How to get over something bad you did reddit

2- Think about the immediate/automatic thoughts you had you had to the event. Get up and do something to release all your pent up adrenaline. EDIT: Thank you all so much for all the support and feedback. You can’t become a good person in the past. Feeling like a failure might actually be the feeling of shame or fear in disguise. I have done many things in my past im not proud of. or with other people. Not chuckle, litterally open up your mouth and let yourself laugh at how silly and embarrassed you were about it. This is the most accurate thing ever. Ever since this thing happened it feels like i’ve been stuck in the past and i feel as if i’ve wasted a year. Anything. Talk to urself rationally and say "hey, it happens to everyone, it's not a big deal, neither of us will remember this in a month". Business, Economics, and Finance. You have to see how he used your insecurities against you and weaponized love, sex, affirmation, everything. It's very likely that whatever price you paid, you could probably get that back for it in 5, 10, 15 years. you need distractions. It's so freaking weird. But we can choose to be conscious and think through future decisions. 3. You will recognize a mark a mile away- it’ll become your superpower. Don't 'avoid' your mistakes from coming back to your working memory, as this would only worsen moving on from them. Repeat it to yourself while driving, or whenever you get a chance, act like you're telling the story to a friend. He change her contact info because he said I would get mad and have a bad reaction anytime I saw a message notification from her on his phone. Here are some examples of big emotions you might be feeling: sad, tense, overwhelmed, ashamed, or guilty. Work on your self-confidence and self-respect, and get out there and find it. How do you get over ur husband lying to you when you used to be boyfriend and girlfriend. " EMDR, Internal family systems (IFS), somatic experiencing, neurofeedback, and brainspotting are all methods that work to reprocess and reintegrate trauma. They do it every day. You set aside time to force yourself to think about it until you feel a kind of 'brain fatigue'. The more you do that, the more you will fixate on them and keep them going in your head. Your second love is out there waiting. Use it to better yourself going forward and don't let yourself make the same mistake twice. There a proven ways to get past PTSD. Embrace the sadness as deeply as you can. Try to be a better person. i would copy and paste the comment but i dont know who said that, wish you the best Use this opportunity. Sometimes to be honest it just takes something so powerful it effects you to move. Also, keep in mind, those who have done terrible things were almost always on the receiving end of abuse during their formative years (parental, bullying, neglect, sexual abuse, alcoholic parents, physical abuse, etc). You may have to figure out a time you felt good first before you can do this. Catch the thought and stop it. Do the following: Guided Meditations: Daily 10 minutes guided mindfulness meditations to become better at being an observer of your own emotions and less subject to them. I don’t know if I can ever get over this or forgive myself but I just need someone to tell me everything is going to be ok or something. We don’t have to. Sort of connected, losing a parent when you are younger can really lead to a lot of awkward conversations. I get nightmares about it, flashbacks, I became depressed because of it. You need to start saying, "I'm obsessing again. Forgive yourself for making a mistake. It feels like I’ve hit such a low point in my life that I kinda just need someone to tell something I can use to cope with the situation. As long as you don't repeat your mistakes, you are learning and that is a good sign if you ask me. You have to let yourself see that your relationship was not love. It is also a subreddit to share your helpful I think the best you can do is get a general check-up every 6-12 months, and pay attention to your poop, pee and check for lumps on a monthly basis. If not, the best way is to do just that: get over it. Pay attention to pain which does not go away after a few days with the help of pain relievers. That could be exercising, meditation, or just some time in solitude (usually out in nature) to process through my thoughts and emotions. Remind yourself that whatever your worrying about no matter how badly you think it is important probably isn't and that worrying is bad for you and that it's time to think of something else. So you’re left with the one option: forgive yourself. Let yourself feel the pain and wallow in it for as long as you like. To figure out what a motivating goal would be for you, your goal is "find a goal" and apply the process above. Eventually, your brain will only know that story (mostly) For example. I cried through the second half of the movie, and proceeded to cry in the bathroom afterwards and on the way home on the bus. ago. lobster_claus. Forget about it. But basically pause your thoughts by quickly bringing in step three. The problems are not here now. Laurel Healy, LCSW, says, “If thoughts turn to self-blame and are serving no purpose, it’s important not to interrupt them. Bear it as such and leave it at that. Complete cooking the omelette and plate. You may feel anxiety as we are so used to self inflicted guilt but push through. I made a 19 year bad decision. . Now toss in the shells, using the fork to mix in well. You can't change the past. Yes! I get this feeling that something terrible is about to happen and I should do something to protect myself. Stop making the mistake right now. On wednesday I went to watch How to train your dragon 3. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Laugh at it. Maybe one day you might have a baby with a fever that needs to go to the hospital, or maybe a sick best friend on her death bed, sometimes it takes something crazy to get you to go out and go, and at the age of 24, mine became providing for my boyfriend and I. Usually I get the feeling like a natural disaster or something is about to happen, but occasionally it will be a feeling of health-related impending doom. learn from the mistake and move on man. Apr 13, 2022 · Meditate. 1) Interrupt the thought stream, when I'm alone I will say out loud "Stop it". Cut that BS you get off on it. I did something embarassing/bad to another person and they still remember it. As much as you think you love this guy and want to hold onto your first love, he is not the guy for you, and you deserve much better treatment from a partner. How to get over something bad I did? (18F) I won't go into any details about my situation but apparently I have some attachment issues and loosing immediate contact with my partner made me completely break down emotionally and have a panic attack which resulted in some manipulative and abusive things I did. I have had to do both these things several times on the same thought, but slowly they lost their power over me. Don’t get lost in the past. The good part is that you acknowledge your wrong doing. 1. If you feel guilty, apologize if you can. We all make mistakes; we’re only human after all. Give me all those hours back. I must stop. The fact is, breaking up with someone you dont want to be with is among the cruelest of kindnesses, but its the absolute right thing to do. You'll get over it in time. Also, if these thoughts pop up when you are in a place that you cannot practice these, get up and move. But we can train our minds to move on by distracting ourselves, meditating, talking to a friend and bringing ourselves into the present moment. I got home, opened up Facebook, saw a gif from the movie, started cryig again. But in my experience, watching tv or playing video games or anything just delays the bad feelings rather than gets rid of them. Had we talked during, we might have been able to avoid that pain. I didn't realize until long after how it made my partner at the time feel and I felt like shit for doing it. I get the worst anxiety that things such None of these things make me think you’re particularly bad. Tell the story of the bad memory incorrectly out loud. You have to able to look at yourself in the mirror and say “I forgive you for what you did. Jan 10, 2023 · Try to turn your feelings of embarrassment or shame into something positive that will help you avoid doing the same thing again. . Maybe if he verbalizes your perceived transgression he will realize how trivial it was. I highly recommend supplementing with DBT if you need to skill build. The same logic applies for cringy things you may have done. What you should do: no way you don't feel better if you followed these steps. 10. Just laugh it off, everyone will forget about it eventually. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. for that is all there is of you. I start reading science articles or look at pictures of cakes or watch adorable/funny videos. In my personal experience there are three ways to get over a crush. Think up a plan on how to react next time. I hate the length of school not the work, and having to get up so early because that means i can't eat or drink anything from 7pm to 2pm the next day because i have this anxiety that if i eat or drink anything i will get a stomach ache, have to go shit 5-6 times, cry, at school and get publicly The one thing that helps ease my stomach is to release the stress in some way. What I instead encourage you to do is first acknowledge that you don't know what you don't know. The thing is sometimes we judge ourselves, we feel weak. It's ok to start to look for love again. -Honor your feelings. The worst thing you can do is try to find someone else to immediately fill that void or to keep trying to get the one that got away. Edit/Update: I didn't get burned too badly (96/100 was the official score), but my point still stands. Live the present and look forward to the future! :D The after a while you can start using the journal for prompts to start using this info to get help, move forward, make a change, take a step. It has been 4 days and I think about the movie every few hours, and every time Try to think of all the cringy things other people you know have done. Bite the bullet. Dont get