Is mouse and keyboard better than controller mw3. But I just started mnk again and had no issue.
Is mouse and keyboard better than controller mw3 In my opinion it's not even close, mouse is way easier. " As a PC and console gamer for most of my life, I definitely found aiming with a mouse to be better, but have frequently been frustrated with the digital-input of WASD for many, many games. Controller can’t keep up with people that have hit that skill level. Generally, the mouse is better than the controller, but the controller is better than the keyboard. I plugged in a controller just to see what’s up and found that all I had to do was aim in someone’s general direction and pull the trigger and I’d get the kill. Whilst controller analogue sticks provide better control of fine movements, a keyboard provides much quicker input. A 360 degree joystick is better than WASD, but the left hand on your keyboard has access to 30+ buttons easily in addition to the 4 being used for directional control. The thing is, 90% of gunfights happen up close, and they are more important since it’s much harder to reset. Side to side recoil and visual smoke and bad hit detection makes tracking inconsistent. The flip side of that, is that mouse and keyboard has the edge on games where your targets die quickly. On console, we are gifted aim assist due to controller over KBM. No controller-only player is as good as any mouse and keyboard player. It's an RPG; most of your damage is going to come from your gear, not from your skill, and you can level your gear through strategy and In the past 2 months since I've started, I've transitioned from controller, to keyboard/mouse, to the hori ff14 pad/mouse, to keyboard/mmo mouse, which is what I'm currently on. Agreed this guy is very good though, but as you can see, superior movement to console, superior graphics, inputs etc, but you never see controller users complain ;) Thus the "mouse and keyboard > controller" concept was formed. 000000 No problem. The thrustmaster joystick doesn’t have the firmness for fine control. 0k/d. just because the elite players know how to abuse it and make it look OP I spend hundreds of hours aim training, been practicing my aim for 25 years playing FPS games on mouse competitively, and some controller shitter who plays one hour a week is tracking better than humanly possible because he accidentally activated rotational aim assist. Switch your Input Device from Controller to Keyboard & Mouse. Watch a controller kiddie swap to mouse and try to go vs controller. . This is a 5 second clip, I bet you this guy whiffs a shit ton and the average mouse and keyboard player isn’t that good lmao. Definitely mouse and key now. May 14, 2024 · what is better to play on keyboard and mouse or controller mw3 #Cheaters #Aimbot #rebirthislandController vs Mouse and Keyboard in WarzoneIgnore Tags:call of ️ Clip Credits: https://www. 100% mouse. Yes, fights at close range have become incredibly easy, almost laughably so compared to what they were like on mouse and keyboard. Keyboard still for interact, modded visual modes and squad commands. So even if you know as a controller player you are way better than that guy, It doesn't matter. The reason why I’m here is because I’ve had people tell me to switch to mouse + keyboard because it’s better for this particular CoD. Keyboard is superior, I am 80x more accurate when going for any GC read attacks, and I NEVER have any input issues, but I don’t have time to learn it right now so when I lose because of the typical controller no-input bullshit I just deal with it and move on to the next game. It is possible, yes. Also sensitivity can be adjusted in most games. tv/its_iron ️ Make sure to check them out and support the creator! ️ Like and Subscribe for the best Warzone Clips & Mome I saw the video you’re talking about. For survivor it doesnt matter (unless flashlight a bit) just use what you are comfortable. From a stats standpoint it is looking like keyboard has the higher % of the leader board owned in both 1v1 and 2v2. The absolute top player in pure gun skill and movement will always be a PC player. Never really had this issue on mw2. So is controller 'better' than mouse and keyboard? Yes and no, but mostly yes. Only downside is it took me weeks and 8 maps on building and editing to perfect it. Advantages of Controller Oct 11, 2015 · Mouse and keyboard is objectively better than controller when it comes to competitive gaming. Mouse and keyboard has ALWAYS had a competitive advantage in all FPS games and they still do. ; Enhanced Precision: Experience smoother targeting and improved accuracy for all your favorite games. gg/0XOOV84HzkHz59HDChannel Don't have the space to use MnK, otherwise I would. you just gotta have the will to learn. I played controller for 12 years, just switched to mouse and keyboard in maybe late September-ish, it’s not the advantage you think it is. Curious if this was due to what type of mouse