Efk helm chart. Sep 9, 2021 · Deploying Helm Charts.

Efk helm chart Elasticsearch is a distributed and scalable search engine commonly used to sift through large volumes of log data. Helm charts are often created by organizations such as Jetstack, Bitnami, and Elastic – and are provided to the community to give them the ability to launch these organizations' software with a few command-line options. 5. Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - Fluentd - Kibana stack on Kubernetes kubernetes elasticsearch kibana logging fluentd k8s helm-charts kubernetes-monitoring efk Jul 27, 2020 · EFK Stack – Quick Installation. Then, with k8s. Jul 12, 2018 · [root@xxx ~]# helm search efk NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION akomljen-charts/efk 0. y. yaml install kibana helm install kibana elastic/kibana -n logging access kibana via port forward kubectl-n logging port-forward deployment/kibana-kibana Oct 14, 2018 · I followed Tim’s advice and took it to the next level creating my first Helm chart: efk-aks so now you can deploy the EFK stack on AKS using Helm. Apr 23, 2020 · Because EFK components are available as docker containers, it is easy to install it on k8s. yaml (we can override with a new values file, or can update the properties in the These charts can be found in the ECK repository. The addons chart installs a collection of supporting services and tools for a Pega deployment. Helmify - Generates a Helm chart from Kubernetes yamls There are multiple Helm charts for each components. v3. Elasticsearch is Nov 9, 2024 · The EFK stack is a powerful solution for centralized logging in Kubernetes, especially in EKS environments. enabled = true Move dependency information from the requirements. How to install the chart. enabled=true PLG Stack (Promtail, Loki and Grafana) THREE TIER APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT ON AWS EKS CLUSTER USING HELM CHART FOR KUBERNETES - dv-sharma/three-tier-architecture-handson PART3: LOGGING WITH EFK Jun 24, 2021 · This Helm chart is a lightweight way to configure and run our official Elasticsearch Docker image. Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - Fluentd - Kibana stack on Kubernetes - cdwv/efk-stack-helm kubernetes helm charts for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana - prameswar/efk-helm Jan 7, 2022 · In my case, I decided to add this Job to my ECK helm chart, and then when I deployed the EFK stack I already had some built-in dashboards & index-pattern, but you can obviously decide how you want . To install Elasticsearch, we use the helm chart provided by the official repository: Dec 28, 2021 · Use following helm install command to deploy the Elasticsearch helm chart. yaml kubectl delete -f fluentd-rbac. In this step we will use Helm to install kiwigrid/fluentd-elasticsearch chart on kubernetes. By setting fluentd. Three years have passed since the first release of Helm, and it has indeed made a name for itself. Mar 18, 2020 · Learn how to install EFK suite into Kubernetes using Helm charts. We start with command: helm install --namespace esn elasticsearch bitnami/elasticsearch -f es_values_bitnami. Both avowed fans and fervent haters agree that the Kubernetes "apt-get equivalent" is the standard way of deploying to production (at least for now, let's see what Operators end up bringing to the table). 1 日志收集系统并验证其功能。如果仅对安装有兴趣请直接食用“EFK(Elasticsearch,Filebeat,Kibana)V8. ) automatically set up, this guide is for you. Use the helm install command and the values. Contribute to pulpbill/EFK-Helm development by creating an account on GitHub. storage=100Gi All OK. Stars. /efk-helm-chart with the values specified in valuesServiceA. yaml and upgrade the helm chart to configure it: $ helm upgrade efk-alerts \ --namespace logging \ -f values-elastalert. Contribute to komljen/helm-charts development by creating an account on GitHub. Helm charts will currently be maintained for ECK Enterprise-tier customers, however, we encourage the community to engage with the existing Helm charts for the Elastic Stack and continue supporting their ongoing maintenance. 