Service card format kerala govt employees Office Travelling Allowance Rules - Kerala Service Rules; Lien (R. 15) Statement of Properties to be filed on Entry into Service Card for Senior Clerk Promotion in General Education Department Name and Designation Office and District Rank No Clerk Rank No. kerala. Kerala Labour. Further, according to the present procedure, Employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs. 22 KB Kerala Public Service Commission. Applicable to State Govt Employees, staff of aided schools and aided colleges, Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has made health cards mandatory for all employees of establishments related to the preparation, distribution and sale of food in the state, from February Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. dated 1-11-1989. of Kerala Project Implemented jointly by IT Department & Finance Department, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Phone: 0471-2725646 . Already have an account? Sign In Kerala Service Matters Help for Kerala Govt employees and Teachers, Appointment, Joining, Spark, Insurance, Retirement, Pay revision, Relieving, Salary etc The service of the Government This document appears to be a service card form for employees of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for Job Seekers, Employees & Employers. KSRTC to re-employ 674 retirees as temporary employees. E-Mail:- FORMAT FOR ID CARD (USE CAPITAL LETIERS ONLY) *NAME *PHOTOGRAPH *DESIGNATION *SECIION *DEPARTMENT SIGNATURE *RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. 10 Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. About us. Consumer Public Services Act, 1968 (19 of 1968), read with section 3 thereof, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules further to amend the Kerala Government Servants’ Application Complete Dearness Allowance Chart w. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Relinquishment of Promotion [Rule 38 Part-II KS&SSR] Any person may, in writing, relinquish KERALA GOVERNMENT SERVANTS' CONDUCT RULES, 1960 ISSUED BY THE ALTI1IORFfl' OF THE GOVERNMENT. 256/75/Public dated 1-11-1975. Aadhaar Card (12) Advances (7) AI for India (2) AIBPARC (2) AICPIN (43) 3. 3 The Nodal Officer, Kerala Pensioners' Portal. 89/2021/Fin Dated 12/08/2021, the Pay & Allowances of Contingent Employees of Corporation/ Service Certificate -Clerk- By Transfer : Service Certificate Format Clerk-By Transfer. Kerala Pensioners' Portal is a digital initiative of Department of Treasuries. Gratuity (when the employee has no family) 5: Nomination for Non- Contributory Family Pension : 5A: Details of Family Pension : 6: Application for Family Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Name of post held aided school service certificate:revised format:(ker certificate) GO(P)13/2021/FIN DT:23/01/2021 PROFORMA TO BE UPLOADED WITH PENSION REVISION PROPOSAL AS PER Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (2%) due on 01/01/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary Government employees: All government employees, including civil servants, elected officials, and military personnel, need a govt employee ID card. GOVERNMENT OF KERALA FINANCE (PENSION-B) DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT ORDERS ON DISBURSAL OF PENSIONARY BENEFITS WITHOUT DELAY TO EMPLOYEES It is an important aspect of employee benefits, and the Kerala government provides its employees with various allowances for their official travel. According to the provisions contained in Rule Travelling Allowance Rules - Kerala Service Rules; Lien (R. സോഗാബേോര്ഡിോഗാനറ്റ് സര്വ്വീസില്പ്പ SERVICE CARD FOR SENIOR CLERK PROMOTION IN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT: DOWNLOAD. As per the Govt. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 Service certificate format for kerala govt employees. Applicable to State Govt Employees, staff of aided schools and aided colleges, Free software for Govt. Thiruvananthapuram / 8th August. Participation in Strike on 22/01/2025 Treated as Dies-non - Order Dated 20/01/2025 സോക്ഷയപേത്രം. dated 12-4-1989. Sl No. in FORM No. 6,805. Housing Loan for Govt Employees & Teachers for Excel Utility for the Preparation of Salary Bill and Connected documents of KWA Employees Water Analysis Assistant Ver 4. Reimbursement of Spectacle Kerala February 19, 2025 A provision has been enabled in SPARK software for updating MEDISEP ID in employee SPARK profile; February 15, 2025 As per Circular No. 15) Statement of Properties to be filed on Entry into Government Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Under the scheme, employees who remain in the entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs. Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. Compliance Calendar Principal Accountant General (A&E) Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala State Employees Management Portal (KSEMP) is a Web Portal for Kerala State Government employees to view Application form for SPARK id cards. (P) No. Certificate Formats Monday, 09 December 2019 Service Certificate Format: A service certificate is an important document given to an employee issued by the employer, that declares the service provided by him/her. - - Vide Circular No. Downloads: 3. G. The hike in DA would apply to government employees, teachers, full- Joining proforma for Police verification (See note (2) under rules 10(b) iii of Kerala State & Subordinate Service Rules 1958 Kerala Govt Employees Medical Reimbursement-Guidelines, Orders and Circulars-Handbook Compiled by Sri. Some of these communities are Navithaar, Raneyar, Kodiyava, Chorthapanicker etc. Information. The form collects personal information such as name, father's name, CNIC Kerala Service Rules with related downloads Toggle Navigation sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (2%) due on 01/01/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers eSevanam is the official service portal of the Government of Kerala. Format Service Certificate for Central Govt Employees. 40 Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Employees of Govt of Kerala to achieve administrative efficiency through transparent payroll and other accounts/service activities. Department of Cooperation, Government of Kerala > Forms SPARK Form(Form No. 226/2015/Fin Dated 12-06-2015 National Pension Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala – Manual Version 2. Appointed on Working Arragement - Kerala Service Rules, admissible to the employees who donate blood, to the employees who donate blood components as well, subject to the conditions therein. O. Vide GO(P) employees — Guidelines — Revised. reference Fill Service Certificate Format For Kerala Govt Employees, Edit online. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 National Employment Service (Kerala) Subject: MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FORM Created Date: 11/23/2016 6:48:32 AM format of service certificate: format of service certificate. Home; Software; KSR; Download; Forms; Archives; Online Portal Vide GO(P) Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. reference %PDF-1. Attendance Card. The holder of this card is responsible for its safe keeping. E-MAIL. pdf: 31-01-2025 : Willingness for the post of Female Attendant in Local Self To provide a platform of interface between stakeholders for responsive transparent and efficient employment service in order to meet skill needs of a dynamic society. 784449/Rules A1/2018/fin DT:28/11/2018. in (IT Cell, Directorate of Employment) ` പ്രത്യേക GOVERNMENT OF KERALA THE KERALA SERVICE RULES VOLUME I PARTS I & II SEVENTH EDITION (Embodying corrections up to 11th February, 2008) ISSUED BY THE Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for Job Seekers, Employees & Employers. The portal is owned by Kerala State IT Mission and is developed by • These rules shall apply to the persons appointed to State Government service, Staff of Aided Schools and Colleges, Full Time contingent employees, and employees of Local Water Analysis Result Printing and Exporting utility for Quality Control Laboratories in Kerala Water Authority Pay Fixation Consultant 2. Pay Calculator for Kerala State Government Employees. A candidate who is not of Kerala origin but has been a resident of Kerala State for a period of 5 (five) years within Kerala government launched the HRMS portal, and this website is the Service and Payroll Administrative repository, SPARK in short. 17-01-2020. 7. - The Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, the rules regulating the pay of the services issued from time to time, the Government Servant's Conduct Rules, the Format for Pensioners' Identity Card, under Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1972 (or other corresponding rule) (FRONT) PENSIONER'S IDENTITY CARD GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Kerala Service -The ultimate service sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (2%) due on 01/01/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary of Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to the effect that the leave recommended is Procedure Edit. (P)No. kpsc. Register; News & Events; Downloads; Contact; Downloads. 2. This is calculated as follows: Calculate length of service from the date of first THE KERALA GOVERNMENT SERVANTS MEDICAL ATTENDANCE RLES 1960 (Proforma to be filled up by the Authorized Medical Attendant when a patient is referred to other hospitals Issue of duplicate PRAN Card -Orders issued 2016-04-07: Notice-Recovery of NPST charge 2015-07-28: G. SPARK Form(Form No. NO. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Overview. Working Time in Kerala Govt. Document Name Subject Published View; 1: Letter of Undertaking Order: Letter of Undertaking Order: Kerala "Service" means a group of persons classified by the State Government as a State or Subordinate Service as the case may be. 2016. Search. format for Liability / Non-liability certificate [LC/NLC] is attached in Annexure-1. nes@kerala. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Overview Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 131,962. f. 15-18) ISM to Unicode converter online; Maternity Leave - Kerala Service Rules; Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity - ID Card Application Manual KELTRON Page 1 Introduction Keltron developed Web Based Id card management software for register your ID Card application. Gallery. Kindly Provide the Mobile Number given in the Treasury. The State Government has made it mandatory as part of the strict measures ordered to ensure hygiene at food service Hospital leave will be granted only on production by the employee concerned of a medical certificate from his authorised medical attendant to the effect that the leave recommended is GOVERNMENT OF KERALA THE KERALA SERVICE RULES VOLUME I PART I & II EIGHTH EDITION 2016 service conditions of Government employees necessitating the issue of a GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department CIRCULAR No. 16500-35700 to Rs. PROFORMA TO BE UPLOADED WITH PENSION REVISION PROPOSAL AS Forms of Annual movable or immovable property statement for the year 2020 - All employees except Part-time contingent servants are required to submit the statement before the 15th Forms for Newly Appointed Employees. It is designed to be implemented in 39 Government kpsc. Service and Payroll Administrative Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for Job Seekers, Employees & Employers. ONLINE SERVICES. Notes on KSR Pay Fixation Rules - by Kerala Public Service Commission. It provides a single window to access various online services conveniently and Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. 93 KB. 7318/AR. Maximum period of absence from the country is six month for visiting Children and Four month for other All employees except Part-time contingent servants are required to submit the annual movable or immovable property statement before the 15th January of every suceeding Any feedback/grievance regarding Online Services may please be mailed to itcell. 15-18) Maternity Leave - Kerala Service Rules; Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity - Kerala Service Rules; ISM to Unicode Government of Kerala for a minimum period of two years. Date of Retirement of Employee / Pensioner : 6. To save changes and return to your Dashboard, click Done. Download here; Account test & KER are compulsory for govt primary hm promotion:Kerala GOVERNMENT OF KERALA FINANCE (EXPENDITURE -A) DEPARTMENT No. 2014) Enhanced Headmaster promotion & Hm higher grade: Date of next increment :clarification by Govt . Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala is an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts information system for all the Employees in Government of Kerala. 62. 16500 Tenth Pay Revision Order of Kerala Govt. download: 11-10-2019 : declaration to be submitted alongwith application for dulpicate certificate by gazetted officers KSR Amendment (Seventh) 2019 -Insertion of sub rule (d) in Rule 59 Part III vide Order GO(P)No. in; FORMAT OF NOC TO BE SUBMITTED BY SERVICE PERSONNEL FOR APPLYING VARIOUS POSTS - APPLICABLE FOR SERVING PERSONNEL WHO ARE Home SERVICE RULES Govt Employee's andTeachers Service Book Registers (SR) Maintenance Procedures, Rules, Methods, Entries, Health Card Number. 9 Lakh employees of the Kerala State Government, High Court Judges and All India Service Officials working in Kerala as per the rules and procedures contained in the GPF (K) Rules Pay Calculator for Kerala Govt Employees. 6 Developmental Services: Developmental Services are services or schemes provided by Government for the benefit of citizens like NREGS, IAY, Old age Pension etc. The order which is applicable to all Kerala Government Employees MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT GUIDELINES ,ORDERS &CIRCULARS Compiled By : Robin Samuel,VEO Sasthamcotta . The holder while on duty must produce this card on demand by security staff or any other officer Printed from www. CIRCULAR Sub: Employees working on temporary, A Govt. 1. 1 2 Private aided educational institutions 1,38,574 26. (P)8/89/P&ARD. You can use this application for Contingent Employees Pay Revised w. Form of Undertaking to refund Kerala to Employees Retired from Service സ. E-mail: Staff Welfare; Other functions; Gazetted Entitlement / ഗസെടെഡ് എന്ടൈടില്മെന്ഡ്. 584/73. VA Issued ID Card for Services. Form 28 - Attendance Card. This is an integrated website for government 3 Old Case: A reply to a reference issued from the office or a paper which though not a reply of that nature has for any other reason to be filed with the current already pending is called an Many fear that the lack of clarity could mean that employees will not get their DA arrears for 39 months. [Rule 126] Not more than one day is allowed to an officer in order to join a Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala government employees who carry out duties of special nature would be exempted from biometric punching, ordered the General Administration department. 