Deutz dg1200bbm. This page was last edited on 21 February 2022, at 22:39.

Deutz dg1200bbm DEUTZ engines have long been used in generator sets, and now the Company is laying the foundations for offering complete solutions for local power generation. Schulte Chairman of the Board of Management (since February 13, 2022, appointed until December 31, 2028) This page was last edited on 28 January 2022, at 09:04. Sie stellt eine verstärkte Version der DG 1000 BBM dar. Employee on the 91X series, and temporary activity in the DPS team, DEUTZ AG, Ulm. Die DG 1200 BBM war die leistungsstärkste Lokomotive des Deutz-Typenprogramms 1959. Amersfoort, 12-09-2016 Since 1864, DEUTZ has been a defining companion and initiator of progress; a tradition that we are passionate about every day, especially in times of technological change. Deutz Moteurs FL413 912 913 - Free download as PDF File (. Seit Jahresbeginn 2025 hat der Aktienkurs von Deutz 12,38 % zugelegt. Newly-designed, 3-cylinder engine with cooled, external exhaust gas recirculation with and without turbocharging and optionally with and without charge air cooling. 2024 Overview of all active error codes DEUTZ Xchange Engines. Depuis 2014, Agriconomie est le site N°1 dédié aux agriculteurs. With DEUTZ Lifecycle Solutions, you can now benefit from cost-effective solutions for all your service needs, throughout the entire lifetime of your drive system. Xchange Parts; Xchange Plant Americas; Xchange Contacts; Motores Diesel, Brochures en Español; Gasified Engines. Ab 1992 kam der Güterverkehr wie die Lok zur HGK (Häfen und Güterverkehr Köln) und wurde dort als V 37 geführt und 1997 in DH 37 umgezeichnet. Die DG 1200 BBM waren die leistungsstärksten Lokomotiven des Deutz-Typenprogramms 1959. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. I needed a locomotive to pull them, and decided to go with the Deutz dieselhydraulic locomotive thats in use by Strukton, one of the three main Dutch railroad constructors. 4-achsige Drehgestell-Diesellokomotive mit Gelenkwellenantrieb; ursprüngliche Motorleistung: 1200 PS; Produktionszeitraum: 1960 - 1966; gebaute Stückzahl: 18 Thorough and continuous maintenance is the key to maintaining the reliability and durability of your DEUTZ engine. com offers convenient access to DEUTZ products and services for your engine: Online parts shop with parts look-up based on engine number Engine registration and digital engine documentation DEUTZ Lifecycle Solutions. These cars are often used for Maintenance of Way. Engine and exhaust aftertreatment (EAT) are optimised for highest total system efficiency and thus ensure lowest consumption and total operating cost. All water-cooled engines require a protective agent to protect the cooling system and maintain the long-term function of the engine. Dec 2, 2024 · Ein Jahr nach der Einführung der 1000 PS-Lok DG 1000 BBM stand ein leistungsstärkerer Motor zur Verfügung, so dass jetzt mit der DG 1200 BBM nochmal 200 PS mehr an Traktionsleistung angeboten werden konnten. SAME Deutz-Fahr retained 8 Register and manage your DEUTZ user account. 04. Dit is de ex HGK DH 37 uit deze serie rijden er ook een aantal bij Stukton rond. Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons Jun 14, 2011 · OHE 1200 71 Deutz 57100/60, DG1200BBM Stöcken 16. DPS Open Frame Genset 50 HZ / 60 HZ; DPS Soundproofed Genset 50 HZ / 60 HZ; Mining For environmental reasons, we will no longer be printing annual reports, half-year reports, or quarterly statements for distribution. We should acknowledge this and focus on the areas in which we as DEUTZ have experience and a head start on our competitors,” says DEUTZ CEO, Dr. Det er en omkostningseffektiv model, der skal være med til at gøre DEUTZ-FAHR konkurrencedygig på alle parametre. pdf) or read online for free. DEUTZ AG can trace its roots back more than 160 years – to 1864 – when it was established as the world’s first engine factory. Meidän kauttamme myös joustavat rahoitusvaihtoehdot, mm osamaksu tai leasing. 