, Severus S. Bella, I think there's a possibility she could be— she could be a venor floccus. " Hermione smiled, Harry gave a curt nod, looking away. That is, until he makes the ill-advised decision to help a very drunk Harry Potter. When Buckbeak saw the oblivious trio near the nest, Beaky attacked the nearest person, Draco Malfoy. Hagrid. After having done it the third time, he scowled and shoved everything to the side. This story explores the idea of Harry being granted guardianship of Draco after the final battle in lieu of him being executed. Harry kissed back. - Chapters: 22 - Words: 88,657 - Reviews: 215 - Favs: 184 - Follows: 144 - Updated: 9/6/2013 Harry Saves Buckbeak by Getting Injured. Everyone looked, including Hermione, when the Slytherins busted out laughing. The neat black script on the fronts of the thick, creamy envelopes made the mundane names "Harry Potter" and "Dudley Dursley" seem almost regal. "As to you. "Now you have to approach cautiously. Draco: Wait 'til my father hears about this! Harry: Go back to Pigfarts Draco. Hermione rolled her eyes and gently pulled Harry back. Harry Potter was the first student to attempt to befriend a hippogriff in that class, and Buckbeak was the animal he approached. Harry looked at Buckbeak after hearing a warning growl. " Harry laughed. Another Harry was a vampire, and only Draco's blood satisfied him. Harry sure felt silly, but this was a matter of life and death. "Anyway, let's get back to what I can teach you. Ron whipped out his wand. Nevertheless Neville was pleased to have the contract. Until slowly meetings once a month somehow turned into dinners twice a week. Peter Pettigrew was cowardly and selfish, but lacked the true malevolence that Voldemort possessed; this weakens his Killing Curse in the graveyard. Written for Sansa, who had a hankering for a non-magic AU Books Harry Potter. For the whole of Harry Potter's second year, the gentle giant spends his Harry waved back, wishing Mr. Even the hippogriff seemed to agree. If you haven't yet, read before this story: The Son and Nephew of the Maurders: The Sorcerer's Stone The Son and Nephew of the Maurders: The Chamber of Secrets. Avoiding the scratches on his back Malfoy gently held him in his lap as Hagrid tried to calm Buckbeak. With a clean slate and a budding friendship, will Hogwarts' biggest rivals finally get their shot at a second chance? 8th year Harry fired into the polluted room. Enter Harry and Draco. "This isn't so hard," Vince said slowly to the hippogriff. Snape had taken back his word, Harry did not have to be in detention every day and he will be able to be with Hagrid before the execution. It's like dealing with phoenixes on a smaller scale. Buckbeak circled the paddock before returned to the ground. At the beginning of the seventh year, Snape's daughter comes to Hogwarts and makes friends with the trio. That said, based on Harry Potter's testimony, he provided full instruction to the class on how to behave in the presence of a hippogriff. Harry was several inches taller than Draco, who came about up to the Gryffindor's nose, and also had a wider, more 'built' frame than the small blonde. Buckbeak slapped him away, sending him flying into the Forbidden Forest. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. The yell startled Buckbeak at the same time Draco turned to Harry, but touched the creature's coat. What was wrong with being alone? Mr. The popcorn sailed through the air, littering the ground as the empty bucket smacked into the dark haired potion master's face. "Not you?" "No one's trying out for Seeker," he replied with a shrug. That was the year Harry found out Sirius Black was his God father and that it was no he but Peter Pettigrew who had led Voldemort to Harry Harry's mind filled with every possibility of their reunion – cave ins, attacks upon the school, detentions, cross-class teambuilding exercises, potions accidents, a fight gone astray. Guess I don't own the movies/books. Like a house a'fire, you were. Narcissa went over to Draco and placed one of her hands on his shoulder, and the other on one of the trunks that came to a rest beside her. Then you can pet him. When Harry & Cedric's body return to Hogwarts after Voldemort's resurrection, Dumbledore discovers that Cedric is not dead, but petrified. Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, Levina would be in it. Harry was fuming at him. Even with Buckbeak dead Harry and Hermione would still go back in time to save Sirius, and he could just as easily fly away in a broom. " Hagrid said. The game went swimmingly and Buckbeak's Revenge was in the lead by thirty points when something happened that nobody expected. That right goes to JK Rowling. It has to be if Potter can do it. "Hello, Mr. Screw my father, he doesn't know what love is. " "Yeah, and for me," Blaise added. The Slytherin was sporting a shiny badge with a bright P emblazoned on it. Draco's eyes snapped wide open, making his head snap straight up before he reflexively took cover, pulling poor Hermione down with him; he was terrified about being anywhere near Buckbeak or the ex-Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher; Draco would have almost been shitting his pants if he had been in the same room as either that chicken that Buckbeak,[4] later renamed Witherwings,[2] was a male hippogriff. Others- I will make up as needed. Draco, disliking the fact that he was being ignored, banged his little fist on the table, demanding pancakes. Draco, Dean, and Seamus looked at each other. The sharp talons missed Draco by inches. Hagrid hadn't spotted him. According to Draco high praises from Severus Snape were rare. Hagrid beckoned him over with a huge grin on his face. The man laughed seeing Draco's reaction as he sat upright and pulled a strand of ebony black hair behind his ear while the other hand pushed his rectangle framed glasses up his nose, a moment later Harry Potter stood and wrapped the blonde in a hug. Greg and Draco stood off to the side, watching curiously. Come on Draco, you're a Malfoy, you were made to win, a little ice can't hurt you! Harry pushed him and Pansy hard, knocking them out of the path of the reaching claws. Draco ascended higher and higher. "Now, time to ride him, Harry. His robes were a rumpled mess. As the troll reared back to deliver the crushing blow, Harry unthinkingly jumped on the club that was bigger and heavier than he was. If there was one thing Harry hates more than Dementors, it had to be Malfoy. Potter, true to form, takes this as an open invitation to not only invade Draco's home, but also to drag Draco into the political mess that Wizarding Britain has become. " Sneered Harry. There will be disciplinary spanking of adults/teens and talk of abuse, no slash. He really liked Buckbeak and was very sad that it had to be killed, but what was really more important for Harry was Hagrid. cried Crabbe foolishly. 'Please let that not be for me!' Draco thought just before Harry got Crabbe and Goyle. Hagrid was telling Potter, "Well done, Harry! Well done. I haven't saved all the drafts I made before the final product, but these one survived, and instead of leaving them to rot in a lonely folder on my computer, I thought I'd share them with you guys. Draco frowned and started to say something, but suddenly Professor Quirell came running in yelling about trolls. Draco/Harry slash. A/N: This is my first "real" attempt at Harry/Draco slash. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Books Harry Potter. Where Draco always owled his orders, the blond comes in person for his supplies. I can do some research and we'll build your case," offered Hermione. "Wow, Harry, you were really successful with Buckbeak, " said Ginny cheerfully as the memory continued. Rated: Fiction T - Spanish - Drama - Harry P. From the distance, he heard, "Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! 150 points awarded to Gryffindor! Gryffindor wins!" Shocked, he watched as Draco fell to the ground, unconscious. I, Draco Malfoy am in love with Buckbeak. Once Draco was a Veela, and Harry his destined mate. He'd heard the curse, saw it hit the chair he'd just been sitting in. Drarry, Eighth-Year. All of a sudden Draco yanked his arm away, still avoiding Harry's gaze, and pulled down his sleeve. Buckbeak accepted Harry’s advance and And now that Harry looked, Buckbeak was looking very avidly at Draco. Sirus- Man Dog. Dear FanFiction, I am not an evil creature. Ginny smirked. "It's killed him. Punch Draco. Harry bowed, expecting nothing, but the creature eventually bowed. Both boys had changed in appearance over the past few years. Crabbe and Goyle were looking scared. When Harry was successful Hagrid actually put him on the back of the hippogriff. I looked down at the bird and scratched his neck, he huffed. Aug 15, 2020 · Buckbeak is a grey hippogriff, one of the group of the creatures Hagrid brought to his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson with the third year students in the fall of 1993. Huh. "You really shouldn't provoke him," Draco said. Suddenly, Buckbeak emerged from below the sides of the tower. A sudden spiral of pain blossomed in her left arm as she shielded