3) The steps outlined install each EFK component using Helm charts and configure them to collect Helm Broker - A Service Broker which exposes Helm charts as Service Classes in the Service Catalog; Chart Releaser - Helps Turn GitHub Repositories into Helm Chart Repositories; ChartMuseum - ChartMuseum is an open-source, easy to deploy, Helm Chart Repository server. SUSE Rancher Prime subscription includes SUSE Rancher Application Collection; a curated, trusted, and up-to-date collection of developer and infrastructure applications built, packaged, tested, and distributed by SUSE through a platform with advanced security and automation features. For more information about the ECK Operator, see: Documentation; GitHub repo Apr 6, 2024 · EFK stands for Elasticsearch, Fluent bit, and Kibana. Install Elasticsearch and Kibana. YAML & run the following command: Oct 31, 2024 · The EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluent Bit, and Kibana) is commonly used for logging and monitoring in Kubernetes environments. 4. 在 https://artifacthub. Readme License. enabled = true --set fluentd-elasticsearch. Chart, we deploy the EFK stack. For more information about EFK, please refer to the Jun 16, 2023 · Helm Chart安装EFK并验证功能. 0 A Helm chart for EFK stack [root@xxx efk]# helm install akomljen-charts/efk -name test --namespace=efk Error: This command needs 1 arg Helm Charts for Fluentd and Fluent Bit. Sep 9, 2021 · Deploying Helm Charts. z with the actual version of the EFK chart you wish to install. This readme provides a detailed description of possible configurations and their default values as applicable. Install the Plugin. Sep 19, 2024 · Best Practices for Creating Production-Ready Helm charts Introduction. ← Previous; Next → Jun 23, 2024 · Helm Chart. There is no server side component to Helm (since Helm 3). Readme Activity. We EFK + metricbeat + filebeat helm chart to monitoring and logging AKS clusters Resources. 6. Elasticsearch is an open search engine for all types of data Once you have installed the Helm client, you can deploy a Bitnami Helm Chart into a Kubernetes cluster. 本文介绍如何通过Helm Chart方式快速在Kubernetes环境中搭建EFK(Elasticsearch,Filebeat,Kibana)V8. Analyzed version: 7. Apr 4, 2024. With Helm, developers or cluster administrators can create configurable templates known as Charts, instead of just using static manifests. Helm is a common package manager and deployment tool for Kubernetes, and the EFK stack is often packaged as a Helm chart. By Cryptex Labs. Both avowed fans and fervent haters agree that the Kubernetes “apt-get equivalent” is the standard way of deploying to production (at least for now, let’s see what Operators end up bringing to the table). 0. 4 and above, the A helm chart that enables logging, monitoring, alerting and distributed tracing in k8s. memory=1Gi --set volumeClaimTemplate. 0 forks. Jan 13, 2018 · Think of Helm charts like application package where you have a dependency management, Get Kubernetes Logs with EFK Stack in 5 Minutes. dev Nov 14, 2023 · This command deploys Service A using the Helm chart located in . They offer Kubernetes managed service as an offering. elastic. It is available from the Elastic Helm repository and can be added to your Helm repository list by running the following command: Helm chart to deploy EFK (ElasticSearch-Fluentd-Kibana) stack, a log collection and analytics pipeline. You switched accounts on another tab or window. For all other information, refer to Installing Artifactory - Helm HA Installation. Helm Charts for Fluentd and Fluent Bit. The -f option allows specifying the yaml file with the template. The official elastic helm chart is the second option that I have not tried yet but should work. A running Kubernetes cluster; Helm; Audit logging enabled from the previous article; Installing Elasticsearch. This obviously requires Jul 28, 2022 · We are using bitnami/elasticsearch helm chart for install elasticsearch cluster. IMPORTANT! Our Helm Chart docs have moved to our main documentation site. 15. To isolate the EFK components from other workloads, create a dedicated namespace: kubectl create namespace logging Step 2: Deploy Elasticsearch. These secrets should be created outside of this chart and accessed using environment variables and volumes. lock file is generated containing the same structure used in the previous requirements. Feb 24, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. yaml helm list -n efk-monitoring helm uninstall elasticsearch -n efk-monitoring helm uninstall kibana -n efk-monitoring kubernetes helm charts for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana - prameswar/efk-helm kubernetes helm charts for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana - prameswar/efk-helm Helm charts - Apps for Kubernetes. Please refer to the Quick Start guide if you