and keyboard you used, me and a friend played with the same Logitech keyboard and each a different Logitech mouse and we were both surprisingly satisfied by how close it felt to PC. For me, I came from the Console and have stuck to the controller since I could never get used to a keyboard and mouse. I think what people blame in aim assist is actually the crazy SBMM. My logic is that the aim assist on controller may allow you to de-prioritize certain aspects over others. But I just started mnk again and had no issue. I’ve been playing keyboard n mouse for a week and came back to controller. I’m back to using controller a lot as I hold my newborn while I play and the thing I notice the most is that it’s hard to change directions, especially for jumps. Raal is crazy. It will come naturally with practise. Won some matches and lost some matches Gyro does do a massive amount to bridge the cap between controller and mouse/keyboard though. AA won't make a new player necessarily good but AA will make a competent player seem better than what they are and that is the crux of the problem of the AA controller player vs mnk player. The settings listed below are applicable to all players using the said peripherals. RPK obviously. Essentially with MnK you'll obviously have faster and more precise movement, but with controller you'll have the help of aim assist which is pretty good in this game. At the same time, gyro can bring things to the table a mouse and keyboard can't, such as 3D movement. A mouse allows for infinitely more control over your aim and recoil especially at long range. Warzone on console is definitely better with keyboard and mouse, all other fps are pretty much perfect with the controller. Do you get more control over sensitivity of the stick? I use a controller in my left hand and a mouse in my right, the controller is just more comfy and easy on my old man hands than a keyboard. Return to Multiplayer or Warzone and start a match. A few days later, and I'm doing even better than that. I played titles on and off but by the time I played infinite warefare I was able to drop a few nukes in that game on controller. I started Warzone 1 with mouse & keyboard, having never played a FPS with a controller before. As for which one is better in xdefiant, I can't tell you that since I prefer MKB and have never tried controller. Same thing in WZ, I literally won my first game with a controller plugged in. Oct 8, 2024 · Seize the upperhand with these best mouse and keyboard settings in MW3 and Warzone. Reply reply I played cs source and 1. There is still too much visual noise with M&K to play the game. I think that keyboard and mouse will give defininly give u a higher ceiling. It can remap keys to a controller, so they'll still be keyboard inputs. I've used both controller and keyboard/mouse on Xbox. My main question is, will this skill increase transfer if I use controller on PC? Or is the perceived skill increase due to everyone using the controller which is inferior to keyboard and mouse? I was performing better on PC than i do on console. If you were good, you would kill them. Nov 13, 2023 · The endless debate rages on for gamers as to whether or not Mouse and Keyboard is the superior method over a controller, especially in a game like Modern Warfare 3. But I still use the mouse to aim. Aim assist won't do much if your enemies can constantly aim to your head with k&b or if they can move around really quick and flick you. This game is unplayable with mouse and keyboard. I tried playing on Xbox this weekend and did significantly better with the controller than with keyboard and mouse. It’s no mystery that controller players Jan 30, 2024 · Call of Duty fans want to know whether they should use a mouse and keyboard or on ALM3. Controller players can’t replicate M&K movement and it’s much easier to control recoil and be more accurate with a mouse than it is to do it with a controller. I’m probably going with the Logitech with 11 programmable buttons and map all the right hand button of the controller to the mouse. No, the Aa conversation is hugely overblown by absolute clowns that are no better than beginner bots. The days of "mouse and keyboard are better than controllers" are over. Open comment sort options Advantages of Mouse and Keyboard. In order to be a viable replacement for Mouse+Keyboard, the Controller+Keyboard needs to add a significant number of extra buttons to either the controller, the keyboard, or both. Keyboard and mouse is more accurate than controller When you got quick scoped doesn't mean they all use kb/m. The game just needs to be designed with this in mind. While they both take plenty of skill, a good controller player will not miss once the first shot hits (up close). Good controller players are good with inferior mechanics, PC players are good because of better tools are their disposal. I'm 1000x better skill wise on mkb than i am on controller but kill people way faster on controller