National anarchist forum. Sep 2, 2022 · Translator’s Introduction.
National anarchist forum Anarchism is stupid," then PLEASE don't even bother to reply to this thread. Na ANARCHISM (from the Gr. no need to get worked up about it. Not White Nationalism. Location: debunking commies on stormfront from 8am-11pm pst. [ As a prelude to a racial civil war and the collapse of the capitalist system, National-Anarchists seek to establish autonomous villages for völkisch communities If you're just going to say something we've heard a thousand times, like "Society can't exist without government. Na Quote: Originally Posted by Celtic Welsh Warrior The reason BANA wears masks in 'protests' is probably because they are all hired Mexicans. The “other” Nick Griffin is the head of the far-right British National Party, who by coincidence was brought to trial on charges of ‘incitement to racial hatred’ as the issue of GA hit the stands (ie well after the article was written). Hakim Bey's TAZ is a pedophilia concept. The re-positioning is both the result of and the Creator of some ongoing friction between 'Blood & Honour Australia' (B&H), the 'Southern Cross Hammerskins' and the 'Creativity Alliance' (CA) on the one hand and the 'national… Mar 5, 2024 · Forums. Our job is to offer you a vision of a brighter future. Forum to discuss the discrediting and dismantling of representative government, including the 2008 DNC, RNC and elections. I wasnt able to report it in the dev forum cuz of another issue. National-anarchists claim to syncretize neotribal ethnic nationalism with philosophical anarchism, mainly in their support for a stateless society while rejecting anarchist social philosophy. But if we wish real hard all National anarchism is a form of Anarchism that developed in the 90s that wishes to make humanity live in small tribes made up of people who belong to the same race as National-anarchism is a radical right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and racial purity. National Anarchism: Pedophile Influenced - Page 35 - Stormfront Dec 3, 2013 · National Anarchism? I am sure this subject has come up before, but I have been hearing more and more about National Anarchism, and I was curious as to how it is viewed here on Stormfront. Jan 11, 2011 · NATIONAL ANARCHISM: TROJAN HORSE FOR WHITE NATIONALISM Nick Griffin Green Anarchy No. This community is organised in a Q&As format with which to provide answers and tools for an early contact with socialist thought. It's like the internet inquisition. Oct 10, 2010 · I've just come across the following new group, which I believe is a new National-Anarchist entity founded by Troy Southgate: National-Anarchist Movement At face value it seems a very worthwhile venture, as as it is UK based and something I'm potentially interested in. their customers, employees, the people who live in the areas they operate in, or polute, or deforest or whatever, local communities etc etc The National Anarchist Federation's national animal is the Sabot-Cat, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests. S. You ask about implementing anarchism in real world projects? A place to discuss anarchism, an anarchist forum and community. Non-Sailing . comduardo-ro. One can be influenced by certain thoughts of a person while being in compl May 18, 2009 · This post is just going to be a breif rundown of all of Celtic Welsh Warrior's blatant lies on this thread, so far. No it’s total horseshit that’s always incompatible with Anarchism. [37] Preston, "Anarcho-Pluralism and Pan-Secessionism"; for his self-description as an NA "fellow traveler," see Preston, "Response to a Left He was anarchist but also an ukrainian nationalist. If, on the other hand, you want to point out valid reasons why National Anarchists cannot assist us in our fight against ZOG, please do so. FYI anybody that wants Forum; Tag Archives: The Center for a Stateless Society, for instance, originally claimed that I was a national anarchist, for instance (though has since removed Mar 14, 2012 · 1,853 words National-Anarchism: A Reader Ed. co National Bolshevik Party People's Will Volnitsa: Ideology: Russian nationalism Neo-Narodnichestvo Ultranationalism Third Position Revolutionary nationalism National syndicalism National anarchism National Bolshevism Right-wing populism: Political position: Far-right: National affiliation: Nation and Freedom Committee: Colours Green Black: Slogan Feb 27, 2010 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Feb 11, 2024 · [2007 note] This article was written for Green Anarchy magazine under the name “Nick Griffin,” which