Terraform map string variable example. How to loop through list(map(string)) in .
Terraform map string variable example Some special rules apply to the -var command line option and to environment variables. tf) file, a Terraform map of strings. String Variables. Jun 29, 2022 · Thanks, @cregkly for the reply, but in this case, I should already know those ids, and they are created dynamically, so I have no clue about the ids themselves. foo. shared_env: m. I know that I cannot pass lists or map to a data "template_file" so my thought was to build the string in a locals or null resource block and then pass that to the template Apr 26, 2021 · I am using terraform-aws-eks module to deploy EKS clusters. . A user could override the default value for this map and omit the project_name and environment tags. An example will show this best. Let's break down how this works: Define your map variable: Start by defining a map variable with your desired key-value pairs. Among various types of Terraform variables, list variables stand out for their ability to handle multiple values in a single variable. tf file to call during the tagging process. The resulting map is assigned to the count_map variable. Oct 10, 2021 · I'm learning Azure Devops pipelines, my first project is to create simple vnet with subnet using Terraform. Let us work through the same example as before Sep 30, 2020 · How do you parse a map variable to a string in a resource value with Terraform12? I have this variable: variable "tags" { type = map default = { deployment_tool = "Terraform" code = "123" } } And want this: {deployment_tool=Terraform, code=123} I've tried the following without success: May 6, 2022 · For example, you say you want a map for your variable (string). These can be useful for selecting values based on predefined parameters such as the server configuration by the monthly price. String Variables: String variables are used for text values like names, descriptions, or any textual configuration. I can't interpolate the returned JSON data and look up data in it. Here is an example of map variable - Mar 9, 2021 · terraform apply -var 'env=dr' terraform apply -var 'env=prelive' terraform apply -var 'env=prod' When I pass, for example, env=dr, I want to get the values from the dr variable, and set those on service_principal. To explain how to use the Terraform map in your Terraform configuration, let’s take a look at this example where we have defined a map variable [. Here’s an example of how to declare a string variable: variable "instance_type" {type = string default = "t2. value = terraform_map. In Terraform, you typically use maps to configure resources with similar settings that have slight variations. In the following examples, you’ll learn how you can define and use the different input variable types in Terraform modules. tf file below, which contains the different ways that variables can be defined within Terraform: Variables. value. In this case, it is a variable declaration in this code. Optional arguments in Terraform can be used when specifying variables to define their behavior and characteristics. EnvironmentName}" CostCentre = "C1234" Project May 10, 2017 · In the same folder launch terraform console for testing built-in functions. Strings, numbers, and bools are sometimes called primitive types. Feb 14, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. instance you get a string, because it is a string indeed. Mar 11, 2023 · A map can contain any type as long as all the elements are of the same type. See Type Constraints for a more detailed description of complex types. For example, you could create a map of users, where each user is represented by a struct that contains their name, email address, and role. Here's an example of how I'm currently using it to select the AWS instance type: In the . This technique Oct 27, 2021 · I think I would need to see an example. Terraform map variable helps with managing your configuration using key-value pairs, allowing you to easily handle different environments or regions without repeating your code. terraform console Inside the console type: zipmap([for m in local. In this blog, we’ll cover what Terraform maps are, explore their use cases, and provide some practical examples. In your example, the element from usernames has following settings for key and value: key = user-east value = { "instance" = "sqlinst01 "name" = ["sql_user01","sql_user02"] } So when you refer to instance via each. The Solution: Dynamically Constructing Maps Terraform Map Variable. 