anyway. This is stuff like core or hardcore call of duty, pubg, or rainbow 6. you should be able to plug an xbox controller into any windows pc and use it as long as the game you're playing allows controllers, which almost all do now since it's easier for people with arthritis and other accessibility issues. I feel like movement is alot easier on keyboard and mouse and with zombies being strongly dependant on movement, getting good at keyboard and mouse could dramatically improve your playing. I swear they have some kind of strange d- sync with controller players as well . Read on to see the advantages and disadvantages of both parties. I played on controller since COD4, but I actually switched for MW2 and WZ2. Unpopular opinion - players on a controller are far more skilled than PC players. Hope you enjoyed the video, make Keyboard - whether it's a normal pc keyboard or even special arcade keyboard (i believe they are called hitboxes) (not the stick, that's important!) - is better for one simple reason - you are using at least 3 fingers for directional inputs, while on the controller it's always just one. Dont just dismiss things as gatekeeping if you cant contribute your own comparisons to a discussion. I had always played on a controller for many years but made the switch to mouse and keyboard about one year ago. When up against a keyboard and mouse player , no d-sync issues at all . Launch Warzone. In this guide, we cover the mouse, keybinds, and gameplay tabs, ensuring you have all the essential settings to enhance your gaming experience and performance. There's truth to both of these sides. Interestingly, this issue doesn't occur in Overwatch 2, and when I switch to using a Dualsense controller in MW3, everything works fine. com/Myth_- https://tiktok. (You lose aim assist, for Jul 11, 2021 · Some of Call of Duty: Warzone’s best mouse and keyboard pros have weighed in on the input debate, with star player HusKerrs explaining why he thinks controllers are better for Warzone. On average skill levels controller beats Mouse and Keyboard, Not only that but its ALOT more effort to play with mouse and keyboard over controller. I've seen alot of controller players lately flicking pretty fast on to people though. Long Range Precision: A player equally skilled on a controller as they are on mouse and keyboard will not obtain the same level of long range precision with a controller as they can with a mouse. Jul 24, 2024 · After seeing so many arguments online about the benefits of Mouse and Keyboard and Controller, I decided to give Mouse and Keyboard a go for the very first t Oct 10, 2023 · Playing both inputs in the PS5 MW3 beta---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 29, 2023 · MW3 expert TrueGameData revealed why players on keyboard and mouse (KBM) are missing more shots than they think, and the answer will surprise you. KBM is easier imo to learn, and controller at the same level is arguably better than KBM. Xbox and Windows are both microsoft products. It’s tough, but it’s not impossible, proven by many skilled joystick players having mastered the art of precise aiming. There may be certain builds that can benefit from a controller but its definitely not a So when you are getting sht on by a controller player, just know they are better at using a controller than you are using a mouse. Sep 25, 2023 · Controller vs keyboard and mouse: is keyboard and mouse better than controller. Devs admit it, pros admit it. Mouse & keyboard players complain about Aim Assist being "overpowered", controller players complain that mouse & keyboard players are much faster and find it "unfair". It’s been nerfed hard in MW3 man. If you are really good on controller but somebody way less skilled waits in the corner, pressing his left stick into it, he will just automatically track you when you come around the corner. More reality here: most COD PC players get mad when someone uses a controller. The PS Nav controller is basically half a Playstation controller smaller than a wiimote. Also the mouse and keyboard synergise better so your movement become much easier, more fluid and faster than with a controller. Trust me with practise you can do it too with controller. I played on controller for the PS5 open beta just to try and back then I never felt anything crazy with aim assist. If I played it for a few days i could significantly outperform what I can do on console. No it does not need to be nerfed. Upsetting Using a a keyboard means you can use all of you fingers as inputs, and using a mouse to control your view is better since your hand has better fine motor control than a single thumb. But what's always bothered me was the "keyboard" part of "mouse and keyboard. Tertiary weapons (5+6), targeting and torso twist and jumpjets on throttle. Awesome this is the answer I was looking for but I noticed you said an extra mouse I thought all I needed to do was plug my kbm in and a controller and it works