15 SERVICE AND PAYROLL ADMINISTRATIVE REPOSITORY FOR KERALA (See Rule 13A Part - 1, KSRs) Repository Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Around 11 communities in Kerala have just one representation in government services. f 01/09/2017 HOT Re-imbursement of Service Tax in Rail Appendix -II The Kerala Govt. Vide Order GO(P)No. Printing and scanning is no longer the best way to manage documents. Services. ഉ (അച്ച"ി) നം. Table of Contents(toc) service. Separate DA Rate included for Pay in 2004, 2009, Grant-in-aid Institutions & PSUs Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala is an Integrated Personnel, Payroll and Accounts information system for all the Employees in Grant Government of Kerala GENERAL TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM 1 Permanent Employee Number (PEN) 2 Name 3 Department 4 Designation 5 Contact Telephone numbers Mobile 6 E Disabled State Government employees, shall be eligible for special casual leave for a maximum period of 15 days at a time (including the time spent in transit both ways) to attend Artificial Identity Card Form Photo (3x3 cms FORM-A with 75% area cOvered with Photo (3x3 cms with 75% area covered image of the face) front attested by sponsoring Home SLI Premium Kerala Government Mandatory Schemes(GIS-SLI-PF-NPS) for Full-time regular employees Kerala Government Mandatory Schemes(GIS-SLI-PF-NPS) for Full-time regular employees Performa For Medical Fitness Certificate For Food Handlers Medical fitness certificate format for food handlers Skip to content Thycaud. Latest . Toggle Navigation handicapped employees on the basis of a medical certificate issued by the Head Kerala Public Service Commission. Employees, Service organizations and Public about Contributory Pension No need to obtain Govt sanction for visiting abroad for Personal/Private purposes. in the Seniority List (2013-16) or in the Previous Fill Service Certificate Format For Kerala Govt Employees, Edit online. C. Last Grade Service Rule-1966 HOT. Robin Samuel: Medisep Scheme-Handbook by Sri. Register; News & Events; Downloads; Contact; Register. Dated, Thinivananthapuram, 1st June, 2009. Edit your service certificate format for GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Personnel and Administ?ative Reforms (AR 13) Department CJRCULAI No. Qualifying Service: R 12(30) PI & R 9 to 31 & 57 PIII This is the service that qualifies for the grant of pension. Hon'ble Minister's Visit at Labour Commissionerate. Home; Software; KSR; Download; Forms; Archives; Online Portal clarification Nomination for D. Pay Fixation Assistant Final 130,369. An employee who had committed offences while in Orders has been issued for Sanctioning Bonus/Special Festival Allowance and Onam Advance to Govt Employees and Persioners for the year 2024. employees while retiring from service on super anuation. P. e. 2/2021/Fin Dated 04/01/2021, extended the benefit of Maternity Leave on full pay as per Rule 100, Part I, Kerala Service Rules upto a period of 180 Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. psc@kerala. Robin Samuel: If my father is a service Leave Travel Concession Introduced to State Govt Employees vide Order No 713/2012/Fin Dated 31/12/2012. Additional Ways to Prove Military Service Military ID Card (active duty, National Guard, Reserves, IRR, or retiree). 19000-43600 will be granted four higher grades on completion of the Guideline has been issued vide circular No. 01/01/2004 to 31/12/2021 with download Link to DA orders in pdf format. Relinquishment of Promotion - Revised Kerala Teachers Live Telegram Channel(link) Kerala Teachers Live-An Exclusive Telegram Channel for Govt Employees & Teachers, Powered by Hsslive. f 01/07/19. finance. 02 Public sector employees: Individuals Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. If one of the couple is a Cyber Security Guidelines for Government Employees- Reg. R. Servants Medical attendance rules 1960 Directorate of Health Services, General Hospital Junction, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 035. of Kerala But it may take two more months to get reimbursement and cashless services at hospitals due to. - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (Central Act GOVERNMENT OF KERALA FINANCE (PENSIONB) DEPARTMENT Government Orders on Disbursal of Pensionary Benefits Without Delay to Employees Retired from Service Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Read:- 1. Application For Leave HOT. Adopted eService Book to all Gazetted and Non Gazetted Employees of State Government with effect from 17/08/2021 vide order Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committee has issued a questionnaire for seeking openion from Govt Employees, Public and Service organisations. Try Now! FORMAT OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED FOR RECRUITMENT BY TRANSFER AS LOWER DIVISION CLERK. 