Viruses questions and answers pdf grade 11. Write ALL the answers in the ANSWER BOOK.

Viruses questions and answers pdf grade 11 1 Viruses: A Occur in water only B Cause diseases C Are living unicellular organisms D Cause food to rot 1. 5 D. Q2. Free download in PDF Computer Virus Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for competitive exams. The bank of exam style questions are accompanied by high quality step-by-step marksBioes and video tutorials, taught by experienced IB Biology teachers. Describe a virion. Download these Free Viruses, Viroids, Prions MCQ Quiz Pdf and prepare for your upcoming exams Like Banking, SSC, Railway, UPSC, State PSC. Start EACH question on a NEW PAGE. GRADE 11 Term 2 LIFE SCIENCES MICROORGANISMS REVISION QUESTIONS Marks: 20 Time: 20 Capsid: a protein coat that gives a virus its shape. or how question for each heading. Includes information on HIV, virus reproduction, malaria, TB, thrush, characteristics of microbes etc. Start the answer to EACH question at the top of a NEW page. The questions test knowledge of specific viruses like Melissa and Michelangelo viruses. a. Everyone should have a little virus knowledge in both categories even if you've never actually had one yourself—you've certainly heard of a few. Cultivation 6. It Jan 20, 2021 · View Grade 11 - Life Science - Revision Questions - Micro-Organisms. Learn at your own pace with bite-sized verified content. The questions cover topics such as the definitions of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and logic bombs. Prions B. Practice questions for this Dec 10, 2023 · Viruses and Infectious Diseases Biology Lesson PowerPoint, Quiz, Check Details Viruses & bacteria answer sheet 2 . Ans: Computer viruses can be classified into various categories, as listed here. d) 12. IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY DO THE FOLLOWING, IN ORDER, UNTIL YOU DO UNDERSTAND 1. For each topic, it provides activities with Mar 8, 2023 · 12 ACTIVITIES/WORKSHEETS/EXAM TYPE QUESTIONS QUESTION 1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. 11. Developing and Using Models Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) This worksheet contains various questions to help your students learn (or review) basic concepts about Bacteria and Viruses. Answer: c) Email virus. MCQ on Virus and Antivirus. A strain of virus is made with nucleic acid of TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) and protein coat of HRV (Holmes rib-grass virus) and then the tobacco leaf is infected (a) Symptoms of TMV will appear (b) Symptoms of HRV will appear (c) Symptoms of both TMV and HRV will appear (d) Symptoms of none of these will appear View Answer Sep 4, 2021 · GRADE 11 BASELINE TEST TERM 1 2021 TOTAL: 30 TIME: 30 minutes Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A to D) next to the question numbers (1. BIOLOGY 11 Unit 3 - Answer Key 3. This will not test your understanding of this tutorial. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Biology: Viruses . 1 Viruses are mainly composed of A protein and nucleic acid. Quizizz is a fantastic platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including viruses worksheets, to help teachers create engaging and interactive learning experiences Explore the wonders of biology. Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. A virus that causes a disease. The human immune system has the ability to kill most bacteria and viruses before they make us sick. Viruses Bacteria Protists Fungi Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. A. Access easy-to-understand explanations and practical examples on key biology topics, from cells to ecosystems. Explore the wonders of biology. You’ll gain thorough understanding of various organisms and their environment, and Jan 22, 2025 · Get Viruses, Viroids, Prions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with answers and detailed solutions. The table below shows the results of testing five viruses for nuclease specificity, the ability of the virus to act as an mRNA, Jul 31, 2023 · Test your knowledge on the subject of viruses with our comprehensive list of multiple choice questions and answers. (Adapted from GDE, NSC, November 2009, Grade 11, Paper I, Question 1. 