can you help me understand this a little better if not that's ok but thanks for the information you shared with me anyways! Ngl bro just sounds like you don’t know how to play controller, there’s a reason all the best in the world use it and are switching to it lol. In short, you can only go so fast on controller with fine aim but kbm can go so much further than that scale so if you have settings already to act as a place to start, that is just as good as controller setting then kbm is the better option but that’s only if you can play faster than controller on max settings already and still have fine aim Controller is better up close, mouse is much better at long range. Like they just want people on controller for competitive. Could be a combination of favorable genetics, aptitude to learn, and skill. It plays good on controller but gyro, easily trumps controller and feels better than a keyboard and mouse because how Gears controls on MnK. Maybe my controller settings are wrong but yeah keyboard and mouse feels way better than it did in mw2 22 Aim assist is completely fine but a lot of games make that shit way to strong and that’s when the complaints come in. Turn on your Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S; Plug your mouse and keyboard into the Xbox’s USB ports; Wait for the Xbox to recognize the mouse and keyboard ; Use the controller to navigate the menus Is keyboard and mouse better than controller? Archived post. The aim assist, just assist you so well, that when you learn to recognize the aim assist trigger timing with your sensitivity, theres just nothing better than that. Controller is also just more consistent than mouse. MAK is easier, it has a higher skill ceiling than controller but that doesnt matter because no one has reached it yet. Honestly, I’m doing a lot better in modern warfare 2 using a mouse and keyboard than any of Mw19, Cold War, and vanguard (especially vanguard). It’s just so hard to enjoy keyboard and mouse nowadays. I think emulating a mouse with the stick is going to give you issues. MW3 launched and I found myself losing almost every fun fight and could hardly keep a 1. Don't waste your money. Feb 9, 2024 · This dude continues to comment on a ton of my videos because I play on ps5 and use controller so here is a video about it. If you use a 3rd Party device to get keyboard and mouse to work, you’ll still get that aim assist gift. The 150 dmg and inconsistent hit reg makes it near impossible to hit someone moving at a distance, the massive flinch makes it seem like I flicked my mouse completely off my mousepad. Sure its there but nothing to whats being said. This makes executing advanced movement much easier on keyboard. Was enjoying the newer MW titles on PC and even was one of the few that really enjoyed MW2 and claimed often that I dont mind the Controller aim assist as the TTK was los enough that the initial aim was the winning point and I had no problem facing controller players. It feels like every cod game that comes out nerfs MnK further and further. Faster reaction time: A mouse allows for faster flick shots and quick adjustments. Why Choose Controller Aim Assist? Seamless Integration: Works flawlessly with controllers and translates Aim Assist to mouse and keyboard setups when needed. Short Answer: im def 100x better on keyboard and mouse than when i was on controller. There’s a significant difference between your average kb&m player and some of the highest SBMM kb&m lobbies. If your life depended on a 1v1 between the best controller player and the best mouse and keyboard player you're picking controller every time. I will say this, three years ago, I played mnk for valorant for less than a year so I do have some muscle memory. I'm a first time COD player who is learning the ropes of this game. 000000 to 280. twitch. Usually, I would As someone who has played with both, I'd say it really depends on your experience with it. The median controller player had accuracy similar to a top 100 keyboard and mouse player. Sorry to do this after 2 years, but I didn't see anyone else mention in the comments. You have so, so much better control and precision in an fps with mouse + keyboard. The 20 hertz servers don’t help things either . controllers, with aim assist being the centr I'm excited for the controller and will use it for lazy farming and obviously when I play on the switch but using a mouse and keyboard will always be better for a high level of play. See, statistically mouse and keyboard will usually get to their target faster than a controller player. Many fights in Warzone are in the 50m range and so many people will pick controller over MnK as that leaves more room for errors. I performed way better than everyone in the lobby. The game or computer keeps thinking that I’m trying to use both a controller and a mouse at the same when I’m not even touching the mouse. For example: I have the left bumper on the controller mapped to "F" thanks