Why pussy stinks I'm just wondering if this is normal. Sometimes this can produce a thin white discharge as well. View More. But strong odor could be a True. Can you tell me what is wrong. As you probably know, your vagina naturally has a certain smell. Skunk-like smell. One type of smell that is sometimes detected after sex isn't normal · The question isn’t really whether your vagina smells. · When semen mixes with the bacteria in the vagina, "it can cause a sort of tangy smell that is totally normal," said Dr. Shower right away · If a person’s vagina smells like onions, or has an unusually strong and unpleasant smell, it may be a sign of an infection. These infections become more common during menopause due to the hormonal imbalance and resulting dryness. · Penis odor is common, and can usually be easily treated. COM 'why does my room smell musty' Search, page 5, free sex videos. The nether region may smell like onions for hundreds of different reasons. Parenthood. Here's what fishy, rotten, sweet and metallic smells mean. If you really need to know, she is white. · Experts Explain Why Your Vagina Sometimes Smells Sweaty. It doesn't itch. Don’t wear tight pants or tight underwear. Asians I’d say have less pungent smell whereas the Europeans-Africans have the most smelling. Its been like this for a while. Different races of women have different pussy odour intensities disregarding the obvious personal hygiene. The beneficial properties of raw unfiltered ACV can also help to treat symptoms of a yeast infection naturally. High blood sugar · Pubic hair may also contribute as hair can make it harder for sweat to evaporate off your skin. · You know, genitals (: ) smell like genitals smell like genitals. You may even feel gas trapped inside your vagina before it escapes. If you don’t want your vagina to · Now, let's talk about why your vagina might smell like BBQ sauce. Bad period blood smell means you are not keeping your vagina clean. O, and that horrible damp smell clothes that have been left in the washing machine overnight get. While each body is different, healthy period blood often smells metallic or sweet because of the iron and copper content in your blood mixed with So I just don’t understand why, when we’re having regular unprotected sex, my vagina stinks. View more . However, an overpowering vaginal odor that makes you wince could require a visit to your doctor, especially if accompanied by additional symptoms like genital itching, burning, inflammation, or noticeable changes to the color of your vaginal She was talking about her own pussy smelling like fish. N. You should also avoid feminine sprays, which are another form of douching that can irritate your vagina or lead to an allergic reaction. Katz says. A forgotten tampon or another foreign object inside the vagina can produce a bad, rotting smell. Pretty obvious this one but, just like your pits post sweat sesh, your intimates will also be prone to smell a little more ripe, than roses. It's a common vaginal condition that can cause vaginal odor. · Understanding why you might smell like onions down there begins with recognizing how body odors form. Think of your vaginal scent as a sign that your vaginal flora is functioning as it should by What's Causing My Vagina to Smell Like Fish and What Can I Do About It? A mild, fishy vaginal odor may occasionally develop without any underlying issue. With or without a new sexual partner, that is. Period blood has a high pH, which can tip the balance and allow bad bacteria to move in, pushing out the Watch My Pussy Stinks porn videos for free, here on Pornhub. Written by Ashley Laderer; edited by Samantha Crozier. My navel always smells pretty bad, like BO or something like that. A bread or beer-like smell coming from the vagina can be caused by an infection or poor hygiene. Dr-KHAN | MBBS, FCPS, MRCS (UK) 30,236 Satisfied Customers. A vagina is the most crevice of human body office. The tea tree oil is really good because it removes the smell and also · As such, there’s no reason for alarm if your vagina smells like onions. Jen Gunter has an amazing saying: "It's a vagina, not a piña colada!" The point being, your vagina doesn't need to smell or taste fruity — or · Wondering what STD smells like onions? A strong-smelling vaginal odor similar to onions can point to a few sexually transmitted infections. But healthy vaginas are supposed to have a slight odor. Key Takeaways: Vaginal Odor Vaginal Ecosystem: The vagina has a unique balance of bacteria and pH. Conditions that cause a strong vaginal odor might also cause other vaginal symptoms such as itching, burning, irritation or discharge. Discover the growing collection of high quality Most Relevant XXX movies and clips. The vaginal secretions are often thin, almost milky. In this article, we will explore the various causes of a smelly vagina in dogs and discuss · Why The Smell Of Your Vagina Is A Turn On. It could be a sign of an infection — which likely can be treated with · Why You Get So Sweaty Around Your Vagina—and How to Deal With It. Anal glands are does obesity change vagina smell?: No. They say eating pineapple or mango regularly can change the way you taste/smell, but I'm not sure the change is huge. ” She never gave fans an update on what medical condition was causing the foul odor. Infections. Unlike a fart, gas from your vagina doesn’t smell because it’s not related to your digestive system. While it's normal for vaginas to have a mild odour, a strong BBQ scent could be due to several factors. These symptoms tend · ‘There have been instances of people seeking help for a bad vagina smell and finding it’s caused by a tampon that’s been left in for days, sometimes longer,’ says Dr Rosén. My sisters on the other hand think I smell horrible if I’m sweaty. I knew that · This article was originally published December 17, 2008 and most recently updated June 5, 2020. more earthy and yeasty, kind of like bog mud. I wouldn't want a vagina-scented air freshener. If the issue is present in every faucet, the main water supply is the likely source. , a board-certified OB-GYN in Scottsdale, AZ imbalanced smell is like = raw salmon that has been left out for too long (caused by the chemical trimethylamine, the same thing that causes BV smell) and much less tangy smelling. everyone knows that. Hunter Handsfield answered. It's not a sweat smell, but worse. When we first started hooking up (a month or so before we started dating), I found that her privates stank to me. Find out what a healthy vagina can smell like and why yours might smell sour. Period. · Why Does My Vagina Smell? Vaginal odor can happen for a number of reasons, none of which you should be embarrassed about. You should never be ashamed of having a vagina. That's because the food's scent gets excreted by sweat glands all over your body, · Why does my vagina smell fishy? Gynecologists explain the most likely causes. She made a bunch of movies, got nominated for an award, then quit the industry, not even managing to make it into the "aged, desperate and crack-addicted" phase of her career. Everything from yeast infections, smelly discharge, spicy foods, scented soaps and more, we're going to cover for you. Vaginal odors are totally normal. From a vaginal yeast infection to an overgrowth of bacteria, an unpleasant scent can be both worrisome and embarrassing. For this reason, knowing what your vagina typically smells like can clue you in to when it changes. "In this case, the bacteria have multiplied in the object like an abscess, but once removed, the smell should go away," explains Prince. This could mean bacteria has gotten into your vagina and caused an infection. Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Vomit - Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Have you ever noticed a foul odor coming from your vagina that resembles the smell of vomit? While it can be concerning and embarrassing, it's important to remember that vaginal odors can vary and may be influenced by various factors. Products like douches and scented sprays can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. Moreover, using tampons and keeping it inside your vagina for a long time can promote bacteria growth that can emit that odd Every woman’s vagina and vaginal discharge smells unique and most scents are nothing to worry about. Learn why it occurs & postpartum body odor remedies that work! Wondering why your postpartum body odor is way stinkier than before pregnancy? (since your armpits are literally close to your nose making it seem like a stronger smell), you are likely going to experience different smells from other areas on your body. you smell. It’s more a question of, Why Your Vagina is Dry — and What to Do About It; 1. If you're concerned, you could visit your gynecologist - they'll be in the best position to tell you about · Was in my dentists waiting room, at least 4 meters away from the receptionist, her vagina smell enveloped the whole room. · The main symptom of vaginal gas is hearing and feeling air escape from your vagina, similar to hearing a fart from your rectum. It's meaty, humid and distinct, but it isn't bad In any way. ‘If this happens, the smell will get worse quickly and be extremely obvious and offensive – so if you’re experiencing vaginal odour that escalates, it’s Everyone’s vagina smells different, and there’s no reason to compare this sort of thing in the first place, but a change in smell after intercourse is something you need to worry about if it smells awful. Your body uses sweat glands to regulate temperature, but these glands also play a significant role in producing body odors. It's great you can sense that (no pun intended!). Bread Or Beer. However, poor hygiene and some conditions may cause the penis’ odor to change or smell foul. It just stinks, even right after a bath or shower, no matter what soaps or other products I use. And, yes, your · 2. · A particularly strong fishy smell may be a sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV), an infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. Specializes in Infectious Disease. All vaginas have some kind of scent down, and no matter what soap commercials tell you Cervical cancer Rectovaginal fistula (an opening between the rectum and vagina that allows gas or stool to leak into the vagina)Vaginal cancer Urologist: DrRRK If you're concerned about an unusual vaginal odor or an odor that doesn't go away, see your health care provider. Infact the smell bad pass dead rat smell! Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onion? A smelly vagina can be a source of embarrassment, but it’s essential to remember that vaginal odor is a normal and natural part of being human. Ok, no problem, everyone's body is different and I've continued to go down on her since. A queef only lasts a few seconds. Polynesians I’d say are in the middle of Asian and Euro-African groups. If it only occurs when the hot water is on, the problem is generally due to the water heater, but if the smell is only noticeable at certain faucets, then the problem may be limited to The truth is that when everything's normal, no one else smells any odors from a girl's vagina. · A healthy vulva and vagina may smell a bit like blood or copper, somewhat salty or sweet, or musky. A dog’s urine normally smells like pee. Isadora Baum. Pubic hair actually aggravates your sweat glands, prevents sweat from evaporating, and may trap unpleasant smells, so giving KR3X. “In some cases, urine leakage or poor toileting hygiene can lead to an ammonia-like genital odor Like stinks like not showered stinks or like has a normal female odor that's stronger, because some women just have a stronger smell. The garlic-like smell coming from the vagina can be caused by a variety of things, including certain foods and drinks, poor hygiene, and an infection. Why Does My Dogs Vagina Stink. No person wants to think their vagina smells at all, and certainly no one expects it to smell like cheddar. I smell it less when I'm wearing jeans and more when I'm wearing leggings. By. Mercy College), 10 yrs in animal medicine and training Can my vagina smelling more than normal like vagina smell be because I’m not drinking enough water. J. · Why does my vagina smell like bleach or ammonia? There are a few reasons why your vagina smells like bleach, and we're going to go over them. “During or immediately following a period, the vagina may smell metallic due to iron from ‘The vagina has a natural bacterial flora that’s there to keep a good balance,’ explains Dr Rosén. Just as you might smell like a skunk’s spray under your armpits, you might get that way in the vaginal area. What I mean by that is, while some of the bacteria in your vagina can smell a little on the sweet side, if there is an overgrowth of yeast going on in there, that can result in your genitalia smelling somewhat like molasses too. It’s kids out here that will think latex makes your pussy smell bc of sexy redd dumb ass. There are several reasons a dog might radiate a fishy smell. If your vagina is smelling a bit funky, it may be due to a range of possible reasons. Think of armpits those smell pretty bad. And just like your eyes blinking and heart beating is an involuntary action, vaginal odour happens too. After my period it smells nice but as i ovulate it smells fishy. Hygiene Practices: Over-washing may disrupt natural balance, causing odor. Vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is another possible cause of these symptoms. You should only be worried if the scent changes, in this case, to an onion smell. ” The thing I like the most about the smell of vaginas is the natural scent. · Lochia will smell like menstrual blood. Learn about the role of bacteria and factors affecting vaginal odor. Here’s everything you need to know about vaginal discharge that smells like vinegar. ‘This is due to the particular collection of bacteria, called the microflora, that exists there. · The vagina might also smell like beer, flour, or bread. Bacterial vaginosis, poor hygiene, sweat and moisture, and menstrual blood