is obviously a pseudonym. Welcome to our group, which represents the North American face of the National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM), American Anarcho-Nationalism, Pan-Anarchism, Pan-Secessionism. May 17, 2009 · Quote: Originally Posted by PunksNotRed88 Damn, if only I knew it was that easy all along! Wait here comes one of them now: I have 2,345,767 posts Anarchism and nationalism both emerged in Europe following the French Revolution of 1789 and have a long and durable relationship going back at least to Mikhail Bakunin and his involvement with the pan-Slavic movement prior to his conversion to anarchism. Apr 2, 2006 · The BBC has described us as 'more addictive than nicotine', come share your thoughts instead of your facebook pictures! Scholars who have examined national-anarchism consider it to be on the radical right. Links to the sites Feb 25, 2010 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. There have been alot of postings on various, usually unrelated, threads about National Anarchism. General Anarchy Your non-sailing topics here. Tatar. You can also click the arrow down to view more articles: The Online Anarchist Federation is an autonomous collective with its own self-managed forum here: Anarchist Forum You can learn more about Apr 12, 2011 · National-Anarchism (or anarcho-nationalism) is an "anarchist" philosophy that combines nationalism and anarchism. Any anarchist forum websites I should check out? Have I just solved Capitalism? An investment company or companies, who's sole purpose is to buy shares in corporations on behalf of the people who's lives these corporations most directly affect. There has been a long history of anarchist involvement with nationalism all over the world as well as with internationalism. Na Jan 11, 2011 · NATIONAL ANARCHISM: TROJAN HORSE FOR WHITE NATIONALISM Nick Griffin Green Anarchy No. 19 (Spring 2005) Recently a man who hung out in Eugene around green anarchists started promoting the idea of National Anarchism. National-anarchists claim to syncretize neotribal ethnic nationalism with philosophical anarchism, mainly in their support for a stateless society, while rejecting anarchist social philosophy. Oct 3, 2010 · Once you have acquainted yourself with our position on various issues, you will find information relating to how you can get involved with the National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM). an and archos, contrary to authority), the name given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government – harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law, or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely constituted for Apr 30, 2009 · Opposing Views Forum For all our opponents who want to argue with White Nationalists. I'm afraid you're your own wo Mar 15, 2014 · The theories of Karl Marx that had appeared in the mid-nineteenth century, eventually came to fruition during the National Anarchist Movement. National Anarchism. org | PoFo May 13, 2009 · Quote: Originally Posted by Everdred You don't quite seem to get the point. com/watch?v=Gp6mpGj_asE&t=3410sKeith Prestons Website: https://attackthesystem. Location: New Swabia. From his Bitcoin advocacy to his clash with the ATF and Anarchism is a social movement that seeks liberation from oppressive systems of control including but not limited to the state, governmentalism, capitalism, racism, sexism, ableism, speciesism, and religion. May 5, 2009 · Quote: Originally Posted by mkate83 haha yes, i think me and you have had it out a little bit on that board. National Anarchist is also a portrait of a rebel and fierce opponent of the dictatorship of the time. There are some “National Anarchists” in places like Eastern Europe and Australia but they are almost always reactionary ,Xenophobic, and outright fascist groups that scapegoat every problem of capitalism towards migrants, refugees Disabled, mentally I’ll and other otherwise vulnerable and targeted groups. Replies 13K Views 3M. … Quote: Originally Posted by Celtic Welsh Warrior Hakim Bey's TAZ is a pedophilia concept. its asking for manual authenticator verification so u need to do it. So, if you dont know what National Anarchism is, Wikipedia will give you a quick summarize. charges that could lead to a 109-year sentence. Aug 21, 2009 · So when you visit the forum, you can keep up with the latest news from all around the world The feed is automatically updated as news are released. 11 votes, 141 comments. 