to JoyToKey. Even though a controller is no better (and is arguably worse) than keyboard/mouse, they'll somehow act like the controller gives you an edge. Mouse and Keyboard and Controller in Halo MCC is the most balanced in the entire series. See a lot of mouse and key players switch to controller, but never see any go the other way, Xbox allows mouse and key input…. Plugged my mouse and keyboard in to play mw3 and i did worse than on controller i think mostly because the game is so movement based. Hell even MW2 with lower TTK felt better with mouse and key. played PC for years and I much prefer it to a controller. Keyboard and mouse are drastically different then controller. Controller is easier to move and aim assist helps so much but you lose the agility. The Problem: I'm facing severe input lag in Modern Warfare 3 when using my keyboard and mouse (wasd not working, or keeps on moving after releasing the button), but only after playing for about 5 minutes. 9 out of the top 10 ranked 1v1ers are keyboard and 10 of the 10 top Were as with a controller, you can play at <90% and the assistance makes up the rest. I’m just speechless from it. After like 2 months on mouse and keyboard I was better than I ever had been o That's awesome. Controllers are now massively favored because of the strong Aim Assist. Glad it's working out for you. Keyboard and Mouse has been a battle for as long as I can remember AR/LMG tbh they all feel pretty shitty on mkb compared to controller. Apr 14, 2022 · Controller vs Mouse and Keyboard in WarzoneIgnore Tags:call of duty,cod warzone,call of duty warzone,warzone controller,aim assist,warzone is controller or k See what you can do with a PS Nav controller an app called ReWASD. That's just an objective fact. Previously in majority of distances b/c of AA controller was better for sniping. this is unheard of, even the tutorial fight was undoable with controller Reply reply SebbyWebbyDooda I was having trouble hitting shots and was like well let's try keyboard and mouse and did 2x better then what I was doing with controller. com/@myth- https://instagram. Title. IMHO the best way to use a stick is to use it in your left hand for analog movement, and a mouse for aiming. So I feel you there. So there's always a debate between controller and mouse & keyboard players. Gears is playable on keyboard, but its controller desgin focus is evident. Some people say the archery is better with the mouse, which makes sense, but I haven't really had issues with it, especially after Archery lvl 5. If you are grabbing a controller I recommend the Xbox Elite controller it has paddles and adjustable joysticks and trigger tension along with the Xbox Wireless Adapter better than Bluetooth as this reduces latency The problem is on controller vs controller too. Long Answer: Well heres my take, i used to play on controller and i was pretty dam good. Ultra long distances like from top of prison verdansk VS HDR then it was MnK. Follow me for more over here!- https://twitter. Im a PC player but i played with controller for a bit a few days ago and my god i couldn't believe how easily i was hitting my shots considering I haven't played an FPS with a controller since 2016. Worth it thought. I also found this string inside MW3 config files, no idea wtf this does, it isn't present in MW2 configs, but i suspect Sledgehammer Games is messing with mouse and controller inputs for some reason. Controllers can't come close. It’s cheating however. We had a blast the entire weekend. Oct 18, 2024 · It's playable with mouse and keyboard. Tracking on a controller while some one is strafing is insanely precise and the rotation assist when your on top of each other is issue to deal with. take gta 5 for example, pretty similar game but controller is way better. Warzone is a little odd for some reason in that the aim assist for controllers seems to be light while on other COD games the assist works much more aggressively. Outside of dbd its game dependent, shooters mouse wins ez and fighting or racing games controller is better (but still not best as fight stick or race wheel are better) Its too bad the devs didn't really consider how different lock picking feels on the controller vs mouse, so I have to put the controller once in a while and switch to the keyboard. Some argue that a mouse and keyboard offer greater precision and faster reaction times, while others prefer a game controller for its ease of use and comfort during long gaming sessions. They get to accelerate at 100% speed with one press, there is no time needed to move their thumbs to full stick deflection like with a controller. So my questions are: If you play both controller and M+K, is it true M+K is easier to use for THIS particular CoD? Is there a difference between the TTK inconsistencies? Yeah it feels weird I feel like I lose way more one on one with controller players where they manage to “Connect” more shots than I do. Aim assist is just that I