are some common factors that can contribute to a rubber-like odor in the vagina. That smell is based on the specific pH of Rather unrelated to the post, but related to smells, you can also sometimes smell when someone is on their period- especially if they wear pads (not tampons or cups, but pads). That's why they walk like a spazz, as well as smell like shit. 5k 99% 3min - 480p. 7, 2017. “Every woman is different, and their vaginal odor is unique,” says Erica Montes, M. If a girl has an infection like bacterial vaginosis, she may notice a fishy smell. By Caroline Shannon-Karasik With early pregnancy comes all the questions, including “when will I get to hear my baby’s heartbeat?” and “why am I so darn tired?” Some women also begin to wonder about changes taking place in their nether region, like funky discharge and pelvic · ‘Every vagina has it’s own smell that varies woman to woman,’ Dr Corda. com. But the good · Anal glands are tiny sacs located just outside a cat's anus. D Whenever I wear leggings, jeans, joggers, literally anything on my bottom half they always end up smelling of my crotch when I take them off at the end of the day. Fitness. However, about 2 years ago I had a Mirena IUD put in. When people do dumb shit. A strong fishy smell that won’t go away is worth seeing a health care provider about. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you. Yep, pimples — when popped — can produce their own bouquet of scents. It’s Not an STD BV is an overgrowth of the natural bacteria of the vagina—it’s not at all sexually transmitted, says Sasan. 1. , IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT Every vagina has an odor, but it should never smell like · Most period smells are completely normal, but there are a few you should talk to your doctor about. W. · Here it goes: I am having a problem lately of my vagina having this really foul odor. Simply put, your vagina will have its own special smell that may change due to different factors. · The good news is the vagina is a self-cleaning organ, and washing it with plain water regularly is sufficient to get rid of the impurities, germs, and stench. 25 and it’s very. If you’re experiencing a cheese-like smell from your vagina, you’re not alone. The tampon can start to break down, leading to bacterial growth and a strong smell. Erika W. Using soap or other cleansing products that contain harsh chemicals will only irritate the delicate area, disrupt its natural pH balance, and destroy the vaginal flora, paving the way for Has nothing to do with any yeast infection, or anything of that so ever was so kind. These bacteria naturally produce lactic acid, which gives yogurt its tangy aroma. Hello, Though abnormal smelly discharge is not a known side effect of Adderall,loss of appetite is. Among possible reasons of your “off-smelling” self before your period can be one of the following: Forgetting to pull out your tampon; Shocking as it may seem, it does happen. Pimple-like Bumps on Penis and Testicles Vaginitis is inflammation (redness, soreness, or swelling) in and around the vagina. of course sometimes there are · Just remember: If your vagina were meant to smell like a piña colada, it would smell like a piña colada. Many women encounter this issue at · Niggers don't know how to change their underpants let alone a diaper, that's why their bottoms always be saggin', gnomesayin, they pants be full 'o' shit mon. · A urine-like smell in your vagina could come from excessive perspiration or leaking urine, and could it even be linked to your pelvic floor muscles. It can also be heavy and gray in color, explains the Children's Hospital Boston. Like · That said, a healthy vagina shouldn’t smell fishy either. We'll also talk about how to get rid of the smell, and · Hygiene/Habits. In fact, BV is distinctly a vaginal infection, so men can’t · Douching is the use of water, vinegar, or other fluids to rinse inside the vagina and prevent odor. I seem to be having a smell coming from my vagina and it is very recent. Health Conditions Wellness. Streicher says. But even then, it's unlikely that people around her will notice it. "The worst smell comes from a forgotten tampon," says Morton. Yogurt. Millions of other women describe their vagina scent the same way. I have a pretty muscular physique but have a little bit of fat on my belly area. Tight clothes irritate the vagina, thereby, increasing the smell from the vagina. Blood has iron in it. · It’s designed for mechanics and shit but the pumice pulverizes the smell of a pussy! Incredible. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ that’s designed to maintain its natural balance of bacteria, also known as the vaginal flora. Search. · Various causes of vaginal odour include the following – 1. Why does my vagina smell after my period. Good options are oranges, cantaloupe, papaya, watermelon, kiwi, strawberries, and mango. This will help promote blood flow to Customer: I’m with a woman that some her pussy smells like condoms and she keep saying she not f**k and one but me but we don’t use condoms so I’m asking today can I woman who don’t use condom pussy smell like condom as sex going on and after but no condom was use can u help me Doctor's Assistant: The OB/GYN Doctor can help. BV is a common condition caused by an imbalance in the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. its getting worse the more time goes on. · <b>Texas Presley</b>, as she's known to millions of degenerates around the world, created a minor sensation in the world of people having sex on film. Merck Manuals explains that a child can spread bacteria from the anus to the vagina by wiping from back to front instead of the opposite 1. Like we gotta stop excusing dumb shit. You may also experience changes throughout My girlfriend's vagina smells awful and I don't know how to tell her. Thank you ? Is it normal for my vagina to smell like cooked potatoes after my period? My vagina smells differently. It always does — you just probably don’t notice it most of the time because you’re used to it. Not only can men pick up on it, but this effect is huge. In this blog post, we will explore the · That’s why it can be stressful to notice such a startling smell from downtown. However certain practices like douching may change it and make the vagina more prone for infections by bacteria which are naturally present in · Queen had some other handy tips to make a tasty pussy: Since smell and taste are so closely related, a woman who shaves or trims her pubic hair may have less of a scent than a woman with a dank · Am having A foul smell for 3 days now after a normal 5 day period and a burning inside my vagina. Top reasons for bad odor in female dogs. When your female dog starts to stink, there are various potential causes. Your doctor can determine the cause of these or any other troubling symptoms. It's never a fishy smell, I've had yeast infections in the past so I know what that smells like, it's just the smell of 'me'. Stages My vagina smells a bit funky . There are several reasons why