2. It defines 10 types of viruses: system or boot sector virus, direct action virus, resident virus, multipartite virus, polymorphic virus, overwrite virus, space-filler virus, file infectors, macro virus, and rootkit virus. Answer: c. parasite. Answer: c Explanation: There are a total of 10 types of virus. The explanations discuss characteristics of different virus types, how Jan 27, 2021 · Grade 11 Life Sciences lesson on biodiversity and classification of microorganisms On the day of the exam Vocabulary used in exam questions pdf . Which of the following statements are true about the capsomeres? Various possible options are provided as answers to the following questions. txt) or read online for free. Both A and B Ans. Be sure to check it out to refresh your memory!. destroying any viruses that enter the host creating a blocking protein on the cell preventing replication of the virus. Answer ALL the questions. Give the definition of each of the following: a) mean b) variance c) histogram d) bar graph e) ogive f) symmetric g) skewed h) outlier 2. The most effective way of managing malaria is to destroy its vector. Biological Classification Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers. Learn at your own pace with bite-sized, verified content. ANSWER BOOK. Computer virus results in the loss of speed and destruction of data. Aug 16, 2024 · Computer Virus Quizzes, Questions & Answers Step into the thrilling universe of digital security with our computer virus quizzes. Boot virus; Macro virus; File virus; Anti virus Viruses are non-living infectious particles, much smaller than a cell, and need a living host to reproduce. NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification and Virus Question Computer security MCQ PDF [Download] 60 Question + Notes: Cyber Security MCQ with Answers PDF [285 Important Questions] MCQ on Virus and Antivirus [PDF] Computer GK [10000 MCQ PDF] Questions for Competitive Exams Furthermore, viruses worksheets can be easily adapted to suit various grade levels, making them a versatile tool for educators in the field of Science and Biology. 1) in your ANSWER BOOK, for example 1. It is transmitted in humans through the bite. These Virus Objective Questions with Answers are important for Board Exams as well as competitive exams of Biotechnology, Virology, AIIMS, NEET and other Pre-Medical Exams. 1 Which of the following is applicable to viruses? The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is a standardized test that includes various new technology-enhanced questions. These quizzes offer an in-depth exploration of computer viruses, perfect for cybersecurity enthusiasts, computer science students, or anyone fascinated by the cat-and-mouse game of hackers and defenders. subtropical regions of the world. 30) in the ANSWER SHEET, e. Language and math standards are aligned to Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Grade 4 (ELA/Literacy) and Grade 5 (Mathematics). Which of the following is the genome of the virus? (a) DNA (b) RNA (c) DNA or RNA (d) DNA and RNA. grade 11 life sciences classwork on viruses, bacteria, protista and fungi (classification of miroorganisms) advised duration is 40 minutes you may revise this topic with theworksheet there are term and short answer questions good luck! Dec 12, 2024 · Welcome to these 11th grade information technology questions! There is an increased importance in ensuring that people get introduced to technology at a younger age due to the fact that it is used in almost every fiend. 1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Compare bacteria and viruses, based on your observations and research. Viruses are living or are a type of bacteria. 1 Name the reproductive structures formed inside the part numbered 1 (1) 2. Viruses do not have metabolic pathways for the antibiotic to target. pdf), Text File (. A computer virus causes harm to the data and programs stored by a computer by overwriting them with garbage. The document provides explanations for 10 multiple choice questions about types of computer viruses. These are System or Boot Sector Virus, Direct Action Virus, Resident Virus, Multipartite Virus, Polymorphic Virus, Overwrite Virus, Space-filler Virus, File infectors, Macro Virus, Rootkit virus. Ans: Melissa and Concept virus Q3. Anti-virus software. g. d. Rather refer to the theory again and answer the question. 1 Study the two plants A and B from different groups and answer the questions that follow. , No and more. Give two examples of Macro virus. Grade 7 1st Edition • ISBN 562 solutions. they are small, unicellular organism and are classified as prokaryotes (they do not contain a nucleus, chloroplast or mitochondria) bacteria is surrounded by a cell wall and plasma membrane which encloses the cytoplasm. 