0. Terraform maps typically provide a group of values such as server images, ssh keys, etc. Mixing strings and variables is essential for dynamic resource configuration. com" = ["bar. com"] } } Also, as above, your local variables need to be declared and assigned in a locals block. That’s the main problem, substituting the name in value with its id taken from the data object. tf file and are referenced in resources or modules. tf file, and their values can be assigned in terraform. tfvars) like this:. Maps are collections of key-value pairs, where each key maps to exactly one value. String variables are used to represent text values. Let's take an example where we need to define project and environment, so we can use the map variable to achieve that. まとめ. Share Terraform applies object attribute defaults top-down in nested variable types. I figured how to pass simple key-value variables, but problem is how to pass for example list of strings or more important, map variable from Terraform. Feb 3, 2024 · Understanding Maps in Terraform. I am looking to try and use the value of a variable inside the declaration of another variable. If a resource or module block includes a for_each argument whose value is a map or a set of strings, Terraform creates one instance for each member of that map or set. This flexibility is particularly useful when dealing with resources Jul 28, 2020 · i can help you create a dynamic list of maps with terraform using a hack here's an example : locals { childs = 24 group = [1,2,3,4,5,6] } # Here's the hack! The null_resource has a map called triggers that we can set to arbitrary values. alarm_arns) } } Then in your lambda you would have to convert it back to list of strings according to your programming language. You can use them to specify values for Terraform commands such as terraform plan or terraform apply. For example: module A Mar 4, 2022 · String with valid options Scenario: Here we have a string and we only allow to values "approved" or "disapproved". variable "instance_type" {description = "The type of instance to create" type = string Jul 31, 2019 · @chakravarthyakundi77 hi there The thing is that you iterate through elements within usernames level and not deeper. For sets of other types, Terraform uses an arbitrary ordering that may change in future versions. gpg or something. Understanding Maps in Terraform Context. For example, in a Unix-style shell: Nov 19, 2024 · In Terraform, you can easily append a string to each element of a list using a for expression combined with string interpolation. It mostly looks like the issue is you are passing a string and need to turn that into a map before passing it into something that looks like a map but there's probably a better way of doing this altogether that would be more apparent if you included a minimal reproducible example in your question. tfvars files; Environment variables; CLI input during runtime Jan 21, 2021 · Hi there, I have a variable block (in . Here is a simple example of an input variable of type string. value]) Observe the output of each list-item-map being a name-value-pair of a single map: Dec 1, 2020 · I am working on terraform workspace automation using tfe provider and want to create a terraform HCL variable as a map using custom_tags from the below data structure. 1. Oct 19, 2024 · In this post, I discuss the types of Terraform variables and how they are used in Terraform. Here’s an example of how to declare a JSON variable: variable "example_json" { type = "string" default = jsonencode({ key1 = "value1" key2 = "value2" }) } This snippet creates a variable named example_json that Maps are indexed by strings, and each value in a map can be any type of Terraform data. In your second code snippet you are not defining a map as a default value but a list. Think of it like a dictionary. This is especially useful when you want to pipe the output into other tools Mar 14, 2023 · Using other primitive types can work as a result of Terraform's automatic conversions from bool and number to string, but you should be sure to explicitly declare the type of the variable (using e. Before diving into iteration, it’s essential to understand what maps are in Terraform. workspaces = { "PROD&q Jan 29, 2024 · よく変数の定義でmap(object())となっているのを見るので、どういうことなのかを調べた結果を共有。結論Object型で構造化した変数を、mapでコレクションとして扱っている。このようにす… Oct 13, 2021 · Examples of how to append a string and a variable. example. index[“key1”]} Q: How do I convert a map to a string in Terraform? A: To convert a map to a string, you can use the `jsonencode` function. 0/16" // value of the string variable, in this case the cidr Oct 22, 2021 · I'm working on an tf plan what builds a json template and out of a map variable and I'm not quite sure how to use the existing looping, type, list functions to do the work. Jul 27, 2023 · How do I turn a block Map of Maps into a variable in Terraform. Oct 22, 2024 · A simple way I thought to keep those secrets secret would be to define the variable as a map in variables. Let's extract our AMIs into a map and add support for the us-west-2 region as well: variable "amis" {type = "map" default = {"us-east-1" = "ami-b374d5a5" "us-west-2" = "ami-4b32be2b"}} A variable can have a map type assigned explicitly, or it can be Apr 21, 2024 · The user_data variable in this example stores a map with string keys and string values. 12 it was the only available syntax for writing a literal map inside an expression, but Terraform v0. dev"] "bar. For instance: Mar 10, 2020 · Current Terraform Version Terraform v0. Terraform expects literal strings for keys when you define the map structure. Feb 3, 2024 · CSRF Protection in Jenkins: An In-depth Guide (with examples) Terraform: How to Merge 2 Maps ; Terraform: How to extract filename/extension from a path ; JSON encoding/decoding in Terraform: Explained with examples ; Sorting Lists in Terraform: A Practical Guide ; Terraform: How to trigger a Lambda function on resource creation Dec 31, 2024 · 1. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Terraform input variables can be defined in any . Input variables, created as variable blocks, can be used to parameterize Terraform configurations. # We can also use count to create a list of null_resources. This means that Terraform applies the default value you specify in the optional modifier first and then later applies any nested default values to that attribute. tf. tf file: variable "environment" {} Feb 3, 2024 · Maps, or key-value pairs in Terraform, play a crucial role in managing complex infrastructure deployments more effectively and efficiently. This makes your code flexible and reusable across multiple environments or configurations. The limitation exists due to the nature of the protocol used to represent map values in the configuration: it is only capable of representing maps of string until the new protocol that was introduced in Terraform v0. aws_secrets: idx => val} otherwise change your variable to a map of maps: Jun 9, 2023 · Maps are a way to create variables that are lookup tables. Terraform input variables example. Jan 24, 2025 · To read a JSON file into a map using Terraform, you can leverage the built-in functions provided by the language. Explicit type conversions are rarely necessary in Terraform because it will convert types automatically where required. Oct 13, 2020 · The closest thing in Today's Terraform is to have your callers set the attribute value to null and then handle that null somehow inside your module. Considerations: Map values are enclosed in curly braces and key-value pairs are separated by commas. If more than one given map or object defines the same key or attribute, then the one that is later in the argument sequence takes precedence. These arguments allow you to control how the variables are used and provide defaults, constraints, and metadata or omit certain settings. I show 2 examples of the same check using different methods: I created a separate variable in my variables. Let’s start with the fundamentals. Can we pass map variable with multiple var types e. g server1) and an object as defined between the two curly braces. tfvars. The names of the acl's are determined by the keys. name], [for m in local. We will use this for our Nov 25, 2022 · You can convert your list of maps, to a map of maps as follows: for_each = {for idx, val in var. Here are some examples of how each type are defined and used. The first two outputs I created work just fine, but is there a way to create one map structure that outputs all of them into one structure? For example, one map that shows Resource Group Name, location, tags? Variable Definition May 9, 2024 · 5. Apr 15, 2024 · Understanding Terraform Variables: An Overview Terraform variables are essential components in managing infrastructure as code, enabling users to customize and configure resources dynamically. For example: Key = "value" But, when the value is a nested map, let's take "schemas" as an example which has a map value of. Implement complex type constructors like maps; Learn to use lookup function; Step-02: Implement complex type cosntructors like maps Oct 8, 2024 · To iterate through a map variable in Terraform, you can utilize the for_each meta-argument in conjunction with the keys function. This terraform creates 3 acls with various rules. identity = { type = var. 12 introduced a new first-class syntax. lists[] & strings. dev" = ["module. Feb 3, 2024 · Basics of String and Variable Integration. 2 Map variable type. Direct Concatenation: You can directly concatenate a variable and a string within your Terraform code. A map value is a lookup table from string keys to string values. Below is my code - what am I doing wrong? variables. my default variable for tags are imported/pass from a parent module. Defining a Variable. gitignore terraform. Dec 21, 2019 · Maps are a collection of string keys and string values. A common use of maps is to create a table of machine images per region, as follows: variable "images" { type = "map" default = { "us-east-1" = "image-1234" "us-west-2" = "image-4567"} } Nov 21, 2018 · I'm uncertain when it was added, but at least as of version 0. Convert a Terraform map of string to Terraform lists of string. Lists/tuples and maps/objects are sometimes called complex types, structural types, or collection types. This can be useful for passing complex data structures to your modules or resources. , and allow users to select a specific value depending on their use case. tf in the module, put the keys/values in terraform. Whether you’re new to Terraform or seeking to enhance your Terraform knowledge, this guide will provide valuable insights and examples to help you harness the power of maps in your Terraform projects map (or object): a group of values identified by named labels, like {name = "Mabel", age = 52}. Terraform also supports the map variable type where you can define the key-valye pair. Example: Nested Structures with Optional Attributes and Defaults Jun 19, 2020 · Since the second config works with the defaults for the variable, the config isn't the issue, the terraform apply -var must be the issue. the extra tagging in the child module is done in the sub_tags