Echarts legend with value data instead of just being ["custom 1", "custom 2"]. Oct 17, 2022 · legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', formatter: function (name) { return `${name} {count|${dataList . Legends are used to annotate the content in the chart using different colors, shapes and texts to indicate different categories. However, it will still cause not an unexpected outcome. Works for legend at the bottom of grid. This approach is not much tested and should have a lot of pitfalls. Sample image (I want a legend area like the image mentioned below). For a clearer example see the pictures bellow. My problem is i want to give the minimum on y-axis as 0 but maximum as either the addition of maximum of Jan 31, 2023 · In this case I'm using ECharts for react library to visualize data using a pie chart. Usually you have minimum two ways to get what you want: Jan 13, 2022 · I specifically would like to solve this for heatmap in echarts. But when I set legend. legend li { padding: 5px 20px; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 4px; } . 3、legend的icon需要跟第一行对齐,通过设置name的上padding来实现对齐效果,但是这种实现比较机械,不够完美。 4、在legend中显示value,这个需要使用legend的 formatter 回调 函数,并且data要从外部引入,完整代码如下: export var data = [{ name: '危化品企业' }, name: '非危化品企业' export default { name: "CompanyChart4", components: { ChartTitle, See full list on echarts. Need to show label along with value as shown in screen shot attached below. 1 circle icon with lines. Feb 6, 2021 · I have to draw a pie-chart in a rectangle, and I want the pie as big as possible at left of the rectangle, so there is no place for label. const data = [ { value: 335, name: 'A' }, { value: 310 One-line summary [问题简述] 当legend图例过多超10个或者12个时,图例的颜色就会重复了。 能否实现 有多少种类目就有多少颜色 ECharts will try to judge this type automatically but might be inaccurate, so you can specify manually. 0 includes significant enhancements to animation expressiveness, rendering performance, and server-side rendering. data: [820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320], When i enable label : Aug 21, 2018 · I managed to remove the alpha value added to the legend by adding the CSS syntax as shown below. unselected . How can I achieve this. legend li. the series heigh is 300, the legend height is 200, so the cavans total height is 500. {Object} tooltip : null : universal : style of the tooltip. 3、legend的icon需要跟第一行对齐,通过设置name的上padding来实现对齐效果,但是这种实现比较机械,不够完美。 4、在legend中显示value,这个需要使用legend的 formatter 回调 函数,并且data要从外部引入,完整代码如下: export var data = [{ name: '危化品企业' }, name: '非危化品企业' export default { name: "CompanyChart4", components: { ChartTitle, Legends are used to annotate the content in the chart using different colors, shapes and texts to indicate different categories. MATLAB中图例legend函数的排版(子图共用legend,平铺legend等) 在使用MATLAB作图时,有时候一幅图中的legend太多我们希望将legend分成几列显示(或者平铺显示),或者希望将legend的位置,长宽等参数及进行修改,对比以下代码进行相应的修改即可达到目的。 Apr 25, 2023 · I want to realize echart legend icon with line. Jul 18, 2019 · The legend object of ECharts is constructed from the series object by default. data when you create it (instead of filtering legendData later). ECharts will choose the smaller element for the inner radius automatically. name === name) . Nov 9, 2018 · The legend. this one) However, I also want this total to recalculate when series are selected/deselected using the legend (including if I deselect the final series to which the label is attached in the example below). 100; OS Version [操作系统类型和版本]: Mac OS; Expected behaviour [期望结果] The legend should show. If unspecified, use option. Current Behavior May 19, 2020 · The legend formatter support only {name}. if there's a new legend it will automatically disabled. 