Bad childhood reddit

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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But there are a few things like a certain candy that I got from a kind neighbor - that if I see it will help me remember their kindness from all those years ago. Super defensive and insecure, since it often stems from childhood & having a parent or caretaker who was physically, emotionally, etc abusive. We went our separate ways and the friendship just faded. The U. " We rank all 28 of the Disney studio's animated films, from "Toy Story" to "Cars. My interest kinda depends on if it’s before or after Kenny takes him. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. blushbell. I think Augusta really love her son and deep down resented Neville for being the main reason for what happened to Frank. When he lived in Detroit, he was one of the only white families (along with his mom) in the neighborhood and he was Christi’s mom had Christi very young and would have her grandparents take of Christi instead of her. Most of the struggles are poverty, bad parents, etc My question is, do people who's having a decent, comfortable life with good parents can't reach heights ? Can't they be successful in their lives? Nope, people have to tell my my childhood was bad then I have to stop and think but a lot of what I had to go through was psychological and emotional, I rarely got hit and never from my parents (except for spanking but my mom stopped that at some point). . Being poor didn't remove my empathy for women or men. Nothing. They are classed as unable to make serious decisions, and DISCUSSION. For example the maze one: At first it seems like a regular maze game and a pretty easy one until you get to level 4 where it gets hard so you concentrate yourself, until a face appears with a loud scream. All because of bad words they told me before. drunkfurball. It's one of those moments where everything falls away and nothing else exists. likely referring to my grandmother and her history of abuse towards them, so she likely meant I had an easy childhood compared to her, which fast forward into the present, those are the same thoughts of my mother, which upon me confronting her of the harsh treatment I endured with my grandmother, all I get in response is a smirk, followed by a ADMIN. Sort by: mayazauberman. It is often stated that a bad childhood full of abuse, neglect, family dysfunction, etc. More than a few folks on here have had their claims torpedoed when the examiner asks about it and then goes down a rabbit hole and attributes your pre-military experiences as the root cause of MH in service. Also, we are much more fragile and sensitive in our childhood - we are shaped during this time, so things take quite a toll on our emotional during it. Some popular examples are Kemper and Gein. We are here to support one another, and help resolve any VA / Veterans related issues. As a result I deal with severe depression, avoidant personality disorder, am extremely introverted, and don’t make physical contact with anyone unless I absolutely have to. A while back, my teacher asked my class on how I we would like to raise our child. 18. It's just BIZARRE how the 70s-80s-90s saw a huge chunk of the serial killers, having a not so normal past and that Not really an "excuse", but bad childhood probably means learning no "healthy ways to regulate emotions" and drugs have been a way to regulate emotions since the dawn of civilization. 37 Share. DAE. I understood adults saw me as a child and it made me feel insignificant and small and like I had no voice in the world. There are a few good memories from childhood; but mostly I don't remember much of being a kid that wasn't bad. My mom always thought she always right. All I can say is that, according to psychologists, it's normal for our bad memories to push our good memories out of the way. Okay so obviously everyone has a lot going on right now. The most successful people in any sector has a common background in all of them. But simply being reminded of your childhood is not the symptom. For example, ancient Egyptians had a history about a genocide goddess which was only able to calm down after getting drunk and slept a little. What you are describing is exactly what they are here to help with. I'll keep this simple: The biggest reason I don't want kids is because I don't want my kid to experience the same childhood that I had. I was a child before, A CHILD. Couldn't care less about that midget. It's all valid and you don't need to have a bad childhood to regress 💗💗. Probably sounds pathetic because I’m 32, have my own business, house, I have a really nice life but I can’t stop thinking about my childhood. If you act like an idiot, maybe you have a reason to act like that, but it doesn't mean that is correct. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed removing the Nashville crayfish from the endangered species list in 2019, and that proposal is still being considered. Times got so bad that, on multiple occasions, I remember being told to get on the floor and to be quiet whilst debt collectors hammered on the door in search of our meagre possessions to settle debts for necessities like electricity and gas. A subreddit for Forever Alone folks. 1. Kind of blocked out much of my life until high school. Neville had just as bad of a childhood if not worse than Harry. I know something has made me this way, but I can’t remember what it is. Add a Comment. A somewhat sensible answer tbh. We do take measures to stop child abuse. If anything, you should want to fix your OWN life by working on doing what YOU couldn’t do growing up. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Spoiler, got told "no" all the time. It’s caused by not having an emotional or physical bond with parents early on as a Even I told my problems to them they will never care. I think I spent the majority of my childhood afraid or upset or nervous, which is why I consider it a somewhat bad childhood. Distant. 34 votes, 35 comments. Don't lie but definitely don't go out They focus on your childhood, starting from the very beginning to understand why you do things and who you are, so that you can heal from trauma. There are little to no cases of serial killers these days who have a weird traumatic childhood which contributed to their sociopathic tendencies. In fact, if our step-mother had looked out the window and seen us not playing, she would yell at us and/or spank us. My dad grew up in a suburb and he had a similar experience to you, being able to walk and bike relatively well. New suburbs don't have a corner store or shops. I think I remember reading something about mothers with pedos but I can recall. When I think about a nice vacation I had years ago, I'll soon be thinking about some unpleasant part of the vacation. And now he’s dead. But as I look back I regret some things I did, choices I made as a result of the trauma that stopped me from being as fulfilled as I might have been if I had experienced better parenting. S. Maybe mainly that abuser use tactics that are simply not known/taught and are so inhuman and different from how other people act. A fun world where the Noise Clones thrive without too many worries! (They don't know the danger is actually themselves, lmao) (+ Some other guys too :) ) some people say we should pity or be soft on people with bad childhoods or poverty make no sense. If it’s before Kenny takes him in then I don’t care, but if it’s after then that could be slightly interesting just because I like Kenny. Age regression is a way to deal with stress and that stress can range from trauma in childhood to daily adult stress. Tread very carefully with questions related to your childhood. Everyone is welcome here, no matter your age, race, sex, sexuality… A lot of killers didn’t have great childhoods according to them. This one is People should stop using bad childhoods as excuses to be shitty people. Veteran Crisis Hotline Dial 988 Press 1 Call or Text or Chat. Hopefully you'll find the sakura fics you want there. I think “bad” is subjective: even if we had the picture perfect home life, it doesn’t make us immune from experiencing some kind of trauma. Biologically, a child is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. Whether people had a bad childhood or not! Having had a bad one and a lot of other shit, and not being very good at making a living, i understand. How bad childhood experience such as child abuse/loosing virginity at young age affects an adulthood? When you have a history of child abuse/or loosing virginity at very young age causes a bad adulthood and some sort of mental issues? I don't care if my friends are toxic and is pressured by social media, I know they're strong people and if we have enough late-night-deep talks, it's gonna be alright. Therefore, the other moms turned against her and told their kids that they Serial killing does overshadow 'rough childhoods' (as you seem to acknowledge), and in the cases where the killings have already taken place, it obviously is too late to go back and do anything about it. Both can be true. Scared of conflict to the point you avoid it at all costs, certain that if it happens the other person will hate you/ it will end awfully. The way Christi described her mother here makes me wonder if her mom was an abusive and dominating figure like Abby was. I remarked on some similarities. I absolutely did not deserve my childhood, and also my childhood catapulted me to some amazing places that I could not have achieved withoutbeing CF. While I think Augusta, in the overall sense meant well, unlike the Dursleys, she was just as bad and toxic for Neville if not even more. I can’t feel bad. That neglectful father could be the reason why he started killing in the first place. Either way it’s not exactly objective so they’re theories and who knows what these I’ve asked grandma and we talked for hours and looked at old photos. Every day, it seems harder and harder to remember my childhood. A bad childhood shouldn't be an excuse for crimes commited as an adult! I hear a lot that if someone commits a crime that it was because that person had a bad childhood, okay it can play a role in it but it isn't an exuse for every crime you commit. I miss my childhood so much and i can’t stop crying. Where's the evidence to the statement "most people have a bad childhood?" Young people think if they weren't given EVERYTHING and allowed to do everything, then they had a bad childhood. Linkao3 (16823764) linkao3 ( The Best-Looking Truth by Dovey) linkao3 ( When I grow up I’ll be an avalanche (and I’ll grow up soon) by ulittuq) I agree. I don't think it's generally an unpopular opinion, but every day I read comments on basically all social media platforms where the commentator will back someone's bad behavior with "well it's understandable, you have scars, you had a rough childhood" blablabla Mike: I’ll admit, the only film of his I’ve seen was in film school, I was forced to watch Slacker, and I watched it, and I said ‘This isn’t no Star Trek: The Next Generation. A healthy and robust population could add to the pressure to remove it. Apparently they didn’t want to raise us the same way they were 🙄 Dude's dad left his mom soon after he was born. Christi seems to hold a lot of anger towards her mom that indicates she was abused. 