How to jam neighbors speakers reddit. This is going to affect your property value when you sell.

How to jam neighbors speakers reddit I am trying to figure out how to kill a speaker. Talking to the neighbors doesn't work. If you're still worried, you can wrap your speakers in foil a few times to shield it. While audio jammers can be effective, they may also interfere with other electronic devices, so use them with caution. Or as I typically do when the upstairs neighbor gets stompy. Sep 26, 2001 · Go to your nearest pep boys or something similar and pick up a bunch of Base Tubes. And all of this is archived so even if u were to delete everything now, the police will still find it. r/audiophile is a subreddit for the pursuit of quality audio reproduction of all forms, budgets, and sizes of speakers. I'm sure there is some way to monitor the Wi-Fi signal strength in the area and document it. I love to play piano, and I have a Roland FP-30 keyboard in my apartment that I jam on often. Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits, industry standards, grey and white hat hacking, new hardware and software hacking technology, sharing ideas and suggestions for small business and personal security. as others have said, cleaning day. On to the speakers: I'd like to have the option to run my vDrums, guitar, bass, and electric piano, into some wall mounted speakers in up each corner of the room on the 2x6 corners. I have to hear her shit music turned up to full blast every day. It doesn't have to be good quality just extremely loud, preferably budget friendly. So many debbie downer delusional nutcases in this subreddit. I had neighbour complaints, but it turned out my speakers were placed directly on a floating credenza, which was screwed tightly to the wall between our apartments. You will be able to hijack a Bluetooth speaker by first escalating the KNOB • audio·phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. However, the strength dissipates at an inverse square rate, so two rooms over should be more than sufficient. I'm sure these are much higher quality speakers than what I've listed, but spending $1600 for 2 speakers, even if its spaced out over 6 months or a year, isn't in my budget for this. As @LupusE pointed out pairing is needed to control most Bluetooth devices. Play it at a reasonable time. No basic burglar is going to go through the trouble of attempting to jam your system so that they can break into your house unless you have something they really want and is really worth it to them. We bought ferrite clasps to go on my computer speaker wires and that helped for a bit, he was much duller in sound but still could hear slight feedback. There’s no way to tell without trying. If your neighbors try to press any sort of charges for you jamming their WiFi (sure there's specific charges that you can incur) this post is basically your confession. movie / big game night - audio in the kitchen lets people know when they need to run back to the big screen. So you’d have to pick the right one, or create a playlist that cycles through all possible ones back to back Feb 1, 2024 · The Annoy-A-Tron should be placed on or within the speaker, with the timer adjusted appropriately. Local government and police can’t do something since the neighbor has a connection in the military. A tangled up rusty wire. You'll have to disclose how intrusive this is to potential buyers. Noise pollution has become a common problem in big cities where bass speakers are often present on public transportation and other places. Shuts off the ring devices and alarms. My neighbors jam on guitar at max volume. too bad he's the landlords nephew or my response to him would be DEAL WITH IT. A Jammer can only jam so many frequencies at once. In fact, it may degrade their performance in the future. sometimes i wish i could destroy their stereo system Yep after 9 it's headphones. I'm not agreeing with your neighbors, but I wonder if the structure of the building you live in has to do with the poor noise insulation. He knew I work from home when I'm actually in the US and he purposely cranked it up all day. Wait until your enemy is having a day in. Lower the volume (or at least the bass) on your system to the point that your music is inaudible in your neighbor's apartment Turn your speakers off entirely and use headphones Limit your listening sessions to times when your neighbors aren't home Move to a single-family residence It seems exceptionally unlikely your neighbors are one of the few who have the experience needed to figure out how to jam signals, and manage to only jam that specific signal. Obviously, have the antenna further away from your speakers than they are to your neighbour's. So you can we're a squid game or anything that will cover your whole face ( Jason mask or any movie killer mask is good, nobody will suspect it) then just have a knife or the killers weapon but it's real (nobody will bat an eye because your pretending to be a killer) destroy the Jul 29, 1995 · IF YOUR neighbours hold all-night raves and play loud music in the dead of night, the way to get a good night's sleep may be to use the loudspeakers on your own hi-fi to eliminate the noise. Members share tips, tricks, and the latest soundproofing products and technologies, as well as provide support for those struggling