41/2021/Fin dated 03/05/2021,regarding sanctioning of terminal surrender while relieving from Department to join PSUs,Autonomous Handy tips for filling out Service certificate kerala psc online. regards. O (Ms) No. 82/2019/Fin dated 09/07/2019. 7/2016/Fin. 09/P&ARI). Date of Birth of Employee / Pensioner : 5. Employees and Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. 0 1 SERVICE & PAYROLL ADMINISTRATIVE REPOSITORY FOR KERALA User Manual A Govt. Employees and Teachers vide G. SLI Deduction Schedule HOT. Challan Form. Download details. Pay Fixation Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. gov. DA Chart for Kerala Govt Employees (Pay Revision w. Download. Employees. Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 132,189. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471-2444428 format of identity certificate and declaration to be produced by the candidate those who passed the departmental test before the year 2000 but lost their admission ticket for the Dowload various forms for Kerala Govt Employees. 83/2019/Fin Dated 05/10/2019, Govt have issued directions for the appointment of Temporary Employees in Sanctioned post on daily wages or Contract Basis Kerala Service Section II Application – Gazetted Government Employees 112-113 Section III Application – Non-Gazetted Government Employees 114-115 Section IV Anticipatory Pension 116 Section V Final 10 Annexure-VI- Covering Letter Format 106 The medical treatment for Kerala Government employees including the High Court of Kerala compulsory basis, and all Civil Service Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition HOT Travelling Allowance - Auto Rikshaw/ Taxi fare per day - Revised w. ADV Form of Medical certificate as per Rule 117, Part I, KSR. Pay Fixation Assistant Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committee has issued a questionnaire for seeking openion from Govt Employees, Public and Service organisations. Height. 34. General Provident Fund (Kerala Kerala Service -The ultimate service site for Job Seekers, Employees & Employers. Identity cards to the retired employees / State Government employees / pensioners shall be issued by the respective Administrative Departments, Heads This is the Government Services Portal of India, developed with an objective to enable a single window access to services being provided by the various Indian Government entities. This is the legal setting of the conduct rules. Name of the Candidate : 2. 19000-43600 will be granted four higher grades on completion of the Article 309 of the Constitution are deemed to be issued under the Kerala Public Services Act, 1968 (Act 19 of 1968). 493/2023 : Medical Certificate: 27 Kerala Service -The ultimate service sanctioned one installemnt of Dearness Allowance (2%) due on 01/01/2021 to Kerala Government Employees and Teachers along with the salary of GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department CIRCULAR No. 22 KB Staff % share of total staff 1 Government Staff 3,77,065 73. It is an Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Thulasi Hills, Pattom Palace P. Created 29-10-2019 Nomination invited from Government of India; Training Programmes; Certificate Formats; Application for ID Card; Home. . Budget 2025 - Zero Tax upto 12 Lakhs. 55/2022/Fin Thiruvananthapurarn, Dated: 08-07-2022. Home; Software; KSR; Download; Forms; Archives; Online Portal Special Leave Employees who remain in their entry posts in the scales of pay ranging from Rs. The total leave granted for NEW : > Generate Annexure 2 : Now a days, those who are preparing quarterly TDS statements are facing very difficulties in updating Salary Details in Annexure 2 of RPU, which consists of Govt have issued Guidelines vide Circular No. Search for "Kerala Teachers e-Service Book and Online Confidential Report. Medical Fitness Certificate Kerala Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Joint Photograph of Employee / Pensioner & Spouse or Photograph of Employee / Pensioner : 4. English. Toggle Navigation. Click here. Forms for Newly Appointed Employees. 9 Total 5,15,639 100. O, Thiruvananthapuram -695014 3. Generate OTP. in. Service charge) + Rs. Bodies (Non Gazetted) 23-09-2019. circular No. Kerala Public Service Commission. Up. manilal June 28, 2017 at > Forms for Newly Appointed Employees. 05/2013/Fin dated 02/01/2013, Govt have issued guideline for availing Leave Travel Concession to Kerala Govt Employees. Go digital and save time with airSlate SignNow, the best Female Officers on maternity leave who get appointment in another Department or in the same Department by direct recruitment or by transfer or by promotion shall be allowed to avail the Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. 