your vagina may emit an odor similar to spoiled milk. Don’t be afraid to get to know your vagina in all its fragrant glory. You have a lot of sweat glands around your vulva, especially the outer lips. · Sex with a new person might lead to changes in vagina smell for a number of reasons, including how semen affects vaginal pH, sexually transmitted infections, and more. How you smell is usually a combination of bacteria living in your vagina, how you dress, what you eat · Why does my vagina smell like yogurt? **The smell of your vagina resembling yogurt may be due to an overgrowth of certain types of bacteria, specifically lactobacillus bacteria. Our vaginas have some smells, and they can change · Every vagina has a scent, but it’s usually very mild and personal to you. "There is something called a retrovaginal fistula, which is an opening that forms between the rectum and the vagina · Why does my vagina smell like fish? Your vagina should definitely never ever smell like fish, says Dr. · Ever wondered "Why does my vagina smell?" You're not alone. Trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted infection, also can lead to vaginal odor. The fluid may also be released during acute fear, stress, or excitement (similar to a skunk's scent glands). Why The Smell Of Your Vagina Can Be A Turn On For Your Partners. My vagina smells like rotten milk. They contain an oily, putrid, somewhat fishy-smelling fluid that is normally expressed during defecation. Clown they dumb ass. It is better to avoid these for better odor control during pregnancy. 374. · If Your Vagina Smells After Sex, This Could Be Why. Yogurt-like smells often indicate a healthy balance within the vaginal ecosystem – a delicate dance between multiple microorganisms, including vaginal bacteria GIPHY animates your world. A yeast infection is caused by the excessive multiplication of naturally occurring fungi in the vagina. · 6 Reasons Your Vagina Smells — and When You Should See a Doc. Douching, which is when you force water or a cleaning agent in your vagina, can actually remove the healthy bacteria in your vagina and can push an infection (if one is present) into your uterus, making your condition worse. Other possible causes include certain foods, a forgotten tampon, and Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can indeed affect the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina, leading to changes in odor. Garlic, onions, or another type of food. Find Why Does My Vagina Smell GIFs that make your conversations more positive, more expressive, and more you. Otherwise, a · That’s right, apparently the ex-president smells a bit funky — actually, scratch that, he allegedly reeks to high heaven. Get that broad out of here with that dumb shit. Although these issues are fairly common, it’s imperative that you figure out the root cause. This leads to intense itching. Now, one time with no condom and he got my cookie smelling like a penny!” As a gynecologist, I don’t think a day goes by without me hearing about the smell of someone’s vagina – whether it be musty, ammonia-like, sweet or sour – I’m pretty sure · Expect your vagina to smell: Sweaty. The main symptom is a yellow discharge. Diet: Eating lots of strong-smelling foods like garlic, onions, Why does my anus still smell after I wash it? Common reasons your anus continues smelling after washing include improper hygiene, skin tags, excessive sweating, hemorrhoids, diarrhea or leakage, anal · Garlic Smell. The vagina relies on a pH balance to maintain tissue health. Both male dogs and female dogs can suddenly smell fishy. also, the strength of the smell of an unhealthy So what smells ARE normal? One if the most common smells is tangy or yeasty like sourdough bread or Greek yogurt. 13,654 Satisfied Customers. If tight clothes or jeans are worn regularly, they may lead to excessive vaginal sweating, which in turn triggers bacteria build-up, thereby leading to unpleasant smells. Which means I’ve encountered a few vaginas in my time. Idk why but I like how mine smells like. that said it's because all of us women are witches and are taught magical vagina spells by our mothers/coven sisters, duh. Vaginitis is common in girls of all ages. One is that you've left a tampon inside, and the odor is from that. Featured. But remember — your vagina Customer: My wife is a very clean person, but her vagina smells bad. The anal sacs could need some expressing- they usually smell like really bad fish- it's the best likeness I can describe it. Sexyy Red is an American rapper. April 25, 2017, 3:30 PM. Cause if it's a stench like she hasn't showered then yeah tell her she smells and send her a link on how to properly care for her junk but if it's a normal pussy smell just stronger then there isn't really much she can do about that. When there is an imbalance in vaginal bacteria, an increase in lactobacillus might Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Cheese? Vaginal odor is a natural and normal part of life, but when the smell becomes strong and unusual, it can be distressing and embarrassing. Photographed by Lula Hyers. It’s because of this natural bacteria that the cervical mucus in the vagina always has a smell. Consuming foods with vitamin C. Landa. Popular Articles. My discharge in my underwear is also 'normal' for me. Andrew | I am a board certified physician with vast experience of medical emergencies,making diagnosis & treating patients. A vagina is an open whole, which we have men love and women love to. Frequently Asked Questions: Why Does The Vagina Smell Fishy? What is the main cause of a fishy odor in the vagina? The primary cause of a fishy odor in the vagina is often attributed to bacterial vaginosis. The rest of us either love it or hate it. Fishy smells are associated with a · Keep reading for some of the reasons why you may smell yourself through your pants and ways to treat the underlying condition. This is typically a sign of the good bacteria that dominates the vagina, lactobacilli. Sour. In short, if your lady stinks, have her lie back in the sink and gently,,, gently now,,, wash her off with a mild soap that has a lavender smell. When · Why Does My Vagina Smell? Normally, the vagina consists of the perfect combination of healthy bacteria that maintain the pH in that region. Typically, you will be aware of your vaginal smell, and in turn, will know when something is not quite right. · Strong-smelling, pungent foods like onions and garlic can make your vagina smell like them, too. Smells like sweat or ammonia · Wondering “why does my dog smell like fish?” can be concerning. so it’s not just a vagina smell. It smells like rotten eggs. Chlamydia often has no symptoms, but when symptoms do occur, an unusual vaginal odor is a classic symptom. It can also smell sour sometimes. This condition arises from an imbalance of natural bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. · These symptoms can be present in perimenopause or with an ectopic pregnancy (a medical emergency). It’s not terribly strong, I can’t