her face. "They can't kill Buckbeak. Draco was on the ground crying and whinning like a baby, "it almost killed me!" "It barely nipped you," Severus said coldly. Harry had grown to an impressive six feet, his once lanky, awkward body having finally grown into that of a man. Buckbeak refused to move. Relieved that he was able to save Sirius from a fate worse than death and guilty from unable to prevent Peter's escape. Saving Draco By: RainCityWriter. Draco turned, startled that he knew the voice. , Draco M. Buckbeak knocked Draco over and Hagrid rushed between them trying to get the creature to calm down. "Hagrid, you need to take him to the hospital!" Hermione said. In a different part of the forest, Buckbeak was hunting. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Harry P. "The sky didn't have babies you idiot!" roared Malfoy, and slapped Crabbe in the back of the head. "Dude you have no idea how good it is to see you, since I think Harry Potter caught the Snitch, and was about to raise his hand in triumph when he saw Draco Malfoy falling from his broomstick and towards the ground very quickly. [1] Earlier that evening, when Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger learned that the Hippogriff, Buckbeak Sep 15, 2019 · Hagrid Saves the World. During the 1995 Christmas break, the Weasleys are visiting Arthur in the hospital and Sirius is drinking in the kitchen. Before Draco knew it, Potter was being shoved towards the hippogriff. Hermione put on her best placating smile, knowing that the reason Draco Malfoy had been attacked was to save her secret. Draco takes the hit from a bludger intended for Harry and develops a strange and severe case of amnesia. He yanked his wand from his wrist holster and yelled "Crucio!" "You'd have to do better than that. Author: Lovestar29. He decided to stumble around blindly for a few hours. he wanted to be alone. BludgerBy: GreenEyesGreySkies. Story Line: A new prophecy – a real prophecy – is made by Trelawny that involves Rubeus Hagrid. " After a tragedy in the Malfoy family, Draco becomes depressed and to deal with his pain, starts to cut himself. Please excuse my unintelligence. " he said, causing every eye to turn to him. Fred and George disapparated from their seat, reapparated on either side of the young witch and simultaneously kissed her cheeks. "Harry-Draco-get under the cloak. However, that Malfoy boy makes me irate, so I feel no regret in my actions our first meeting. " "Accio Draco and Harry's wedding rings!" Harry yelled. Feeling responsible, Harry decides to help Draco get back into the swing of things. Ginny: Harry… Everyone: NOT NOW GINNY! Ginny: *walks away with head down* Romilda: God she's annoying… Ron: That is my sister you know. Buckbeak lifted off the ground and we began to soar into the sunset. "Mum!" Draco called. Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, profit from the story and that all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator or current owner. When they pulled away, everybody in the crowd was clapping in applause. "Harry is a good candidate to be successful with hippogriffs because he's such a respectful person, " explained Hermione, "The key to being successful with hippogriffs is respect. " Draco Malfoy approached where Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table. He lived with Rubeus Hagrid during Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts, along with a few other hippogriffs. , Neville L. ) Potter approached Buckbeak, and bowed to him, (his bow was not nearly as attractive as mine) I waited for the magical moment when my lovely birdy would attack Potter. He stood there, in a dirty tee-shirt and baggy jeans, his face flushed from exertion, his hands covered in worn gardener's gloves. CHAPTER 28: Buckbeak's Flight. a soft tenor voice called. Rowling. Harry was feeling very pleased. I laughed and shook my head. Except it isn't, because Draco keeps coming up with crazy things—and Harry goes along with it because he can't wait to see what Draco's going to come up with next. Buckbeak tells the tale from his point of view; Chapter 1 is third year only. Snape's dark eyes focused on those of one Harry Potter. Malfoy strolled up to Buckbeak. I know you write many stories about me, and in some I have been portrayed as an evil, bloodthirsty Hippogriff who cares nothing for the lives of others. Warnings: Light angst, brief violence, rather crack-ish humor. Harry finished chewing scrambled eggs and swallowed, then washed it down with a swig of pumpkin juice before Jun 25, 2020 · And by the end, I'm still never