wrong, its gonna hurt for a while, but focusing on what makes you either happy or gives you better skills will make it seem farther away until one day its a fond memory. The next best suggestion is to distract yourself. Exposure: You need to expose yourself to difficult social situations daily. Just accept that this happened, and the fact that I feel bad about it definitely means that I grew and developed as a person. If you're still friends with them, this might be tricky, since they will bring it up. Do it, because you want to reach the goal. Cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, ketamine infusion therapy, and more. You can't plant a tree 20 years ago. Your Value Isn’t Determined by The People Who You Don’t Match With. I regret my past, and it kills me. Don't try to erase those from your memory. You don't ever forget, but you can get on with your life without reliving the past constantly. and much less you care about the shame feeling. Exception: narcissists. Our memory is pretty event driven, so if you spend the time not doing too much, it’ll take longer to get over the relationship because it will be like less time has passed. i read a comment here that with time you develop a sort of weird relationship with that past, to reach a point that its somewhat a joke with yourself like "oh you are thinking about this again" idk joking with my past made it easier for me to cope. And to follow the container up with the safe space exercise. It can be goddamn debilitating. If you have an accident with your car as you are learning to drive, you will not be drawn and quartered in a public square. When people ask you about your parents and you have to try and skip around the fact one of them is dead as it always leads to an awkward sort of silence. Also realize that you are human and just like everyone else you are not perfect. Tell your relatives directly to shut up with confidence. For our example, you might say that it made you feel frustrated and ignored. Be mad-- you didn't do anything wrong! If he loves you, it shouldn't take him too long to figure this out. You never know when or where it’ll happen, but don’t let that control you, because if you do, you lose control and death wins. They usually try to sneak back around here. Your mind will naturally show you the happiest times. ― Ralph Waldo Emerson This subreddit is for those who have questions about how to improve any aspects of their lives, from motivation and procrastination, to social skills and fitness, and everything in between. For each mistake you make, do a quick self reflection of what went wrong and what you've learnt from it. Speaking from experience Idk how else to describe this step. So, cringe thing happens: 1. Crushes are hard. Know that only one image of yourself matters. Give it some time. Nobody cares about it as much as we do. You can do it in a mirror alone if you're shy about it. Act on it - Telling your crush about your feelings will end the crush, with two possible outcomes. It’s here and it’ll hit everyone one day. Reflect On What You’ve Learnt. krakenunleashed. “Make the most of yourself. Thank you! bunchedupwalrus. The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life. being present and staying busy will help you get out of your head. It sounds like an oversimplified response, but the best way to get over stupid things you've done in the past is to stop doing stupid things, and focus on improving your life in general. Walk around the block, take a stretch break at work. Stop letting it rent space in your head. it’s all about understanding and restructuring your thoughts, which could be super helpful for you in managing that guilt. If you committed a crime or hurt someone, it is something what you should try to work on. After that, it will take time for it to drift off your mind. Go to the bathroom and do jumping jacks. Too many people face rejection in their lives by a person they want to be with, and look towards themselves as the reason things didn’t work out. Reply reply. This intentional failure is reminder that often our shortcomings are unintentional. You need to rewire your brain. 2) Then I say to myself "Yes I did that bad thing, I am no longer that person and I let it go". Accept that it happened and that it's making you feel a certain way. I was on my way to work, and there were several emergency vehicles around one spot of a bridge I had to go over. As much as I know I SHOULD ask him to fix it, what I would realistically do would be: A) Have my gf attempt to fix it (Why not, it's already fucked) B) Shave it down and look like a commando for a bit. Go ahead. The past is gone, it literally doesn't exist but for some imprints in our minds. Basically replace "why did I" with "next time I will". Month 8-12 aka "you feel normal if you followed all the steps". more you getting older, more you dont give a fuck about what you said or what you did. It helped a lot. Take a deep breath and exhale. As this Kurzgesagt video explains, if you want to change something about yourself, it's important that the change is fun to you, otherwise you're unlikely to stick with it. Your comment in r/college was automatically removed because your account is less than one day old. All you can control is the present. When you think of the thing that is bothering you, push yourself to think about it more positively. We can't change our choices. The second best time is right now. These people will continue on the path of destruction of others and their own lives. That's what made me get over my awkwardness and embrace it. He lied about a girl texting him. Force yourself to practice this. Say their name and watch his/her face flash before your mind's eye. To do this, you need to start practicing interruption techniques. Reply. ashgallows. We’ve all been there. 