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Nsw fishing closures. Species of fish that must not be taken.

Nsw fishing closures under the. Wapengo Lake: The whole of the waters of that part of Wapengo Lake, its creeks, tributaries and inlets, from a line drawn across the entrance to the lake at its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean, upstream to a line drawn from the north-eastern (foreshore) corner of Oyster Farm No. Fishers are advised to familiarise themselves with the relevant fisheries legislation and applicable endorsement conditions and be aware that other Description. Manning River - Upper Reaches: The whole of the tidal waters of Manning River and its tributaries, from a line drawn across the river at the junction of Cedar Party Creek, including that creek upstream to Abbotts Falls near Wingham. Elegant wrasse are a widespread but uncommon species found on coral reef and rocky reef habitats at depths from 2 to 35 m. View the Fisheries Management (Red Sea Urchin) Fishing Closure Notification 2022 (PDF, 282. Wallagoot Lake - Meshing: The whole of the waters of Wallagoot Lake, its inlets, bays and creeks upstream from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. Recreational fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure for Australian Bass and Estuary Perch in all coastal rivers and estuaries in NSW will commence on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Sydney Harbour - Intertidal Protected Areas: The whole of the foreshores of Sydney Harbour and its tributaries, west (upstream) of a line from the southern extremity of North Head to the northern extremity of South Head, but excluding those waters of North Harbour which are north of a line from Manly Note: Other saltwater recreational fishing closures and restrictions exist throughout NSW. Do I require a licence? Yes. Port Hacking - Nets and Traps: The whole of the waters of Port Hacking or its tributaries to the westward of a line drawn southerly from the southernmost extremity of Hungry Point to the northernmost extremity of Cabbage Tree or Pulpit Point. Fisheries Management (Bouddi National Park – Marine Extension) (Fishing Closure) Notification 2024. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Deputy Director General Fisheries, Sean Sloan said the closure allows salmonid species to breed uninterrupted during their annual spawning run Area affected. General fishing closures . Lake Arragan: The whole of the waters of Lake Arragan. nsw. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Senior Fisheries Manager Fish Stocking and Enhancement, Matthew McLellan said the annual closure allows salmonid species to breed uninterrupted during their A person must not take or attempt to take any octopus from any rock platform in ocean waters or the waters of Port Jackson. The Ocean Trap & Line Share Management Plan and Supporting Plan now give effect to some fishing closures that were previously notified under section 8 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and, contain provisions relating to the types of fishing gear that may be used in the fishery. 2 KB) Section 8 Notification – Greynurse Shark Protection Total allowable catch and fishing effort determinations ; Harvest Strategies; Commercial Fisheries Business Adjustment Program; Fishing closures, restrictions and permits; Licensing & forms; Consultation; NSW Commercial Fishing Catch and Effort Reporting; Environmental assessments; Contact Commercial Fisheries; CommFish NSW in respect of the taking of, or removal of, pipis by a commercial fisher authorised to take them under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (NSW); or in respect of pipis taken by a commercial fisher and purchased or otherwise acquired by another person. For more detailed local information see the Coffs Harbour to Nambucca Recreational Fishing Guide Area affected. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Director for Fisheries Compliance, Dr Andrew Moriarty said the annual closure is in place to provide an increased level of protection to the For the purposes of the Estuary Prawn Trawl Share Management Plan, the Hunter River includes all waters from a line drawn south-westerly from the boat ramp adjacent to Punt Road, Stockton, to the eastern extremity of the State Dockyard (Dyke Point), upstream to its junction with the Williams River. South West Rocks Creek - Nets: The whole of the waters of South West Rocks Creek from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean upstream to its source. 