wish to get running in just a few commands, otherwise, the Using Helm Guide provides detailed instructions on how to use the Helm client to manage packages on your Kubernetes cluster. To install Elasticsearch, we use the helm chart provided by the official repository: helm repo add elastic https://helm. To provide S3 protocol support the following commands need to be invoked: Nov 8, 2024 · The EFK stack offers a powerful, scalable logging solution for Kubernetes environments. Apr 4, 2024 · Install the Helm Chart using command — helm install Now after updating the values. To learn about upgrading the products without upgrading the Helm charts see Products upgrade. Reload to refresh your session. Helm charts provide templating syntax for Kubernetes YAML manifest documents. Here’s a quick breakdown of each component: Use the following Helm chart: helm The Artifactory Helm chart comes with support for configured resource requests and limits to Artifactory, Nginx and PostgreSQL. Just add a new alert rule to values-elastalert. Feb 11, 2019 · Hello! I try to install on a elasticsearch with helm on Kubernetes. 2. After it’s deployed, you can see the PODs up and May 10, 2024 · ElasticSearch Chart 的选择. fluentd Elastic Kibana. The services you need to deploy will depend on your cloud environment - for example you may need a load balancer on Minikube, but not for EKS. 2) The Elastic Stack (EFK) includes Filebeat, Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana and allows centralized logging and visualization of logs from microservices. Contribute to nnewton/efk-stack-helm development by creating an account on GitHub. io/ 上搜索 ES 的 Chart,排在前列的有 Elastic Elasticsearch 和 Bitnami Elasticsearch 两个版本. 10+ cluster with enabled RBAC Jan 14, 2021 · Add Helm-Charts stable repo to install EFK stack-> * helm repo add stable https://charts. Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - Fluentd - Kibana stack on Kubernetes - cdwv/efk-stack-helm See full list on kamrul. elasticsearch-master-headless namespace: test-efk labels: heritage: "Helm" release Each Helm chart contains all the specifications needed to be deployed on Kubernetes in the form of files describing a set of Kubernetes resources and configurations Deploying Bitnami applications as Helm Charts is the easiest way to get started with our applications on Kubernetes. Please refer to the GitHub repo for the Helm Charts provided by the Prometheus community. By default, these settings are commented out. Installing Elasticsearch using Helm . Examples ¶ Logging ¶ How to deploy an EFK stack to Kubernetes ¶ There are different methods to deploy an EFK stack. enabled=true What is PLG Stack (Promtail, Loki and Dec 10, 2021 · Register the repository for installation via Helm Chart. com/HoussemDellai/EFK-KubernetesFull article: https://techc Nov 3, 2019 · ElastAlert instance can be used to add other alerts as well, like matching particular application log messages. The example URL I provided is a Jan 28, 2021 · 1 # 当前目录 2 [root@k8s-master efk]# pwd 3 /root/k8s_practice/efk 4 # 创建 efk 名称空间 5 [root@k8s-master efk]# kubectl create namespace efk 6 [root@k8s-master efk]# 7 # ES版本查看,本次我们部署chart 1. You development team should now be able to see logs in real time from here! Summary. To We provide two deployment methods, the first is deploying EFK locally on Kubernetes, and the second is using a managed Elasticsearch instance outside the Kubernetes cluster. yaml is: This repository include a sample DevOps task in which we are going to install sample python application in different ways by using docker-compose, kubectl command for k8s manifests, helm command for helm chart and using rancher cluster management tool UI. Watchers. Let's walk through the TypeScript code to deploy an EFK Helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service. The helm install command take two arguments - Note. The chart property is set to "efk", which is the name of the Helm chart you want to deploy. 0版本,ES 6. Prerequisites A Kubernetes v1. If you want to get logs from deployed pods, do so with standard kubectl logs commands against the deployed pods. 