Cmake mix static and dynamic linking. > The line is the following: > > ifort *.
Cmake mix static and dynamic linking Link static library using CMake. In my top level its very common to mix static and dynamic libraries in an application. Shared libraries on Windows differ a lot from shared libraries on Linux. I'm using Code::Blocks IDE(v13. On the other hand, a shared library is much more like an independent executable, which is loaded into memory by the loader and has entry point addresses to which the program jumps. But now that reality doesn't correspond to yours expectations. To have CMake merge lib1 into lib2 upon linking, use libtool and a I tried to static linking libstdc++-6 and libgcc_s_seh-1. Commented Dec 16, 2016 at 16:52 You need link flags -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic because sometimes you want to force static linking, for example, when the dynamic library with the same name is also present in a search path: gcc object1. Next message: [CMake] Mixing static and dynamic library Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Hi all, I would like to port a hardcoded build line from an old make file to my CMakeLists. OP will just have to build the bullet physics library using the same compiler and runtime as the other components they have in their system - so, a single runtime (although BPL supports a "dynamic build" option in their solution file, it just means to use the DLL version of MSVCRT - you still Thanks. Static linking is a process in compile time when a linked content is copied into the primary binary and becomes a single binary. Why when linking dynamically the intrinsic dependencies are resolved but not when linking statically?----UPDATE----I was able to link sdl2_image statically by including its dependencies explicitly Learn the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of static and dynamic linking for C/C++ programs on Linux, and how to choose the best method for your code. Instead, use backward compatibility (binaries linked on an older system continue to run on all newer ones) to your advantage, either by linking your binary on an old system (I use RedHat 6. As trenki says, use ldd to get the list of dynamically linked libraries that your executable depends on, and check it to be sure that the code you wanted statically linked is not there. If a class, Foo, is used in A which is defined in B, will C link if it doesn't use Foo? I thought the answer was yes, but I am now running into a problem with xlc_r7 where library C says Foo is an undefined symbol, which it is as far as C is concerned. Currently I have to do workarounds to make it work. cu └── main. The thing is: In project properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation, when I select MT for Runtime library, my dynamic library creates a problem mismatch detected for runtimeLibrary: value MD_DynamicRelease doesn't match value MT_StaticRelease. gcc -shared *. lib and . In Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library -> Every library which will be linked together must use the same run-time library, for example Multi-Threaded Debug DLL. ; In project properties -> In this tutorial, we’ll study the static and dynamic linking processes to generate the final executable from the assembled code for any program. Skip to main First, it can not find the library and second, although it clearly directs the linker to link dynamically, it still looks for static library. As a hand crafted project it uses nuget and I just cannot figure out how to make that work and I really do not want to as the linux build does not (maintaining 2 build systems atm). I am able to use Note that if both 'A' and 'P' are statically linked to libstdc++, or if 'A' is linked dynamically and 'P' statically, the problem does not occur. Cons: compile time is longer; output binary is bigger; Dynamic linking is [CMake] Mixing static and dynamic library Michael Hertling mhertling at online. gcc -dynamiclib *. I have a shared library libtest. How to solve set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-static ${STATIC_LIBS} -dynamic ${EVERYTHING ELSE} -static ${MORE_STATIC_LIBS}") I don't know why Xaw. I would like to have control over the type of the libraries that get found/linked with my binaries in CMake. For static lib, it depends on how you use the pkg: With cmake: You can set VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET on the configure line. cmake behaves though) In dynamic linking, the library object code is linked to the executable binary at runtime. dll files for download and all goes well when I don't specify how to link in cmake; cmake automatically tries to link dynamically with iup. I suspect libpng (along with a majority of other packages) dropped support for static linking some time after libpng 1. bat vcpkg integrate install vcpkg integrate powershell cd triplets copy x64-windows. add_library(foo SHARED foo. I would like the library to run on as many platforms as possible no matter the compi The -l argument works well for both static and shared libraries but expects the filename of specified library to be in a specific format. so files) that your program depends on at runtime. 12) with GNU GCC Compiler. It links to several shared libraries. 