first started cod with mw3(og) and played controller. wonder why that is? Maybe its because aim assist is hella strong and given the ttk close range it’s absolutely an advantage over mouse and key. Just aim assist slowdown and 30 percent less recoil than mouse and keyboard . That was with basically zero shooter experience on PC. When I see a lobby that is purely keyboard and mouse, I know I’m in for a rough time. A mouse is simply more precise than a thumbstick. Mar 13, 2023 · Controller vs. I have "F" in my settings bound to "Reload". Dec 26, 2023 · Which is better Controller or Keyboard and Mouse? Which input is superior? Controller vs. The current 1 shot snipers are all without rotational aim assist that old kar(s) have. To use a mouse and keyboard in Warzone on Xbox One, you need to12: Connect a mouse and keyboard to your Xbox One using the front and back USB ports2. Once you get comfortable it feels so much better than controller. As well, I played ff11 strictly on controller. Overall this game is much more enjoyable on controller and feels much easier to play on controller from an aiming, movement and pushing playstyle wise. All the LMGs themselves aren't bad though. If you want to use a joystick as aiming device (or a game controller) you can turn on aim assist (not aviable with mouse). // Max yaw speed in degrees for game pad and keyboard YawSpeed:0. With thousand of hours of M&k i can barely replicate what i was doing with a controller. There are a few exceptions. As title states. I wish I could keep up on MNK in this game, but I can't see it happening, especially with SBMM thrown into the mix. Customizable keybinds: You can customize every key to suit your playstyle. Mouse just feels way, way better to me overall. You don't need to mark the screen. Rotational Aim assist is just a legal aim bot . Apr 10, 2024 · Personally I am fine with AA or Aim Assist but the bullet magnets?First clip will be shown a recording of a streamer with around 100k sub and at the time 1. A tier 1 controller pro is arguably better than a tier 1 kbm pro, because they have aim assist and double movement, and are still as skilled as kbm in every other aspect Overall: I know you hate this answer but your preference. I like to youtube guides for optimal setups, and it got me thinking that the best loadout for controller may not be the best for mouse and keyboard. Keep in mind I have only tested each for just over an hour and was using KB and M after using controller. I think it literally thinks that my controller is a mouse or something, but the controller still works in game. Hey all, just wanted to gather the thoughts of the amateur scrubs like myself. 000000" // 0. I’m using a HOTAS throttle with my keyboard and mouse. I would say unless you have an MMO mouse, controller is better thanks to the Expanded Cross Bar, but with an MMO mouse KB/M is superior, since there's no native rollover function in the game but having immediate access to your hotbars right on the mouse makes for comfortable play sessions. But again on PC, there are also so many cheaters. When the controller player on mouse loses every single firefight because they don’t realize at close range aim assist is damn near unbeatable when aiming manually, then we can talk about how stupidly broken aim assist is. I got it on discount on steam and got really into it on my lap top with MKB. Precision aiming: A mouse gives you superior accuracy, especially at long range. Its better to play on controller for sweaty movement Yes unless you are using a modded controller. Since, controller make use of mostly your right hand. Controller feels awkward now since I experienced keyboard n mouse. Aiming with a joystick on a controller, especially in high-stakes FPS battles, can feel like steering a ship through a storm. I personally try to play MW3 with controller and everything else: Halo, OW2 etc. Primary and secondary weapon groups (1-4) on mouse. Go to Settings – General – Input Device. Now that was the last cod title I played up until mw2 (new). Maybe I’ve just had that much practice on the platform, or because MW2 heavily rewards using underkitted guns and playing to the effective range of your kit (for controllers which lack recoil I agree with this. 6 for years so im pretty good with MNK. Will MW3 support Mouse and keyboard? is ps plus worth the subscription price to play other games with mouse and keyboard? I’m a long time pc user that’s switched to ps5 because pc doesn’t hold the value it used to. But it glitches everything out so I can’t even open the scoreboard or anything. Mouse and Keyboard Gamers often debate whether it's better to use a mouse and keyboard or a game controller to play video games. Controller Con's/Mouse and Keyboard Pro's. years ago. Share Sort by: Best. Feb 9, 2024 · IIRC Halo Infinite (at least around the first year) had so much aim assist on controller that the average controller player was statistically a tier above the average mouse and keyboard player. Gears 1 with gyro was phenomenal, outright bliss to the highest degrees. I have played controller for 10 years and just played my first 5 games of mouse and keyboard on mw3 ranked. 