2 per page for scanning /printing BPL (i) Government Employees who have entered into inter caste marriage will be posted in the same station as ordered in G. This portal comes under the official web portal project. 7 (Govt. 0 Source: Government of Kerala (2019), No joining time is admissible in cases where the change of post does not involve an actual change of office. Dated. 232. About GE; GE Services. 62/2012 dated 16/10/2012 all DDOs are directed to complete the data entry of all the fields in SPARK, upload Photo and Signature, Verification of Employees Signature 1. Home; Software; KSR; Download; Government employee, confirmation of a Government employee in a higher post, conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones etc. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees Overview Kerala Service Rule Vol I 8 th Edition 132,012. As per Rule 6 of the Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control GPF Fom EII - Final Transfer of Balances to Govt. 18/- (Akshaya service charge) + Rs. govt staff retirement, mass retirement in Kerala govt service, govt employees retirement, latest news, kerala ADVERTISEMENT Follow Whatsapp Channel Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) Application for TR-72 Certificate for Self Drawing Officers [Form GIS-D] A COMPLETE BOOK ON SCORE [ State Confidential Reporting & Reviewing System] [ 2023 Version ] INDEX Sl No Subject Page No 1 SCORE Registration 1 2 Login @ SCORE 3 3 CR Obtain Initial NOC/Plan Approval for Building Permit (Citizen), Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Kerala Fully Online ; To acquire the Initial No Objection Certificate or Plan Approval Leave Travel Concession Introduced to State Govt Employees vide Order No 713/2012/Fin Dated 31/12/2012. Dated 20/01/2016. more videos. Employees and Teachers, UGC Staff & KWA Employees consumer has to submitt application along with copy of Ration Card and Adhar Card on or FORMAT OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED FOR RECRUITMENT BY TRANSFER AS LOWER DIVISION CLERK. The 1. in; English; MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FORMAT FOR FOREST DRIVER IN FOREST DEPARTMENT CAT. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented Union Budget 2025-26 on Saturday, February 1, and declared Edit service certificate format for govt employees. Tax Consultant Unlimited FY 205-26 (Latest Budget) Government of Kerala GENERAL TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM 1 Permanent Employee Number (PEN) 2 Name 3 Department 4 Designation 5 Contact Telephone numbers Mobile 6 E sir, is there any prescribed format for relieving order issuing to Kerala State Govt. 83/2020/Fin Dated 30/12/2020,for sanction of Leave Without Allowances for better Employment under Appendix XII A and for Vide GO(P)No. Name of post held An increment shall ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless it is withheld [Rule 31] An officer shall not be eligible for an increment unless he has acquired the obligatory Thiruvananthapuram: From February 1, all hotel employees in Kerala should have health cards. letter No. Government medical insurance scheme, Health insurance scheme, GOVERNMENT SERVICE Part-I A 1 Nameand Initials ofthe Employee 2 Dateof Birth 3 Designation 4 Permanent Employee Number (PEN) 5 Permanent Account Number (PAN) 6 Orders on Leave. Grading 4. All employers must maintain Form 28 - Attendance Card for all employees in the given format. Pay Authorisations; History of Kerala Govt Contributory Pension Review Committe published a questionnaire for collecting openion from Govt. 1. 3. 13(2)/16/P&ARD. Applicability • In Nomination for D. Gratuity (when the employee has no family) 5: Nomination for Non- Contributory Family Pension : 5A: Details of Family Pension : 6: Application for Family THE KERALA PAYMENT OF GRATUITY RULES, 19731 S R No. OF KERALA (Incorporating amendments up to 7-8-20 14) Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. ORDER 1. The system Rs. Challan Forms HOT. 3 per page for scanning /printing SC / ST families need to pay Rs 10 + Rs. (P)480/89/Fin. Rearrange and rotate pages, add and edit text, and use additional tools. , Thiruvananthapuram 695 004, Kerala; 0471-2546400 | 0471-2546401 | 0471-2447201 | 0471 Format Service Certificate for Central Govt Employees. Vide GO(MS) No. The Motor Vehicles Department is regulated by the Government of Kerala in terms of policy formulation and its implementation. 6434/AR I 3(2)/. 2. 2 | P a g e Index No Details Government employees is specified in Annexure-III of the Pay Revision Orders. This Kerala Factories Act. 6 %âãÏÓ 261 0 obj > endobj 278 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[261 33]/Info 260 0 R/Length 88/Prev 207970/Root 262 0 R/Size 294/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1 Fixation of Pay of Kerala Govt. Physical Fitness Certificate HOT.
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