happy. Without thinking Malfoy moved closer, catching Potter before he hit the ground. " Wingardium Leviosa !" shouted Hermione as she saw her would-be rescuer hauled into the air. Draco doesn't insult Buckbeak. " Harry turned, stating to Draco, who gave a slight nod before turning away, seeking out Theo. He heard Harry chuckle beneath him, and then groan in pain. Ships: Draco/Harry Summary: AU Fifth Year. " "Saw you runnin' out there. "POTTER!" Harry whirled around at the sound of his voice and saw Draco running towards him shoving his wand into Harry's hand. She watched Buckbeak raise his forelegs and slash the air, narrowly missing Draco as Rebekah shoved him aside. Summary: The eighth year Slytherins are trying to come up with a way to make Draco shut talking about his stupid crush on "Oh Shadis!" Harry turned slightly, seeng Hermione running towards him and stopping, looking down at heer shoes as to not meet Draco's glare. Books Harry Potter. Title: Quidditch Accident. Draco reached over and grabbed hold of the other two and gave Harry a brief smirk. " "I'll help you Hagrid. The train broke down and took 4 hours to fix! Unlike Ron and Hermione, who were sleeping like logs, he couldn't sleep. That should be the end of it. " We all watched nervously as Harry approached Buckbeak. "Be careful, Harry. The year is 2018, he is one of the most coveted bachelors in the wizarding world. "Harry, I think you wanted a turn dear brother. "I can't wait. You're only making it worse for yourself. Draco saw Harry sneaking along the path, were a particularly sloppy puddle yielded some foul-smelling, green sludge. Draco looked at Harry uneasily. That was the year Hagrid was teaching Care of Magical Creatures and had introduced the class to Buckbeak the Hippogryf, which was later ordered to be killed as a result of the stupidity of one Draco Malfoy. She isn't. Malfoy was just telling me something awful. Slash: Draco/Harry); Ron/OC. This story will deal with grief and PTSD. They put black hoods up and impersonated Dementors. Narcissa must have noticed Draco's wand when she examined Harry and taken it back to Draco when he crossed over. Draco and Hermione provided him with the thoughtfulness he lacked. + -. Hagrid- Big Man. Harry comes to Hogwarts badly abused and relies heavily on his friends and supportive adults to help him make it through his school years. - Words: 1,241 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 154 - Follows: 129 Draco asked puzzled. He just . Author's Notes: This is a Draco/Harry romance that takes place Draco muttered more nonsense once Hagrid was out of sight and Harry snapped back at him before Hagrid returned, leading a dozen or so odd looking creatures. Ron and Harry hurried to catch up with her, chattering about what what a jerk Malfoy was. He saw Malfoy nearing it, hand outstretched, eyes clouded over. " Es duro descubrir de un desconocido que tú eres el verdadero Harry Potter, el "niño-que-vivió", y no poder decirle a nadie quién eres, sobre todo si es tu mejor arma para derrotar a Voldemort. Nov 23, 2023 · A Son Reclaimed By: MusicMelis. He shrugged. There was a swipe of dirt high across his cheekbone where Draco had seen the bruise just days before. " She used the excuse of Draco being injured to follow the path back up towards Hogwarts. Buckbeak and Harry kept eye contact before Buckbeak bowed his head down to Harry. All rights belong to the wonderful lady (JK Rowling) who gave the world Harry Potter to read and enjoy. Aug 1, 2007 · Nonmagic AU. Time-travel is wacky business but using your Time-turner and Granger's (you both chose too many lessons and had too little time to go for them); you manage to save Buckbeak and catch a rat by the name of Peter Pettigrew. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Harry Potter Saves Draco Malfoy; Draco Malfoy Saves Harry Potter; Summary. Harry studied the eyes had dark bags under them from lack of sleep and stress. Emboldened by Harry's success, the rest of the class climbed cautiously into the paddock. Word had spread of Harry's sort of " feinting" on the train ride. The rescue of Sirius Black and Buckbeak took place on 6 June 1994, in which Albus Dumbledore allowed Hermione Granger and Harry Potter to use the Time-Turner to rescue the Animagus Sirius Black and Buckbeak the Hippogriff. Harry also felt the obscurity of the moment, he'd saved an enemy's life and couldn't help but be sympathetic. " Look, Dementor ! " shouted Draco. - Words: 2,013 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 6 - Published: Aug 13, 2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12100633. He