Optaplanner javadoc. Each number represents 1 score level.

Optaplanner javadoc ifExists(java. Specified by: addProblemChange in interface SolverJob < Solution_ , ProblemId_ > declaration: package: org. descriptor. generic, class: ChangeMoveSelector org. Domain annotations and support classes for a planning solution. . hardsoftlong, class: HardSoftLongScore Package org. Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation ProblemId_ - the ID type of a submitted problem, such as Long or UUID. hardsoft, interface: HardSoftScoreHolder org. Each number represents 1 score level. NullStrengthWeightFactory To fully de-normalize a planning solution freshly loaded from persistent storage, two operations need to happen: Variable listeners need to run, reading the state of all entities and computing values for their shadow variables. swing. drl. constraint, interface: Indictment Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation Functional Interface: This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference. termination, class: StepCountTermination declaration: package: org. groupBy(BiFunction, BiConstraintCollector), . This license is very liberal and allows reuse for OptaPlanner is a lightweight, embeddable planning engine. UPDATE_ALL. All classes in this namespace are backwards compatible in future releases (especially minor and hotfix releases). buildin, class: HardSoftScoreDefinition Type Parameters: A - the type of the first argument B - the type of the second argument C - the type of the third argument D - the type of the fourth argument Property_ - the type used to define the interval, comparable org. bi, interface: BiConstraintStream Domain annotations and support classes for a planning solution that is used with Drools score calculation. core. ) will now also consistently filter out planning entities with null variables. If it's 0 (which it usually is), the PlanningSolution is fully initialized and the score's Object. Used by BiConstraintStream. constraint, interface: ConstraintMatchTotal Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation T - the selection type All Known Subinterfaces: PlanningEntity. score. variable, annotation type: PlanningListVariable declaration: package: org. Package org. SolverFactory<Solution_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation Throughout this documentation, we will be using the following terminology: Constraint Stream A chain of different operations, originated by ConstraintFactory. DrlScoreDirector<Solution_, Score_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation declaration: package: org. SolverConfig public class SolverConfig extends AbstractConfig < SolverConfig > To read it from XML, use createFromXmlResource(String) . Uses a SolverFactory to build a SolutionManager. termination, class: UnimprovedStepCountTermination Returns an array of numbers representing the Score. InitializingScoreTrend public class InitializingScoreTrend extends Object Bounds the possible Score s for a PlanningSolution as more and more variables are initialized (while the already initialized variables don't change). Allows external changes to the working solution. optaplanner/optaplanner-core/8. Terminates the solver or cancels the solver job if it hasn't (re)started yet. The reproducible mode is the default mode because it is recommended during development. The constraints with a zero ConstraintWeight for a particular problem will be automatically disabled when scoring that problem, to improve performance. termination, class: UnimprovedTimeMillisSpentScoreDifferenceThresholdTermination optaplanner. Returns: never null; toString declaration: package: org. optaplanner. lang. A greater score level uses a lower array index than a lesser score level. TerminationCompositionStyle Create a new UniConstraintStream for every A, if another A exists that does not Object. To solve a planning problem without blocking the current thread, use SolverManager instead. localsearch, class: DefaultLocalSearchPhase org. Domain annotations and support classes for a planning entity. queue. compareTo(Object) must be consistent with equals, such that e1. getResource(String) Returns an array of numbers representing the Score. The new move returned by this method translates the entities and problem facts to the destination PlanningSolution of the destination ScoreDirector, That destination PlanningSolution is a deep planning clone (or an even deeper clone) of the origin PlanningSolution that Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation Parameters: solverConfigResource - never null, a classpath resource as defined by ClassLoader. forEach(Class) (or similar methods) and terminated by a penalization or reward operation. impl. beforeVariableChanged(Object, String) and ScoreDirector. Class<B>, org. domain. hardsoftlong, class: HardSoftLongScore Throughout this documentation, we will be using the following terminology: Constraint Stream A chain of different operations, originated by ConstraintFactory. equals(e2). 0. hardmediumsoftbigdecimal, class: HardMediumSoftBigDecimalScore Type Parameters: A - the type of the first argument to the predicate B - the type of the second argument the predicate C - the type of the third argument the predicate D - the type of the fourth argument the predicate org. Index Migrate uses of this method to forEachIncludingNullVars(Class), but first understand that subsequent joins and conditional propagation calls (UniConstraintStream. termination, class: AndCompositeTermination declaration: package: org. If a major version number changes, a few specific classes might not be backwards compatible, in which case the upgrade recipe will clearly document those cases. partitionedsearch. Parameters: constraintFactory - never null Returns: an array of all constraints that could apply. constructionheuristic : org. Under the hood, it combines optimization heuristics and metaheuristics with very efficient score calculation. constraint. Implementation classes of OptaPlanner Benchmark. When the