我先部署的 Elastic Elasticsearch 版本,Elastic 封装的 Chart 在变量设置上不方便使用,例如在测试环境,我希望通过 HTTP 访问服务和设置 SC,翻模版、查看变量找了一圈儿才跑起来 Jun 30, 2020 · I have been able to deploy the bitnami/elasticsearch helm chart but unfortunately, it uses the OSS version, which means I have to add a lot of other features myself. requests. Makefile: A list of commands to facilitate the building, deploying, and cleaning up of services and the EFK stack. Some high-level charts (usually with a name suffix of -stack) contain several other resource as sub-charts Kubernetes 快速部署 Apache Kafka 集群,全面兼容 KRaft,支持集群外访问 - sir5kong/kafka-helm-chart Overview. yml , you can install the Helm Chart. enabled=false --set fluentd. You were able to successfully deploy a Fluent Bit DaemonSet in Introduction. helm. After deployment, ensure the service is running: kubectl get pods This repository contains necessary kubernetes manifests and helm charts for installing EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana) stack onto your kubernetes cluster. . 2. Together, the EFK stack provides a powerful and flexible solution for log management, real-time analytics, and operational intelligence. Here we will use helm to spin up Elastic Stack on ECK(Elastic on Kubernetes), with automatically Kubernetes observability. lock; The different fields present in the Chart. As the Elasticsearch credentials and certificates are available in some Kubernetes secrets generated by the Elasticsearch chart, the Kibana chart is configured to read these secrets to configure the secure connection to Elasticsearch (The secrets names can be 1) The document discusses installing the EFK stack in a Kubernetes cluster using Helm to enable log aggregation, monitoring, and alerting. 2 watching. enabled value to true, Helm installs Fluentd on each of application kubernetes helm charts for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana - prameswar/efk-helm Nov 8, 2023 · Before installing the Helm chart for Fluent Bit, it’s essential to configure the Fluent Bit to correctly access Elasticsearch, which may be part of your EFK (Elasticsearch, Fluent Bit, Kibana Efk Helm Chart. For the detailed steps, I found a good article on DigitalOcean . Some sample helm chart for the efk stack. Contribute to somyagarg94/EFK_helm-chart_on_GKE development by creating an account on GitHub. The DEBUG env var will make it easier to debug a failure by leaving the helm values files generated by pytest test cases in place, and by printing out the helm command that was used to render the charts. We’ll start with deploying Elasticsearch into Kubernetes using the Helm chart available here on Github. Local EFK stack ¶ This solution deploys the EFK stack inside the Kubernetes cluster. com/kubernetes-charts $ helm install stable/elasticsearch-curator Upgrading an existing Release to a new major version A major chart version change (like v1. See #1731 for more details. By deploying Elasticsearch, Fluent Bit, and Kibana, you can centralize logs from across your cluster, enabling fast troubleshooting and insights into your applications. By default, the helm release will pick chart variable values from the default values. EFK is a popular and the best open-source choice for the Kubernetes log aggregation and analysis. Jul 6, 2022 · Helm does not launch pods to deploy your workloads. In this tutorial video, we'll walk you through the process of setting up Elasticsearch and Kibana on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm charts. 30. Helm charts also make it easy for developers to change the configuration options of applications. Nov 9, 2022 · Now, we would be deploying the EFK stack on the Kubernetes cluster using Helm Charts for each of them to avoid the manual work of creating the individual Kubernetes resources. Apr 11, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Helm is the package management tool of choice for Kubernetes. 17. Git repo is here: https://github. kubectl delete -f k8s-app. 0 stars. Sep 21, 2018 · Kibana Dashboard. 0, a Helm chart is available for managing Elastic Stack resources using the ECK Operator. If you want a solution where you can run only 4 commands and have your kubernetes observability (logs & metrics, dashboards . GPL-3. You signed out in another tab or window. It is highly recommended to set these so you have full control of the allocated resources and limits. Now after you have done your Helm Chart installation, we can write our first “Hello World” Helm Chart. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. 