7 浏览器类型和版本 (Browser version): IE8 操作系统类型和版本 (OS Version Apr 5, 2021 · I'm using echarts to graph float values and I want to round the decimal numbers to 2 decimal places in the tooltip from the series (keeping the current tooltip style). Echarts Legend Not Appearing Using Dataset & Dimensions. Show Text In Middle Of Doughnut From Highlighted Sector Jan 22, 2020 · piechart i had created a pie chart over Apache Echarts, may i know is there a way to show the total value in the title subtext? option = { title: [{ text: 'Sales', subtext: 'Total Sales: Apache ECharts 5. Legend is one of the key to understand the chart. In the example below, I'd like to have two legends: blue color with text '0-70%' Feb 18, 2020 · We can use Formatter callback inside tooltip, legend, label options in ECharts, and changes their values accordingly. And if user clicks on legend B, then type B data should be visible only visible on screen. Version & Environment [版本及环境] ECharts version [ECharts Apache ECharts, a powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser Aug 8, 2016 · 问题简述 (One-line summary) echart 数据刷新,但legend 值并不能及时更新,ajax从后台拿到series data 和 legend,但legend并不会改变。 版本及环境 (Version & Environment) ECharts 版本 (ECharts version): 浏览器类型和版本 (Browser version): 操作系统类型和版本 (OS Version): 重现步骤 (Steps to May 4, 2023 · 数据大屏 项目开发中,需要使用echarts饼状图效果。 这里我们的饼状图要渐变色效果。 legend自定义程度不高,所以我们使用html方法实现。 vue中 echarts 的 legend formatter显示百分比 - 简书 效果: 代码: May 9, 2024 · @guoliuqing123 It seems you are not using English, I've helped translate the content automatically. If I understand correctly, its role just only to show measure units. Let's consider the following example, where in visualmap I chose type: 'piecewise'. Is there a way I can do that? I went through the documentation and couldn't find anything. legend { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; list-style: none; gap: 10px; user-select: none; } . The value which gets used in RawIntlProvider is a react Component, which consists of from react intl. Instead of 0-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8,8-10 in the legend, I would like to have: very low, low, middle, high, very high. One simple way of doing it would be to only add what you want in legend. For instance, ECharts will auto-analyze if the data of this dimension is '2017-05-10'. Layout. Sep 29, 2018 · One-line summary [问题简述] legend中的icon颜色和对应的气泡图中的颜色不一样. The issue is when the legend is selected the x-axis should change the dates according. Sep 20, 2016 · 问题简述 (One-line summary) legend中如何显示value值,现在只能显示name??? 版本及环境 (Version & Environment) ECharts 版本 (ECharts version):echarts2. How would I move the chart to the right while keeping the legend where it is? The former one are triggered when mouse/pointer is at everywhere, while the latter one can only be triggered when mouse/pointer is at the graphic elements. legend-labels{ background: none !important; } } Sep 14, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. data. We can you legendselectedchange event to detect the change event and correspondingly set the chart. To my regret the Legend not the most convenient component for customize but Echarts in general allows you to do almost anything within reason. org ECharts is a really cool open source charting and visualization library from the team of Baidu EFE - Example of ECharts 2. What should I do? Jan 31, 2020 · I have a line chart with months plotted on the x axis and the values for each month on the y axis. I am attaching the image. 12. I am looking for it but did not find how to do it till now. 实现echarts图多个legend图例和自定义legend中字体颜色 echarts legend自定义 echarts系列-----3 (自定义legend 控制多个legend) echarts 饼状图制作 legend 在右边且带有自定义参数,title在图标中间! Echarts 自定义 图例 图标 legend echarts 自定义legend,线性渐变 echarts自定义legend样式 Oct 19, 2023 · That's an unexpected and erratic behavior you discovered. Once the legend is changed, you can recalculate the array of results and then push this new array to your chart. As shown in the figure above, I need to remove the circle in the middle of the third icon, but keep the shape of the other two charts rectangular. Put value or percentage at legend is an alternative. To make your issue understood by more people and get helped, we'd like to suggest using English next time. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Data are prepared as array of object and each name have corresponding descri Oct 26, 2019 · Use the formatter option to show custom values in the chart and position: center to center align the label: . i am using echarts-for-react and trying to create a stacked bar chart and a line chart also. Data are prepared as array of object and each name have corresponding Oct 6, 2022 · The chart's legend is going to display as many values as there are in legend. 2 Link to Minimal Reproduction No response Steps to Reproduce Using echart example "Profile" to create chart. I have highlighted the problematic area (Picture one is the graph, picture 2 is when I hover the legend on Total clients. filter((a) => a. I created a bar chart, and I want to display corresponding legend for each bar. count)}}`; }, textStyle: { rich: { 'count': { align: 'right', color: 'red' } } } } Aug 17, 2022 · I'v added something like this on pie chart, in my case, I wanted to add the value after name, and all that I do was: legend: { show: props. 🤗 Jun 7, 2022 · Thank you for fast reply and for compliement, I try to do my best, the better it is described the better chance for somebody to answer . ECharts option [ECharts配置项] I have created a pie chart using ECharts. You need calculate it by yoursef. 最近写项目碰到一个需求,需要在legend区域显示Value值所占比例,如下图所示。 May 28, 2020 · 通过 echarts 的 legendselected 事件实现。 还有其他的一些事件,如果遇到通过配置项解决不了的需求,可以查API, 看看是否可以解决 Mar 30, 2021 · we can manually deselect specific series in Echarts using. if I hidden the legend, I hope the canvas height should be 300(because now just series is showing), but actually, echart still use 500 to render the canvas. icon = 'line', the shape of the other two icons changed. tooltip (See tooltip), a small "hover box" with detailed information about the item being hovered over. For your convenience, I have created a Nice Pie Chart Using Echats you can follow it. Jul 13, 2024 · I have a chart where now by default in the legend when you click on an item it disappears in the chart instead of that I want to achieve when you click on the item you see only that item in the chart when you deselect it all the others return as at the beginning . I would like to see the information also when the mouse is on the name of a slice in the legend part. 116 m 操作系统类型和版本 (OS Version):windows7 重现步骤 (Steps to reproduce) leg Oct 12, 2018 · echarts version 3. chart-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; } #chart { flex-grow: 1; } . Jan 11, 2021 · For example: if the canvas contains series and legend. This is my code Legend. legendValue ? function (name) { let itemValue = data. 0 Features. canvas size is changing but the other texts are not changing. This means that nested datas in treemap series aren't part of the legend. this solved the responsiveness issue for me. ECharts is a really cool open source charting and visualization library from the team of Baidu EFE - Example of ECharts 2. The formatting of the legend is based on a class titled legend-labels, to modify this I wrapped this class in an ng-deep. legend ? true : false, orient: 'horizontal', x: 'left', y: 'bottom', formatter: props. May 2, 2019 · I only want to move the chart and not the legend. name === name) return `${name}: ${itemValue[0 Apr 23, 2020 · I want to display pie legends along with its value in a different format. Add the following code to the example you gave and it'll work. Friends online say line is the default, but my echart has no line. Oct 17, 2022 · legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', formatter: function (name) { return `${name} {count|${dataList . Pen Settings Legends are used to annotate the content in the chart using different colors, shapes and texts to indicate different categories. If you see the image, legends and the value corresponding to it are shown that i am unable to replicate. Currently, the code of my graph is: // initializing graph var Jan 31, 2023 · In this case I'm using ECharts for react library to visualize data using a pie chart. Currently, I can only add legend to it . A Heat legend uses regular axis to display value range/scale. apache. Applicable to this series only. My echart version is "echarts": "^5. 