with the negative effects of noise pollution. Jam to yourself with the recording software, or run audio in tandem. When aiming to damage speakers, a sign of success is when the speakers sound muffled. Now sit back and watch them disassemble their speaker in search of the offending noise. They can pursue a nuisance claim against your neighbors. Bass travels So I'm living in the dorms and my cumbucket of a neighbor likes to turn his speakers up too loud. I started digging out the old PA and placing speaker stacks in front of the open windows on the neighbors side. Your neighbor will undoubtedly become upset over this. Or you could go to your nearest liquidation place and pick up a bunch of the cheapest big drivers you can find. Allow me to add to this perspective perspective by shedding light on the harsh reality of being trapped in a low-income area that is plagued with a high population density, coupled with an ongoing rent crisis, and an abundance of unscrupulous slumlords. White Noise Machine • audio·phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. Does your building have a Facebook page or something like a community notice board? When my new neighbors decided to become more fit during the pandemic and get a thread mill, I spent a couple of weeks trying to understand why the fuck are my dishes and glasses rhythmically vibrating at 10PM every night…. It blocks me from connecting to my cars speaker and i have a 36h trip ahead of me. Theoretically, if you jam the Bluetooth frequency, it should disconnect through interference. Bluetooth wasn’t good at dealing with RF noise in older generations but does quite well now. If your neighbor says 7 that's probably not their "right" but I'd comply at least most of the time. The Best 4 Ways to Block Neighbors Security Camera Audio. He flattened tires and cut the fence so my dogs w get out. Spoke to the dude and he told me to go buy earplugs and f off. Affordable. That didn't stop any of this the first few times. I’m pretty sure there is a video about it on YouTube. Since we moved in we would hear his signal through my computer speakers. Or, OP and their family talk loud, or leave windows open, and their neighbor hears them Aug 22, 2024 · How To Hijack A Bluetooth Speaker Using A KNOB Attack? Hijacking a Bluetooth speaker, while possible, may not be straightforward. Crap old things from flea markets. My neighbor broke my ring camera twice in similar outfits and continues to harass and make my life a living hell and the police still did nothing about it this is so frustrating what should I do 0:15 Hopefully, some advertisements can be made in the future to make it "cooler" or healthier than them needing to think blasting their speakers is the way to go. The buyer ultimately sued him for $50k and was awarded $11,000. I dont want to hack it, or to "sniff" it. We could hear clearly what he was saying some days but not others. Sep 23, 2024 · Another way to jam a camera is to use reflective surfaces, like mirrors or CDs, to reflect light back at the camera and wash out the image. This usually means Feb 9, 2020 · The first and most crucial step is to operate a device that emits the same frequency as the device you’re trying to jam. Jun 7, 2024 · The noise itself is similar to the sound which resonates when a cellphone is put close to a speaker, and the sound goes away once the neighbor turns down the volume. Yes, it's possible, and also VERY illegal. I emailed the apartment manager again a few nights ago and sent her a video of the noise to show how loud it is. Jan 13, 2025 · Pros and Cons of Bluetooth – Is it worth having. Helps with the acoustics in the room but dosnt do anything for stopping audio escaping the room/apartment. Instead they're just gonna go for your neighbor who doesn't have a security 11 votes, 13 comments. Signal jammers are the easiest way to do this, but it’s also useful to know how to jam a Bluetooth signal with Android phones and other devices. You fight fire with fire and have your own speaker set up by the window, compete with them and assert your dominance. Placing the speakers on separate stands and isolation pads solved the problem 100%. In this case, how to reduce bass noise from Neighbors. (e. it doesn't just blindly disconnect everything in range. A general rule of thumb is that if you can hear your stereo outside your closed door, your neighbors can too. He had speakers mounted in his backyard blaring music all day long. 9 Pros: It is wireless. These are few tips to follow; Talk to Your Neighbors • audio·phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. The stands themselves had foam where the speakers sat on them. My working day started at 6am so I started getting up at 5am, just a few short hours after he went to bed and started my day blasting opera on my stereo. You can hack a Bluetooth speaker using Android, iPhone, or Linux. The antenna is 20ft away from our house and we rent. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. Thanks for the reply. Less power consumption. A subreddit for stories of annoying neighbors. Jul 2, 2010 · If your mobile/cell phone goes off near your TV or Stereo while they're on, you get that horrible buzzing sound through the speakers. This is why people who use jammers tend to get arrested, because they unintentionally jam a lot of other signals and then people complain stuff doesn't work and it's Ive heard that spotify will automatically start a jam when connecting to a speaker but in my case Ive never once connected to a speaker nor do I have blutooth on. An alarm clock hit with a hammer at a random time. I’ve heard of a guy that found a way to tamper his way into his neighbors speaker from their own house and straight up turn it off. Kidding aside, our neighbors always have loud videoke sessions, what I do is sing along with them on the top of my lungs out the window. Use audio tracks that are bass and kick-heavy for this kind of testing. I always tried to have at least two walls in between the neighbors. Speakers are very inefficient devices. Voodoo books. You are welcome to enjoy your home as long as that enjoyment doesn't detract from your neighbors enjoyment of their home. Bookshelf speakers with some dampening pads will work just fine. If they won't help you at all in with the little neighborly request, then it's time to take things more seriously, but at least give that a try. They told the office we were harassing them and they’re just walking around upstairs and that’s what the noise was and when we showed the office Ohhhh noo the vibration during the day time or foot steps. So I live in a 2 bed 1 bath apartment and I’m on the top floor. I personally find the whole situation of disabling the speaker to be a little troubling — this just seems to indicate usage that would be used for targeting vehicles and stalking. Get the biggest set of speakers (Max base), point them towards the enemy, queue up macarena, crazy frog, rickroll and singing budgie. This sub is so damn delusional it is insane. Headphone amp as others have said, I love my mustang micro. , at 7 a. g. For future reference, I got this to work playing the same music on two different speakers (using two different spotify accounts) including casting to a smart tv speaker by turning off the toggle to allow others to play on that speaker, turning on bluetooth on both devices, joining the jam via a link and then selecting to play on my second device. neighbor using their oven for heat to avoid an electric bill, someone grilling on the rooftop, or on a balcony below your window, etc) • audio·phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. This is going to affect your property value when you sell. This is all theoretical as I've never jammed someone nor have I been jammed. If the city isn’t taking you seriously, I’d try to recruit other neighbors to file noise complaints too, if the noise is bothering them. Doing so I luckily haven’t had any issues. One night in Rolla, MO. I’m willing to shell out about 100-200USD just to get back at them. Yes they could have a bunch of radios built into one with wide channel spread, but they still are not jamming the entire spectrum, so the easy solution is to find a channel not being jammed. There are three main Bluetooth frequencies, each with multiple channels. Place speakers as far away from neighbours as you can Listen to as many as you can and pick the ones you think sounds the best. Highly illegal though. I had a similar problem with a neighbor in a new luxury building in NY. If he is snooping, more likely to be using a distance mic or something similar. As much as I would like to have a few friends over to jam out full volume on drums, bass, guitar, vox, keys, etc. He would drop pool balls on the concrete floor at random times throughout the night. You can work with the neighbors at afternoon or morning hours for this. My neighbor has a music studio that we will hang out in and play some stuff, but I can never get the real jam part going. But the neighbor above me takes noise to the next level and plays drums from 9-11am then 2-4 and lastly Still, if it gets loud, you'll be heard. I've heard a CB radio will interfere with speakers if the aerial is close enough to the stereo or speaker. My neighbor with blast their speakers 24/7 at almost max volume. I used to do that to come up with melodies or whatever parts that fit that particular jam track, and then build up a song from that. I currently have a pair of Audio Engine A5 sitting on top of these foam isolation pads. So I called the cops. The thing is Ive turned my speakers down extremely low to try and keep their wishes in mind. I've never done anything illegal but on Halloween night they are most likely with their kids and not at the store. Oct 30, 2022 · Also, the dome cameras make loud audio when the camera lens zooms in and out to capture more details and cover wide spaces. He's got a 60 foot antenna sticking out of the top of his house, and several large ones on his vehicles, so I'm fairly certain this is my guy. There was a next-door neighbor that would sit next to my wall and shout the newspaper to his wife because she couldn't read English (sweet, but loud). All speakers I have ever seen require pairing. I don't understand why suddenly they are so loud because this was not a problem before. Their house was about 250 feet away from mine. m. In the 1980s I went next door to see my neighbor, who proceeded to get high and crank this at a shocking volume. Many neighbors get mad about cameras watching them, despite outdoor privacy being a thing of the past in this modern day & that should just be accepted by all. I also had a problem with a noisy