working solution is modified, the ScoreDirector must be correctly notified (through ScoreDirector. NullDifficultyWeightFactory, PlanningVariable. valuerange, interface: CountableValueRange The public API of OptaPlanner Benchmark. recaller. variable, annotation type: InverseRelationShadowVariable Returns an array of numbers representing the Score. decider : org. The source variable may be a genuine PlanningVariable, PlanningListVariable, or another shadow variable. Loosely based on JDK's Collector, but it returns an undo operation for each accumulation to enable incremental score calculation in constraint streams. A custom terminationClass is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version of OptaPlanner. Returns: true if all the ValueRanges are countable (for example a double value range between 1. heuristic. impl, class: SwingUncaughtExceptionHandler The public API of OptaPlanner Benchmark. Constraints apply on plain domain objects and can call existing code. solver. getIndictmentMap(). compareTo(e2) == 0 has the same boolean value as e1. Support for custom scores is deprecated and will be removed in OptaPlanner 9. Method Summary All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods declaration: package: org. On problems using multiple planning variables on a single entity without specifying single variable name, this needs to be Object as variables of both types will be tested. trend. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations. Returns a diagnostic text that explains the getBestSolution() through the ConstraintMatch API to identify which constraints or planning entities cause that getBestScore() quality. variable Annotation Type ShadowVariable @Target ({ METHOD , FIELD }) @Retention ( RUNTIME ) @Repeatable ( List. 14. Under the hood, OptaPlanner combines sophisticated Artificial Intelligence optimization algorithms (such as Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Late Acceptance and other metaheuristics) with very efficient score calculation and other state-of-the-art constraint solving techniques for NP-complete or NP-hard problems. OptaPlanner is open source software, released under the Apache Software License 2. compareTo(rightMapping. cloner, interface: SolutionCloner declaration: package: org. All Known Implementing Classes: Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. UPDATE_ALL Returns: never null Throws: IllegalStateException - when constraint matching is disabled or not supported by the underlying score calculator, such as EasyScoreCalculator. These methods are not thread-safe and should be called from the same thread, except for the methods that are explicitly marked as thread-safe. These are exactly the pairs where leftMapping. decider, class: MultiThreadedLocalSearchDecider declaration: package: org. All Known Implementing Classes: To learn more about problem change semantics, please refer to the ProblemChange Javadoc. 2 and 1. descriptor, class: EntityDescriptor declaration: package: org. Returns an array of numbers representing the Score. 4 is not countable); isNeverEnding public boolean isNeverEnding() declaration: package: org. constructionheuristic, class: ConstructionHeuristicPhaseConfig Specified by: buildBaseMoveSelector in class AbstractMoveSelectorFactory<Solution_, MoveIteratorFactoryConfig> Parameters: configPolicy - never null minimumCacheType - never null, If caching is used (different from SelectionCacheType. apply(A). config. stream, interface: ConstraintVerifier The init score is the negative of the number of uninitialized genuine planning variables. ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> public class ListVariableDescriptor<Solution_> extends GenuineVariableDescriptor <Solution_> Field Summary declaration: package: org. benchmark. termination, enum: TerminationCompositionStyle declaration: package: org. bi. It solves use cases such as: Employee shift rostering: timetabling nurses, repairmen, … Agenda scheduling: scheduling meetings, appointments, maintenance jobs, advertisements, … OptaPlanner helps normal Java TM programmers solve constraint satisfaction problems efficiently. io/doc/org. stream, interface: Constraint Migrate uses of this method to forEachIncludingNullVars(Class), but first understand that subsequent joins and conditional propagation calls (UniConstraintStream. The public API of OptaPlanner Benchmark. getResource(String) To learn more about problem change semantics, please refer to the ProblemChange Javadoc. Parameters: solution - never null solutionUpdatePolicy - never null; if unsure, pick SolutionUpdatePolicy. entity. Rebases a move from an origin ScoreDirector to another destination ScoreDirector which is usually on another Thread or JVM. BiJoiner<A, B>) etc. move. uni. buildin. DefaultSolverManager<Solution_, ProblemId_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation declaration: package: org. org. apply(B)) <= 0. To learn more about problem change semantics, please refer to the ProblemChange Javadoc. afterVariableChanged(Object, String)), otherwise calculated Scores will be corrupted. A solver thread started solving the problem, but hasn't finished yet. Updates the given solution according to the SolutionUpdatePolicy. These values might be stored in memory as a Collection (usually a List or Set), but if the values are numbers, they can also be stored in memory by their bounds to use less memory and provide more opportunities. It enables everyday programmers to solve optimization problems efficiently. PartitionQueue<Solution_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation declaration: package: org. Returns a collector that finds a minimum value in a group of Comparable elements. entity, interface: PinningFilter declaration: package: org. Planning cloning support. api, interface: PlannerBenchmark org. seconds-max: run time of the longest-running currently active solver. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. constructionheuristic, enum: ConstructionHeuristicType declaration: package: org. Every modification to the PlanningSolution , must be correctly notified to the ScoreDirector , otherwise the Score calculation will be corrupted. Easy java implementation of ScoreDirector, which recalculates the Score of the working solution every time. In case of an infeasible solution, this can help diagnose the cause of that. It is Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP) friendly. toString() does not mention it. Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation Parameters: solverConfigResource - never null, a classpath resource in the KieContainer as defined by ClassLoader. api. https://javadoc. Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. change, interface: ProblemChangeDirector declaration: package: org. class ) public @interface ShadowVariable org. Important: The Comparable's Comparable. decider Usually created with ConstraintCollectors. DefaultLocalSearchPhase<Solution_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation declaration: package: org. factory, interface: MoveIteratorFactory. optaplanner. This is non-incremental calculation, which is slow. active-count: the number of solvers currently solving. localsearch. As defined by impactLong(String, Score, ToLongQuadFunction) . This score director implementation does not support ScoreExplanation. lookup, class: PlanningIdLookUpStrategy declaration: package: org. Returns a diagnostic text that explains the solution through the ConstraintMatch API to identify which constraints or planning entities cause that score quality. A ValueRange is a set of a values for a PlanningVariable. The Deprecated API page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. getConstraintMatchTotalMap() and ScoreExplanation. If CPU resource are scarce and that solver thread is waiting for CPU time, the state doesn't change, it's still considered solving active. solution Annotation Type ProblemFactCollectionProperty @Target ({ METHOD , FIELD }) @Retention ( RUNTIME ) public @interface ProblemFactCollectionProperty declaration: package: org. Parameters: workingRandom - never null, the Random to use when any random number is needed, so runs are reproducible. Prefer impactLong(Score, ToLongQuadFunction) . OptaPlanner - A fast, easy-to-use, open source AI constraint solver for software developers Calculates and retrieves ConstraintMatchTotal s and Indictment s necessary for describing the quality of a particular solution. generic, class: PillarChangeMoveSelector Joins every A and B where a value of property on A is less than or equal to the value of a property on B. Deprecated API. constructionheuristic. Jul 3, 2019 · OptaPlanner 是一个AI(人工智能)约束求解器,它可以优化规划和调度问题,例如:车辆路线规划,人员排班,云端优化,任务分配,会议日程安排,生产车间调度,背包问题及很多其它规划类问题。 Specifies that a bean property (or a field) is a custom shadow variable of 1 or more source variables. Domain annotations and support classes for a planning variable. To solve a planning problem, call solve(Object) . calculator, interface: EasyScoreCalculator Type Parameters: E - the object type Parameters: externalObject - sometimes null Returns: null if externalObject is null Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if there is no workingObject for externalObject, if it cannot be looked up or if the externalObject's class is not supported Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation All Superinterfaces: EventListener Functional Interface: This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference. selector. decider Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation All Superinterfaces: EventListener Functional Interface: This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference. stream, interface: ConstraintFactory Inherits each property of the inheritedConfig unless that property (or a semantic alternative) is defined by this instance (which overwrites the inherited behaviour). JUST_IN_TIME), then it should be at least this SelectionCacheType because an ancestor already uses such caching and less would be pointless. Does nothing if the solver already terminated or the problemId was never added. Changes working solution of ScoreDirector. BestSolutionRecaller<Solution_> Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation declaration: package: org. localsearch, enum: LocalSearchType Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. variable. equals(Object) the first, and for which the BiJoiner is true (for the properties it extracts from both facts). hardsoftbigdecimal, class: HardSoftBigDecimalScore Returns an array of numbers representing the Score. declaration: package: org. Interface UniConstraintStream<A> Type Parameters: A - the type of the first and only fact in the tuple. Type Parameters: Solution_ - the solution type, the class with the PlanningSolution annotation T - the selection type. Method Summary All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods Joins every A and B where a value of property on A is less than or equal to the value of a property on B. solve. solution. seconds-duration-sum: the sum of each active solver’s solve duration. If the changes are not applied through the ProblemChangeDirector, both internal and custom variable listeners are never notified about them, resulting to inconsistencies in the working solution. Overrides the default determined ScoreDefinition to implement a custom one. Domain annotations and support classes for a planning value range. Final/package-list OptaPlanner is a lightweight, embeddable constraint satisfaction engine which optimizes planning problems. getWorkingSolution(). For example, if there are two active solvers declaration: package: org. Does the change on the PlanningSolution of the ScoreDirector and notifies the ScoreDirector accordingly. test. As defined by update (Object, SolutionUpdatePolicy), using SolutionUpdatePolicy. In this mode, 2 runs on the same computer will execute the same code in the same order. duration. stream. Classes which represent the XML Benchmark configuration of OptaPlanner Benchmark. value, class: ValueSelectorConfig Package org.