0. Here awesomeID is a legend id. legendselectchanged 问题描述: 图例(legend)分两行显示并且初始化设置不选中状态,需要点击两次不选中状态的图例才能变成选中状态 问题分析: 1、经过多次测试才发现,有多组图例的情况下,只有第一组图例初始化时设置不选中状态,才不会出现只有点击两次不选中状态的图例才会变成选中状态情况。 Aug 2, 2017 · Legend formatter can't get percentage data. how i can reverse it? ECharts饼状图legend显示Value所占百分比 在查询官方文档的时候,虽然提供了格式化图例文本的回调函数: 但是此函数只能对name进行格式化,无法取到value的值,所以我们可以在option外定义一个data,然后赋值给series. That means six bars will be shown. What i want to develop now is tooltip for each data on chart legend. Jul 21, 2021 · 合理使用富文本标签会让echarts图做的效果更好看,本篇文章记录一下使用rich富文本标签和formatter函数去实现legend样式的优化修改,大致包含: name名称呈现; value数值呈现; 计算出的数据百分比; 样式对齐效果; 效果图 Jan 16, 2020 · In pie echarts, normally when I hover the mouse on a slice I can see the series name, value, percent and , But when the mouse is on the legend the slice is only selected and comes a little up. g. So how can I display a legend for each of these six bars? Feb 4, 2023 · An example here demonstrates a very sophisticated label: Label seems to be rendered by a formatter prop with some very rich styles: label: { formatter: [ '{titl May 14, 2022 · I want to set the legend area in a two-column fashion in Apache Echarts, how I can achieve this with legend options? I'm not able to find any example related to this. {string} type : null : universal dataSet = [ { name: 'Category1', value: 335, color: '#e0ffd7' }, { name: 'Category2', value: 310, color: '#e494ac' }, { name: 'Category3', value: 234, color: '#8cf4ce ECharts饼状图legend显示Value所占百分比 此项目基于Vue. Not tested for other layouts. unselected Legend. 2. both are contained under a parent component having display: flex where I have flex-grow: 1 for the pie child component. Apache ECharts 5. 'time': To represent time data, ECharts can automatically analyze data as timestamp if the dimension type is defined as 'time'. My problem is i want to give the minimum on y-axis as 0 but maximum as either the addition of maximum of Jan 24, 2022 · In Echarts, Treemap data structure is expecting 'name' and 'value' properties. Oct 21, 2014 · 我想请教下,在pie中,使用legend的formatter属性如何获取pie中的数据呢?{name}是系列名,那不知道可否使用{value}获取到系列中的数据呢? Nov 6, 2019 · Version 4. By clicking the legends, the user can show or hide the corresponding categories. You need to make two entries in your series: one for Node A, one for Node B. However, it seems that the legend can only be displayed for series. Sep 8, 2021 · 1、 legend 的icon设置为circle(圆形) 2、legend的文字分为两行,并且name和value已经后面的单位(家)文字样式都分别设置,利用富文本设置这样的效果. that's no problem. Here is a fiddle of what I've done so far: https://jsfidd Dec 9, 2022 · I have a simple bar graph that I would want the legend to show specific range value with its corresponding color. By the way, FYI, manipulating with Unit and Decimals helped me in similiar problem, where I needed percents with 1 decimal and value without decimals: Feb 10, 2020 · I am assuming you need a chart where you want to see the details of only clicked legend. How to increase size of legend in ggplot2. js based on the div size. Jan 24, 2019 · Looking at the echarts legend api I have not found a property that would allow me to specify the colour I wish of the legend icon to be when hovered on. Sep 13, 2022 · The solution is to detect when the legend is clicked/changed, by using 'legendselectchanged' event. My option var is: var One-line summary [问题简述] 数据统计分析时,非常多的legend是否可以做成分页显示的? Version & Environment [版本及环境] ECharts version Nov 11, 2020 · In echarts, I have a bar chart, I want to add two markLine for it, but for the 'average' line I need the arrow style, for the 'test' line I do not want any symbol at the start and end of the line. (Working example) If we set one radius to string of a percentage value, while the other to a value, the inner radius will be smaller than the outer radius in some resolution. how to unselected all legend except the 搜索引擎 dynamically. count)}}`; }, textStyle: { rich: { 'count': { align: 'right', color: 'red' } } } } Sep 8, 2021 · 1、 legend 的icon设置为circle(圆形) 2、legend的文字分为两行,并且name和value已经后面的单位(家)文字样式都分别设置,利用富文本设置这样的效果. ECharts option [ECharts配置项] 需求开发一个饼状图,要求:点击右侧的模块,左侧饼状图对应的变化效果如下:遇到的问题:在实际项目开发过程中,碰到了一个棘手的问题,那就是,右侧显示的legend模块后面的数字显示不是 很好做,因为在echarts配置项option里,左侧的tooltip里的模块名name 是和右侧legend显 Mar 14, 2024 · I'm currently working on a chart in ECHARTS where I need to format the legend labels dynamically based on the data from my React application. 