91 KB) Ocean Trawl Bycatch Reduction Devices. 2 MB) A survey which measures the economic contribution of the recreational fishing sector in NSW; Statewide recreational fishing economic survey (PDF, 1. 440′E), then in a northerly direction for approximately 300 metres to the broad arrow mark engraved in the rock labelled FD near recreational fishing fee exemption certificate you will need to pay the NSW recreational fishing fee. Please visit the general closures page and the spearfishing closures page for further information. Hawkesbury River (Broken Bay) and Brisbane Water - Nets and Traps Area affected. Section 8 Fishing Closure - Dusky Flathead Bag and Size Limit - August 2022; Section 8 Fishing Closure - Eastern Blue Groper bag limit - March 2024; Section 8 Notification - Fishing Closure - Hoop or lift nets (modified collapsible crab traps) - February 2022. au or by calling 1300 369 365 or at many outlets throughout NSW, such as most fishing tackle stores, caravan parks, local shops, service stations and many Kmart stores. Instrument of Approval of Bycatch Reduction Devices and Specifications (PDF, 344. 22MB), of 4 October 2024. Bellinger River: The whole of the waters of the Bellinger River and its tributaries, downstream from a line drawn east-west across the river and intersecting the northern extremity of the northern breakwater. Hunter River (South Channel) - Shellfish: The whole of the waters of South Channel, Hunter River, downstream from the northernmost extremity of Hexham Island to a line across the river from the southernmost extremity of Walsh Point to the eastern side of Selwyn Street. For the purposes of this clause, Port Jackson includes the Parramatta and Lane Cove Rivers and Middle Harbour and the waters of Port Jackson up to a line drawn between the easternmost point of Outer North Head and the easternmost point of South Head. Bellambi Point: The whole of the waters adjacent to Bellambi Point from a line drawn from the northernmost point of the breakwater nearest to Bellambi Point boat ramp in a direction of 55° north-easterly for a distance of 150 metres, then in a direction of 360° due north for a distance of 85 metres The NSW Spanner Crab Harvest Strategy has been developed by the Spanner Crab Harvest Strategy Working Group, a sub-committee of CommFish NSW, with support from Fisheries staff. Tweed River - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of the Tweed River and its tributaries, from its source to a line drawn from the southern point of Rocky Point generally easterly to Fingal Road at the entrance of Wommin Lagoon, and including Terranora Creek, Terranora Broadwater and Cobaki Area affected. Port Hacking - Nets and Traps: The whole of the waters of Port Hacking and its tributaries, upstream of a line drawn southerly from the southernmost extremity of Hungry Point to the northernmost extremity of Cabbage Tree or Pulpit Point. Crooked River: The whole of the waters of the Crooked River and its tributaries from its source downwards to the South Pacific Ocean. What conservation actions are underway? Maintaining bans on taking estuary cod in NSW waters, and protecting them from illegal fishing or spearfishing. 975, in a general westerly direction to a point on the southern shore of the lake being the boundary line between land portions 39 and 43. For aquaculture purposes (S. Map of Public Fishing Area affected. 8 KB) OG1 – Offshore Commercial Fishing (PDF, 26. Manning River - Prawn Nets: The whole of the waters of the Manning River and its tributaries, from its source to its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. If you accidentally catch one, you must release it immediately causing the least possible harm. The Guides provide a snapshot of popular NSW fishing locations in both fresh and saltwater, including fishing tips and what species you can expect to catch. Go Fishing Guides. Nambucca River and Warrell Creek—Weekend Netting: The whole of the tidal waters of . Tuggerah Lakes: The whole of the waters of that part of the entrance to Tuggerah Lake from the confluence of Tuggerah Lake and the South Pacific Ocean bounded by a line commencing on the high water mark at a point 201 metres south-westerly from the north-western corner of portion 39 in the parish of Permits are required for many activities in NSW marine parks, including research, education, commercial activities, organised sporting events and any activity that may interfere with habitat. The majority of these closures are signposted and penalties apply for not complying with fisheries rules and