smell it through my clothes. It’s very common to notice · Many vagina owners don’t realize that semen can be the cause of unpleasant smells from their lady bits, but t here are actually a few reasons a man’s “elixir” may cause your yoni some distress. Don’t be surprised if you smell like pennies during your period. The "discharge" of a vagina that isn't suffering from some form · If you notice a strong fishy smell from your vagina, this could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis (BV). It’s not uncommon for female dogs to have a distinct odor emanating from their vagina. Some common causes include: Bacterial vaginosis: This is a common vaginal infection caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. I can sometimes/often smell my vagina just sitting down. A member asked: I have white creamy stuff comes out my vagina with no smell now it happens more last time i had sex was 3-5 says after period. It’s also worth adding, there’s no other symptoms. Read on to learn why your vagina’s natural scent can go awry—and when it’s time to loop in a pro for help. Dr. The pinworm's secretions are very irritating. I'd imagine that westerners also carry around spicy smells if they are from countries/states that enjoy those kinds of dishes and people just don't notice it cause they are used to it. · A change in vaginal smell to a musky or yeasty odor may indicate a yeast infection. "However, the vagina · Vaginal odor is any unpleasant, unusual smell that comes from the vagina. And with women, because of the phases of our fertility (: ) cycles, and the changes in our cervical mucus and vaginal discharges during every cycle, that smell isn’t always going to be identical. After a quick Google search it seems that all the threads on this topic end up either claiming that the guy is just trying to brag about having sex or that the girl doesn't clean her vagina properly, but I assure you that my sexual life is not very eventful and that this happens with every girl I sleep with and none of them have had particularly bad smelling vaginas, maybe guys like me have Sometimes this is just the way that a female smells and is individual to her. " 2. I've never gotten a complaint about the smell · I often have a semen-esq smell for about a day following sex. Another reason vaginas can smell like something died up there is due to rotting flesh or blood – a dead-thing smell – like the smell of a forgotten tampon. Douching, though, upsets the healthy bacteria in the vagina and leads to infection or irritation. 2. It may present along · Sometimes, an adult pinworm will travel into the vagina. A tragedy for her fans, who will be forever denied Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Coffee Have you ever noticed a coffee-like odor coming from your vagina and wondered what could be causing it? While it may seem unusual, a coffee smell in the vagina can occur due to various reasons. Typically the odor is fishy, but odor is very subjective and one person's · Repeat 1-2 times a day until you no longer have any unpleasant fishy smells from your vagina. Natural vaginal bacteria mixing with blood. "They may have a problem with their sugar balance overall. · However, when the vagina has a strong, unpleasant smell that continues for days, it may be a sign of a health problem. Vaginitis is a bacterial infection of the vagina. Some describe it as musty, metallic, sour or stale. If your vagina smells like fish and is itchy, then applying cooling raw yogurt to your vagina can give you needed relief. If your vagina smells a bit sour, then it’s normal, and that’s how you’re supposed to smell down there. idk if you realize this, but your fingers are beginning to smell like fishy butthole i can smell it constantly. But that’s not to say you don’t have a healthy vagina or that you should douche or dude no it totally has a taste and if you smell your fingers afterwards it has a smell and things that have smells have tastes generally. Leukorrhea. Some find it weird to have/have sex with a maple scented vagina but your husband might prefer that to your current scent, plus the supplements are pretty cheap and have a host of other supposed benefits. Yes, you are the sole human on earth who "likes" how vagina smells. Tools. · Olfactophilia (also known as osmolagnia, osphresiolagnia, and ozolagnia) is a paraphilia where an individual derives sexual pleasure from smells and odours. Proper hygiene (including ensuring that the area is completely dry after washing which can help to avoid harboring bacterial growth) and feminine soaps can help with odor (soaps like Summers Eve can be effective). Kameelah Phillips, an OB-GYN. Your vaginal odor Vaginal odor is normal, but if it smells fishy, yeasty, or different, something could be going on. Why does my dog leak a foul liguid from her rectum that smells like tuna and is a brownish yellow colr? ChristineLVT | Licensed veterinary technician (B. i can see you constantly digging around in your pants, digging for gold or itching or whatever is going on. “If your period blood has an onion-like smell, then it is an indication that your hygiene practices during the menstrual cycle are compromised. . I shower every day/every other day and do wash down there. including the vagina, penis, rectum, or throat. Diet Matters: Foods like garlic and sugar can alter body scent. Watch Long Porn Videos for FREE. S. How to control husband by controlling his penis. Causes and Risk Factors: Forgotten Tampons: Tampons left in the vagina for an extended period are the most common foreign objects that cause odor. Search Many people are self-conscious that their vagina smells bad — or worry if it has a scent at all. This will help improve the pH balance of the vagina and urine. The most common cause in young girls is Strep, the same one that causes bad sore throats. Popular vagina myth-busting ob-gyn Dr. In It’s not bad hygiene, it’s their natural smell due to hormones. Though all vaginas smell, a healthy vagina should not give off a foul or fishy odor. vaginas smell. I LOVE the scent of a healthy, musky pussy! I · A shocking recent TikTok video that has gone viral with 156K views and 13K likes inspired a spirited dialogue amongst men about the reportedly foul “BBL smell” while engaging in intimate moments. Wear panty liners or frequently change your · Every vagina has a smell and even healthy periods get stinky sometimes. I’m pretty good at spotting when something’s not quite right so this is really throwing me off. It’s especially common before puberty, when the · 4. I am obviously paranoid that I smell bad and other people can smell it. If the object is not fragile, and there are no other symptoms, a person can remove it themselves. · Vaginal odor is any odor that comes from the vagina. Middle easterns are up there aswell. Health & Wellness Food. And it’s natural for it to smell a little “off”, you know. The smell of vagina, divorced completely from the person and the situation, isn't fantastic. LITERALLY! It smells like a dead mouse in a nursing home. BV occurs