3 (September 2005). Szerinte ezeken a vonalakon haladva a nemzeti-anarchisták elérhetik az "autonómiát a hányattatások közepette". This book, brimming with original ideas and practical remedies, is the ‘bible’ of a new and dynamic phenomenon that seeks to transcend the superfluous and obsolete This includes an introduction to anarchy, a news site for anarchists, a site where you can buy anarchist ephemera, a forum, an extensive archive of anarchist texts, a site for review essays and intelligent conversation, and much more. It describes them as coming from a variety of backgrounds but united in their opposition to globalism and support for local autonomy. just a little bit. The main ideological innovation of national National-anarchism is a radical right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and racial purity. http://bayareanationalanarchists. Join Date: Oct 2006. May 5, 2022 · found a bug when clicking on the monthly posts link, the ssl certificate is invalid. The anarchist critique of the ideology of the national is not simply based on internationalism — and this is one of the reasons why leftists find it difficult to understand it. National-Anarchism: A Reader edited by Troy Southgate 306 pages, Black Front Press (2012), $20 For two centuries people have looked for a way out of the political dichotomy that was created by the French Revolution, which set up the traditionalist party as a necessary opposition to the successful Revolutionaries. Oct 13, 2010 · Quote: Originally Posted by Tyndallite We don't NEED to show any evidence that every Liberal, Communist and Jew is plotting the extermination of the W Mar 13, 2007 · Forum Member . com/IdeoLogs twitter: https://twitter. Aug 28, 2022 · In this video I'll take a closer look at the meaning behind national anarchism, an ideology widely misunderstood by the majority of people. 'the pedophile origin and undercurrent of TAZ' Feb 16, 2009 · Forum Member . National-anarchism National-anarchism is a radical, anti-capitalist, anti-Marxist and anti-statist ideology. Unite for social revolution! From the workplace to the community and in all aspects of our lives, anarchism is about challenging authority and tearing down the unjustified hierarchies that it creates. This thread is about NA not the BNP. National Anarchism is an oxymoron since both 'National' and 'Anarchism' are contradictory/opposing terms. National-Anarchism echoes most strains of anarchism by expressing a desire to reorganize human relationships, with an emphasis on replacing the hierarchical structures of the state and capitalism with local, community decision-making. Celtic Welsh Warrior's Disinformat This article is specifically about the National Anarchist movement. His allegedly accidental death remains a mystery. Aug 6, 2009 · Then you came out and said that anarchism is illegitimate. This is National Anarchism Not Just Restricted To White People - Politics Forum. . [ As a prelude to a racial civil war and the collapse of the capitalist system, National-Anarchists seek to establish autonomous villages for völkisch communities SHH! THIS IS A LIBRARY! (forums) Librarian Picks; Other languages National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism — Nick Griffin Feb 11, 2024 9 pp. National Anarchists advocate for a stateless society composed of decentralized, ethnically or culturally-based communities with minimal government and an economy that meets local In the Philippines, Lino Brocka is a national monument: an artist-fighter against corruption and oppression who went to the barricades with masterpieces like Bayan Ko: Kapit Sa Patalim (1984) or Orapronobis (1989). The anarchist critique consists of two parts — the critique of the idea of the nation as an ideology and in the critical reassessment of the historical experience or National-anarchism is a radical right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and racial purity. National-Anarchism is a radical, anti-capitalist, anti-statist, right-wing political and cultural ideology which emphasizes ethnic tribalism. A forum for discussion on Immigrant Solidarity, Zapatistas, resistance in Oaxaca, Campaign in Defense of el Barrio, Plan Mexico, SPP, NAFTA. High quality sew-on National Anarchist patch 8x8 Cm - Patch is stiffened with special firm that increases its durability. Location: San Francisco Autonomous Zone, California. We are also putting the infrastructure into place for future anarchist projects and current anarchist opinion. Across the course of ninety of the most brutal and bloodied years in human history, the murderous communist experiment centred in London became just as hated and despised as its capitalistic twin in America. National-anarchism in the United States began as a relatively obscure movement made up of probably fewer than 200 individuals led by Andrew Yeoman of the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) based in the San Francisco Bay Area and a couple of other groups in Northern California and Idaho. I have typically been suspicious of any ideology that claims "anarchist" roots, as I associate it with leftist politics. 