0 custom legend with themes. For example, I have a series and it has six data items. current behaviour hide selected legend series. Note : The value can either be an int representing the pixel value (0), a string percentage relative to the container ('0%') or a position ('left'). In your example, legendData still has 4 values when you assign it to legend. For example the settings: Feb 29, 2020 · I need to show custom Series label instead of data array value. values in legend can help me to decide which one to show if I want to filter some data by values. 0 浏览器类型和版本 (Browser version):chrome 53. Legend is always placed at the upper right corner of the chart. This is a knowledge sharing on how to auto scale font size in echarts. Data are prepared as array of object and each name have corresponding descri Apr 30, 2020 · enter image description here. unselected Oct 17, 2022 · legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', formatter: function (name) { return `${name} {count|${dataList . 3. 1; Browser version [浏览器类型和版本]: Chrome 69. Oct 21, 2014 · 我想请教下,在pie中,使用legend的formatter属性如何获取pie中的数据呢?{name}是系列名,那不知道可否使用{value}获取到系列中的数据呢? One-line summary [问题简述] 当legend图例过多超10个或者12个时,图例的颜色就会重复了。 能否实现 有多少种类目就有多少颜色 Nov 6, 2019 · Version 4. This tutorial will show how to remedy that. Jan 2, 2020 · I don't really have a question but just to share my knowledge here. Considering this example: Pie Doughnut on ECharts. Thus, I would like to use a custom HTML for my legend but I don't know how to use their events. const data = [ { value: 335, name: 'A' }, { value: 310 May 14, 2023 · 数据可视化大屏 项目开发中,为了能够快速应用到项目中,项目开发中遇到各种样式的饼状图,都会整理出来,后期遇到类似的效果,就可以直接拿过来微调使用,而不需要重头开始,节省时间。 ECharts will try to judge this type automatically but might be inaccurate, so you can specify manually. 0", and echarts options configuration is as follow: Apr 26, 2017 · I work in angular and I solved it by separating the chart into 2 component, one is a component where I draw the legend by myself and one is to draw pie only using echarts. The solution I found is based on linear relationship of legend and Grid area (I found it some confusing). example there's a new legend which is Server, then it will automatic unselected when it added. Is there a way to provide data fields to be used as 'name and 'value' ? Echarts的legend属性是对图例组件的相关配置而legend就是Echarts图表中对图形的解释部分: 其中legend自身常用的配置属性如下: orient 设置图 ECharts中设置部分数据legend默认置灰,代码先锋网,一个为软件开发程序员提供代码片段和技术文章聚合的网站。 ECharts中设置部分数据legend默认置灰 - 代码先锋网 Aug 5, 2020 · There are already answered questions on how to add a 'total' label on top of a stacked bar chart on echarts (e. 3497. legend:{ selected: { 'Series1': false, 'Series2': false } } However, I have more than 200 series in Echart, so is there any way I can deselect all dynamically Apache ECharts, a powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser Diving deep into legend & grid overlapping issue got this finally working. By logging the events on the chart and checking what the true legend does, and after some debugging in the source code, I identified what appears to be the problem: a series that is highlighted, hidden and then shown again produces two conflicting animations for the labels, one for the normal rendering of the series to be displayed and Sep 22, 2017 · One-line summary [问题简述] 图例legend启动分页之后,当某一个图例长度超过一页的总长度时,翻页翻到这个图例之后 May 1, 2023 · 数据可视化大屏 项目开发中,要显示各种各种的饼状图效果,今天整理饼状图的legend显示百分比。 效果描述:给饼状图各个部分添加边线,让饼状图看起来有间隔 legend 显示标题以及占比,通过formatter方法来自定义内容。 ECharts version [ECharts 版本]: 4. 