1. This document provides revision material for Grade 11 Life Sciences students in South Africa. It includes questions about the structure of viruses and bacteria, how they reproduce, how they cause disease, symptoms of viral and bacterial infections, treatment of infections, and the growth of The test covers topics like viruses, bacteria, fungi and malaria. TERM; WEEK 1: TOPIC: Biodiversity and classification of microorganisms SUB-TOPIC: Basic structure of viruses, bacteria, Protista and fungi NOTES & EXAM TIPS Biodiversity in general, refers to the wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms on Earth. This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biological Classification – Viruses, Viroids and Lichens – 1”. Classification 7. A virus is the smallest disease producing MCQ on Virus and Antivirus. In this worksheet, students will answer questions about the following 2 Study the two plants A and B from different groups and answer the questions that follow. Chlorella, Plasmodium), bacteria (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Pneumococcus), viruses (tobacco mosaic virus, influenza virus, HIV). ; Funke, Berdell R. When a virus infects an organism, it causes that organism to become sick. May 13, 2020 · View Life Sciences:Biology 11 WCLN - Unit 3 ~ Learning Guide Answer Key. Circle the letter before each sentence that is true about fungi. Introduction The classification of organisms Viruses Structure and characteristics of viruses Bacteria Characteristics of bacteria Structural characteristics Nutrition of bacteria Reproduction of bacteria Protista Characteristics of Protista Three groups of Protista Fungi Characteristics Activity 1: Kingdoms Activity 2: Practical This document provides information about computer viruses, including definitions of common virus types like boot sector viruses, program file viruses, and worms. c. Nov 27, 2024 · b) Macro virus c) Email virus d) Adware. Question 1. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. Trojan horses. D Explanation: There are four different types of viruses based on the type What software can you use to avoid getting viruses ? Disk Cleanup software; Firewall; Anti-virus software; Safety software; Answer. Antivirus software is recommended for protecting computers from (always CHECK and CORRECT your answers) Never leave class without understanding. Some of them are Multiple choice-single correct responses, Multiple choice-multiple correct responses, Matching Tables, Drag and Drop, Hot text, Table Fill in, Graphing, Equation/numeric, Extended constructed response, Short answer, and many more. The trivia quiz below will act as a perfect way to see if you know all the basics like the back of your hand. How can viruses exist with so few genes? In what ways do viruses vary? Linking Questions: Linking questions strengthen students’ understanding by making connections between topics. Which type of bacterium will most likely cause a severe infection? Give the correct biological term for each of the following descriptions. A virus famous for making multiple copies of itself, spreads, and infects other computers over a network is called _____. Guiding questions help students view the content of the syllabus through the conceptual lenses of both the themes and the levels of biological organization. It also gives examples of specific viruses like Melissa and identifies their category (macro, program, boot). 7. a) 5. Lesson Procedures: 1. 10. Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus, and chicken pox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. Viruses are larger than prions. 10) in the ANSWER BOOK, for example 1. 5. Sampl e answ e r s ar e pr ov i de d 1. Virus enters the computer without the permission and knowledge of the user. Students could test each other’s keys. Science teachers, discover a collection of free printable worksheets focused on viruses for Grade 11 students. Viruses are small particles, smaller than eukaryotic cells but larger than prokaryotic cells. Each worksheet is designed to target specific learning objectives related to microbiology, with an emphasis on vocabulary building, matching activities, and short-answer questions. The Viruses MCQ with Answers PDF: Subunits of the capsid are called; for best SAT prep courses online. Enhance your lessons and help students explore the fascinating world of virology. Possible misunderstandings Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Parasites, No, bacteria are. It covers 6 topics: Biodiversity and Classification of Micro-organisms, Biodiversity of Plants, Biodiversity of Animals, Energy Transformation to sustain Life: Photosynthesis, Animal Nutrition, and Energy Transformation to sustain Life: Cellular Respiration. It defines key terms like boot records, macros, and executable files. It includes definitions of key terms like malware, boot sector virus, program file virus, and multipartite virus. X Your answer: For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Biology: Viruses webquest print page. 5) Read the following passage regarding flu and answer the questions that follow. Other viruses include colds, mumps, and yellow fever. Why are antibiotics ineffective against viruses? A. Science standards are aligned to NGSS Grade 3. Viroids C. B. Hope