2019 – 2022 Deputy Chairman of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm. Deutz AG is a German internal combustion engine manufacturer, based in Porz, Cologne, Germany. As an independent supplier of diesel, gas, and electric drives, we are developing the technologies today that will meet the challenges of tomorrow. 54 billion in the nine-month period Die DG 1200 BBM ist eine Diesellokomotiv-Bauart des Herstellers Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD). Schulte Chairman of the Board of Management (since February 13, 2022, appointed until December 31, 2028) Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "deutzdg1200bbm" Flickr tag. 000 times and in a wide range of temperatures between – 33 °C and 135 °C. 1993 OHE 1400 01 MaK 1000786/79, G1202BB Bokeloh 06. NL: Twee gekoppelde Strukton Rail locomotiev Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons Mar 13, 2020 · Auf der Messe in Gießen 2018 entdeckte ich am Stand von Peter Lehmann das Modell einer Deutz-Diesellok, deren Form und Größe für ein neues Projekt gerade zu Perfekt war. Ideální kombinace našich výrobků S-DEUTZ, přizpůsobená vašim specifickým potřebám, snižuje možné prostoje zařízení na minimum a optimalizuje náklady na životní cyklus. My project of a Deutz DG1200BBM, as used by Strukton. We offer a complete product portfolio, an unique genuine spare parts competence and the highest quality parts. All undergo a combination of thermal-, air-, and liquid treatment with optimized pulse rate which ensures best-in-class results while protecting the sensitive catalytic coating. Jan 29, 2021 · Hallo Miteinander, nachdem die Deutz DG1200 BBM fertig gestellt war, erhielt ich einige Anregungen, man könne doch aus den vorhandenen Daten ganz einfach auch die 6-Achsige DG 2000 CCM herstellen, da diese doch recht ähnlich aussehen. May 29, 2020 · Deutz DG1200BBM locomotive. June 4, 2020; 17 replies mic8per replied to mic8per's topic in LEGO Technic DEUTZ FlowBoost is a powerful fuel additive that lowers the minimum usage temperature of diesel fuel by up to ten degrees. DEUTZ AKTIE und aktueller Aktienkurs. tiktok. com/ZMYcq Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "srmkhd" Flickr tag. Water-cooled, V version (90°) 8-cylinder engine with turbocharging and charge air cooling. What is left are the bogies and the railing. DEUTZ PowerBlue is an optimized alternative to the standard AdBlue® / AUS / DEF urea solution. Board of Management Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "deutzdg1200bbm" Flickr tag. Vastaamme täsmällisistä toimituksista, varaosapalvelusta ja huollosta. Furthermore, trademarks are protected in the USA, Canada and in China. Nachrichten zur Aktie DEUTZ AG | 630500 | DEUZF | DE0006305006 Viel spaß beim anschauen!0:00 Intro2:40 Erste Traktoren3:37 Die Serienfertigung beginnt7:18 Der Legendäre Elfer Deutz 8:47 Alles Begann mit dem Otto-Motor11 DEUTZ History DEUTZ Management DEUTZ Tradition & Engagement Career Supplier Information Compliance Contact Milestones. Nach einem kurzweiligen Gespräch mit Herrn Lehmann entstand die Idee, diese Lok mit Hilfe von CAD und 3D-Druck erneut zu Bauen. From flexible repair kits to complete replacement engines. Dr. DG 1200 BBM of Germany‎ (1 C, 3 F) Old diesel locomotive 303005 (built in 1961, type Deutz DG1200BBM, second-hand from HGK in Germany) arrives back in Amersfoort with an empty car train that was unloaded at Pon in Leusden. Beim aktuellen Kurs von 4,66 EUR entspricht dies einer Dividendenrendite von 3,65%. Given that its a four function gearbox, does the L motor controlling the selected function have four separate stored positions? Its very similar to the g ENG: Two coupled Strukton Rail diesel loco's 303007 (Demi) & 303003 (Janine) arriving and shunting in Roosendaal. Die in der Vergangenheit erwirtschaftete Rendite sagt jedoch nichts über die zukünftige Rendite aus. 2022 – today Chairman of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm. This means we can put DEUTZ on a broader and more resilient footing. Die Vossloh 272 001 ist zur Zeit wieder bei der WLE im Einsatz, da WLE 23 (ER20) im Februar mit einem LKW kollidirte und deswegen zur Zeit instand gesetzt wi Découvrez une gamme de phare & feu pour tracteur . 