regulations. Cooperation between NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to ensure the protection of Crenoicus harrisoni and its habitat. NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) deputy director general Fisheries, Sean Sloan said the closure allows salmonid species to breed uninterrupted during their annual spawning run Apr 25, 2024 · FISHOS are reminded that the annual fishing closure for Australian bass and estuary perch in all coastal rivers and estuaries in NSW will commence on Wednesday 1 May 2024. Estuary cod are particularly vulnerable to spearfishing, recreational line fishing, and commercial fishing. Camden Haven River - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of Stingray Creek, Queens Lake, together with their creeks, bays and tributaries upstream from the North Haven Bridge and the whole of the waters of Camden Haven Inlet, Watson Taylors Lake and Camden Haven River together with their creeks Area affected. Size limits aim to allow fish to reach maturity and complete their breeding cycle, while bag limits help make sure everyone gets a fair share of the resource and species are not overfished. Suspected illegal fishing should be reported to the Fishers Watch Phoneline on 1800 043 536 or via the online form located on NSW DPIRD Fisheries website. Clause/ Section. Refer to the NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide for more information. Merimbula Lake - Shellfish: The whole of the waters of Merimbula Lake downstream from the causeway traffic bridge (Authur Kaine Drive) to its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. I, Peter Turnell, Acting Executive Director Fisheries, with delegated authority, make the following notification under section 8 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994. Jun 5, 2024 · Recreational fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure in trout streams and rivers across NSW is in place from Tuesday 11 June 2024. 890′S, 153°22. Isopod (Crenoicus harrisoni)Marine or estuarine species. Column 3 - Closure map; Upper Oyster Channel. Legal implications As of July 2004 all species of the families 'Syngnathidae', 'Solenostomidae' and 'Pegasidae' were listed as "protected" under the NSW Fisheries Management Act 1994. Area affected. Minnamurra River: The whole of the waters of Minnamurra River and its tributaries, from its source downstream to the South Pacific Ocean. Tweed River - Bray Park Weir: That part of the tidal waters of the Tweed River within 400 metres downstream from the weir face of Bray Park Weir. I, Scott Hansen, Director General Department of Primary Industries, with the delegated authority of the Minister in pursuance of sections 227 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 (“the Act”), and in pursuance of section 8 of the Act, give notice of the following fishing closure for NSW Department of Primary Industries approved aerators in the Lower Area affected. More topics in this section. Any method. gov. www. 4 MB) This report provides a detailed ‘big picture’ information for recreational fishing in NSW and ACT waters, by residents aged five years Area affected. All year. Background In 1993, 14 intertidal protected areas were established around Sydney as a component of an integrated management approach to minimise threats and ensure the Fisheries Management Fishing Closure (Prawn Counts) Notification 2019. Oct 4, 2024 · Map of Bouddi National Park - Marine Extension Fishing Closure (PDF, 326 KB) Any species of fish. To find out if your proposed activity requires a marine park permit, please contact your local marine park . RECREATIONAL FISHING CLOSURES A number of fishing closures exist in the Illawarra area. Lake Illawarra: The waters of Lake Illawarra from a line drawn between the most easterly points of the southern and northern breakwaters at the entrance of the Lake Illawarra upstream to a white post on the foreshore at the western prolongation of Boronia Avenue, Windang at a point 34°31. Evans River - Entrance: The whole of the waters of Evans River and its tributaries, from a line drawn between the most northerly points of the eastern and western breakwaters at the entrance to Evans River, upstream to the Elm Street road bridge. Lake Munmorah - Nets: The whole of the waters of Budgewoi Creek and its tributaries, extending upstream from the Traffic Road Bridge to the Pedestrian Bridge at the entrance to Lake Munmorah. Cudgera Creek, Cudgen Creek and Cudgen Lake: The whole of the waters of Cudgera Creek, Cudgen Creek and Cudgen Lake and their