'the pedophile The term National Anarchist dates back as far as the 1920s, when Helmut Franke, a German conservative revolutionary writer, used it to describe his political stance. tried to fix it but couldnt log in on the CDN because of two-factor authentication. So why don't you back up what you are saying and tell me what your idea of illegitimacy is, why national anarchism is illegitimate, and then how you fulfill your own idea of The Algorithmic Anarchist (book) RSS Feed LastBuildDate Beautiful posters from Swedish antifascist movement Any comrades from India? 1-meetup group 2-political party Podcast on Anarchism Anarchist Books Please revise post May 18, 2009 · Quote: Originally Posted by Hobbit Yet again i see National Anarchists and their supporters avoiding the question. Jun 8, 2020 · SHH! THIS IS A LIBRARY! (forums) Librarian Picks; Other languages National Anarchism: Trojan Horse for White Nationalism — Nick Griffin Feb 11, 2024 9 pp. Jun 23, 2012 · Quote: Originally Posted by jbgramps For a look at modern anarchist ideals go to the Occupy Wall Street forum. First established in 1896 as the Free Anarchist Association, the Among the first advocates of national-anarchism were Hans Cany, Peter Töpfer and former National Front activist Troy Southgate, founder of the National Revolutionary Faction, a since disbanded British-based organization which cultivated links to certain far-left and far-right circles in the United Kingdom and in post-Soviet states, not to be May 29, 2009 · Although national anarchism in the U. Supporters claim that national anarchism is neither left nor right but is instead a syncretic movement that is 'beyond left and right'. I do have a major issue with it, the seeming reliance on people having to Nov 20, 2010 · NATIONAL ANARCHISM: TROJAN HORSE FOR WHITE NATIONALISM Nick Griffin Green Anarchy No. This is an interesting, enlightening, and autodidactic book. (A detailed Apr 29, 2011 · On the origins of National-Anarchism, see Graham D. A few years ago he had written a well-known essay from a green anarchist perspective, and he was a familiar face to many. Today at 1: National-anarchism is a radical right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and racial purity. National-Anarchist Movement (N-AM) FAQ summarizes the views of National Anarchists. Anyone can find this group. Feb 25, 2013 · To the opponents of national anarchists we are a bunch of disgruntled white male racists akin to the klu klux klan or neo nazis with typical simplistic propaganda smear themes and imagery. It's like saying "Democratic Slavery" or "Progressive Misogyny" or "Equitable Fascism" or stuff like that. Macklin, "Coopting the Counter Culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction," Patterns of Prejudice 39, no. The Apricity Forum: Classify Nestor Maknho: ukrainian national/anarchist. Nov 26, 2023 · These included Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones, Oath Keepers, David Icke, We Are Change, Tea Party members, National-Anarchists, Attack the System, the Pacifica Forum, American Free Press, LaRouchites, Counter-Currents, the American Freedom Party, American Front, David Duke, the American Nazi Party, White Revolution, and others. - Patch can be applied to any type of garment by sewing. Thank you. Aug 6, 2006 · Formed in 1996 by former National Front activist Troy Southgate, the National Revolutionary Faction (NRF) is a ‘national-anarchist’ groupuscule. "The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing; to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts. *International Film Festival Rotterdam 2023 – Cinema Regained Feb 11, 2024 · Although national anarchism in the U. NATIONAL ANARCHIST MANIFESTO INTRODUCTION by Troy Southgate. He believes in autonomous communes that should be run by a Mutualist (Socialism within a market economy) economic system in addition to traditional and Reactionaryism social views and should be segregated ethnically and/or Sep 2, 2022 · Translator’s Introduction. [1] Socialism_101 is a space for learning about socialism and the socialist perspective(s). Jun 23, 2016 · View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2016 Cassette release