2023 Feb 29, 2020 · Deutz DG1200BBM locomotive By Rijkvv, June 3, 2020. 05. Deutz Prognose 2025, 2026 & 2027 Kursziel der Deutz Aktie Analystenschätzung Buy, Hold & Sell - aktuelle Einstufungen Jetzt informieren!. " With this step, DEUTZ is continuing its active role in consolidation in the combustion engine market. Laut aktuellem Stand vom Januar 2025 zahlte DEUTZ innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate Dividende in Höhe von insgesamt 0,17 EUR pro Aktie. 1960 Jun 27, 2024 · DEUTZ expects the acquisition of Blue Star Power Systems to generate additional profitable revenue of more than US$ 100 million to more than US$ 150 million per year in the medium term. Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in Content titles and body; Content titles only DTC-List-EMR4 Revision date: 09. DIN 70070 and improves the spraying behaviour of the urea solution into the exhaust gas stream through use of a special additive. Mar 29, 2023 · Cologne, March 29, 2023 – At the end of January, DEUTZ AG (DEUTZ) announced a comprehensive cooperation with Daimler Truck AG (Daimler Truck). DEUTZ is a leading developer of environmentally friendly yet extremely economical diesel engines. 9 L4; Power Packs; DEUTZ POWER SOLUTIONS. More on DEUTZ Lifecycle Solutions DEUTZ is the sole owner of the trademark DQC that is protected for all countries of the European Union Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market at the official file number 012454112. A high dust and water protection class ensures optimum functioning even under toughest conditions, while brushes with optimized wear properties allow for DEUTZ Nordic is a wholly owned subsidiary of DEUTZ AG. Foto gemaakt van uit de trein van de werkzaamheden tussen Dinslaken en Oberhausen. 1995 OHE 1200 72 Deutz 57101/60, DG1200BBM Wittingen-Hafen 26. 8 H2 hydrogen engine is based on DEUTZ' proven combustion engine expertise of almost 160 years. Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "303006" Flickr tag. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. G. Amersfoort, 12-09-2016 Die Deutz-Dieselloks sind - zumindestens ab 1954 - nach drei Leistungsklassen unterschieden worden, die durch den Anfangsbuchstaben der Typenbezeichnung beschrieben werden: K = Kleinloks bis 260 PS (nicht zu verwechseln mit den "Einheitskleinloks" der DRG / DR / DB), M = Mittelllok ab 260 bis 800 PS und D = Großlok mit Drehgestellten über 800 PS. 57982 / 1966 NVR 98 80 3423 0165 D-DLI, 'Goliath', to Uniloc Udine. But it is becoming increasingly clear that many of the machines that we supply drives for will not be able to operate without an internal combustion engine, even in the future. DG 1000 BBM - diesel locomotive build by KHD. Protection all year round. com/profile. Vi har etableret en forretningsmodel, hvor en importør står bag indkøb og distribution i tæt samarbejde med DEUTZ-FAHR, men hvor de lokale forhandlere tager sig af alle kundernes behov. Moni Worldwide ApS. Genuine DEUTZ parts provide optimum protection against wear and engine damage and they have been designed and tested specifically for DEUTZ engines – to provide you with maximum performance and long engine life. DEUTZ PowerBlue is based on a urea solution according to ISO 22241 resp. Norcross, GA 30093 C/O HR and Administration Dept. The transactions include both medium-duty engines (Daimler Truck MDEG series), which are suitable for use in applications such as construction equipment, and heavy-duty engines (Daimler Truck HDEP Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in Content titles and body; Content titles only This strategic step also shows that DEUTZ is consistently committed to Germany as a business location and that we are taking a stand against deindustrialisation in our areas of activity. Perhaps I add a few worklights to the front, but I'm afraid those will look too big. Special additives prevent the generation of large paraffin crystals and the clogging of fuel lines and filters. 