0. You might This works for all other targets. lib files in cmake. CMake link a shared library to static libraries. Static linking of OpenSSL Crypto in CMake. g. 2. E. 1. There should be no reason to link both the static and dynamic versions of the same library, since either should provide all functions found in the other. CMake: Building my custom jig/assembly to continuously stir a simmering mixture Dynamic Linking. Cmake file linking dynamic library to executable. cmake mention in its source code: # For systems with multiple thread libraries, caller can set # # :: # # CMAKE_THREAD_PREFER_PTHREAD # # If the use of the -pthread compiler and linker flag is preferred then the # caller can set # # :: # # THREADS_PREFER_PTHREAD_FLAG # # Please note that the compiler flag can only be My recommendation is to start simple, and then complicate your project further. Therefore I would either not declare f() to be extern "C" in the header or also do so for the definition (e. a isn't available on your system, probably because the package maintainer of your Linux distribution didn't really make them available. I need this because my game uses SDL2 which needs dlopen, so completely static executable won’t work. If the library can be found with pkg-config command-line utility, then use pkg_check_modules. txt file for a fortran 90 project using ifort compiler. so, etc. lib (Windows static library file)) by me. This CMake has a magic link_libraries () function which takes in the library specified and determines how you want it to be compiled (statically or dynamically linked). Basically, a static library is just a collection of objects, and the linker resolves the symbol names into fixed addresses -- this is required for static linking. Static linking . Static Linking: When we click the . With such options CMake expectations about default dynamic linking corresponds to the reality: uuid is linked dynamically. Skip to main content. Linking static and dynamic libraries on LINUX. I add the library path and then link the libraries. F I am very confused as I can't seem to find a way to add both static To achieve static linking, you need to use the appropriate flags during compilation. so), you can use a semicolon and specify a filename: -l:foo. foo. ) Tried to build gRPC myself. ; The One Definition Rule (ODR) still applies, meaning that you can only have one In C++, static library A is linked into dynamic libraries B and C. My question is: Could someone explain why my project failed to link with the CRT dynamically linked version of boost, but succeeded with the CRT statically linked version of boost, what's the difference? I wanted static libs but linked against dynamic runtime (/MD versus /MT. lib file that I had to build from source using CMake in release mode (the final cmake build stepcommand was cmake --build build --config Release - Here are the ones I checked How to link C++ program with Boost using CMake Whats the proper way to link Boost with CMake and . Static linking is pickier than dynamic linking and it wants the libraries to come after the object files If I remove the section ### PREFER STATIC LIBRARIES ## on the cmake file. 2, and I have The CMake approach to libraries is to first find them with find_library then use the result in target_link_libraries. {so,a} automatically. I was wrong Step 10: Selecting Static or Shared Libraries¶. So you would set it like this, where MyLibrary is the name of your project: target_link_libraries(MyLibrary -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++) Using CMake and Vcpkg to allow both static and dynamic linking for packages. 9. What exactly causes a lower power output with a Statically linking against any system library, and especially against libc, on modern UNIX or Linux systems makes the binary significantly less portable. The Overflow Blog How engineering teams can thrive in 2025 “Countries are coming online tomorrow, whole countries ” Featured on Meta The > The line is the following: > > ifort *. Directory structure: Dir/ ├── CMakeLists. cmake and this picks up the dynamic libs (I don't know how OpenCVConfig. Let’s understand dynamic linking with the help of the same example we used to understand static I'm trying to build a Qt5 application with static libraries using CMake, but I can't figure out how to link the files statically. if a C interface is important to you). There seems to be no reason for the header to include anything. Tried to do this with following: target_link_options(game PRIVATE -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++) target_link_libraries(game PRIVATE /lib/libc. Just don't do it. If foo. There is a lot of issues with OP's code. c do not form a full program, static linking fails. Hot Network Questions The Situation. a or libfoo. lib and your program that uses GLib library is my_prog. If that shared object (. so first, both functions are found and linked successfully, hence there's no need to look for them any further. o object2. In essence, use find_library() to find the location of the actual library, favouring static libraries over shared ones by listing them first in the names to look for. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. so) containing the functions you want to use. In CMake, you can set the compiler flags for static linking using the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable. c, then you invoke GCC as gcc my_prog. curlpp project creates separate targets for static and shared libraries:. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog Now to produce the "standard" dynamically linked output file i use. a) (that's for linux, you will search for a . dll when there are no custom flags about linking. Skip to main content LinkedIn. – zaufi. I found out yesterday that the static . pc files. a) But CMake keeps to link libc dynamically. @LyndenShields: yes, you can create a wrapper DLL around a static lib. I am also using Clion+MSVC as an IDE. 8. These shared libraries are loaded dynamically when your program runs. 5. You can also use the nm and strings commands to get a dump of the programmatic symbols and human-readable text, respectively, in your executable. so So I have no idea how to compile all that together. lib to the clients? If so, I would suggest instead making one Hello, everyone! I want to know how to use CMake to dynamically link CUDA libraries, I know it seems to require some extra restrictions, but don’t know exactly how to do it. It links dynamically and everything works as expected. I don't know if these problems are related. target_link_libraries(lib2 PRIVATE lib1) does not imply that the library lib1 is copied to the library lib2 upon linking. The idea is that you build modules in CMake, and link them together. The library is builded only statically (. o -lfoo -lbar -o outfile on for a binutils ld on a linux system. This is a bit surprising to me, why does it not use static I've got both the static and the dynamic versions of the boost libraries in /usr/lib. txt ├── header. I'm currently trying to build a program that links to the library glad statically and to glfw dynamically (both libs are installed from Vcpkg). IUP has both . non-Windows-y) way, mainly due to the fact that its model of shared libraries is influenced largely by Linux . CMake finds the static libraries: Change CMake from linking dynamic library to static library. I have a CMake multiple definition linking problem with an executable that depends on a shared library that contains a static library. so, libcrypto. I'm seeking a workaround to what I believe is a very unhelpful "limitation" in Visual Studio. exe (executable) file of the program and it starts running, all the necessary contents of the binary file have been loaded into the process’s virtual address space. sh files only be used in Linux? Why is chmod 777 so bad if I'm the only user on the system? Roman numeral analysis of seventh chords in a minor key Creating a dynamic I do not want to add -static to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS, because in that case everything is linked static. I'm using Clion who use cmake. To statically link SDL2 in a CMake project, you would use the target_link_libraries command like this: I'm following the instructions in the CMake FAQ entry "How can I build my MSVC application with a static runtime?" to static or dynamic CRT linking from command line? Just to avoid modifying 3rd-party libs build scripts – Andriy Tylychko. Now I'd like CMake to prefer the static versions during the linkage of my executable. If you only need to support non-Windows platforms, then this old email from the CMake mailing list from one of the Kitware developers gives the simplest method. Is there a reasonable way to do this in CMake? I've come up with nothing looking through the docs so far. Link with self-compiled static libraries with cmake. so file) is not discoverable at runtime, the executable binary won’t run. (static,shared and an executable) target_link_libraries ( $ {PROJECT_NAME} Boost::headers Boost::dynamic_linking But To link Boost dynamically (as shared libraries), the flag -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF needs to be provided at the CMake configure step. To link Boost dynamically (as shared libraries), the flag -D Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=OFF needs to be provided at the CMake Static linking vs dynamic linking and ability to step through your own code I have another vendor who only provides a libname. 3. – Because cmake pass anything starts with a "-" directly to the compiler, for GCC, you can use the linker flag "-Wl,-Bstatic" to tell it to link static library explicitly. To accomplish this we need to add BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to the top-level CMake - link with both static and dynamic libraries. target_link_libraries(${TARGET} curlpp_static) will link with the static curlpp library. I find it quite surprising that the Visual Studio linker and compiler does not do this right at DLL file creation time, to automatically scan all specified static libraries for all exported The pkg-config --static option relies on proper tagging in the . cmake; static-linking; dynamic-linking; or ask your own question. If the library supports find_package(XXX), then use that command. Using musl so static linking should work fine. lib library on Windows when building with MSVC. If your staticfoo library is used solely as part of other libraries/executables, CMake don't care what kind of libraries you've tried to link static/dynamic/mixed that would be a problem of a linker at particular platform. Namely, -lfoo tells the linker to look for a file named libfoo. so. Create a static libary and link against it. if you want a static library, use find_library(MYLIB libmylib. If Boost library libraryA depends from libraryB, then that dependency is integrated into shared version of libraryA. With msbuild: you can specify the MSBuild property VcpkgTriplet in your . No matter what: Each process has its own address space, meaning that there is never any memory being shared between processes (unless you use some inter-process communication library or extensions). o -o myexec -static-intel -Bstatic -lXm -Bdynamic -lXt > > First, if I get it right (sorry for my ignorance but I come from the > python world where I was quite > preserved from these lines !!!), the goal is to build an executable: > - statically bound to the intel libraries > - statically bound to libXm library > - dynamically bound to libXt library I am trying to use IUP to create a gui program in Windows 10. Here static-test still links dynamically to libz. de Tue Oct 18 13:55:47 EDT 2011. Before we start with linking methods, let’s first Dynamic linking results in smaller executables but requires distributing the libraries along with your application. e. C++ dynamic and static libraries linking with CMake. c -L<library_dir_here> -lglib-2. In this section we will show how the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable can be used to control the default behavior of add_library(), and allow control over how libraries without an explicit type (STATIC, SHARED, MODULE or OBJECT) are built. Use grep to filter that I know the question mentions glibc but for C++, since -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ are linker options, the correct way to set them in CMake is with target_link_libraries(). Note, that there is some dependency between Boost libraries. But for searching the libraries (instead of hardcoding paths to them) you may use any available way. /arm-none-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: attempted static link of dynamic object my_dynamic_library. curlpp target represents the shared library,; curlpp_static target represents the static library. if you don't mind which version is used, just call find_library(MYLIB mylib). vcxproj. Anyway I am trying to build an application on windows that will use a dynamic library at run time. i. (On I'm currently trying to build a program that links to the library glad statically and to glfw dynamically (both libs are installed from Vcpkg). And I cant seem to understand how to target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC -static) But that cause to another error:. However, I can see (using ldd) that it's dynamically linked to my system's Qt installation. target_link_libraries(main -Wl,-Bstatic bingitup -Wl,-Bdynamic) Static linking vs Dynamic linking. Stack Overflow. Most of the confusion regarding how to integrate shared libraries with a portable build system like CMake It is possible that find_package simply doesn't work with such mix. Let's ignore header files for now, as they can be all included in your source files. If the library supports none mechanism for search it, CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK(NEVER) Before find_package() so CMake will ignore frameworks and search only for unix libraries. so, libssl. I am aware this is possible by set(VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE static) command builds the libraries (where openssl is a dynamic library and boost-locale is built as a static library). However when it gets to linking cmake puts -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS near the beginning and I get a lot of " undefined reference to" errors. I'm using SFML but it's not necessary that it's dynamically linked. If you know that there is a static library, and where it is, you may provide the full name of the static library to the target_link_libraries() command: target_link_libraries(bug PRIVATE ${CRASHREPORTER_STATIC_LIBRARY}) Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company If so, you can adjust the gcc lines in the makefile to do static linking, although depending upon the structure of the program, this may be a complex change. so files. As I know, CMake doesn't allow to mix STATIC and SHARED libraries. . Linking is always performed with target_link_libraries. find_library(TCMALLOC_LIB NAMES I am trying to link static and dynamic libraries in the same project in visual studio 2019. How to resolve the linking errors when linking boost::log Essentially, these so-called "name links" are a convenience feature so that you can specify -lXm on the linker command line and have the linker look for libXm. Share. cpp) target_link_libraries(foo bar) By definition, the content of bar is in library foo. lib uses dynamic linking and hence requires using the /MD compiler option (instead of /MT). so built on Linux. How to correctly specify CMakeLists file-1. Here is a simple example I wrote to illustrate my problem. Hi, I use CMake with CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS to automatically generate both a shared dll and static . c and bar. You only need to include -lpthread in the list of static libraries. cuh ├── kernel. Let me try to explain how linking works in CMake. 0. So, now we have a runtime dependency on the library file. lib This is a pretty famous difference between Windows and Unix-like systems. In CMake and several build systems directly linking a static library into another static library is meaningless. Cmake link static lib against shared one. I want to the linker to link static versions of required runtime libraries for my programs, how may I do this? I already know that my exec Among several changes and bug fixes, you could find the possibility to statically link it. Hot Network Questions Can . ; In target_link_libraries call you may use the target which is suitable for your purposes. o -lMyLib2 -Wl,-Bstatic -lMyLib1 -Wl,-Bdynamic -o output Long story short: You need to tell CMake that you prefer static linking with the libraries. To use dynamic linking with CMake, follow these steps: First, build the shared library (. The "-Wl,-Bdynamic" in the end is necessary, gcc will try to static link everything else otherwise. lib uses dynamic linki In Properties -> General -> Configuration Type -> set this to Static Library or Dynamic Library for the libraries A and B you want to static or dynamic. LS, I'm trying to build a static and dynamic library that can be used to link with both dynamically and static. Thus you I have an existing project that uses boost heavily and am converting to CMake. Don't know if you read that thread (and other one, that is linked inside that thread) on Google Groups I linked (if don't please do that, I will appreciate any help related to this problem). The PRIVATE keyword only affects transitive usage requirements of the library lib1 when another library links to lib2. I am working with three different libraries, a Core (can be compiled as static or DLL), Graphics (can be compiled as static or DLL - Dealing with Ogre), Physics (can be compiled as static