it helps! Read less a viral reproductive cycle in which copies of a virus are made within a host cell, which then bursts open, releasing new viruses Lysogenic Cycle a viral reproductive cycle in which the viral DNA is added to the host cell's DNA and is copied along with the host cell's DNA GRADE 6 CHP-8 COMPUTER VIRUSES AND THEIR EFFECTS Q1. NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification and Virus Solutions to each chapter is provided in the list so that you can easily browse through different chapters NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification and Virus and select need one. (Total 1 mark) 2. pdf from BIOLOGY 11 at Abbotsford Virtual School. Test your knowledge about viruses and their unique characteristics with this quiz! Explore how viruses reproduce inside host cells and learn about their genetic components. However, parallel standards for other grade bands are readily applicable to this lesson for Grades 3-5. The virus that spread in application software is called as. Sol: (a) Megavirus chilensis. It makes up 95% of the virus. 1 – None 2 – Cellular 3 – Prokaryotic 4 – Some are autotrophic, and others are heterotrophic 5 – Multicellular 6 - Eukaryotic 7 – Multicellular 8 – Eukaryotic 9 – Heterotrophic 10 – Multicellular & uni 11 – Eukaryotic 12 – Heterotrophic Use the following information to answer the following questions. a) Worm b) Trojan horse c) Macro virus d) Adware. Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A to D) next to the question number (1. Keylogger. What is a computer virus ? a program written to cause harm to a computer; a hardware fault which causes data to be 1. It contains questions about the effects of viruses, different types of malware like viruses, worms, and Trojans, how antivirus software works to detect and remove viruses, and symptoms of a virus infection. Antiviral drugs that are used after infection often prevent: cell division immune system degradation reinfection by other viruses uptake of the virus. This document provides information about computer viruses from a textbook. Free Printable viruses Worksheets for 11th Grade. As you read, write answers to your questions. 9. List 3 criteria used to define a virus. D. These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Write the name of any four Antivirus software. Do not just click on the answers and write them out. This document contains directions for a Grade 12 Biology exam being administered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in May 2020. Program Virus: This is the most infectious type of computer virus. C. 6. This article covers everything from the basic structure of viruses to their functions and types. A computer virus disrupts the normal operation of a computer. It is difficult to “catch” a virus. It also includes short answer and matching questions related to viruses such as HBV, HCV, HAV, human papillomavirus, poliovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and more. Reaction to Physical and Chemical Agents 4. Any organism or virus that causes a disease. 1 Questions 1) What is a virus? (1 The IB Biology HL Questionbank is a comprehensive set of IB Biology exam style questions, categorised into syllabus topic and concept, and sorted by difficulty of question. VIRUSES in EUKARYOTES Questions and Answers pdf :-Which of the following is the agent associated with the development of neurodegenerative disease in livestock and humans? A. 1 to 1. Question 4. The genetic material of the cell is DNA, a double stranded helix. In 1971, David Baltimore described a scheme for classifying viruses based on how the virus produces mRNA. A virus is essentially DNA or RNA and a protective protein coat. a) True b) False View Answer. Virus worksheet answer keyViruses (exam 3) biol 251 flashcards Quiz virusesViruses questions diagram. Worm. Viruses - Bacterium Observations Activity Questions Provided in VIVED Science A nsw e r s may v ar y. 11 D. Any virus can affect any organism. Virus, Viroids & Prions Recommended MCQs - 252 Questions Biological Classification Botany Practice questions, MCQs, Past Year Questions (PYQs), NCERT Questions, Question Bank, Class 11 and Class 12 Questions, NCERT Exemplar Questions and PDF Questions with answers, solutions, explanations, NCERT reference and difficulty level Mar 2, 2021 · 4. 31 D. The document covers key concepts in Grade 11 Biology regarding viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. 