variable. Change a list of maps into a formatted string in terraform. I was hoping for some help turning node_groups map of maps into a variable so that I can modify a variables file for different environmen May 19, 2019 · Terraform v0. Then, you can use the count_map In this tutorial, you will use Terraform input variables, including lists, maps, strings, and booleans, to make the configuration for your infrastructure more flexible. Instead you could use the aws_ami data source to look up the AMI for the region based on filters such as tags or the name of the AMI. We have a variable called ‘servers’ and it contains a map of servers, each server identified by a key (e. type = number) to ensure that Terraform will normalize incoming values into the expected type before looking them up in the map. The error: "The given value is not valid Dec 2, 2024 · Terraform Variables. Variables in Terraform allow you to parameterize your configurations. Variables can hold various types of data such as strings, numbers, lists, and maps. In Terraform, variables are defined in the variables. The map contains three key-value pairs (the keys are luke, yoda and darth, and the values are specified for each as jedi, jedi and sith). Use the explicit type conversion functions only to normalize types returned in module outputs. HashiTalks 2025 Learn about unique use cases, homelab setups, and best practices at scale at our 24-hour virtual knowledge sharing event. createvm. For example, if you have a variable var. Number variables are used for quantities, sizes, or any numerical configuration like instance counts or port numbers. Mar 4, 2021 · I would like to update the variable. schemas: schema_1: schema_name_1 schema_2: schema_name_2 Then, how can I pass this on as a string to the value of the argument? 特徴としては、variableが毎回並んでしまって行数が増える。読みにくい見にくい探しづらい。 これを解決するのにmapを使いました。 A map value is a lookup table from string keys to string values. To start using variables in Terraform, you first need to declare them in your configuration file. tomap converts its argument to a map value. 0/0" } Green = { account_id Terraform has two ways to do this: count and for_each. For sets of strings, Terraform sorts the elements by their value, using lexical sorting. For example, the following code converts the `example` map to a string: Apr 24, 2024 · Getting hands-on with lists, maps, and strings. tfvars or directly in the resource declaration. Dec 22, 2024 · It includes examples of creating maps with string values, accessing values using keys, defining nested maps with objects as values, and iterating through a map using a for_each loop to execute commands for each key-value pair. This makes sense if I have a map of just strings and want to make use of the values for whatever resource configuration. The map function is no longer available. Feb 21, 2024 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 12. tf // STRING VARIABLE variable "cidr_block" { // name of the variable type = string // type of the variable (in the case string) default = "10. In this case, that means you need a map with one element per workspace per variable, because tfe_variable describes a single variable on a single workspace. First, let’s understand what maps are in Terraform. settings. tfvars and make the duplicate variables local in the terraform module file. Apr 3, 2023 · In Terraform, there are several types of variables that you can define, including: Quick Tutorials on Terraform Variable Terraform Variables and Configuration explained – 5 mins reading! Terraform Variable Naming Feb 4, 2024 · This article will guide you through the process, providing insight and real-world code examples to make you proficient in this vital operation. So need something that will be interpreted as a map via Terraform console AND bash echo. Jan 26, 2024 · variable "example_map" defining a map variable containing string values. 〇Primitive Types merge takes an arbitrary number of maps or objects, and returns a single map or object that contains a merged set of elements from all arguments. code]instance_size[. I'm using the HTTP data source to retrieve data from an internal service. 3 release, we have implemented a different design of optional object attributes with defaults. Jul 24, 2023 · Try the Terraform Variables Lab for free. tf: variable "foo" { type = map default = { lorem = "ipsum" d Aug 20, 2024 · Terraform fore_each for loop filter with if condition example Terraform remote-exec provisioner with ssh connection in null_resource Terraform count vs for_each for examples with map of objects Terraform one module deploy null or multiple resources based on input (nested for loop) Example of Terraform functions flatten() and coalesce() Aug 9, 2021 · Need to pass a map into Terraform via the command line (don't want to use var file or tfvars) and am having an issue with Linux dropping the speech marks. For convenience, Terraform defaults to interpreting -var and environment variable values as literal strings, which need only shell quoting, and no special quoting for Terraform. Aug 15, 2019 · You can use a combination of map, keys function,index function, and count. Aug 3, 2018 · local blocks,interpolations and expressions that are not constants cannot be used in