选中的像素才会 Feb 16, 2011 · I have thousands of images and I need to weed out the ones which are not photographs, or otherwise 'interesting'. Nadia Alramli Nadia Alramli. Oct 7, 2016 · An Intro to the Python Imaging Library / Pillow. import cv2. May 29, 2015 · Here is my code so far: It only works with black and white images. El módulo Imagen proporciona una clase con el mismo nombre que se utiliza para representar una imagen PIL. Sum the histograms as cumulative histograms: C [i] = H [i]+C [i-1] for each image separately; 3. image as mpimg. A contrast-enhanced image can be converted back to the original image, as the transformation applied is linear. Feb 1, 2021 · Let’s now apply adaptive histogram equalization with OpenCV! Access the “Downloads” section of this tutorial to retrieve the source code and example images. El módulo también proporciona una serie de Python PIL Image. Image to transform; the histogram is computed over the flattened. I believe array indexing is still technically Cartesian. ADAPTIVE, colors=5) I'm using Image. If you print it you will get a memory address similar to what happens when your print some builtin functions in Python such as: filter, map, range and zip. Let's assume I have 10 images in test folder (which is inside my current working directory). Jan 4, 2023 · Python PIL | Image. You can also pass in a previously calculated histogram. jpg') In the above code: – We first import the `Image` module from the `PIL` library. 图像模块提供了一个同名的类,用来表示一个PIL图像。. ndarray. getpixel((0,0)) returns 128. jpg') img. # create the histogram histogram, bin_edges = np. Template image; can have different dimensions to source. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image im=Image. It incorporates lightweight image processing tools that aids in editing, creating and saving images. factor = (259 * (level + 255)) / (255 * (259 - level)) def contrast(c): return 128 + factor * (c - 128) return img. If the image has more than one band, the histograms for all bands are concatenated (for example, the histogram for an “RGB” image contains 768 values). allfiles=os. This library provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities. Plot a histogram for an Image in PIL in Python. For larger images, the accepted answer was taking way too long to simply "generate a color histogram of an image". This means that there is only a simple shift of histogram and no widening. The kernel can be designed to enhance the edges in the image, resulting in a sharper Contrast stretching is a linear operation which means the value of the new pixel linearly varies based on the value of original pixel. imread('pic. This is an old To generate the histogram, the function cv. shape[0], img. histogram() 函数的简介. I have a small histogram program on Python, I want to use Pillow library instead of cv2. :param image: The image to process. getdata () PIL是Python图像库,它为Python解释器提供了图像编辑功能。. size = (400, 300) # Creating a new image with RGB mode. This module is somewhat experimental, and most operators only work on L and RGB images. Apply the equalization method for each matrix. Normally, such loops are written in c/c++(most straightforward in my opinion) and then called from python, it's main role being that of a scripting language. convert('P', palette=Image. py --image images/boston. It should be encapsulated within brackets. The input to the example contains a set of rings with varying colors. The module also provides a number of factory functions, including the functions of loading images from files and creating new images. save('new_image. histogram() PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. open(filepath). Mar 25, 2023 · Image. Equalize the image histogram. point () 通过一个查找表或函数来映射这个 An image. 1- calculate the average brightness of the image after converting the image to HSV format using opencv. The quickest way to determine if two images have exactly the same contents is to get the difference between the two images, and then calculate the bounding box of the non-zero regions in this image. If the images are identical, all pixels in the difference image are zero, and the bounding box function returns None. General idea. image = cv2. Return Type = The assigned path image will open. Jun 16, 2024 · Python Pillow is built on the top of PIL (Python Image Library) and is considered as the fork for the same as PIL has been discontinued since 2011. Calculate distance between feature vectors rather than images. For example, a PNG image might have ‘R’, ‘G’, ‘B’, and ‘A’ bands for the red, green, blue, and alpha