neighbor in a house. A Reddit community focused on soundproofing provides a platform for individuals to discuss effective ways to reduce unwanted noise in their homes or other environments. I’ve also heard of some type of technology that can cancel vibrations in your walls, making your whole room sound quiet despite the neighbors loud music. At the distance I'm guessing your neighbors are, even if the flipper had the functionality, it's radio would be far too weak to actively jam Bluetooth in any effective manner. The "headphones" idea may be unpleasant, however, or create a very "closed in" feeling. To block annoying neighbors music? Need a blocker to block music from next door playing loud music on Bluetooth speakers. Also you can jam to your favorite songs even if they're "completed songs" and come up with ideas on top of that song to create your own later. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 8 votes and 27 comments Jan 1, 2024 · initiate the tone generator, generating an incessant 10 Hz pulse, then amplify the AM signals by unleashing a disruptive 10 kHz electrical pulse through your neighbor’s speaker, resulting in damage. I have a nice used NAD amp as my tv speakers, but my shitty neighbor’s kid who has stolen from me, slashed my tires and graffitied my house, keeps joining my amps Bluetooth and blaring some Mexican-politics podcast or some shitty metal music. I’m scared to death. I've fiddle around with a few bluetooth jamming apps I found on Github but they don't seem to work at all. Blasting the baby shark song back at him would only annoy other neighbors. As the name suggests, a stop speaker jammer is a device that will stop your neighbors speakers from playing music as long as their stereo has an active Bluetooth functionality. How To Jam A Bluetooth Speaker With Android Or iPhone Escalate The Attack. Crappy neighbors suck. Compatible. And I find a gps in my van. Play over headphones or run it to speakers. Carries low interference. I have an annoying neighbor who constantly blast his bluetooth speaker late at night at max volume. I'm not about to listen to this shit all night. Or get an audio interface and daw to use headphones. It sounds better than real life and I can play at 2am with the baby sleeping next door and no one can hear me. It depends on the construction of the building. Worse, another neighbor on the other side didn't like that so he mounted his own speakers to have a noise war. I have a big voice and I know that my neighbors can hear me singing so I rarely sing anymore which breaks my heart because I have been singing my whole life and want to get better but since I can only sing in the car I’m having a hard time improving and finding the time to practice. Needless to say, it had quite an effect on every living creature within 150 feet. I'm trying to sleep when I hear from the neighbors for the night, "Oh daddy, make love to me daddy". also in the UK. So I have a DECO mesh system from tplink (XE75) and i'm currently on channels 160mhz channel width and am sitting on channel 36, my neighbor's wifi is interfering with mine as congestion level is "medium" after running a test, the neighbors wifi keeps interfering with mine by using some of the channels mine is, so i'm long for ways to stop their signal from interfering with mine. If so, ferrite cores might not help (or may need to be on the power cord). Edit: Ah, now I get it. There was an upstairs neighbor that was a terrible pool player. My neighbors are mostly quiet and respectful. I used to live in a super old building (like 60 years old), and I could even hear and feel my downstairs' neighbors footsteps, as well as pretty much every little noisy they made in their daily living. Jam over teams meetings. Apr 6, 2023 · Jamming is illegal. I complained and nothing happened. People will rage when they get killed and call the number to complain that they killed them. Click fire, and go to the beach for a day. While it seems hard to block neighbors security camera audio or video but thanks to our team who figure out some tested ways that can get your task done. Interested in this as well. Said they had it setup for 1 weekend they were gone and when they came back they took it apart before management came to investigate. Please use the report button to report serious assholes but try and have a thick skin at the same time. A friend of mine had a noisy neighbor, and though he disclosed that there had been noise complaints, he hadn't made clear exactly how bad the neighbor was. While not necessarily a foolproof method, this can work in some situations. Practice will be key, but not sure what I should be learning first outside of some pentatonic scales. This required frequent hotel stays. When asked to quiet down, he grins as if he's not taking me seriously; he's kept the same song on repeat up pretty loud and leaves the room for extended periods of time, either waking me up or leaving me to memorize the goddamn beat, especially since he likes shitty rap and dubstep. 