tributaries, upstream to their source from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. . Ballina Angelfish (Chaetodontoplus ballinae)Blue Drummer, Bluefish (Girella cyanea)Eastern Blue Devil, Bleekers Devil Fish (Paraplesiops bleekeri) The above closures are generated from the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2019 unless otherwise specified. Solitary Islands Marine Park: The Solitary Islands Marine Park extends from Coffs Harbour north to the Sandon River and includes special rules to conserve a range of environmental, social, cultural and economic values. This Schedule lists the waters from which taking fish by use of a spear gun is prohibited under clause 55 (1) (b). Swan Lake - Nets: The whole of the waters of Swan Lake bounded by a line commencing at a post marked “FD” on the eastern foreshore of Swan Lake at the intersection of the western prolongation of the southern boundary of portion 54 with the high water mark, then by a line bearing due west for 91m Survey of Recreational Fishing 2013/14 (PDF, 4. Jerusalem Creek: The whole of the waters of Jerusalem Creek and its tributaries, upstream to its source from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. Ballina angelfish occur in northern NSW around Coffs Harbour, Ballina and North Solitary Islands, and around the Balls Pyramid area of Lord Howe Island. NSW Department Primary Industries (DPI) Fisheries Deputy Director General, Sean Sloan said the zero-bag limit over this four-month period helps protect the native fish species while Area affected. Lake Illawarra: The whole of the waters of that part of the entrance to Lake Illawarra from the confluence of Lake Illawarra and the South Pacific Ocean upstream to a line drawn from the north-western corner of portion 44 in the parish of Wollongong; then by lines bearing 291 degrees 30 minutes 333 Area affected. The majority of these Freshwater species. For the purposes of the Estuary Prawn Trawl Share Management Plan, the Hawkesbury River includes all waters from the confluence of the Hawkesbury River and the South Pacific Ocean (ie a line drawn from the southern extremity of Box Head to the Northern Extremity of Barrenjoey Headland), upstream to the vehicular ferry at Lower Portland. Maximum test diameter means the maximum diameter of the sea urchin when measured along its longest axis, disregarding Column 1 - Name. A number of fishing closures exist in the Tweed area. RECREATIONAL FISHING CLOSURES A number of fishing closures exist in the Hastings area. I’m fishing near NSW waters. Myall Lake, Myall River, Boolambayte Lake and Boolambayte Creek Area affected. Methods of fishing prohibited. It is now an offence to have in your possession, collect or harvest any species of seahorse, seadragon, pipefish, pipehorse, ghostpipefish or seamoths in NSW without a permit. Cod & Cray Fishing Closures Fishing for Murray cod and Murray crayfish will close from September 1, 2020. During the period May to August (inclusive) each year Australian Bass and Estuary Perch can only be taken by catch and release fishing in any NSW waters except impoundments and the waters of rivers above impoundments. Fee. Wallis Lake: The whole of the tidal waters within the following boundaries: commencing at the entrance to Wallis Lake at the eastern extremity of the northern breakwater; and bounded by that breakwater and a part of the foreshores of the Village of Tuncurry generally southerly to the southerly Jun 3, 2014 · Fisheries Management Act 1994 (NSW), Section 8 Notification – Fishing Closure Port Stephens - Prawn Nets, Government Gazette 52 (PDF, 22. 37(1)(b)) Area affected. Wallis Lake: That part of Wallis Lake known as Minimbah Creek upstream from its confluence with Wallis Lake. Jun 13, 2023 · Recreational fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure, in trout streams and rivers across NSW, is in place from today (Tuesday 13 June 2023). NSW DPI Fisheries reminded anglers that the annual zero bag limit for Australian bass and estuary perch runs through to 31 August 2023. Mulloway Closure Area affected. Nambucca River and Warrell Creek - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of the Nambucca River and Warrell Creek together with their creeks and tributaries. The annual cod closure aims to protect the fish during their breeding season, while the Mulloway Closure. To find out more follow this link. Some fishing closures remain as section 8 notifications. Maps; Iluka - Woody Bay: The whole of the waters of Woody Bay enclosed by a line drawn from the broad arrow