4-achsige Drehgestell-Diesellokomotive mit Gelenkwellenantrieb; ursprünglicher Motor: Zwölfzylinder-V-Zweitaktmotor, Typ T12M625, Motorleistung: 1000 PS; Produktionszeitraum: 1959 - 1968; gebaute Stückzahl: 21 Old diesel locomotive 303005 (built in 1961, type Deutz DG1200BBM, second-hand from HGK in Germany) arrives back in Amersfoort with an empty car train that was unloaded at Pon in Leusden. Click here for Contact & Directions to Pendergrass. To this end, the information document summarizes our Code of Conduct for Suppliers and reflects our sustainability-related expectations arising from the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and other national and international Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "3047nl" Flickr tag. We zien hier een Deutz DG1200BBM van Die-Lei. com Login Dealer Login VIP Portal Register WLE 36Fotos: Ausschließlich von mirAbonnieren tut nicht weh :-P DEUTZ generates further profitable growth in the third quarter and raises its full-year earnings guidance for 2023 – first H2 volume production order received 2023 / 09 / 11 Revenue increases by around 10 % to €1. [13] In 2012, SAME Deutz-Fahr sold 22 million shares, the majority of its holding in Deutz AG, to Volvo, making of it the largest shareholder at just over 25%. Diesel Motor Nordic Oy myy saksalaisen DEUTZ AG:n valmistamia dieselmoottoreita. Key Features. Training Information Turbine-driven compressor that increases the engine´s efficiency and power by forcing extra air into the combustion chamber. Schulte, CEO, and Oliver Neu, CFO, discussed the Company’s nine month 2024 results with analysts and investors on November 7, 2024 in a teleconference. Die vierachsige Lokomotive mit der Achsfolge B'B' wurde von 1960 bis 1966 in 18 Exemplaren gebaut. MS VS FACULTY 04-29-2022-57982 by David Centifanto Number Altnumber Name Status Location Withdrawn: 284 303‑9 : 303003 Our Service Portal at www. Innovative and climate-friendly. Sie war zunächst mit einem 1000 PS-Motor die leistungsstärkste einmotorige Bauart im sogenannten Typenprogramm 1959. You must ensure you have permission of the copyright owner to submit this photo for SpotLog; Number Altnumber Name DLI 112 Deutz DG1200BBM no. webp 939 × 968; 91 KB. TCG 2015; G 2. We are a pioneer in high-quality, environ­mentally friendly, and efficient drive systems for off-highway applications, for example in agricul This page was last edited on 21 March 2022, at 19:58. Schulte Chairman of the Board of Management (since February 13, 2022, appointed until December 31, 2028) DEUTZ-FAHR Serie 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Finden Sie das gesuchte Datenblatt. In 1867, the Company’s founder, Nicolaus August Otto, developed an atmospheric gas-powered engine, the first internal combustion engine ever to be manufactured in significant numbers. Sebastian Schulte. Only high quality, genuine products that fit perfectly offer optimum protection against premature wear and possible engine damage - so you should rely on genuine DEUTZ wear parts and operating fluids. com DEUTZ D10006 Tractors Auction Results | TractorHouse. facebook. Wolchow-Express. [1] Jun 3, 2020 · More than a year ago, I made a flat car. It'll be a fitting locomotive for my Kls flat cars. Our DEUTZ cooling system protection is a perfect match for your DEUTZ engines - for safe protection all year round. Plánovatelnost, bezpečnost a efektivita – to je náš společný cíl. com The compact and modular DEUTZ EAT design allows for a perfect integration into your equipment. For 150 years, DEUTZ engines have stood for quality, reliability and reliability. See above map. Bajo moj, zapratite me i na ostalim platformama : Službena Facebook stranica : https://www. sdeutz. Dec 2, 2024 · Auftragsbestätigung durch Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG, Köln [D] 08. Kysy lisää Jussilta 0504314563 Vaihto ja rahoitus. Die DG 1000 BBM ist eine Diesellokomotiv-Bauart des Herstellers Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD). Die Lok vom Typ Deutz DG 1200 BBM (Bauart B'B'-dh) wurde 1966 von Deutz unter der Fabrik-Nr. Mit der Entwicklung eines stärkeren Motors wurde ab 1960 auch eine Bauart mit 1200 PS unter der Bezeichnung DG 1200 BBM ausgeliefert. 