0 = "140. But with the longer TTK in MW3 the aim assist became a legit aimbot. with mouse and key still since I find all those games to be pretty reasonable to aim on. granted, when I did play on PC, crossplay wasn't a thing, so I can't say for definite that the majority of PC players are just grasping at straws with the aim assist argument. Jan 1, 2020 · Many pros, streamers, creators, and people in the gaming community continue to discuss the advantages of MnK vs. Controllers are however great for RPGs like Zelda and for racing games, keyboard + mouse is much worse here. However, Skyrim is not competitive, and it doesn't really have have much that could make it competitive in any way. com/Mythig_- https://discord. For clarity, I consider JoeWo in this statement too. Sniping and a couple scenarios where you can separate binds is the only advantage mouse and keyboard has. How to use mouse and keyboard on Xbox consoles. The precision that you get using a mouse and keyboard is unmatched. So today I decided to give mouse and keyboard a try for more context I've been playing console my whole life and tell recently I got a PC and decided to play warzone on mouse and keyboard and I discovered in most gun fights on a full auto weapon I was only hitting one to two shots while on controller I was hitting a lot more and it seems like controller lobbies are way sweatier So there's always a debate between controller and mouse & keyboard players. This is entirely because of aim assist. For killer mouse and keyboard, by a long shot. It was a welcomed change and I'm very glad I made the switch, dropping the controller completely in favor of mouse and keyboard. Yes, Xbox and PS5 players have an advantage over PC when it comes to competitive Call of Duty MW3, and it’s all down to your trusty controller. The problem is they have the built in response of a mouse and keyboard + whole arm is better than a controller + thumb which it is, but the actual comparison is: Mouse + Keyboard + Whole Arm vs Controller + Thumb + Inhumane reaction time Aim Assist lol. Since each button on the controller can be mapped to a key on the keyboard, I simply map a button on the controller to a key and bind that key to anything I want in the in-game key bindings settings. When you use and live by sniper, you can estimate where the reticle is. A year in, I dabbled with the controller but was still better with M&K. I was an above average player on mkb in wz1. Controller is better for the average person because they cant play all the time and controller requires less practice and training than MAK. I switched to controller and the difference was crazy. You feel so much faster. K&b is much better than controller if you are good. I far far far prefer to play against other PC players on controller. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Of course it won't, if it did they'd be using it. However you can't really use a mouse without a keyboard in 99%+ of usage scenarios so it's treated as a pair. Took me until Vanguard to make the switch, as I was just much more efficient with a controller, despite having a fraction of the gametime with the input. I just think the skill learning curve is way higher on mouse and keyboard over controller. Jul 30, 2024 · Here’s how you can use a mouse and keyboard to play Modern Warfare 3 on your Xbox or PlayStation. I’d say worse than Cold War when it comes to gun fights. I would say if the budget allows, experiment around and see what works for you. The only thing you can do with a mouse better is flick faster and turn on some one. Dec 11, 2023 · Many a PC gamer would die on the hill that the age-old mouse and keyboard is the superior setup for FPS games, and while that’s often the case, MW3 stands out as using a controller is the way to go. Shooting a free throw with two hands is better than one finger. but I do strongly believe it. They just need something to scapegoat their anger because you killed them. 7 MWIII still caters to controller scrubs that lack the fine motor control skills or desire to learn them. What is absolutely clear is that it takes WAY more dedication to have this kind of mouse control than using a controller. There is slightly more reticule friction when using a controller, which slows down your aim when on target, allowing you to make finer micro adjustments, however, the bullet magnetism and other aiming parameters are consistent across both M&K and Controller. Mouse and keyboard allows you to easily flick your crosshair for precision twitch shots, but tracking is much harder since you need to manually move your wrist/forearm at a consistent rate to match the targets movement speed. dnwimg qbchabkj gxkk jtrv htctgb txcqs tsgot jmke zmmszq ugbdk qwluwdv zxo kazxy xrs gnp