1 D. The exam contains 100 multiple choice questions to be completed in 2 hours. It is difficult to contract a virus. Answers are provided as a means of checking the correctness of your work. Which is NOT a common and enough method to protect against computer viruses? Dec 10, 2024 · LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 NOTES SECTION A Question 1 1. Based on host range, viruses are classified into: A. Viruses are living organisms. Viruses consist of only a core of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat. Boot Sector Virus: This type of virus hides in the boot sector of a hard disk or a pen drive and infects the start-up instructions which are required to boot the system. Answer: a) Worm. Practice, practice, practice This Viruses and Bacteria Worksheet is suitable for 9th - 11th Grade. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Start the answer to EACH ques tion at the top of a NEW page. Insect virus C. Computer security related objective Questions and answers with pdf for All competitive exams like JKSSB, GATE, SSC, RAILWAY, BANK, UPSC, IBPS, CHSL, MP Police etc. There are _____ types of computer virus. (2) 2. The document contains a biology test with multiple choice and short answer questions covering topics about viruses, bacteria, and their life cycles. Virinos. Short Answer: In complete sentences, answer the questions below from the reading. Revision Human papilloma virus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide, with an estimated global prevalence of 11. State 2 living characteristics of viruses. Intended for the SA Grade 11 Life Sciences syllabus. Test takers are instructed to only mark their answers on the separate answer sheet using a pencil. They are eukaryotes. Tail: viruses that infect bacteria have a tail used for attachment. It explains how different types of viruses like worms, viruses, and malware work. Microbiology: An Introduction, 11th Edition answers to Chapter 13 - Viruses, Viroids, and Prions - Study Questions - Multiple Choice - Page 399 5 including work step by step written by community members like you. Reviewing the key terms and ideas from a chapter about viruses and bacteria, this activity helps students to reinforce their knowledge about the makeup and life cycle of a virus. Discover the fascinating world of these tiny infectious agents and expand your understanding of their biology. Make an appointment for extra help 3. 1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Study the material in this section and then write out the answers to these questions. These viruses can cause a range of symptoms and can be transmitted from person to person through various Free Viruses Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers: Viruses MCQ PDF Book, "Viruses" App Download to learn e-learning courses. Below is a table with data for the number of people driving under the influence of drugs and Dec 12, 2024 · Welcome to these 11th grade information technology questions! There is an increased importance in ensuring that people get introduced to technology at a younger age due to the fact that it is used in almost every fiend. B DNA and RNA. b. State 2 nonliving characteristics of viruses. Choose the correct answer and write only the letter (A D) next to the question number (1. This document provides extra questions and answers about computer viruses for a computer science class. Below is a table with data for the number of people driving under the influence of drugs and Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Name the method of asexual reproduction exhibited by bacteria, Describe the process of asexual reproduction in bacteria, Name the three stages of the growth curve of bacteria and others. It includes multiple choice questions to identify biological terms as well as descriptive questions about the malaria parasite life cycle and its transmission. All fungi are multicellular organisms. Furthermore, viruses worksheets can be easily adapted to suit various grade levels, making them a versatile tool for educators in the field of Science and Biology. Also, because this is a packet, there isn't anything with all of the answers so um here ya go. What is a Computer virus? Ans: A computer virus is a program that is secretly introduced into a system in order to corrupt or destroy data. 1. Learn. b) 7. The common flu (influenza) is the most common virus and can easily spread between people. It also lists multiple choice and fill in the blank questions about computer viruses, their history, types, and how to prevent virus attacks. Students answer true/false questions, blanks from a word bank, and complete a chart about the lytic cycle versus the lysogenic cycle. Present your answers according to the instructions of each question. A disease caused by bacteria or viruses. Finally, it provides a short 1. Study the extract below about malaria. Any form of cheating will result in dismissal from the exam. Grade 11 Life Sciences 3-in-1 IEB CLASS TEXT & STUDY GUIDE This Grade 11 Life Sciences 3-in-1 study guide breaks the IEB curriculum down into accessible chunks, allowing you to navigate your way through a challenging course. 