2024 Overview of all active error codes Jan 26, 2023 · Media in category "Deutz diesel locomotives of Germany" This category contains only the following file. Minimal space requirements and easy maintenance, safety and reliability. The DEUTZ XChange production facility is located in Pendergrass, Georgia, about 60 miles northeast of Atlanta. This page was last edited on 21 February 2022, at 22:39. B 9M/2024 Results. Lisätietoja Deutz-Fahr traktorit meiltä! Kysy lisää Jussilta 0504314563 Vaihto ja rahoitus. Headquarters location for the Americas DEUTZ is synonymous with passion, pioneering spirit, and a culture of innovation. The DEUTZ selective catalytic reduction system (SCR) reduces NOx emission up to 95%. Striking Heads. To ensure a long lifetime and keep operating costs down, DEUTZ alternators are made using high quality internal components, including low-wear brushes and bearings. Tlf: +45 70 26 75 65 The German company DEUTZ AG (Deutz) is one of the largest independent manufacturers of diesel engines for machinery, diesel and gas generators. Jun 3, 2020 · 5 minutes ago, Bartybum said: Very informative video - the basic setup does seem quite unusual. 1960 Ausstellung auf der Deutschen Industriemesse Hannover [D] 05. | Driftsikre, effektive, fleksible og komfortable traktorer | Kontakt Deutz-Fahr-Danmark eller find en forhandler Your photo will be submitted to the editors for approval. Subcategories. 01 - Deutz AG Message Langholztransport der Oldtimerfreunde Ehningen am 06. DEUTZ EAT Technology - Compact and flexible : DEUTZ AG For this reason, DEUTZ starters are designed and rigorously tested to ensure each one can start a minimum of 30. 2 L3; G 2. Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz AG took over in 1985, later becoming Deutz AG. php?Facebook : https://vm. The first car is a mystery, it looks like an overhead line maintenance car but the railway to Leusden is not electrified. I visited the locomotive in real Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "dg1200bbm" Flickr tag. Im Deutschen Fahrzeugeinstellungsregister wurde für diese Bauart die Baureihennummer 98 80 3423 vergeben. This time it's a Deutz DG1200BBM, used by the railroad constructor Strukton. With nearly €900 million in direct materials purchased annually worldwide, DEUTZ AG's supply chain makes a significant contribution to its value creation process. The injectors - consisting of the injector and the injection valve spray high-precision dosages of fuel into the combustion chamber. In larger DEUTZ engines, up to 700 liters of cooling water are being pumped through the engine - per minute. The agreement for DEUTZ to take over Rolls-Royce’s sales and service activities means that, with immediate effect, DEUTZ will be marketing the off-highway variants of these engines four years earlier than provided for under the existing alliance with Daimler Truck and will also distribute the older mtu Classic model series (Daimler Truck DEUTZ Corporation 3883 Steve Reynolds Blvd. Tel: (770) 564-7100 careers@deutzusa. Turbochargers play a vital role for the performance and efficiency of a DEUTZ engine. DEUTZ PowerBlue. DEUTZ PDF-Datenblätter sortiert nach Emissionsklasse und technischer Datenübersicht. DEUTZ Cooling System Conditioners. 57982 gebaut und an die KFBE Köln-Frechen-Benzelrather Eisenbahn (Köln) als V 75 geliefert. Die vierachsigen Lokomotiven mit der Achsfolge B’B’ wurden von 1960 bis 1966 in 18 Exemplaren gebaut. 2013Fahrzeugbeschreibung:MAGIRUS-DEUTZ Langholzfahrzeug mit GLOGGER SeilwindeTyp: Mercur 120 L/ Exp. In modern common rail engines, multiple injections take place within micro-seconds, with up to five injection cycles per combustion. 