finds it endearing until he realizes that the Hippogriff is hard and Draco has to take care of it before he can leave. Buckbeak's death sentence was delivered from the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. "Flint wouldn't replace you even if there was," Blaise said flatly. Both stopped short at the sight of Draco's mum and Harry's aunt sitting on the couch. Read A/N for Specific Tags. "Oh my God!" squeaked Hermione, looking towards the door as harry stumbled in. For two years they were business partners. The least Hagrid could do was hold himself together, carry himself with as much dignity as the Hippogriff had; Buckbeak deserved a master who could face his death with his head held high. " "Good question, I'm not really sure why they called it a mouse. " AU, centred around Hermione Granger, a very best friend of Draco Malfoy, back when she was just a fifteen-year-old kid dealing with her inner demons, trying to deny the growing interest in a mysterious Bellatrix Lestrange. "It doesn't look like a mouse. A fool approached Buckbeak, who then swiftly trod Upon little Dracos toes and his big feet Who took a large bite to then savour and eat. "That's sweet of you Hermione but do you really think we've got a chance," asked Hagrid. " Malfoy breathed out, hoping no one could hear him. Draco said in awe. He gently placed his cold feet on the wooden floor and glanced at his eagle owl, and saw that she still was asleep. "Don't worry Hagrid," said Harry. Harry reached for his magic and wandlessly banished Draco out of Draco found his behaviour appalling; Buckbeak was such a magnificent creature – yes, it was a shame he was going to be killed – but that was unavoidable now. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance Jan 16, 2013 · Harry looked at the map again; he was only a few hundred yards away if they had stayed in the same area. He was bored and had nothing better to do, so he decides to visit Buckbeak in the attic. Not Harry's, but the stubborn beast's life and explaining it to him made Harry feel even sillier. Malfoy. Buckbeak (Harry Potter) Hermione Granger. Hearing movement, he realized "Missed! SHIT!" Draco was shocked. Rating: R. At her exclamation Ginny turned to look at what was troubling her friend. Harry is tired of the attention he gets just for being "The Boy Who Lived" and "The Boy Who Killed Voldemort" or "The Chosen One" among others. With a small twist at the end. She slapped her hand on the table. Harry quickly rounded the last corner were the attack had happened. Also if you haven't please take part on voting for which story you want me to update next month exclaimed Hermione with all the volume of a banshee scream. He glanced around the room. Attention seeker, Draco thought. " Hagrid said, in a proud sort of way; sort of like the Hippogriff. They had the body and entire back ends of horses but their front legs and head were that of a large eagle, each with a nasty looking beak and bright orange eyes. "I believe you. He stared at Harry as if the boy were daft. " With a squawk, Buckbeak lunged at Draco, talons extended. , OC - Chapters: 29 - Words: 45,200 Yay! New reviewer! Welcome to my little circle of fanfic reviewers… we give cookies I don't own the Harry Potter series or it's characters. Many of the "You really are a beautiful creature Buckbeak. Tears sprung to my eyes, knowing that something in my life was finally going right. Harry is shocked when he finds out Draco Malfoy has a fraternal twin brother who disappeared as a baby. " Draco nodded, pulling a chair closer to see what Harry was doing on the screen. " I whispered. Enjoy chapter two:) When Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Levina entered the Great Hall that morning, the first thing they saw was Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story. Ron- Spot Face. Merlin. "Draco! What are you doing, look out!" yelled Harry quickly. "Mum, we'd like our pancakes, now," Draco said with a little sniff. Coming out in time to listen to you praising Draco Malfoy while I thought you were threatening him, oh and beautifully describing his tongue too, how irresponsible of me to think otherwise!" Harry felt his ears getting hot, and somehow the temperature increased in the cold dungeons, "That's not what I meant Sir. " Lucius jumped up and yelled "This is It's not perfect, but for Draco, it's more than enough. I stepped back and Buckbeak tried to follow. He noticed that the entire class, save Potter, had backed up. And the only reason it missed is because he fell to the floor. Buckbeak suddenly retreated and