transparency values. So it is indexed as img[col, row]. img = cv2. registered_extensions → dict [str, str] [source] ¶ Aug 28, 2022 · ok so that's a good start, but your calc_HE should be named calc_CDF. int32) you are creating an array of 256 of such integers and initializing them to zero. Aug 1, 2022 · Based on the distance between the histogram of our test image and the reference images we can find the image our test image is most similar to. fig = plt. imread(args["image"]) # split the image into its respective channels, then initialize the. append(temp) #plot histogram. title("HIstogramm for given Image' ") plt. getcwd()) imlist=[filename for filename in allfiles if filename[-4:] in [". ImageOps. If the two text blocks are closer together you'll need a better criteria, just adapt the the code below will give you the brightness level of an image from 0-10. After opening an image we pass it to colors_histogram. – CoMartel. For grayscale images, you’d use [0]. For single-band images, returns a single number; a sequence of pixel values is returned for multi-band images. This determines the best y-coordinate to split at. bar(pixels,counts) plt. LANCZOS) #Resize Jul 3, 2021 · Python: Pillow (a fork of PIL) Python Imaging Library (expansion of PIL) is the de facto image processing package for Python language. Paste the output into your question so people don't have to rummage through the comments to see it. Jul 5, 2022 · Python PIL | Imagen. Merge the equalized image matrices altogether with the method merge() available in the library cv2. Syntax: In the examples given below, we will be exploring all Image tutorial# A short tutorial on plotting images with Matplotlib. I was trying to use the PIL module to calculate the average brightness. VERSION);print(PIL. The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. show() In the example above, we have a function named histogram(img). PIL是Python图像库,它为Python解释器提供了图像编辑功能。. command – command used to show the image. The second part takes the "real" image (with stuff on it), and normalizes the RED, GREEN and BLUE channels, pixel by pixel, according to the background. An 'uninteresting' image, for example, may be all one color, or mostly one color, or a simple icon/logo. CalcHist is commonly used. All you need is to assign an image path and then open it with Image using: Image. Option 1: Load both images as arrays ( scipy. I've done the following so far: from PIL import Image. Parameters: image – The image to equalize. png"). Feb 8, 2023 · There are two ways in which we would be implementing Edge detection on our images. registered_extensions → dict [str, str] [source] ¶ Python PIL Image. EDIT: Since the function given to point must be of the form argument * scale . Calculate some feature vector for each of them (like a histogram). histogram to compute the histogram of our image which, after all, is a NumPy array: PYTHON. The function to open the image and read the pixels: img = Image. Histograms are frequency distribution of these intensity values that occur in an image. zeros([256], np. how can I apply new histogram on the image? python image-processing Jun 17, 2021 · PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. Instead, use :py:meth:`~PIL. Nov 1, 2019 · Images are stored as pixels values, each pixel value represents a color intensity value. extensions – A list of extensions used for this format. bottom = (height + size) / 2. equalize (image, mask=None) May 31, 2015 · pixnew[x,y] = (r,g,b) The first part of the code determines the maximum intensity of the RED, GREEN and BLUE channels, pixel by pixel, of the background image, but needs only be done once. with matplotlib. The Image module provides a class with the same name that is used to represent a PIL image. 对于一幅彩色图像,数据会是0到765(3* Apr 4, 2014 · You may want to create your own non-flat histogram profiles individually for each image and modify them until the images look as you want them to look. Option 2: Load both images. array. In this Python tutorial, we’re going to show you how to adjust brightness , contrast , sharpness and saturation of an image using PIL (pillow) library in Python. But the histogram does not look like what I want. Jan 3, 2015 · What does python -c "import PIL;print(PIL. Apr 10, 2015 · 1. PIL — is a Python image library that provides the Python interpreter with image editing capabilities. Before we jump into generating images, you need to have Python installed on your machine and Pillow added to your Python environment: pip install Pillow. histogram(plant_seedling, bins=256, range=(0, 1)) The parameter bins determines the number of “bins” to use for the histogram. show() I want the Apr 28, 2021 · I am currently developing a series of test code to explore different ways of processing image data, and one of my main topics is color extraction. In the first method we would be using an inbuilt method provided in the pillow library (ImageFilter. 