terraform. Example 1: Using JSON files as input variables and local variables; Example 2: Passing in JSON via environment variables; Example 3: Decoding JSON strings to Terraform maps; Example 4: Using jsonencode in the template file; Example 5: Using jsonencode with the for loop; Example 6: Creating IAM policies using jsonencode function; Example 7 Does the default value of the variable map merge with data I provide to the terraform? Sample variables. The resource_tags map in variables. micro. This is useful for selecting a value based on some other provided value. Variables are defined using the variable block and can be provided through: terraform. variable var1 { type = "map In this example, count_string is a string variable that contains the value you want to use as the count parameter. In this example, we define a variable named force_map with the type map(string), indicating that it is a map with string values. Let’s create a Terraform variable name cluster_tags for the tags in the variable (var. 0-alpha4 (2c36829d3265661d8edbd5014de8090ea7e2a076) Proposal I like the object variable type and it would be nice to be able Dec 5, 2019 · But, this is a very old school and inelegant way of doing things with Terraform nowadays. Jan 17, 2022 · I’m using the terraform functions documentation. Example 1: Simple Concatenation Mar 1, 2022 · Variables example: Below is an example variable adhering to the previous definition (note the key/value pairs). Example: Nested Structures with Optional Attributes and Defaults Dec 22, 2024 · Here, the vpc_config map variable are imported , along with the aws_access_key and aws_secret_key variables from the Terraform code and converted into the appropriate format (with vpc_config being May 20, 2020 · The main requirement to keep in mind for for_each is that we always need to create a map that has one element for each instance of the resource we want to create. Prior to Terraform v0. We’ve replaced our sensitive strings with variables, but we still are hard-coding AMIs. imported/passed from parent/root module 3. One way to do that is to combine the input variable with a local value that normalizes it, like this: Feb 26, 2020 · I am trying to define a reusable template for use with AWS resources, and one of the things I need to do is declare vars for resources that include values as well as a key:value map for use with ta Oct 9, 2024 · You can combine variables and strings in Terraform using a couple of methods. tf: variable "EnvironmentName" { type = "string" } variable "tags" { type = "map" default = { Environment = "${var. You may need to terraform init if you haven't already. T will also present examples and 10 best practices for using Terraform variables. Therefore I’m following this discussion group or watch sometimes in reddit for interesting approaches and certainly ask when help is needed. While a single variable stores a single value, maps can store multiple values as key-value pairs. auto. How to loop through list(map(string)) in Unlike variable values, local values can use dynamic expressions and resource arguments. It looks like they are creating a map of strings for key:value pairs Aug 26, 2020 · I'm getting errors on "terraform plan" when trying to use a multi-level map (3+ levels) and can't seem to put my finger on the exact problem. 3 Boolean Variables Aug 25, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 29, 2022 · I want to see if I can build an output map that would include all properties of an Azure Resource Group. 11 and earlier do not have any means to render a template with non-string values. tfvars in the module, . They enhance the quality of your code and make your infrastructure code m For maps and objects, Terraform sorts the elements by key or attribute name, using lexical sorting. identity. Variable Keys: You can't directly use a variable as a key within a map definition. The input variables, like the one above, use a couple of different types: strings, lists, maps, and boolean. tfvars or *. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. One of the flags you can use is -json, which formats the outputs as a JSON object. See github-issue for further dicussion. For this reason, in the upcoming Terraform 1. tf variable "azure_vm" { 5 days ago · To define JSON variables in Terraform, you can use the variable block in your configuration files. The way around is to define the variable only once in terraform. Jan 25, 2023 · 前回はTerraformの環境セットアップに関して簡単に書きました。 Terraformコトハジメ 今回はTerraformの整理がてら、Variableの型を整理してみました。 