1. It is widely used for various Jul 13, 2024 · Centralized Monitoring on an AWS EKS Cluster Using Helm Chart: Prometheus, Grafana, and Alert… Successfully deploying a Kubernetes cluster is a notable achievement, but maintaining its optimal You signed in with another tab or window. Contribute to jwindhaber/helm-efk development by creating an account on GitHub. resources. Apr 22, 2018 · ⚡ helm install --name efk \ --namespace logging \ akomljen-charts/efk ⚡ kubectl get pods -n logging NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE efk-kibana-6cf88598b6-xlkv2 1/1 Running 0 5m es-client-efk-cluster-545d4ddb9-mp8d6 1/1 Running 0 5m es-data-efk-cluster-default-0 1/1 Running 0 5m es-master-efk-cluster-default-0 1/1 Running 0 5m es-operator To learn about upgrading the Helm charts see Helm chart upgrade. 21. sh/stable 1> Install Elastic-Search using Helm:-> To install the Elastic Search Helm Chart with stable Repo on Ubuntu-VM with the above-mentioned configuration, disable persistence for both master & data in es-values. Be sure to replace x. Create a helm chart repo in AWS S3: To create the s3 bucket in AWS refer to this document for detailed descriptions. efk-helm-chart/: Helm chart for deploying the EFK stack and the microservices on Kubernetes. Jan 24, 2023 · In this blog, we will see how we can deploy the Elasticsearch, Fluent-bit, and Kibana (EFK) stack on Kubernetes. /values. There are several ways to deploy Prometheus to a Kubernetes cluster, but here we employ Helm Chart to deploy Prometheus. co If we run multiple pods on the same hosts, then we need some customized values in order to get the installation to work. k8s manifests and Helm chart for installing EFK (Elastic search, Fluentd and Kibana) stack onto k8s cluster - walker2/efk-stack Helm charts - Apps for Kubernetes. Report Apr 13, 2020 · Helm部署EFK(Elasticsearch Fluentd Kibana) 添加Goole incubator仓库 [root@master efk]# helm repo add incubator http://storage. yaml file to install the Elasticsearch helm chart: helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -f . How to deploy the chart on our OKE is pretty much explained already in my README file hosted on my Github repo. Prerequisites of Elasticsearch Helm chart Running the above commands will install Elasticsearch with the default configuration, which is 3 worker nodes. 0-alpha1 --set resources. It bundles state of the art tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger along with the EFK stack to give you a batteries included observability setup in a single command. April 22, 2018. Jun 29, 2021 · Deploying Prometheus with Helm Charts. yaml to the Chart. Helm chart to deploy a working logging solution using the ElasticSearch - Fluentd - Kibana stack on Kubernetes - cdwv/efk-stack-helm The Pega Helm chart is used to deploy an instance of Pega Infinity into a Kubernetes environment. However, it may not always work out of the box if failed to fulfill prerequisites for the default installation. This example uses the Bitnami Helm Chart repository. Our application containers are designed to work well together, are extensively documented, and like our other application formats, our containers are continuously updated when new versions are made available. yml kubectl delete -f fluentd-config-map. Each component serves a specific purpose in collecting, storing, and visualizing log data. Setting INTERNET_ACCESS=false env will attempt to avoid connecting to the internet for things like helm repo update. Starting with 8. Connect to the Kibana dashboard: kubectl -n default port-forward svc/helm-efk-kibana 5601:5601 Here, I am installing using helm chart in my demo. some sample helm chart for the efk stack. --set imageTag=7. This Helm chart can generate a [Kubernetes Secret][] or use an existing one to setup Elastic credentials. Dec 3, 2019 · Step 2 - Setup Fluentd. 3. enabled=true --set fluentd-elasticsearch. x) Step 1: Create a Dedicated Logging Namespace. If you wish to install Elasticsearch in a specific namespace, add the -n option followed by the name of the namespace. Here, I am installing using helm chart in my demo. Mar 29, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Artifact Hub Helm charts repository. It is available from the Elastic Helm repository and can be added to your Helm repository list by running the following command: Sep 24, 2023 · ELK is an acronym that stands for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana & EFK for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana . Also we are using Jenkins file to build May 27, 2024 · You’ve now deployed the ELK stack using Helm charts and configured it to collect and process Nginx logs. For that, we’ll need the following: Kubernetes cluster (Minikube or AKS…) Kubectl CLI; Helm CLI . Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana Helm Charts. 7. Addons Helm chart. We will only be provisioning worker nodes and the control plane is managed by Linode. Dec 9, 2021 · Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana. Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Fluentd are commonly used together as the EFK stack for logging in Kubernetes environments. Create your indices and start exploring your logs with Kibana. 0 license Activity. 0版本 8 [root@k8s-master efk]# helm search stable/elasticsearch -l 9 NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION Mar 18, 2021 · 3. cd EFK-Stack/filebeat helm install filebeat . co helm install-n logging elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -f override-values. Contribute to fluent/helm-charts development by creating an account on GitHub. Resources. Seeing Logs in Real Time. x the default Elasticsearch Helm chart is automatically configured with security enabled (authentification and TLS). Starting from ECK 1. Use the official Elastic Helm chart to deploy a 3-node Elasticsearch cluster: A Helm chart to install the ECK Operator: the official Kubernetes operator from Elastic to orchestrate Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM Server, Enterprise Search, and Beats on Kubernetes. es_values_bitnami. Step 3: Installing the AWS EBS CSI Driver using Helm Chart. 1 k8s-worker-node1 Ready worker 15h v1. 1 安装”章节。 日志收集系统背景需求 Oct 24, 2024 · Helm package manager installed (version 3. Does the chart contain security gaps? Apr 10, 2022 · #Kubernetes(k8s)Helm v3 部署 EFK 日志系统 # 查看K8S集群 在这里使用的是kubernetes v1. kubernetes helm charts for Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana - bunnyshell-eaas/BP_efk-helm-chart EFK in K8s. The fetchOpts object contains the repo URL where the Helm chart is hosted. Chart: This resource is used to install a Helm chart into a Kubernetes cluster. yaml file has been ordered alphabetically in a homogeneous way for all the Bitnami Helm Charts May 9, 2022 · Prerequisites. May 9, 2019 · Deploying EFK Stack using Helm. 1. kubernetes. 0) indicates that there is an incompatible breaking change needing manual actions. AWS CLI. Note: From Artifactory 7. Feel free to get the Helm chart here. EFK is a popular Apr 11, 2021 · install elasticsearch via helm chart kubectl create namespace logging helm repo add elastic https://Helm. Quickstart: $ helm install efk-stack stable/elastic-stack --set logstash. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. helm install --namespace efk --name elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch --version 6. It refers to a… Starting from ECK 2. For more information, please visit Addons Helm chart. For the detailed steps, I found a good article on DigitalOcean. This chart will deploy a Fluentd daemonset which will basically run a pod on each node in the k8s cluster with all required logs files mounted to the fluentd pod. For that, we’ll need the following: Kubernetes cluster (Minikube or AKS…) Kubectl CLI; Helm CLI; 1. 0 -n logging -f value. 3 -> v2. googleapis. EFK Logging Stack for kubernetes. 1 Apr 23, 2020 · Because EFK components are available as docker containers, it is easy to install it on k8s. Below you will find the basic instructions for installing, uninstalling, and deleting Artifactory. Helm locally renders the charts into standard Kubernetes manifests, and applies them. 0, a Helm chart is available to install ECK. yaml \ stable/elastalert May 18, 2020 · EFK Stack – Quick Installation. However in the repo it is mentioned that ECK is the preferred option. This Helm chart can use existing [Kubernetes Secret][] to setup Elastic certificates for example. Nov 6, 2019 · 2. Installing Elasticsearch using Helm. yaml. storageClassName=nfs --set volumeClaimTemplate. But I do not Linode offers infrastructure on the cloud for pay per use model. 0 1. We will go over the installation of EFK stack and the mechanism to address the two challenges above. With the almost by default settings, the elasticsearch is installed. yaml; After running helm dependency update, a Chart. enabled = false --set fluentd. EFK stack’s prime objective is to reliably and securely retrieve data from the K8s cluster in any format, as well as to facilitate anytime searching, analyzing, and visualizing of the data. Forks. 1的版本部署。 [root@k8s-master-node1 ~] # kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION k8s-master-node1 Ready control-plane,master,worker 15h v1.