4. Is this possible? Jan 20, 2021 · I want to be able to click on the legend label, it then toggles all the other off and highlight selected one series data. top option. textStyle. Jun 13, 2023 · By stacking the title and the legend, the room between them and the chart is a little bit small, that's why I also moved the chart down by a few pixel using the grid. Jan 22, 2020 · Some of legend item with quite a big text content in it leads to situation when legend block is overlaping graph. When the screen size increases the graph text will remain as the same size. I only could get it to work trough renderToString, but this is client-side code 😒. How can I achieve this. 1. So, I want to make those text and legend area responsive when the screen size is increasing. here my series data array is. However I can't seem to find a similar option for when the serie is not shown. Keyframe Animations 有一个需求场景,使用echarts时想要自定义legend的点击事件,但是不要legend的默认点击事件——就是点击会隐藏和显示对应的饼图 查阅文档和手册之后,发现没有可以直接使用的方法 那么换个思路,在默认事件触发之后再把取消选中的legend选中回来就可以啦 依赖以下下几个配置: 1. if the legend is enabled, the value will be indexed to legend. In fact, echarts events are implemented based on zrender events, that is, when a zrender events is triggered at a graphic element, echarts will trigger a echarts event. 5. color option, I am able to change the text color but only when the serie is shown. . For narrower setups it might mean that there are not real start/end labels. Add legend in option and found that legend didn't display. fig. ::ng-deep{ . I want to implement a circle icon with horizontal lines as show in fig. But if you calculate percentage yourself and pass it to the legend data in a pie chart for example, it will not show the legend , because it will try to find in the data "category (per%)" rather than just "category" , and it will not find it an output the following warning : Apr 26, 2023 · 数据可视化大屏 项目开发中,要显示各种各种的饼状图效果,今天要实现的是环形饼状图,中间显示数字以及文字描述,并 […] Feb 3, 2024 · I am fixing a chart used in a product. overflow with value "break" or "breakAll" break the line at any cacharacter (event if "break" is supposed to break words only) making the reading difficult: So I manage to break line in my legend item simply by adding\n in the formatter return according to : How to get newline after the title in echarts line chart?). The grid doesn't work as well. map((a) => a. I implemented a chart with legend based on Echarts libary. Mar 19, 2018 · 首先看一张echarts饼图: 这张图很好做,根本不值得提,但是用过echarts的可能会发现这个图例有点不一样,做这个图例花了我好几个小时去查,去试。结合一下echarts中legend图例的特质我们分析一下一些难点: I'm trying to change the color of the legend text when a serie is unselected/not shown in echarts. It also adds long-awaited features from the community, such as automatic alignment of multi-axis ticks, tooltip value formatting, and map projection. As I know echarts has options to make legend block scrollable, but for my project this is not going to work out. It looks like this my option config is option = { title: { text: 'Title', }, tooltip: Oct 26, 2019 · Use the formatter option to show custom values in the chart and position: center to center align the label: . In this case the result appears in the JS snippet. May 25, 2022 · Version 5. 3. filter(item => item. 2785. 0 Steps to reproduce I implemented a chart with legend based on Echarts libary. You signed out in another tab or window. data,下面看代码 以上就实现了百分比的展示, May 7, 2016 · 问题简述 (One-line summary) 饼图中取消勾选个别legend以后,如何让每一项所占的比例,不是以剩下的legend的value和为总数,而是以所有legend的value和为总数(包括未显示的) 版本及环境 (Version & Environment) ECharts 版本 (ECharts version): 2. Mar 16, 2017 · Amcharts - Increase gap between legend name & value. When user click on legend A, then type A should be visible on screen. May 31, 2021 · echarts自定义饼图legend实现超长文本省略+value显示-爱代码爱编程 2021-04-21 分类: js echarts 数据可视化 echarts自定义legend样式 需求: legend排放位置自定义单独legend设置不同的背景色legend超长文本省略+后面显示对应的value值效果图 实现方案: echarts中 let options={ // 因为要对不同的legend设置不同的定位 name of series. Using the legend. Reload to refresh your session. jgebpjr lpahi pffwhxl hnxob jiqfu qrq kkyrn bab cxqozi kajwr vljrtuz byhai ccgq fwrgi bexew