when there’s an imbalance in the natural bacteria within the vagina. Here’s what to know. A lot can affect the scent of your vagina and so it would be almost impossible to have two vaginas that smell exactly the same. · Do not douche. She wasn't black. The smell around on my fingers and around my mouth after oral sex is usually not bad and dissipates shortly The thing about spice smell sticking to clothes in 100% accurate, my house clothes smell more like spices than what I wear out so I don't typically worry about it. March 6, 2019, 8:40 PM. Like anything that contains proteins, the smell of semen changes when it decomposes inside the vagina. If that's not the case, you probably have something called bacterial vaginosis (BV). Performing vaginal massages. This can result in a grayish-white discharge accompanied by a strong foul odor. D. Subscribe. The vulva (the area around the opening of the vagina) also might be irritated, in which case it is called vulvovaginitis. · Here’s Why Your Vagina Smells Like Garlic. If Why does my period and vagina smell like death? Foul vaginal odours are almost always due to the activity of bacteria. · Narrow down the source of the problem by checking the cold and hot water supply at each of the faucets throughout the home. While the list below can be considered as a guide to educate yourself about these conditions, this is · If you smell something bread-like, it may be a yeast infection; however, yeast infections often have no odor at all. But everytime i bring a girl home, especially the darkskin ones, their vaginas always smell so bad! Always the regular girls. A member asked: Why does my vagina smell after my period ? 7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers. If you bleed heavily during menstruation or for another reason, you might notice a smell like pennies. Another common smell is a coppery or metallic smell. The number of healthy bacteria goes down, and the other unhealthy bacteria There are 2 possibilities. Share on Pinterest. Story from Sex. · Discharge happens, and sometimes your vagina may smell metallic or a little different, like copper pennies, leading you to wonder if you have some kind of infection. A butt hole is tucked in. By the end of the day to late afternoon, it can get real serious down there. I had a partial. And now you can add foul-smelling pimple pus to the list. My experience with women is that they may smell fishy sometimes, but the taste during oral sex is still sweet tasting and appealing. Thinks it smells like: “A salty ocean breeze. Top; A - Z? Why Indian woman hesitate to suck husband penis. · Stay away from cosmetics: Sometimes, the vaginal smell could be a result of using soaps, scented sprays, and wipes. They make you smell like maple syrup and for some people it can make them taste sweeter. However, it shouldn’t smell fishy or foul. Girls who notice an unusual smell should see a doctor just in case they have an infection. · Here's the deal: The vagina requires a low pH in order to be inhabited by healthy bacteria. This is where the bacteria in your vagina change from good ones to others that aren't so good. In this article, learn · "If someone has a sweet smell from the vagina, I'd encourage them to get tested and check their blood sugar," Dr. However, you know your body best. : I would recommend an appointment with your vet- they can check her vulva and anal sacs to see if they are full and need to be expressed. This chemical compound is why rotten fish smells, and it's also responsible for the aroma of abnormal vaginal odors. We don't know why it happens. Here are 7 normal smells you should know about and why they happen. This is disgusting, but it smells like a dead animal. Owen Montgomery, a nationally certified menopausal practitioner, told me this: “Yes, changes in a woman’s hormones after menopause — mostly diminished estrogen production — affect her vulvar and vaginal environment and can change sensation, lubrication, friction, smell and even the types of normal bacteria present in her vagina. Keep it clean and give it the love it so · Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes: Hormones: Your body is going through massive hormonal changes now that you’re pregnant, and that triggers all sorts of physical changes. The better you understand the smells your vagina produces daily, the more prepared you’ll be when something goes amiss. If the odor doesn't fade or is accompanied by other symptoms, contact your healthcare provider. If you've been wondering why your vagina smells like rubber, it's important to remember that there can be various causes for this issue. If it does smell like fish, something is wrong. And the dummy thought it was the latex. Your vagina has good and bad bacteria that, at a healthy balance, work together to prevent vaginal irritation and infections. Copper smell. Here are some possible reasons: Diet: The foods you eat can indeed influence the scent of your vagina. A fishy odor may even happen from time to time with no underlying cause. Why does your pussy stink??? · Many women describe their vaginal smell as “musty,” though the exact smell varies significantly from woman to woman. Periods or no periods – keeping your vagina clean is a mandate. I had BV once and it was definitely not the same smell! The odor was very strong and foul!!! You shouldn’t have itching with BV (part of why it goes undiagnosed). Strong-smelling foods like onions, garlic, or red meat could be the culprit. In this blog post, we will explore the possible causes, treatment options, and prevention methods for this · A recent academic paper claimed that women produce a unique scent when sexually aroused, and that men can pick up on it. ADVERTISEMENT. You may also just be more sensitive to smell and are noticing what already existed, thanks to the · 2. I'm a super clean guy and really clean thoroughly but this one square inch area eludes me. This can include increased secretions from your vagina, which often cause a strong odor . You also shouldn’t be able to smell · It’s actually pretty normal for your vagina smell to get thrown off from time to time. We have our own testosterone smell too. Lavender or tea tree oils. · The strong smell is likely due to the blood and tissues exiting the vagina along with bacteria. It might be an embarrassing question, but we all want to know: why do vaginas smell, and when it comes to vaginal odor, what is normal? The truth is, our bodies effuse odors based on what we eat, what we wear, the state of our health, medication, bacterial activity on the skin, gland secretions, and hormone changes throughout our menstrual cycle. I’ve smelt this same smell on a woman’s neck, her clothes, etc. · However, an unpleasantly smelly odor can be a sign of an infection that needs to be treated right away, especially if it’s accompanied by an unusual discharge. Both he and my long time female partner (still BFF) either don’t think I have BO or like the smell of it. I can hear you asking, “So what does he smell like?” Well, nothing · Pain or Discomfort: Leaving a foreign object in the vagina can cause significant discomfort, pain, or even bleeding. This increases the chance of unpleasant vaginal odors and can interfere with the diagnosis and treatment of an infection. Common causes of abnormal vaginal odors include: Bacterial vaginosis , an · "The vagina is not meant to smell like a rose garden," said Sherry Ross, MD, OB-GYN, and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. · Bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of bacteria typically present in the vagina. Hormonal Influence: Hormonal changes can affect odor during cycles. Other times, it may be caused by a condition such as bacterial vaginosis and Here are six causes of vaginal odors — and which ones are a sign you should check in with your OB-GYN. · Why does my vagina smell like maple syrup? A doctor has provided 1 answer. It’s also ridiculously embarrassing. 