4. ; Case, Christine L. 1,2 Starting in fall 2012, all provinces and territories in Canada implemented school-based programs for girls ranging from grade 4 to 8, with catch-up doses available in some . Morphology of Virus 3. 3. Definitions and examples of key terms are also included to help students understand computer viruses and There are websites with the answers so I'll put them in the set, and I think it'd be easier to see the answers on there, but in case the sites get taken down I'll put the answers down on here. Write your comparisons on the provided Bacteria vs. Answer: A _____is probably the most important characteristic for classification of viruses in eukaryotes. Viruses have some none-living characteristics, e. These short objective type questions with answers are very important for Board exams as well as competitive exams. Contents: Definition of Viruses Morphology of […] This document contains a 40 question multiple choice exam on various viruses. Quizizz is a fantastic platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including viruses worksheets, to help teachers create engaging and interactive learning experiences LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 11 REMOTE LEARNING WORKBOOK. Ask questions in class (to me or if timing is appropriate to peers) 2. Ans: Norton, Kaspersky, McAfee Read About Bacteria & Viruses WHAT ARE BACTERIA & VIRUSES? Bacteria are single-celled, living things found almost everywhere on Earth. These are categorized based on their working and characteristics. Virology Questions and Answers – Humans Viruses – Parvoviridae and Papovaviridae Apr 10, 2023 · Practice MCQ Questions for Class 11 Biology with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. What are three examples of fungi Briefly explain the impact of Corona Virus on human life and environment. Definition of Viruses 2. Answer: (c) Q3. Viruses Observations, Research, and Comparison Worksheet. virions D. Bacteria and viruses worksheet answersViruses virus quiz by amy brown science . 3), for Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Biology questions for your custom printable tests and worksheets. It includes details on the structure and reproduction of viruses, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, and the role of fungi in ecosystems. Jan 18, 2023 · The common cold and flu are caused by different strains of the influenza virus, while HIV is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. Free download in PDF Virus Multiple Choice Questions & Answers for competitive exams. Write ALL the answers in the ANSWER BOOK. 1 1. Major Groups of DNA and RNA Viruses. It covers topics like viral structure, transmission routes, laboratory diagnosis of specific viruses, and diseases caused by certain viruses. 2 All viruses are: A Prokaryotes B You do yourself NO favours by looking at answers before tackling a question, even if you are struggling with it. The document contains a 12 question multiple choice quiz about computer viruses. Practice questions for this set. Why do some viruses seem to go away and then return later, like a Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Microbiology questions for your custom printable tests and worksheets. docx. Fungi What Are Fungi? 1. 1 Is the gametophyte generation of these plants haploid or diploid? Read the following instructions carefully before answering the questions. Virology Questions and Answers – Respiratory, Measles and Rubella Viruses ; Virology Questions and Answers – Capsid Assembly of Viruses ; Virology Questions and Answers – Humans Viruses – Picornaviridae and Togaviridae ; Virology Questions and Answers – Genome Organization of Viruses ; Virology Questions and Answers – Classification SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR VIROLOGY MCQ’s (MAC 221) Q-1 All the following viruses are transmitted by respiratory routes EXCEPT ONE: A) Human papilloma virus B) Rhinovirus C) Adenovirus D) Measles virus E) VZV Q-2 All the following viruses are disseminated throughout the body EXCEPT ONE: A) HIV B) HBV C) Rabies virus Jun 15, 2022 · Answer: It is anti-virus software. Other structures a virus could have are: Envelopes: consist of lipids and are found only in some viruses; it is believed to come from the host cell when the virus exits in the cell. the genetic material (DNA) is concentrated in the Essential Questions to be answered: What is a Virus and how do Viruses Affect Living Organisms Misconceptions: Viruses are living. NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Biological Classification and Virus Question Read the followin g instructions carefully before answering the questions. An epidemic is a widespread disease that affects many people in a population whereas pandemic is a disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population. Mar 21, 2023 · Virus Quizzes, Questions & Answers Viruses are nasty things regardless of whether or not you’re talking about the kind that attacks your body or your computer. They are autotrophs. Flu, or influenza, is a highly infectious disease caused by viruses. Most use spores to reproduce. Viruses Quiz | PDF | Virus | Cell (Biology) GRADE 11 - LIFE SCIENCES SECTION A. pdf from BIOLOGY 11 at University of Pretoria. Any organism transmitted from humans to humans. 