of "National Anarchist Samba" on Discogs. just a basic question. IT may sound hard to believe, but there was a time when ordinary people had Ebben az értelemben használva a kifejezést Troy Southgate (Anglia), Peter Töpfer (Németország) és Hans Cany (Franciaország) alkotta meg a nemzeti anarchizmus fogalmát, a ma már nem működő [[Nemzeti Forradalmi Párt] (National Revolutionary Faction) által, ami annak ideológiáját is meghatározta. - To meet your specific needs you can choose thermo hold or velcro backing. "National Cleavage Day" Trovão; Jun 23, 2015; 663 664 665. . A new film dives into Roger Ver’s fight against U. Troy Southgate London: Black Front Press, 2012 “That which is falling, should also be pushed” — Nietzsche, as quoted by Troy Southgate This is a very well organized book. Posts: 377 Quote: Originally Posted by Celtic Welsh Warrior Yet another Anarchist, one of the 20 on SF, marked as he comes to defend the Muslim Homosexual Pedoph National Anarchism: Pedophile Influenced - Page 3 - Stormfront Feb 25, 2010 · Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. May 18, 2009 · Ah yes, 'Chico' for Chicano, the Bay Area National Anarchist's Mestizo hero. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads. Quote: Originally Posted by Celtic Welsh Warrior Yet another Anarchist, one of the 20 on SF, marked as he comes to defend the Muslim Homosexual Pedoph National Anarchism: Pedophile Influenced - Page 3 - Stormfront Nov 2, 2019 · An summary of the political philosophy of national anarchism (developed by writers such as Troy Southgate and Keith Preston), its fundamentals, along with it Oct 23, 2010 · According to an anonymous source, there's been a recent re-alignment along the fringes of the fascist right in Australia. Page 28 of 63 « First < 14: 15 National Anarchism. html What else May 18, 2009 · Quote: Originally Posted by Celtic Welsh Warrior Ad hominems are used by those who have been defeated in logical debate. NATIONAL ANARCHIST MANIFESTO . Many true anarchists argue that the Nation is equated with the State and therefore this form is not real. Posts: 3,045 Re: National Anarchism. Anyone have more on the NA Movement? Quote: Originally Posted by mkate83 This is weird. Only reviews from users who have used this asset are shown Jun 23, 2015 · This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. by Troy Southgate "The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing; to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts. Nov 18, 2023 · In the Philippines, Lino Brocka is considered a national monument who waged a cinematic battle against corruption and oppression, directing over sixty fiction features between 1970 and 1991, encompassing both lost works and non-political narratives and revealing a multifaceted legacy beyond the political realm, until his untimely death in a 1991 car accident. However, what there can be is a free association of Anarchists people originating from the same region, like Kurdistan, and seeking to militate for their ideals among the population they originate from. This is a much needed book. However, it would be the writings of other members of the Conservative Revolutionary movement, such as Ernst Jünger, which would later provide the philosophical foundation of the contemporary National-Anarchist m Discuss and organize around anarchist concepts, principles, and actions. Na Aug 28, 2022 · In this video I'll take a closer look at the meaning behind national anarchism, an ideology widely misunderstood by the majority of people. Posts: 2,197 Organizing National Anarchist Networks 01-31-2009, 09:09 PM Feb 7, 2012 · NATIONAL-ANARCHISM: A READER is perhaps no different, in that it represents a fresh attempt to …both educate and inspire a new generation of disaffected young radicals. Jan 19, 2025 · National Anarchism, shortened to NatAn, is an economically third-positionist (opposed to both Marxism and Capitalism), Anarchist and culturally right wing ideology. While I don’t recall when I […] Mar 6, 2008 · Forum Member . Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. " -John Keats . See Anarchism and nationalism for general information about fusions of nationalist and anarchist ideas. In all, he directed over sixty fiction features between 1970 (Wanted: Perfect Mother) NATIONAL ANARCHISM: TROJAN HORSE FOR WHITE NATIONALISM Nick Griffin Green Anarchy No. In contrast to the International Third Position, the Apr 1, 2012 · There is no such thing as “Kurdish Anarchism”, no more than there is such a thing as Russian, Spanish or French Anarchism. Use this forum to begin brainstorming and discussing ideas for potential projects. 