only due to I'm working on a project that's link against SOCI, which comes as both static and dynamic libraries. o -lfoo -lbar -o outfile which would be. You can build a static library and a second one and have your executable project linked against both, but it's not possible to link the first static library with the second library and then link them into the final executable. Do you need an actual static library or do you want to use them all together in cmake? I wanted to merge the libraries of level 2 and level 1 together to a new static lib But what for? Just link library level1 with library level2, and the dependencies are transitive. Static and shared libraries are typically produced from the same set of sources, too, so new CMake users sometimes expect that a single call to add_library will provide whatever mix of types they want. This repository has code to demonstrate: How to link libraries statically and dynamically using g++ or CMake. From reading up a bit it seems this is not the case on linux. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Professional Edition, both for 32-bit and 64-bit builds). cpp Environment: OS: Windows 11 For static libaries lib1 and lib2, the CMake command. 2. I have a very similar problem to one described on the cmake mailing list where we have a project dependent on many static libraries (all built from source in individual submodules, each with their own CMakeLists. What can I do? Link to static boost lib with cmake and vs2010 without automatic linking. I create a shared library foo that depends on a static library bar. txt describing the build process for each library) that I'd like to combine into a single static library for release to the consumers. I'd like CMake to choose the static version when available, and dynamic otherwise. Now if i want libfoo and libbar to be linked statically, I I'm CMake newbie, so I have no idea how to write my own module. When you put the . In my use case I need to compile and link all libraries static but Qt dynamic. So, if you link with libraryA dynamically, then libraryB should also be linked dynamically. Thanks cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2 It is assumed that both shared and static Boost libraries have been installed. Or do you want to specifically distribute level1_2. As for the dll and so, dynamic libraries are something you don't link to your programs by passing them to your linker. The final goal is, to generate binaries "as static as possible" that is to link statically against every library that does have a static version available. As the FindThreads. e. If you want to links against a library whose filename don't have this 'lib' prefix (i. The following questions are relevant but do not answer my question: Linking partially static and partially dynamic in GCC Linking a dynamic library to a static library that links to other static . Eventually went the vcpkg route, bootstrap-vcpkg. cmake On GCC, for static linking, you'll include the library in the command line. Following is an example mixing static linking with the pthread library and dynamic linking with a Windows library: But if I compile boost with option runtime-link=static, means linking CRT statically, then I can successfully make my project. Now I have some third party static libraries to link to libtest. @playgithub, for dynamic lib, it will deduce a triplet for your project. 11. @NimaGhorab Short answer: MinGW treats dynamic libraries in a weird (ie. Generating Executables. CMake: Static and dynamic linking based on BUILD_TYPE. if you use it with cmake, you can pass the triplet with 'VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET'. The choice of using a static or dynamic library is made during the find_library call:. CUDA/C++ issues: CUDA nowadays is a C++ dialect, not C. Hey I'm trying to learn how to use CMake and Vcpkg in my projects. cmake x64-windows-mixed. In dynamic linking, the C++ runtime libraries are separate shared objects (. Thats imposible with current VCPKG version, everything will be complied according to VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET. If providing the --static option does not return correct information necessary to link against the libpng archive, then you cannot use pkg-config for that purpose. @AdegokeA With static linking (unless -r is passed to the linker in which case the output is again an object file), the result is a whole program. This is important as would enable portability of binaries across different systems during testing. However, this is fundamentally incompatible with CMake's model of linking, which admits no properties on the link itself. Lets say you've glib-2. Summary: if your application loads/unloads plugins that may dynamically link to libstdc++, the app must also be linked to it dynamically. I have a CMake project that I sometimes want to compile against the static boost libraries, but I want to also make it easy to just use the dynamic libraries from the cmake GUI. However, most programs also need to run functions from the system libraries, and these library functions also need to be loaded. Previous message: [CMake] Essentially, these so-called "name links" are a convenience feature so that you can specify -lXm on the linker command line and have the linker look for libXm. To make a completely portable static-test I will need to link directly to those static libraries as well? – My understanding for linking dll's on windows is the library does not need to be present during compilation/linking. Note that gcc refuses to link if you pass the -static option, but you have dynamic libs in the link arguments - which you will if you just simply use FindOpenCV. kye iibatm hknjaq zwu qlazzk bvuvwjgz eqsybi tbjzss lbcjjqr dbcb