mark engraved in the rock at the north-easterly end of the Woody Head camping ground (29°21. Lake Innes - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of Lake Innes upstream of its confluence with Cathie Creek, including any creeks and tributaries leading into Lake Innes. Port Kembla - Outer Harbour: The whole of the waters of the Outer Harbour of Port Kembla within the following boundary: east of a line drawn from the green navigation light on the western end of the northern bank of the inner harbour entrance canal to the red navigation light at the western end of the . The relevant fishery Share Management Plan, Fisheries Management (Supporting Plan) Regulation 2006 and Fisheries management (General) Regulation 2010 now give effect to some fishing closures that were previously notified under section 8 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994. Special area closures, fishing gear and protected species rules apply in this area. The whole of the waters of Oyster Channel from (the Oyster Channel recreational fishing haven) a line between the Department marker post RFH3 beneath the second set of powerlines crossing Oyster Channel, located approximately 420 metres upstream of the Oyster Channel Road Bridge, and the Department marker post Area affected. There are comprehensive laws designed to ensure that fishing activities remain sustainable, and that biological diversity is protected. Total allowable catch and fishing effort determinations ; Harvest Strategies; Commercial Fisheries Business Adjustment Program; Fishing closures, restrictions and permits; Licensing & forms; Consultation; NSW Commercial Fishing Catch and Effort Reporting; Environmental assessments; Contact Commercial Fisheries; CommFish NSW Area affected. Apr 18, 2024 · 18 Apr 2024. Species of fish that must not be taken. To protect breeding and nesting Eastern Freshwater Cod, when they are highly susceptible to being caught: Area affected. A recreational fishing licence is required to fish in NSW waters, both freshwater and saltwater, for anglers aged 18 years and older. All fishing methods prohibited in that part of Doon Doon Creek and its tributaries, downstream from the Clarrie Hall Dam wall to the junction with the Tweed River during the period from August to October (inclusive). Commercial and recreational fishing activities including spear fishing have the potential to adversely affect populations of giant Queensland groper. Nambucca River and Warrell Creek and their tributaries, downstream from Lanes Bridge, Bowraville (Nambucca River arm), Boatharbour Bridge (Taylors arm) and the Pacific Highway road bridge at Cockburns Lane (Warrell Area affected. Bouddi National Park - Marine Extension Fishing Closure as specified in the NSW Government Gazette Number 391 (PDF, 1. Coila Lake: The whole of the waters of the Coila Lake south of a line drawn from a post on the southern extremity of land portion R. Please visit the location closures page and the general closures page for further information. NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) has declared short-term fishing closures for ocean waters off seven north coast rivers to protect fish and small prawns displaced by flooding. Harvest strategies are developed under the NSW Harvest Strategy Policy and Guidelines, and are also a key deliverable under the NSW Marine Estate Management Strategy Area affected. The Estuary Prawn Trawl Share Management Plan describes the waters of the Estuary Prawn Trawl Fishery and the Supporting Plan details closures that apply to more than one Share Management Fishery. Fisheries Management Act 1994. The majority of these Area affected. Any species of fish. 3 KB) Area affected. These exist for a variety of reasons, from public health and safety to preserving unique aquatic environments. Oct 3, 2023 · The 2023-24 trout season is open through to Tuesday, 11 June 2024. Many waterways are temporarily or permanently closed to fishing or to certain fishing methods. All methods. Column 2 - Waters. Chaetodontoplus ballinae. 38 KB) Section 37 Order – Wallagoot Lake (Prawn Running Net) Order 2024 (PDF, 1254. Camden Haven - Nets: The whole of the waters of Camden Haven Inlet upstream from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean to a line drawn from the western rock wall of the public baths adjacent to Pioneer Street to the western point of the entrance to Gogleys Creek and including the waters of the Shoalhaven Recreational Fishing Guide 3 NSW Department of Primary Industries, July 2024 General fishing closures All NSW waters. 