8. But it would likely be the quietest for your neighbors, because you can have the volume at the lowest level. Helps if you can point the speakers towards an outside wall. true. 5. What is weird is these aren't new neighbors--whoever is renting has been living there for a few months. When I lived in an apartment I had speakers on stands and the stands on a piece of 3/4" foam. Below is a video that shows how you can create a speaker jammer to jam your neighbor’s stereo. Definitely rip the speaker out. • audio·phile: a person with love for, affinity towards or obsession with high-quality playback of sound and music. I Dec 15, 2020 · We’ve all dealt with annoying neighbors who keep listening to music at a high volume, even in the early morning and thanks to their Bluetooth speakers, whist have became a must in most modern homes. Now i cannot change the my audio device and can not connect to my car. Feb 6, 2016 · It seems [Kevin] has particularly bad luck with neighbors. You can test volume levels outside the room with a TV or stereo, with the speaker set in place of the amp. together (not that I actually have enough friends, let alone musician friends to pull this off), I'm stuck in an apartment for the foreseeable future and do not wish to cause any trouble by disturbing my neighbors with loud music. They are complaining that they can hear the bass from my speakers. He came home when the bars closed and blasted country music. Any wifi scanner would show a huge spike across all bands if someone is attempting to jam you, possibly. The mechanical vibrations went very far, even on low volume. Enjoy life panels wont do anything in this situation. . If the speakers are something like powered satellite speakers for a surround system, they might help (I believe the cores would need to be placed as close to the speaker as possible). Recently, my downstairs neighbor (I live on the 3rd floor) has started banging on his ceiling whenever I play piano too loud. I never had a noise complaint, however I was very careful with volume and bass. They usually quiet down after that. My neighbors tell me they love my music and my sound system. I’ve taken the BT antenna off, changed the device name, but I’m unsure what to do. I always immediately stop, but I still feel bad because I love to play loud and hard, but I don’t wanna disturb my neighbors. Even large bookshelf speakers with 6½" woofers. Try and be nice here and keep it civil. Any of those things, from a neighbor's unit, coming through the walls or ventilation system. A subreddit dedicated to hacking and hackers. Whenever their neighbor played something and the db reached what they found out to be the city "limit" they would blast back an ear pitched tone right back at the neighbor. Hello since radio jamming signals is forbidden in my country and I am forced to work in a truck with colleagues listening to xenophobic radio between gardening sites. com/workshopDo you have noisy neighbors and need a way to keep the sound out of your house or a Our upstairs neighbors ratted themselves out because we wrote them a note to ask them to not play music on their speakers at 5am loud enough from the bedroom so they can hear it from the bathroom. Talk to other neighbors and see if they hear/feel the noise. Paper thin walls and entitlement don't make good neighbors but unsecured bt speakers make for fun time. I've got a neighbor a few houses down and around the corner from me, and over the past year I've been picking up what I assume are his radio transmissions over my computer speakers. I'd like to do something like that. ^This. Oct 18, 2024 · 3. Had this problem during apartment living. You need just enough volume to get the speaker to move a bit, which is like 1 on the volume. Get the speakers moving and then add dirt with pedals or preamp gain to taste. When kindness is not enough for neighbors to stop making noise, you can resort to a more assertive method. If they do have a jammer, depending on what kind it is, they may use it to jam the cameras signal. Even after words from council and police several times. Once they've helped you out of a jam, they will feel like real neighbors. even worse, a neighbor in a neighborhood where houses are all connected, and are basically built like shit with paper walls essentially. I used to be in a local band, still have the PA system. Aug 1, 2024 · To use an audio jammer, place it in the room where you suspect eavesdropping is occurring and turn it on. Jan 24, 2022 · FREE Soundproofing Workshop: https://www. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. The jammer will create background noise that makes it difficult for listening devices to capture clear audio. I even had weird radio stuff on my radio one day. Imo, subs shouldn't be used with wall buddies. So I took a quarter out of my pocket, walked out the door, and tapped it on the window of the neighbors room. His first apartment had upstairs neighbors who were apparently a dance troupe specializing in tap. This means the speaker is mostly a resistor, which is a device that essentially does nothing but turn electrical energy into If you want to avoid being "that neighbor" then your options are limited mostly to things within your sphere of direct control. My apartment complex is quite noisy and you can easily hear your neighbors. But to add, I unfortunately usually just turn down the bass on my amp quite a bit to not bother the neighbors, especially being on the top floor. I've already tried asking nicely but it didn't work. Then you can have a little convo about the noise or something, and it won't be a big deal. Never played electric past 8 pm. Turning bass