该函数对输入图像应用非线性映射,以便在输出图像中创建一个均匀的灰度值分布。. Pillow supports many image file formats including BMP, PNG, JPEG, and TIFF. size a = np. and then you need another function to invert that, as described. imread) and calculate an element-wise (pixel-by-pixel) difference. Syntax: PIL. histogram() 函数用于将一幅图像转为一维直方图,直方图的每一个数据表示一个像素值的数量。. To use its developers’ own description, Pillow is the friendly PIL fork that kept the library alive and includes support for Python 3. img = Image. :param cutoff: The percent to cut off from the Jan 6, 2019 · of a grayscale image. It will allow Jan 22, 2018 · Firstly edit filename if you are using your own photo. p. histograma () julio 5, 2022 Rudeus Greyrat. Parameters: id – An image format identifier. histogram (mask: Image | None = None, extrema = None) → list [int] [source] ¶ Returns a histogram for the image. jpg") def weightedAverage(pixel): ## function to calculate return 0. point(contrast) Your output looks like you have a overflow in a single channel (red). Jul 11, 2019 · PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. Dec 23, 2021 · PIL is the Python Imaging Library which provides the python interpreter with image editing capabilities. Now, img is your image. Mar 21, 2024 · The cv2. equalizeHist(img) res = np. answered Jul 2, 2009 at 14:22. Feb 14, 2022 · To find the difference, upload 2 images in the interpreter and then using ImageChops find the difference between both of them, output will be self-explanatory. Histogram Equalization is one of the fundamental tools in the image processing toolkit. Apr 28, 2021 · We only need a single argument, --image, the path to our input image residing on disk. Dec 27, 2023 · Here is a basic example of how you can use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to open, display, and save an image. LUT to apply the inverted function to your (grayscale) image. show() img. May 25, 2023 · It is possible to display the image histogram in Python in different ways. open('image. So the max grey value inside this tiff is 4096. subplots(2, 1) ax[0]. 2- find where this value lies in the list of brightness range. transpose () is the function used to rotate and flip images with necessary keywords as parameters. It takes the following arguments: cv2. The module also provides a number of factory functions, including functions to load images from files, and to create new images. And I want to create 10 histograms corresponding to each image. shape[1])) # init 2D numpy array # get row number for rownum in Jan 11, 2016 · im. Dec 14, 2015 · Python, Pillowで画像をネガポジ反転(画素値を逆転) 『Pythonデータサイエンスハンドブック』は良書(NumPy, pandasほか) scikit-imageで画像を縦・横に連結(montage) Python, OpenCVで図形描画(線、長方形、円、矢印、文字など) Apr 2, 2012 · with an 800x600 pixel image, the image's left upper point is (0, 0), the right lower point is (800, 600). ImageFilter. histogram()返回图像的直方图。直方图作为像素计数列表返回 Jun 25, 2013 · You just need to be a little bit careful about switching between integer and float arrays when building your average pixel intensities. python. and finally you can use cv. Dec 2, 2010 · Overview. resize() function is used to resize an python image in OpenCV. crop(img_right_area) img_left Python PIL (pillow) library’s ImageEnhance module has lot of convenient methods that can be used to make basic image adjustments such as brightness, contrast, sharpness and saturation. int32 is a data type that represents a signed, 32-bit, integer. h(i) = the number of pixels in I(image) with the intensity value i. Here’s a quick overview of its parameters: image: The source image (uint8 or float32 format). equalize() method equalizes the image histogram. If you need to find the transformation between 2 images, that's another thing. Let’s now compute three histograms, one for each channel of the input RGB image: # load the input image from disk. So, for cutting the image half: from PIL import Image img = Image. The solution doesn't have to be perfect, just good enough to remove the least interesting images. image. crop(img_left_area) img_right = img. Histogram matching can be used as a lightweight normalisation Jun 29, 2019 · This module is somewhat experimental, and most operators only work on L and RGB images. cp vo gz tc au as fr wg qw kz