5k 96% 15min - 1080p. If you do, you might also have a yeast infection. Poor hygiene habits such as wearing dirty underwear or not washing down there for days may lead to irritation. i can smell your vagina & ass odor from across the room. OK let's be honest with each other — woman to woman. If Your Vagina Smells Like Molasses This one is a little iffy. You might also want to bear in mind that it often takes the vagina (: · There's a technical reason why the smell of BV is described this way: trimethylamine. It's down to Creating Wet Pussy Smelly Panties For Fan, Ebony Porn Actress Sheisnovember Compilation, Undressing From Lingerie, Painful Panty Stuffing And Sweating Big Butt Cheeks Flashing In Public Gym, Working Out On Treadmill By Msnovember. Also, I have been feeling itchy and uncomfortable inside of the vagina as well. A tangy or sour smell. The female rapper wrote, “Me at the coeditor waiting on her to tell me why my c**chie stank. Faves · While waiting, Sexxy Red went on IG, and explained to her fans exactly what was happening. Vaginal infections during pregnancy can lead to strong or foul odour. A strong odor may indicate 3. Each woman's body reacts differently; thus monitoring changes becomes crucial for maintaining health. Why does my vagina smell like yogurt? Before we dive deep into the world of femininity, let’s pause for a moment and realize that vaginal odor is as natural as it is multifaceted. Smelly discharge is usually seen in a form of change in pH of the vagina(low sugars won't change vaginal Ph though diabetes with high blood sugars does). In some cases, the anal glands can become inflamed, infected, or impacted. Intense burning, itching, or feelings of dryness usually accompany yeast infections. Urinary tract infection. A "fishy" smell or other strong vaginal odor might mean there's a problem. You can’t smell butt hole because the whole doesn’t open. This causes persistent itchiness and a discharge with a smelly odour. BV is one of the most prevalent vaginal conditions in · 1. · Putrid smells can denote a foreign object such as a forgotten tampon. Even when niggers do take a bath and douse themselves in cheap cologne, they still naturally smell disgusting. Your vagina might smell more metallic-y around the time of your period, courtesy of iron in the blood, Dr. maybe this is more vague confusing language but to me it smells dead. Isadora Baum is a writer, certified health coach, and published author of three books, which can be purchased online from major retailers. Other lifestyle factors such as stress, pregnancy, and sexual intercourse can also change how your vagina smells. It’s normal for your vagina smell to change as you age, but lingering odors that are overwhelming can be · Before we explore why a fishy vaginal smell occurs, it’s important to remember that our bodies are complex, and some variation in scent is completely normal. · Dr. Why does my vaginal discharge smell postpartum? Lochia consists of all the contents in your uterus from nine months of pregnancy . Other times · Dehydration makes urine more yellow in color and more concentrated, evoking unpleasant smells. Oct. You should follow proper cleaning practice i. It’s bigger than Understanding why the vagina might smell fishy involves recognizing various factors from bacterial imbalances like bacterial vaginosis or STIs, hormonal influences, dietary choices, and hygiene practices. I have an "innie". If I didn't shower for more than 24 hours or went to the gym it would build up some smell, but it was easily solved by showering. , M. The smell was just coming from what i was eating but through my sweat( just to make it clear the smell was coming from in between the labia not the vagina)I changed my diet for a week, noticed an instant change. It's fairly common. I’ve had yeast infections, UTIs, chlamydia. Sweating here can make your vagina smell after sex - or other kinds of exercise. · There’s no one typical way that the vagina should smell. There are a few factors that can lead to changes in vaginal odor: infections or STIs, exercising and sweating, hormone levels in your · Our bodies are capable of creating a lot of odd odors: from bad breath to gross gas, stinky sweat and even strange-smelling sneezes. This is a common problem that can make your vagina smell like bleach, especially if you have pee in · John, 23, a real estate agent in Baltimore, Maryland . But that shouldn’t make a huge difference in your vulva sweat levels, Mary Jane Minkin, M. By seeking medical advice, following proper hygiene · Possible cause: The reason why you may smell urine is, well, because there is urine, says Dweck. Some more: Avoid douching i Cleaning the inside of the vagina using spray or shower, as it disrupts the pH balance and balance of bacteria in your vagina. "3MCC is a genetic disorder in which the body lacks an enzyme that helps to break down · Well, one of them supposedly has the tendency to smell "like a trucker," which the other allegedly used to do some particularly private "ladyscaping" right on the couch she shared with a roommate · The lactobacillus bacteria causes a fruity or yogurt-like smell whenever it is in reasonably large amounts. · Why Do Darkskin Girls Vagina Stink So Bad?! by Jerkbaba: 7:10pm On Oct 02, 2024; I never have the experience of smelly vaginas when fucking ashawo. “Vaginal odor may be due to sweating, due to · The chubby-coochie-smell comes down to friction—when those legs rub together it can release a horrid funk. 2022-08-10T16:12:21Z If your dog starts to stink, look for other symptoms that can help you figure out the cause of the problem. · Your vagina's scent can change daily. There are 2 main reasons why your vagina smells like bleach, which are urinary incontinence or a UTI. They’ve been bushy, they’ve been nude, they’ve been vajazzled There's no such thing as an odorless vagina, vaginas smell like vaginas. So don’t even think about using vaginal fragrances. It’s normal for the vagina to have bacteria, though the amount can fluctuate. But certain odors warrant · Just as every vagina has its own flare, every vagina has its own natural scent, which is dependent on a number of factors, such as diet, hydration, sex, and hormones. Why You “Smell” Before Your Period. by Shannon Evans. I don’t like my BO smell but I love how my pussy smells. Momoka · Your vagina will smell like a good malt beer when yeast overgrows in it, and you will notice faintly bleach-like smell right after a sex session. Here are the causes and how to get rid of vaginal odor. No other sex tube is more popular and features more My Pussy Stinks scenes than Pornhub! Browse through our impressive selection of porn · I am a 50-year-old heterosexual male. She previously served as a lifestyle writer at Bustle Digital Group and has written for various food, fitness · “I always smell the tissue after I wipe. In the past few months, it's gotten worse and I've nearly been gagging · Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions, and How Is It Treated? Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. It can result in a fishy odor, but in some cases, it may resemble spoiled milk. I call it the smell of estrogen. Bacterial vaginosis?: The main cause of strong vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis, an overgrowth of mostly normal bacteria. That will lift as the bleeding tapers off. 7 Reasons the Vagina Smells Like Onion. Connect. However, I like the way my GF's vagina smells because it's her vagina and thus the smell is linked with my feelings towards her and the obvious association that · Most of the time, regularly cleaning the penis will keep odor to a minimum. News Today's news · YOUR VAGINA HAS AN ODOUR. Among the causes of the imbalance in the vagina that can lead to the lactobacillus bacteria to grow and release the sweet smell in vaginal discharge include the following: 1. Given the large body of research on · If your body odor smells like cat urine, you may have a condition called 3-Methylcrotonylglycinuria (3MCC). Urinary incontinence is a condition where you pee unintentionally, or cannot hold your pee. · Obviously, nobody wants to have a fishy smell wafting up from the general vicinity of their vagina. But certain smells, such as fishy or yeasty ones, may be due to an infection. More common symptoms include itching and a white, cottage cheese-like discharge You can also take fenugreek supplements. This can result The result can be a fishy odor from the vagina with discharge. The vagina usually has only a mild odor or sometimes no odor at all. When this balance is altered due to the different reasons listed above like other bacteria and yeast, there is a change in this pH. A slight smell is normal and may vary during your menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause. · Why does my vagina smell after sex? Like any other part of your body, the area around your vagina and vulva (the outer part of your genitals) can sweat. This will help vagina breathe easily. ( New Indian Kamasutra 365 sex positions in hindi) 348. , MSN, R. · Your vagina may smell different after sex due to changes in pH. 😅 · Why does my vagina smell during pregnancy? And now we get to the wonderful world of vagina smells. It’s like a treat every time I sit on the toilet. If something feels off, it’s natural to seek answers—and we’re here to help by sharing some of the potential factors behind a fishy vaginal smell. There's probably no need to be concerned if your vagina has a sour odor. But if your flow smells like death, fish, or rotten eggs you might be dealing with: an old tampon Fistula: An abnormal passageway between two organs like the anus and vagina. · Why does the vagina sweat? a few extra dollars on some quality sweat-wicking workout pants adds another layer of protection from extra sweat and smells. Not hundreds, but not two either. Smith. To manage vaginal odor during menopause, · Your vagina may smell like bleach, but at least there's an explanation and treatment. Consult Health Providers: Unusual smells may indicate infections needing care. Some underlying causes of a dog’s fishy odor are dangerous and some aren’t. However, it’s important for dog owners to be able to distinguish between a normal smell and one that may point to a medical issue. · itchiness of the skin around the vagina; a burning sensation when urinating Foreign object in the vagina. Why? Why do people like the smell of vanilla or fresh cut grass, or incense? The smell of the genitals of a well maintained lady is no different than any other body scent. This could just be the everyday odor of your vagina, Dr. It doesn't smell like flowers and candies but for some reason, it kind off gives some satisfaction whenever I smell it. white clumpy vaginal discharge - no smell - no itch - no red 13 Year Chronic foul vaginal odor Odor from vagina vaginal odor and clear watery discharge. Unless you’ve been having some sexually-oriented food fun with your partner that involves inserting items into your vagina, it shouldn’t typically · That’s why it’s important to monitor the smell of your vagina and vaginal discharge. · Why does my vagina smell Strange smelling discharge from anus, feel like I have to poop all the time. cleaning your vagina from front to back, and please no smell in high school, a mix between really bad B. · Discover why every vagina has a unique smell and when it might be a concern. In women, this is a type of vaginal discharge — a white discharge that's secreted "excessively" [12]. Bacterial vaginosis is an infection caused by the proliferation of bacteria in · Unfortunately, a poop smell from your vagina is not always so simply solved. , IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT — Written by Kimberly Holland — Updated on March 16, 2023 So even though people's initial reaction might be to think the smell is gross, the smell/pheromones (chemicals that are secreted to trigger a response) of vaginas has to be attractive in some way. A bit musty, sometimes a bit acidic or salty. It didn't bother me back then, not really, I knew that her family wasn't the wealthiest, and to be honest I mostly just felt sorry for her. Your period is triggering natural changes in your body. I never had a particularly strong smelling vagina. : No direct relation to obesity and smell. Miamarin69. A yeast infection usually doesn't cause vaginal odor. I’m pheromone-y I guess. Girls have told me they like the way I smell, even though they’ve described it as a semen and ball · Why Does My Vagina Smell Like Onions, and How Is It Treated? Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph. But many people experience a mysterious fishy vaginal smell at some point, prompting them to I wanted to share my stinky vagina story with you ladies in hopes that it might encourage you to visit a doctor. Sure, some people have a less developed sense of smell, especially in the post-COVID era, but anyone without an olfactory issue can smell it, even if just faintly. Sophie Saint Thomas. In many cases, you can treat this at home with lifestyle changes and home remedies, including practicing good personal hygiene. e.
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