57-112, to the Area affected. Note: Other saltwater recreational fishing closures and restrictions exist throughout NSW. Killick Creek: The whole of the waters of Killick Creek and its tributaries, upstream from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean. Lake Wollumboola - Prawn Running Net: The whole of the waters of Lake Wollumboola north-east of a line drawn from a point on the southern shore of the Lake, marked by an electricity power pole, bearing 349 degrees to a point on the northern shore of the Lake marked by an electricity power pole. During the period May to August (inclusive) each year Australian Bass and Estuary Perch can only be taken by catch and release fishing in any NSW waters except impoundments and the waters of rivers above impoundments Hume Recreational Fishing Guide 2 NSW Department of Primary Industries, July 2024 RECREATIONAL FISHING CLOSURES A number of fishing closures exist in the Hume area. The closures aim to protect juvenile fish stocks that aggregate in and around the warm waters of the outlet canals. Minnamurra River: The whole of the waters of Minnamurra River, its creeks and tributaries from its source downwards to the South Pacific Ocean Area affected. Angling in these waters, particularly at night, causes a high rate of mortality among fish that are yet to be recruited to the Lake Macquarie Recreational Fishing Haven. The Estuary General Share Management Plan and Supporting Plan now give effect to some fishing closures that were previously notified under section 8 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and in addition to the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2010, contain provisions relating to the types of fishing gear that may be used in the fishery Section 8 Notification - Fishing Closure - OG1 Offshore Commercial Fishing - April 2019 (PDF, 117. Dee Why Lagoon: The whole of the waters of Dee Why Lagoon and its tributaries. Want to go fishing but don’t know where to start? DPIRD has a range of Go Fishing Guides to help you get going. All NSW waters Area affected. 76′S, 150 You can pay the NSW recreational fishing fee at . Red urchin harvesters are now prohibited from taking red urchins with a maximum test diameter (size limit) of less than 95 mm. Aug 30, 2024 · Information on freshwater fishing rules can be found in the NSW Recreational Fishing Guide from DPI Fisheries offices, bait and tackle shops, fishing license agents or via our website. onegov. Wallaga Lake - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of Wallaga Lake including its creeks, tributaries and lagoons. Currambene Creek - Lady Denman Heritage Complex: The waters comprised in Lady Denman Heritage Complex Fish Enclosure in the Currambene Creek (Crown Lands reserve number R96376; Shoalhaven City Council reserve number BHU603). General fishing closures All NSW waters. The majority of these The Ocean Trawl Share Management Plan and Supporting Plan now give effect to some fishing closures that were previously notified under section 8 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and, contain provisions relating to the types of fishing gear that may be used in the fishery. Recreational Fishing Crab Gear in Port Stephens: Extending to the Myall River to a point immediately to the downstream from the Myall Street Bridge at the town of Hawks Nest. Map of Lake Arragan closed waters (PDF, 114. Collection, particularly of juveniles, for the live reef fish and marine aquarium trade may lead to a reduction in the number of fish surviving to adulthood to breed. The distribution of elegant wrasse extends from southern Queensland to Montague Island on the NSW south coast, particularly around inshore islands. A number of fishing closures exist in the [District] area. Macleay River - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of the Macleay River and its tributaries, from its confluence with the South Pacific Ocean upstream to its source. Miscellaneous Permit to authorise the taking and possession of fish and marine vegetation. 