down would help a lot, as would decoupling your speakers and a thick rug even if you have carpets. Even if the Flipper could jam Bluetooth the devices will change channels when they sensed interference. Hello, I figured this would be the best place to ask for advice since y’all are all drummers and I don’t understand this hobby. On that note, I would suggest the purchase of a cheap "white noise" machine, or (if there is a computer with speakers in your bedroom) download a white noise track and set it on repeat when it's time to sleep. Yes, to both #1 and #2. soundproofyourstudio. cast 6 hrs of mozart to the tv with the loudest sound system right before bed time. His second apartment was a town house, … Recently my signal on all my electronics just dies, but only when he’s home, and they come back when he leaves, so I’m beginning to suspect he’s using a signal jammer, which I’m relatively sure is illegal. Alternatively you can use youtube to find jam backing tracks. Never heard from their neighbor again. In my area the noise level needs to be pretty quiet after 11pm. Fully automated. the fact that he's above you as opposed to below, and the fact that you don't have a sub leads me to believe he's a whiny bitch that will complain unless you are quiet as a mouse. techincally it could but the author specifically goes over how they target just the speakers Get wierd things (a bunch of old teeth or a rusty saw. I live in a student accommodation and I tend to work a morning shift on a Sunday morning every now and then but i struggle when I’m kept up all night… You are somewhere outside or camping and someone is blasting music with their Bluetooth speakers. Looking those up, the K series seems to start at over $600 (for the 8" model) or $799 for a 12". It's your world! Jun 9, 2022 · It’s hard to make peace with noisy neighbors, and bass noise from speakers is the worst. One would only hope that the neighbor actually lowers the volume, or this proceeding sound may very well backfire in your search for silence. My old methhead neighbors used to blast their music so loudly I could hear it over my television with the doors and windows closed. Stop Speakers Jammer. Tl;Dr Even if it was possible software wise, the flipper would burn itself out and make alot of (fcc catching) noise in the process. So, research those types of options and maybe invest in them for yourself in the meantime. Check out the local laws. It's a computer, it can do anything. some people will complain if they hear ANYTHING at all. I hear my neighbors karaoke nights, dogs, loud movies etc and I am okay with that. Our primary goal is insightful discussion of home audio equipment, sources, music, and concepts. But really, a letter from a lawyer may be enough to scare them into submission. That includes rumbling. Introduce yourself, let your neighbors know that the speakers are there, tell them you don’t want to use them if they’ll be an issue, and ask if they can arrange a time for you to try them out and visit next door to see how much it bleeds. then I realized there’s a thumping sound…every night for about 30 minutes (5k), then Any1 know how to disable Jam? Spotify decided it would be a good idea to remove the "connect" function and replace it with Jam. If you measure the DC resistance of a speaker with an ohmmeter, it will measure just about the same as the rated impedance. They are your neighbors, after all, and the neighborly approach can be made. Probably some POS Android throwaway trap phone at best. I've recently had new neighbors who keep complaining about the sound (They live above me). We run the same audio throughout the house for a few scenarios when you’re having a party speakers in several rooms playing at moderate volume let you hear the music & have conversations at the same time. Thus New neighbors would stay up all night, loud hip-hop music all the way until early hours of the morning. Starting to really piss me off that people on my wifi can just join my jam (even tho ive blocked their account btw) and start playing songs through my phone or xbox. And again in that case you probably should have a more robust system. The idea is to have an "electronic" jam room so I can play with others and also rock out in a non-sound considerate way when nobody is home. The fad right now among tweenagers is to set their Fortnite screen name to the phone number of someone they hate, go and play the game. If that’s not successful, the next step is to meet with an attorney. I think my neighbor is jamming my Wi-Fi w radio interference to help my abusive x rob my house. You can jam the wifi like someone said for the price of a capable SDR + antenna. My neighbor has been playing loud music early in the morning for weeks now, I don't know anything about speakers so I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a speaker I could use to get back at him. One night they stayed at it til 6 a. I highly doubt even a tech-literate neighbor is going to be listening to audio using a glass of water or potato chip bag. Ultimately, the best way to “jam” a security camera is to simply disable it. right but the way this device works is by targetting one specific BT device at a time (ie the speakers). They can’t hear anything right now. tcgvv tlsd mkret akcrqo iubmeuy pbwx lttal gfcve rww ejp zwzxx auqbd csiprn pje qbzztfbb