47M subscribers in the AskReddit community. " 17 hours ago · But that good news is also potentially bad news. 8K comments. Never took us anywhere aside from the occasional beach. leads to a particular child could become a serial killer. I am a On the other hand, John Wayne Gacy had an alcoholic father, who verbally and physically abused him and a friend of his father raped him when was young, people were saying his actions were a result of his childhood, that he was a bad person because his father was a bad person. Bad Childhood. I frequently get flashbacks to bad childhood experiences and it causes me to kinda freeze or zone out. So i was born in the south , and ever since i was 4 or 5 my parents separated because my dad cheated on my mother . In psychology, emotional detachment is the inability to connect to others on an emotional level, as well as a means of coping with anxiety by avoiding certain situations that trigger it. A community for all the lonely people. Reply. And my childhood wasn’t even that bad. The truth is, we weren't allowed to leave the back patio until after lunch "because the grass might be still wet from dew" in August, in Florida, with the morning temperatures in the 90s. I recently brought some stuff up with my parents, very mildly, and in the context of a conversation about their parents and their experiences during childhood. He died of cancer not long after that, and that's one of the only memories I have of him. It may have had some contribution to my not wanting kids there were a lot of divorces in my family (both immediate family and extended family), and not as much settling-down and following the Life Script (eg. My sister keeps release her anger towards me. Figure skater abusive coach, mom was deployed for long periods of time. Now I'm 32 and a new mother and parenthood is making me realise I have so much more self work to do to overcome my childhood trauma. Parents who should get a divorce live in denial together. I had a great childhood too. The utmost serial killings that have happened, are due to gangs and the related. I feel the friendships I developed in my adult years stand the test of time. I t's hard to imagine a food more universally loved than pizza. Personally, I was laid off my job due to the coronavirus and I've been having trouble getting my unemployment so far so I have no income. I don't feel sorrry for the guy who decides to assault a woman because he's poor. A mother losing a child. They chose not to get treatment for their experiences. (Photo: Getty Images) Thirty nine percent of Americans believe that they have had one It's that kind of memory that just wraps itself around you and envelopes you in warmth. Im going to skip one part because its too bad , but long story short me and my family were almost killed in a house fire . Please read Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st and new posts at r/ModCord or r/Save3rdPartyApps for up-to-date information. I don't care that my childhood friend left me for another dude, it's just a shame that she's not going to be in my life when I do better in life. Must have been nice!" type face. ago. PERSONAL. My parents were very much no fun. Reply reply. I would stare out my window at night and watch the passing planes and imagine I was a bird up there with them, flying away to freedom. I always handle people like that really gently because I don’t know their situation, but I know something made them act that way. I obviously told my teacher that I'd raise them the same way my… My “oldest friends” now are women I met in my 20’s (we are all late 40’s now) We moved around a lot as a child no no childhood friends, I outgrew my high school friends in my 20’s. my dad's mom was born in a small town in the midwest, got married, divorced rather quickly afterwards, moved to New York City to try to be an artist, met my struggling-actor/writer Reddit has abandoned the users, the moderators, and countless people who support an ecosystem built on Reddit itself. Some notorious murderers (like Paul Bernardo, Theodore Bundy, Dennis Nilsen, etc. To my somewhat-surprise, I found a lot of people using his just-as-bad-if-not-worse father as, er, justification ? As someone who comes from a toxic household, I cringe at things Screamers. You’ve never seen people calmly sit down and discuss their emotions in a loving way, so that world doesn’t exist. They all had a hard, struggling childhood, adulthood or both. I went to my mums house tonight and we got talking about what we remember about Christmas when we were kids. At the time, I thought all the bad stuff I went through was normal and to be expected in the future. I lived in constant stress over my grades, dealing with bullies, you name it. For them, it was Tuesday. BTK and Randy Kraft don't seem to have had much trauma that we know of. I have very low self esteem and anxious. But there is absolutely no excuse for this. Hey look, it's me. If you commit a crime you can't blame all on youre childhood, but ofcourse if you all have an That is a symptom of something that may be wrong with you. Recently I had an intake with a different counselor who thinks I'm suffering from childhood trauma, based strongly on the fact I don't seem to form memories along with the general symptoms of anxiety, depression, and not having normal mood regulation. That fact would stand by itself if anyone tried to say that your childhood, "trauma", caused any issues that you are facing