すっごい地味な記事. Mar 25, 2021 · Terraform interpolation of locals map with key defined in a variable Objective: Define preset sizing labels in variable, provisioning of resources uses preset values from locals map variable var & Aug 8, 2021 · I’ve put the whole Variables. The jsontemplate function is used to convert that string to a map, with the key being "count" and the value being the string variable. id with the value "abcde", you can create an output like this: Mar 4, 2024 · Maps in Terraform are a type of input variable that store multiple key-value pairs. Sep 29, 2023 · In Terraform, you can use nested maps (objects) or lists (strings) in variables and tfvars files to provide structured data for your infrastructure configurations. Nov 3, 2019 · Since this regions_config variable works with objects of a particular structure, I recommend declaring it as a set of objects rather than a set of maps, because then Terraform can check that all of the attributes are present and have suitably-typed values: Jul 12, 2023 · The supported input variable types are string, number, list, map, Boolean, and object variables. Dec 20, 2024 · Define and Use Input Variables in Terraform Configurations. I'm using it to create subnets using each key - each value loop. tfvars, and encrypt it to terraform. Example: variable. So therefore it doesnt need to specify any default data. Examples Feb 3, 2024 · Managing Terraform Dependencies Terraform Precondition Checks Postcondition Checks in Terraform Maps in Terraform Guide Iterate over a map in Terraform Filtering Maps in Terraform Execute Shell/Bash in Terraform Terraform File/Folder Syncing Share Terraform Modules Adding Comments in Terraform Terraform Module Generators Auto-generating Jul 26, 2022 · The zipmap solution works only if the value of the key has a single value. 7, Terraform supports the use of variables as map keys. I presume that with the module update there was also an update with provider / terraform and is now checking variable types. code] containing the ‘string’ type values. For example, in a Unix-style shell: Oct 9, 2024 · Maps: In Terraform, a map is a data structure that stores values associated with specific keys. resource "example_resource" employing a specific key from the map in the name attribute, with the count parameter For example, a map can be used to specify resource tags, environment-specific settings, or configuration parameters for different modules. Hands-on: Try the Manage Similar Resources With For Each tutorial. type identity_ids = var. 2 Number Variables. tf: locals { bucket_prefix = "test-bucket" } And then you want to create three S3 buckets. 1. tfvars file. It's a very tricky thing to get right and has a number of problematic interactions with shell parsing rules that can trip you up. Mar 23, 2022 · generating a list of strings based off variables. This technique allows you to dynamically modify list elements, such as adding a suffix or prefix to each item. The example below shows how a map of string type values is defined in Terraform. Dec 31, 2024 · 1. The process involves reading the file content as a string and then converting it into a map structure. Nov 13, 2019 · Hi, First off - apologies - I’m extremely new (3 hours in!) to using terraform. Variables are defined using the variable block in Terraform. The service returns JSON data. The example below shows how you can use various types to build out an EKS cluster. May 30, 2023 · What are variables in Terraform? Variables in Terraform are used to store and manage dynamic values in the configuration files. A map is a data structure that matches keys to values, providing a way to group related data. Examples of Terraform Output Flags. tf identifies that it is a “windowsimage” and will use the mappings from the variable "windowsimage" variable. identity_ids } Working on WebApp module in which I need to pass conditional values for managed user identity. target_accounts = { Red = { account_id = "111111111111" allowed_ips = "0. g. Dec 24, 2024 · Declaring Terraform Variables. Jul 19, 2022 · environment { variables = { alarm_arns = jsonencode(var. 1 How do i load a local variable inside a module in Terraform? 1 Jun 25, 2020 · In Terraform a map can only have strings as keys (unquoted keys are still strings), so you need to swap your keys and values: locals{ all_domains = { "foo. micro"} In this case, the variable instance_type is declared with a default value of t2. I need to have something like the following: For env=dr: Terraform Input Variables with Collection Type maps Step-01: Introduction. The `jsonencode` function takes the map as its argument and returns a JSON-encoded string. tf with “windowsimage” or linuximage" variable “windowsimage” will have its own set of map. 3 Boolean Variables Jun 24, 2022 · Thanks for the issue. 3. schemas: schema_1: schema_name_1 schema_2: schema_name_2 Then, how can I pass this on as a string to the value of the argument? Feb 3, 2024 · Managing Terraform Dependencies Terraform Precondition Checks Postcondition Checks in Terraform Maps in Terraform Guide Iterate over a map in Terraform Filtering Maps in Terraform Execute Shell/Bash in Terraform Terraform File/Folder Syncing Share Terraform Modules Adding Comments in Terraform Terraform Module Generators Auto-generating Jul 26, 2022 · The zipmap solution works only if the value of the key has a single value. The defaults function does not work well for some use cases with collections of objects. Terraform Variables Lab Input Variables. tf defines the tags for the local name_suffix as defaults. They make the infrastructure code flexible and reusable. dev","*. However the key is combining different functions properly. This means that terraform will expect the trying to assign a map to a variable of type list Terraform applies object attribute defaults top-down in nested variable types. 11. ecrxhatuxtfjmwthhvilzaygczspjxqaljleqotsslzbuknnvjmndmbweqrdnfbxwltkaeegaxbcbwwiwi