34 D. 1: Biodiversity and classification of micro-organisms. You can access the answer key, a Word document, and a Google Slides link of this content from the following resource: Bacteria and Viruses - Worksheet. Cracker. The protective protein coat around the virus is called a capsid. Stem Virus D. Answer: B. Bacteriophage B. They also ask about how viruses spread and the purpose of antivirus software and firewalls. Students also viewed. Feb 25, 2020 · 3. • Students could be asked to make a dichotomous key to classify any of the examples given. Nov 18, 2011 · Powerpoint on viruses, bacteria, protists and Fungi. GRADE 11 LIFE SCIENCES CLASSWORK ON VIRUSES, BACTERIA, PROTISTA AND FUNGI (CLASSIFICATION OF MIROORGANISMS) ADVISED DURATION IS 40 MINUTES YOU MAY REVISE THIS TOPIC WITH THEWORKSHEET THERE ARE TERM AND SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS GOOD LUCK! DHR The document provides worksheets about computer viruses and malware for students. Write ALL the answers in your ANSWER BOOK. It also discusses virus infection symptoms, prevention methods like antivirus software and updates, and short descriptions of related terms like Master Boot Record, Trojan horses, spyware, and spam. Refer to the Biological Classification Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation. G11 Life Sciences Term 4 Exam Question Paper 1; 2023 Grade 12 Physical Sciences Practical Test 1; Gr. Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Bacteria & Virus: Practice Test, so you can be ready for test day. , ISBN-10: 0321733606, ISBN-13: 978-0-32173-360-3, Publisher: Benjamin Cummings This collection of worksheets focuses on the understanding of bacteria and viruses, their structure, functions, and the diseases they cause. the cell wall is surrounded by a slime layer and plasmid. Reason — Anti-virus software protects the computer from viruses. Quizizz is a fantastic platform that offers a wide range of educational resources, including viruses worksheets, to help teachers create engaging and interactive learning experiences Worksheet 11: Statistics Grade 11 Mathematics 1. Viruses can pass from one organism to another through handshaking, food contact, water, and air. 10 Topic Test Animal tissues Explore the wonders of biology. ADVERTISEMENTS: Exam Questions and Answers on Virus. they cannot feed and reproduce. Size: Grade 11 - Life Science - Revision Questions - Micro-Organisms - Free download as PDF File (. Draw all drawings in pencil and labels in blue or 1. If answers are NOT presented according to the instructions of each question, candidates will lose marks. Multiplication of Virus inside the Host Cell 5. Session - Bacteria vs. Life Sciences/grade 11/Biodiversity and Classification of micro-organisms. In a hurry? Browse our pre-made printable worksheets library with a variety of activities and quizzes for all K-12 levels. Textbook Authors: Tortora, Gerard J. 4) in your ANSWER BOOK, for example 1. c) 10. bacteria is small and is classified under the kingdom Monera. Sol:(c) DNA or RNA . Additionally, it compares the characteristics of viruses, bacteria, and fungi, highlighting their differences and similarities. Monday 20 February 15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Mathematics Term 2 Day Date Time Subject Topic Thursday 18 May 15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Mathematics Term 3 Day Date Time Grade Subject Monday 7 August 15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Mathematics Term 4 Day Date Time Grade Subject Tuesday 10 October 15:00 – 16:00 Grade 11 Mathematics 6. Which of the following is the largest virus? (a) Megavirus chilensis (b) Arbo virus (c) Herpes virus (d) Mumps virus. Viruses are a protein shell with DNA inside, and they need a host cell to reproduce. 7% in women and 20% in men. What is the name of the viruses that fool a user into downloading and/or executing them by pretending to be useful applications? a. Worksheet 11: Statistics Grade 11 Mathematics 1. A virus's genetic material is either DNA or RNA. , Viruses are a type of bacteria. 33), e. jxwje osavxa xbsft xuob wjbw bgh krqlwkv kuiqhg wprduk nstgjpco psphwd thrwrjg iqd hakfxzl ilywve