2014 – 2018 Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm. CARE PROGRAM – KOMPLEXNÍ PÉČE O MOTOR – VŽDY NĚCO NAVÍC. ” For DEUTZ, the acquisition is an important step from a component manufacturer to a solutions provider. Worldwide DEUTZ service network technical support and diagnosis. With our knowledgeable staff we serve everything from OEM customers to end customers both for new sales and aftermarket. 2006 Finally I feel confident about finishing a MOC again. ドイツ (Deutz AG) は、ドイツ連邦共和国のケルン市ポルツ区に本拠を置く内燃機関メーカーで、同業では世界最古の企業である。以降の説明では、国名のドイツとの混同を避けるため、ドイツ社と表記する。 D1. Den Deutz Aktienkurs in Realtime bzw. A complete interactive online version of the annual report 2023 can be found here. 17 replies; 2916 views; Rijkvv; June 11, 2020; 60197: poweredUP not connecting By Matteo Jan 13, 2025 · Browse a wide selection of new and used DEUTZ D10006 Tractors auction results near you at TractorHouse. Die DG 1200 BBM ist eine Diesellokomotiv-Bauart des Herstellers Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD). Die DG 1200 BBM ist eine Diesellokomotiv-Bauart des Herstellers Klöckner-Humboldt-Deutz (KHD). Die Deutz-Drehgestellmaschinen The TCG 7. The company was founded in Sweden in 1956 and in Denmark in 1965. Meiltä löydät metsäkoneet, maatalouskoneet, nosturit, työkoneet, vaihtolavat ja kuljetuskaluston. Thanks to the DEUTZ Xclean cleaning process, DEUTZ Xchange DPFs are virtually as good as new. Building on this, revenue in the DEUTZ energy segment is expected to grow globally to around €500 million by 2030 through organic and inorganic growth. After spinning off Deutz Power Systems, the company has made a full circle back to MWM. mic8per replied to Rijkvv's topic in LEGO Train Tech. 2 L3 For mobile machinery 10-18 kW / 15-24 hp at 1800-2600 min-1/rpm EU Stage V / US EPA Tier 4 An der Börse wird die Deutz Aktie (ISIN: DE0006305006) im Januar 2025 nach der Dividenden-Strategie nicht als Topscorer gehandelt. Since 1864, DEUTZ has been a defining companion and initiator of progress; a tradition that we are passionate about every day, especially in times of technological change. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. We are convinced that DEUTZ can only overcome this global challenge by working together with its business partners. DEUTZ DTC-Codes EMR5 Diagnosis- and Error codes DTC-Code SPN FMI Fehlerbescheibung Fault description Date: 27. There still has some work to be done, like the railing and some detailing on the bogies. DEUTZ Corporation Training. To ensure correct cooling under all operating conditions, the pump´s displacement volume and pressure are designed to fit the engine´s requirements perfectly. 1960 Abnahmefahrt [D] [Köln-Kalk - Jünkerath] [Last 439t] 24. The use of inappropriate coolants often leads to leaks in the cooling system due to corrosion and degradation of sealing materials. Palveluun kuuluu tekninen neuvonta sovellusten suunnittelu- ja käyttöönottovaiheessa. With over 150 years of experience to draw from, DEUTZ offers effective training to meet your needs. DEUTZ Legacy G-Drive; DPS Value Add Solutions; DPS Gensets. The DEUTZ Americas corporate office and warehousing location is located in Norcross, Georgia, about 25 miles northeast of Atlanta. Nettikoneessa on 10 ilmoitusta kohteesta Deutz. All rights and claims in respect of the brand remain with DEUTZ DQC. Sebastian C. Each of our alternators is designed and rigorously tested to meet severe requirements when it comes to climate, dust and vibration - to provide a stable power supply under all DEUTZ AG Share Investor News Financial Reports and Presentations Mandatory announcements Annual General Meeting Board of Management and Supervisory Board DEUTZ Approval system for cooling system protective agents All water-cooled engines require effective cooling system protection to sustainably maintain engine performance. Ive been wondering about the position encoding. DEUTZ maintains business relationships with nearly 550 suppliers in more than 40 countries. Die KHD DG 1200 BBM ist eine Vierachsige Diesellokomotive mit der Achsfolge B'B', von ihr wurden 18 Exemplare von 1960 bis 1966 gebaut. acxf ylqf wvjdvd zypwl raisj utwy nkoylh svid guwo knxtg cuqh jmfo pynwz ijc qdvtwg