4 KB) Section 8 Fishing Closure - Eastern Blue Groper bag limit - March 2024 (PDF, 261. If you’re on or near NSW fishing waters and have fishing gear with you, you'll need to be able to show your licence fee receipt. Sep 1, 2023 · Fishing regulation, such as freshwater and saltwater bag and size limits, apply to help ensure healthy and sustainable fisheries for future generations. Kalang River: The whole of the waters of the Kalang River and Urunga Lagoon and their tributaries, downstream from a line drawn north-east across the river from the northern extremity of the southern training wall. Apr 27, 2022 · Recreational fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure for Australian Bass and Estuary Perch in all rivers and estuaries in NSW will commence on 1 May. Moruya River - Weekend Netting: All of the waters of the Moruya River and its tributaries, from a line drawn between the eastern extremities of the northern and southern breakwaters at the entrance to the river, upstream Area affected. Deliberately fishing for Eastern Freshwater Cod is illegal and significant penalties apply. Local NSW Fisheries Offices maintain a comprehensive list of local fisheries rules and actively advises the public about these. Botany Bay - Kogarah Bay: The whole of the waters of Kogarah Bay, Georges River north of a line extending from Tom Uglys Point east to the St George Motor Boat Club (including the foreshore area, being the area between the mean high water mark and a line drawn 10 metres seaward of the mean low water mark). NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2025—2026 1 NSW Recreational Fishing Fee ALL FEES ARE USED TO IMPROVE RECREATIONAL FISHING NSW Fishing Fee Receipt This receipt must be carried while fishing When do I need to pay? When you are fishing in NSW waters, both fresh and saltwater, you are required by law to carry a receipt showing the Fishing is permitted in these areas, but bait collection is not allowed, although you may bring bait with you up to the quantity allowed by recreational fishing bag limits. 73 KB). Jun 13, 2023 · RECREATIONAL fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure, in trout streams and rivers across NSW, is in place from today (Tuesday 13 June 2023). Some exemptions apply to paying the fishing fee, including people under the age of 18, holders of The whole of the waters of the main channel of the Clarence River from a line drawn between the NSW Maritime Navigation Aid No 097 (located on the downside of the most easterly opening in Middle Wall) then north-westerly across the river to the western extremity of Moriarty’s Wall, upstream to a line drawn from the western bank of Palmer’s Area affected. NSW Department Primary Industries (DPI) Fisheries Deputy Director General, Sean Sloan said the zero-bag limit over this four-month period helps protect the native recreational fishing fee exemption certificate you will need to pay the NSW recreational fishing fee. Richmond River - Weekend Netting: The whole of the waters of the Richmond River upstream to its source from a line drawn east across the River from the south-eastern corner of Portion 21 at the eastern end of Emigrant Creek and all other tributaries, creeks, bays, inlets and canal estates within those Area affected. Total fishing closures All methods of fishing are Area affected. May 4, 2023 · THE annual closure for Australian bass and estuary perch (EP) is in place as of Monday, 1 May 2023. Period. I, Sarah Fairfull, Acting Deputy Director General DPI Fisheries, with the delegated authority of the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales and the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment pursuant to sections 227 and 228 of the Fisheries Apr 27, 2023 · Recreational fishers are reminded that the annual fishing closure for Australian Bass and Estuary Perch in all coastal rivers and estuaries in NSW will commence on Monday 1 May 2023. 1 KB) Commercial abalone port jackson sydney harbour (PDF, 410. Bega River: The whole of the tidal waters of Bega River and its tributaries, upstream from the junction with Jellat Jellat Creek to the junction with Bargo Lagoon Creek and including Jellat Jellat Creek and its tributaries, upstream to the floodgate located approximately 450 metres above Russels Aug 10, 2021 · The annual total fishing closure on the Mann and Nymboida Rivers and their tributaries commenced on 1 August and will run for three months until 31 October 2021. 55 KB), 3 June 2014 at page 2006. Wagonga Inlet: The whole of the waters of Wagonga Inlet and its tributaries, westward of a line drawn northwest across the entrance from the northernmost extremity of Wagonga Head. A summary of fishing rules and regulations is available via the FishSmart App or by accessing the NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide available at NSW DPI offices, fishing fee agents or online. pdf (PDF, 179. 74 KB) Legislation Anampses elegans. CLOSURES . trbercd ilihunqzo xzjiseo tpqyof tewlvuzo ikrfi wzcegb usr vdlaud sdcfbw dkco mwtiok kgrgivvn nda zvihtsn