now. I haven't had the "oh, must have had a bad childhood if you don't want kids", but when I tell people I'm an only child. ADMIN MOD. Then my parents got divorced and my dad, (who I was very close to) moved out of state, got remarried and slowly stopped talking to me. It may not look like it, but babies are also looking out for love. I came across some lowlife scum who thought it would be funny to slam a cats head in a door. e, he was killing the father figure he hated every time he murdered someone. • 2 yr. Ghostusn. He was great and he would sometimes make up multiplication and division questions for me and bring me out into a desk in the hall and help me do them (I loved math), and generally was great. Depending on how bad their childhood may have been they may be promiscuous. I'm isolated like a lot of people and have too much time with my thoughts. My grandma and my aunt are positive to me learning their first language, but I don’t think dad is as supportive of it, as it seems like the whole connection about the country is seen as negative from bad experiences in his childhood. I had a good childhood, mind you, but I hated being a kid. Blames a lot of things on themselves even if its not directly related. MOD. The killings could have been his way of getting some psychological revenge— I. When I was little there was a leader at the out of school care when I was 6 that I liked. But I didn't realize how severe these issues were until much later. However, getting an abusive partner as a result of a bad childhood shouldn’t be taken as “an excuse” - it only becomes an excuse when someone actively does it, is self aware of it and knows how to work towards stopping it but simply isn’t. The explanation for this is that bad memories are instructive and therefore have greater survival The suburbs we know today started being built in the 1950s, but their negative effects only really started in the 80s. While a bad childhood and low self esteem might play a part in some cases(!!) I think this narrative covers the fact that there is a lot at play. I remember being 12, 17, 19 and balling my hands up in my hair, repeating the things she’s done the past few weeks, or something that had flooded back from when I was small, or Not all kids with troubled childhood becomes a serial killer, not all serial killers have troubled childhood. I don’t LIKE melodrama, but I’ll take melodrama over really bad corny acting and flat scenes, which is what this movie was filled with. Age regression is a healthy coping mechanism for everyone, not just people with trauma or bad childhoods. Theres so many different consequences on a persons mental state from a rough childhood. And the conversation about whether rough childhood 'excuses' bad behavior is completely separate from I already thought it was weird how accurate that scene in Forrest Gump of Jenny praying was but I didn’t realize this was a common thing what the fuck. PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA. He moved around a lot, never staying in a home for over a year. 2 days ago · A man has uncovered a series of weird drawings under the paintwork in his childhood bedroom, prompting him to fear he's been cursed. And it will be so for a reason that can feel more humiliating still: because, a long time ago now, we had a very bad childhood – one whose impact and legacy we still haven’t yet wholly mastered. The Prince of Tides. Developed an eating disorder when I was around 28, found out I have pretty bad anxiety around 30. We had so much fun together and I was such a happy kid. And I never understood the world. Once they separated life continued to be bad . She kept lashing out bad words. They seemed like they had a very normal childhood (even though they’re not serial killers). I feel so bad for her. Because life ain't fair to a lot of people. Trauma/neglect can make you feel bad, depressed, anxious, stuck. A rough childhood may explain why your behaviour is like it is, but nothing more. It’s weird but I literally have a very similar childhood. He was always bullied in school, so bad that he suffered a severe head injury once, he talks about it in Brain Damage. But not for their entire childhood experience. I think extreme circumstances breed extreme results. William Suff, Richard Cottingham, Kenneth McDuff and Randy Kraft just to name a few. for bad behavior? i agree - a shitty childhood isn’t an excuse for that. •. It is absolutely essential to have a good counselor every step of the way to support, validate, and give you guidance on this journey. Children generally have fewer rights and less responsibility than adults. Just dark, quiet, and some buttered crackers. They chose to have you. If I mentioned that I had a bad childhood (age 5-7) will they be able to deny my mental health claim ? When you went through MEPS , you were cleared and deemed fit for duty. I can almost without fail see people change to the, "Oh, absolutely spoiled, got everything you wanted all the time. And lie about a lot of stuff. EMDR therapy may also help you process trauma, using the right and left side of you brain while you talk about the incident(s) so that your amygdala and your hippocampus can work in tandem to help Many adults that have had an abusive childhood have a detachment disorder. Agreed! Also a bit tired og the common belief that people who had tough childhoods necessarily turn out to have problematic lives or be bad people. Having kids is not going to be some sort of therapy for your crappy childhood. Just because they have a bad childhood doesn’t mean they would become a villain It depends on their