52 Insults Per Minute . Jan 2, 2009 · A Bay Area National-Anarchist (BANA) hálózat megvalósíthatónak tartja a nemzeti autonóm zónák (NAZ) fejlődését, és mint modellt támogatja is. remains a relatively obscure movement, made up of probably fewer than 200 individuals in BANA and a couple of other groups in northern California and Idaho, organizations based on national anarchist ideology have gained a foothold in Russia and sown turmoil in the environmental movement in Germany. Join Date: Dec 2006. The National Anarchist Star, or purple star of sovereignty, one of several Mar 30, 2011 · This is an interesting concept, the main source I can find is BANA. Well, I told you that in the natural sense it isn't so long as you can maintain yourself in your environment. " - John Keats IT may sound hard to believe, but there was a time when ordinary people had more Oct 19, 2013 · By Brett Stevens. The National Anarchist Federation is ranked 74,341 st in the world and 3,633 rd in The North Pacific for Rudest Citizens, with 54. youtube. Sep 15, 2024 · National anarchism (also known as anarcho-Nazbol) is a political movement that advocates replacing the state and capitalism with small-scale stateless societies as the most effective means of ensuring racial separatism and other aims of fascism. Quote: Originally Posted by PunksNotRed88 I know this is off topic, and I apologize for that, but are seriously trying to suggest to Slavic children w National-anarchism is a radical right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism, and racial purity. [3] [5] [6] [7] In his 2003 essay "From Slime Mould to Rhizome: An Introduction to the Groupuscular Right", Roger Griffin argued that national-anarchism is a segment of the groupuscular right which has evolved towards a "mazeway resynthesis" between "classic fascism, third positionism, neo-anarchism and new The National Forum of Anarchist Organisations and Movements (Spanish: Foro Nacional de Organizaciones y Movimientos Anarquistas) was a confederation of anarchist organisations that was prominent in Mexican politics during the 1920s and 1930s, notably establishing a confederal territorial entity that existed between 1921 and 1933. INTRODUCTION . 09-18-2013, 08:27 PM. Links to the sites Dec 25, 2011 · Official National-Anarchist Movement (NA-M) Facebook group NA-M Manifesto THIRD WAY: Forum Member . First-wave national-anarchists advocate that different ethnic and racial groups should peacefully coexist by developing separately in their own confederations of autonomous tribal communes within a post- Nov 7, 2021 · National-anarchism - Wikipedia National-anarchism is a right-wing nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnonationalism and racial purity. Oct 1, 2013 · National-Anarchism: A Reader edited by Troy Southgate 306 pages, Black Front Press (2012), $20 For two centuries people have looked for a way out of the political dichotomy that was created by the That London talk: https://www. Join Date: Dec 2004. The result is an exceptional gateway to a corpus that captures a vast swath of the Philippines’ social history. Dec 6, 2023 · Screened early this year at the Rotterdam film festival, Khavn dela Cruz’s Lino Brocka, National Anarchist had a run at the recently concluded QCinema festival, every bit a tribute to the late filmmaker who never lost his common touch nor his flair for understated melodrama, the mongrel poet counterpart to his fellow national artist Ishmael Bernal’s philosopher king. The main ideological Quote: Originally Posted by PunksNotRed88 I know this is off topic, and I apologize for that, but are seriously trying to suggest to Slavic children w Mar 10, 2024 · The National Forum of Anarchist Organisations and Movements (Spanish: Foro Nacional de Organizaciones y Movimientos Anarquistas), commonly referred to by it's Spanish acronym FNOMA, was a confederation of anarchist organisations that was prominent in Mexican politics during the 1920s and 1930s, notably establishing a confederal territorial entity that existed between 1921 and 1933. The Spanish civil war saw a marked increase in nationalist sentiments expressed among prominent anarchist activists and in the movement’s press, which corresponded to the recasting of the civil war as one of national liberation against the Moroccan, German and Italian troops fighting the Republic. OWS was started by a group of anarchist National-Anarchism Made Simple - Page 3 - Stormfront The result is an exceptional gateway to a corpus that captures a vast swath of the Philippines’ social history.