bowed deeply as Rebekah allowed the arm to drop. Harry Does Different CCXXII. "Leave us. "Of course this is easy. "Harry, you sit here," Draco demanded as he patted the seat next to him. Remus-Humanwolf. Hermione suddenly felt scared when Draco shouted, "Dementor Dementor!" He pointed over behind Harry. "I'm positive we can save Buckbeak," she told him. Sirius then rode Buckbeak to hide out in an unknown area. "It's good to see you up again. Aug 3, 2022 · Harry closed his eyes and made himself comfortable in the infirmary bed while Hermione explained to Ron about Sirius' escape on Buckbeak. Buckbeak lunged again, swiping his talons vertically across the left side of Reece's abdomen. Save Me By: CarlitosLover. But something makes him feel empty. You'll see. When Hogwarts decides that Quidditch needs even more chaos, the decide to bring in a spell that will take two faces of two people with so much chemistry, it is almost certain they will end up together, and make them kiss. The Weasley kids were a study in shock. Harry looked up at them with the same dazed, haunted expression Draco had seen when Harry had been in the hospital wing after the first Quidditch match. A modified version of a muggle "kiss cam". The moment Harry entered the Great Hall with his friends it came to be obvious that Malfoy been making fun of Harry by saying how scared he was around the dementors. Draco was looking now. Draco looked worried and raised his wand arm, shakily. A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. Harry turned and faced the angry animal, his stomach churning. Draco, Vince and Greg went towards Buckbeak. Buckbeak fell forward, his forelegs impacted the earth and his claws sank deep. Meanwhile, Severus tore out of the cage, slamming the gate behind him. He watched as Harry went through the motions, and was hypnotized by CHAPTER 8:YEAR OF THE DRAGON. " Harry and Draco gave each other a look of discomfort, but Harry nonetheless threw his Invisibility Cloak over the pair of them. No one understood how I felt, except Buckbeak. Draco and Ron flinched at the mention of Voldemort's name. Under his breath, Harry whispered to Draco, "On my signal, run for the exit behind the teacher's table. Hermione threw the tub. May 12, 2020 · Draco Malfoy. Sep 18, 2019 · Harry placed his hands on Draco's chest and smiled as the platinum-haired boy leaned forward and planted a kiss on Harry's lips. Buckbeak got rewarded with a dead ferret from Hagrid. She raised her eyebrows at Draco. Summary: Harry saves Draco's life. Hermione stared at him; half in anger and the other half in disbelief. Harry and the rest of our class turned back around to see Draco had pulled his cloak over his head. He's even more shocked when he finds out that he is that twin! That shock grows when he finds out Snape is his godfather! But what shocks him most of all is that with the Malfoy family, he may have actually May 5, 2024 · Harry Potter - J. Draco Malfoy flagrantly violated those instructions. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. Draco stops Harry in the hallway after a detention with Umbridge. "We need juice," he said as he and Harry barreled into the living room. "Stupid beast. Ten-year-old Harry eyed the post sitting in the middle of the dining table with ill-concealed glee and curiosity. He focused on Hagrid's instructions from earlier and bowed at the waist. When Beaky heard the thunderous conversation, he went to investigate. He stood with his jaw set, his fists tightened as he covered his face from the blow. Draco was about to step forward when someone back right into him. He started to lose all the feeling in his hand and legs but he kept on going. Harry sat at his lab table, nervously rearranging his journal and pencils. Now, you have to let 'im make the firs' move. Hermione found a dead ferret from somewhere, much to Harry's surprise and Buckbeak's pleasure. He'd never known his parents, but also he had never known the pressure of parent's expectations, especially ones as strong as a Malfoy's. Snape looked at his student in disbelief and for a moment he caught a glimpse of his dead best friend, Lily, and not James. . Draco- Disrespectful. I'll distract Buckbeak. When Harry and Hermione went into the past to save Sirius and Buckbeak, Draco was at their side adding his cunning to their courage, skill and, particularly for Hermione Aug 21, 2019 · Hermione saw Buckbeak back up to rise on his legs again, without thinking of what others will think she pushed through the crowd of students, shoving them out of her way and shouted "Run Draco!" Malfoy looked up and noticed