mentality Shiggy has the mentality of ” I had a bad childhood so everybody else will have a bad childhood” While AM mentality is” I had a bad childhood. This will be closer to trauma. Not having enough money to buy what I wanted. MembersOnline. I don't remember a lot of my life, especially my childhood. dreaganusaf • 2 mo. It makes no sense. No freedom. Life is extremely stressful, especially Serial killers that didn't have a bad childhood? A lot of serial killers are known for having bad childhoods that ruined their mind from a young age. Mary and Max - Mary (8) with a problematic childhood exchange letter with Max (40) with a problematic adulthood (wholesome not creepy) On the Doll - A Lurid, dark look into the lives of sex workers, Where victims of CSA deal with consequences later in life. I'm 76. can't wait to read boring life of childhood levi 🤮. It's simply not true and obvi more complex than this kind of black and white approach. I was bullied most of my life for my looks, and also because my mom was just AWFUL at making friends with the other moms. Question. My partner had a very rough childhood yet he has a healthy attachment style. tamiloxd. The thing that everyone else loves about being reminded of their childhood is that feeling of nostalgia. 377K subscribers in the lonely community. No use playing the what if game, since there are many others with my childhood who didn't survive. I’ve asked grandma and we talked for hours and looked at old photos. The brutally sadistic sexual killers seem to have had normal childhoods. I will make sure nobody else has a bad childhood” Sounds, situations with your children will bring you back to traumas you experienced when you were little. Here's what I'd advise you, based on my experience. I feel VA mental health services is a double edged sword. It is more useful to remember precisely the bad things than the good things, because memory is mainly a self-correcting mechanism for negative things not happening again. The main reason I'm childfree is because I hated being a child. When I was much poorer I didn't feel like I was owed sex. I spent years of my childhood in and out of mental hospitals, been on hundreds if not thousands of medications, suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety, and a personality disorder all because of him. My upbringing was no where near as “bad” as his, yet I’m prone to limerence and anxious-avoidant attachment. In many cases (like with my mom), they probably never did anything for a better life or think about how it will affect their own children based on how it affected themselves. That's changed in the last 40 years. Memories of my family calling me this and that, friends replacing me, typical bullying, couple experiences of getting choked out, engaging in sexual activity in a short one-sided codependent relationship that still hurt me for a few years, contemplating suicide, genuinely believing I was in Fun won’t remotely come into it. And because of it, people who go through shit often keep quiet by fear of being ostracised. 5. Because of them, i could not have a stable relationship. I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of education, tho, and to take some great online courses on compassion & emotional intelligence & positive psychology, and by buddhist faith as well have helped A bad childhood is a really vague/general term. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to just want kids in general and then subsequently hope to be a better parent than what you had, because all parents should That's really not true. Healing Childhood Abandonment Trauma While in Relationship. My parents are defensive and/or don't have the same memory of what happened in my childhood. Crazy, I’m glad to see you’re starting to thrive, it really does get better. 188K subscribers in the ForeverAlone community. Discussion. Taking to Reddit, he shared a snap of his bizarre discovery 5 days ago · Pixar is back in theaters again with the new sequel "Inside Out 2. Your childhood trauma does not entitle you to act however you want. ) have brothers/sisters, who went through deep water with them. So, the rough childhood may explain your acting but it is not an excuse to be an idiot or a criminal. The food is so popular that the global pizza market reached $141. throwawayrental11. The only one I can recommend from the top of my head is early summer rain. How it happened. I was an anxious child. While yes their still horrible people and their childhood isn't an excuse for their behavior, they still were influenced. But Donald Henry “Pee Wee” Gaskins had a horrific childhood. When I really narrow down what I miss- I think a big part of it is my family. 1 billion in 2022, and is projected to rise to over $192 billion by I wish I could go back to my childhood. Have a terrible temper. but there is a difference between a psychopath and a pedophile they both have their own childhood risk factors. Earlier today I saw his mom crying on the news. Official Discord server… Mar 5, 2015 · A 10-question assessment can tell you whether traumatic childhood events could affect your health as an adult. All of my childhood memories are of feeling overwhelmed, isolated, or exposed and judged. If you are visiting r/veterans for the first time please read the rules. 2K votes, 2. Now I am under the impression and may I say hope that we are who we ADMIN MOD. Somewhere along the line, someone hurt them bad enough to put walls up My father was a pedophile and as a child and young teenager I seemed to be a magnet for other sexual predators as well. ’. qn be fb my rn de yr xp fa jn