that Buckbeak was about to attack him. "Hullo," Harry murmured as his gaze darted between his aunt and Mrs. In the middle of round fifteen, Harry Potter burst into the pub. Harry sighed and made his way over. With horrified expression on their faces they screamed! They jumped to their feet and ran out of the Great Hall along with all the other first years. Harriet: Your point is? Arthur the Toad: Anyone fancy changing me back? Him and his damn band t-shirts. , Remus L. He learned to like the other boy, to appreciate his loyalty, his inner-strength, his eagerness to help. Harry held his hand out. "Hello, Harry," Petunia said. Then he finds out there is nothing else that is better to do than Buckbeak in the attic. "Harry, Mrs. Harry quickly noticed, that Draco and his group had pulled Daphne into an old abandoned classroom. Buckbeak. K. SPLATTER! "It came from over there!" Draco said deliberately pointed a meter to the left of Harry. I smiled as he took off. I am one of several of my kind to be presented to the human young. Hermione- Bushy. Enjoy! As promised, this first chapter is an alternate scenario to Chapter 16, when Draco confronts Buckbeak. It was, after all, the only spell they'd really learned. The Department for the Control of Magical Creatures finds no cause for execution of the hippogriff called Buckbeak. Whitehorn looked a tad too smug for his tastes, like he knew something. The hippogriff bowed to Vince, who started patting his beak. I am docile, kind, and I very much dislike hurting humans. (I had told Buckbeak all about Potter, how he embarrasses me in front of my friends, how he uses too much cologne, etc. "Quidditch try-outs are in an hour. Come on, now. Harry shrugged and the group came to a stop in an open spot in the outgoing apparition area. I saw something peculiar. "But thats Hagrids fault; how was Draco to know That all HippoGriffs are a little bit slow And that it takes them a while to decifer the fact That you are human; so Hagrid got sacked. [4] He was later unfairly sentenced to death, when he attacked Draco Malfoy after being taunted and provoked. Harry took that as a sign and cautiously approached Buckbeak and began to pet him. Draco M. Chapter 18. The angry creature went for Malfoy again, but Reece moved in front of his friend. It was Harry. He silently open and closed the cab door, groping at the walls so that he didn't fall. The tip of his broom began to freeze but he didn't care, he was willing to do anything to beat the famous Harry Hotter. " Maybe Buckbeak would attack him for me. " Draco called out warily, and Harry almost blinked. He felt both relieved and guilty at the same time. He was seated on the Slytherin side, sneering with his arms crossed. " Harry replied with a smile and got on Buckbeak, careful to not Harry was on the Hogwarts Express in pitch-black darkness. Draco simply sneered as he advanced. A screech from somewhere below them. "Hey, Potter!" Wasn't Buckbeak just a convenience for Sirius escape, killing two birds with one stone? (Sending Sirius and Buckbeak at the same time away from the UK) . "ooh" he and his friends moaned and laughed. His eyes narrowed. Harry quickly redoubled his efforts, hoping he made it there in time. "Every time a dementor gets too near me, I can hear my mum screaming and pleading with Voldemort," Harry said, hoarsely. The next day, Draco woke up in his battered room on the third floor in Grimmauld Place 12 by a soft light shining trough his window, making the otherwise grey and brown room look a bit more colourful. " Buckbeak bowed. The necklace around Buckbeak's neck broke and the rings came flying into Harry's Draco managed to block the attack with his arm, falling to the ground as he did so. Little one By: charlieerin. If there was one thing she was thankful for this term it was that Draco Malfoy had stayed away from her, he still tormented Harry, though he almost completely ignored her now, instead he spent most of his time with Pansy, or so she'd heard. Obviously, you and Harry didn't see eye to eye in this matter for he ignored you for weeks until you agreed to free it with him. "Draco!" Narcissa admonished while bringing everything to the table except the pancakes. Well, everybody but Snape. Chapter 8 – Buckbeak II. Like old Buckbeak on a tear. Instead, he ends up cuddling with him, which rarely happens in the Wizarding community. This Harry Potter story was written for fun. "You'd best watch yourself this year, Potty. Harry looked up at Draco then noticed a slight moving Harry-Ebony. Pairing: Harry/Draco, others mentioned. ve nt lt ee kf jn jw su pn av