35. And know if you made a bad choice you can make future decisions to correct them as much as humanly possible. Your life and everyone else's will go on, and everyone will forget this as long as the damages get fixed. Believe that things happen for a reason, even if you can’t seem to find any good reason, it might be the world reminding you to be more caution and less careless man. Do great things in the present. ” for example, i knew my first bf in junior high and we both had a crush on one Your advice is mostly sound apart from telling people to limit the amount they cry which is actually terrible advice. edit: i'm 18, too. In the long run, you see it as a learning experience. As soon as that stress is handled, things get better inside and out. With a fork ensure the eggs cover bottom of the pan. Getting a bad grade after studying so much is literally the worst. Lots of podcasts and apps with free guided meditations exist. If you're worried about something coming back to bite you, IF a) the post itself didn't gain much traction (and is now buried somewhere), plus b) you used a throwaway on that one account as commented elsewhere on the post, where literally you only posted the bad thing, then deleted it (and preferably the account too) No one is perfect, but everyone is loved by someone out there no matter who they are. Go sit by a lake or in the woods and soak up all that beauty. Here is an example: Some asshat flipped you off while you were driving even though you were in the right, leaving you feeling angry, like people are so inconsiderate these days, and worried that something worse might happen My advice to you is to not get so hung up on a grade! It's just an extrinsic reward that's ultimately arbitrary. Let them back in to your life. Stay away from CBT, it's not effective for trauma and can re-traumatized you. Then, distract yourself. Crypto Me: did you do this thing I asked you to do in the email below? Her: I don’t remember seeing that email Me: are you saying you didn’t get the email? Her: I did, I just didn’t see the bottom part. Make a throwaway account and give the actual situation. I did something very embarassing years ago and I think I’m traumatised from it. But imagine the person (s) in front of you and ask for forgiveness. You owe it to yourself to leave the trauma these asshats have caused behind for good. there’s this app called manifest that focuses on mental wellness and affirmations. Go out there and get a brand new pair and stop brooding over things that you can’t even control because it’s the past. Death is unfortunately inevitable and can strike at any time in one’s life. Realise that there is always something new to learn, and treat this as a first step in that learning process. If you did not have these cringey thoughts, and if you did not feel embarrassment about things you did in the past, then it would indicate that perhaps you haven't reached a good level of emotional Apr 18, 2024 · If it helps, write your feelings down or say them out loud. The trees can forgive anything. 6. People appreciate self-awareness, and it’s easier and more effective to These thoughts are a result of the fact that you have grown and matured to such an extent that previous versions of you now cause you embarrassment. You are a student and you are learning. They're in the past. If you find yourself not doing #2 or obsessing about the past consider therapy. how do i get over something bad that happened to me. before this my perfectionism had me in Or another stylist if you do not trust him. There is an NLP technique to stop intrusive thoughts. You will notice that the feeling will disappear within seconds of you provide new thoughts and images of guilt. watch a new show! an old movie (i watch Her whenever i go through a breakup)! good luck! 5. Do not type in all uppercase, people will think you are nuts :-). We humans have to come to terms with death. Take out the bad parts of the story and make it less worse. 2. How will they remember your awkward moment. So I tried a new tactic of just laying on my bed or just laying down, and just letting my mind wander. Finally, please read the community rules before you post. So a learning mindset and being kind to ourselves is how we do better. hello doppelganger. In the moment, if you catch yourself saying something stupid that you know you’re going to dwell on later, it never hurts to say, “well, that was a stupid remark,” or “I said that wrong,” and take the opportunity to immediately clarify. Fanky_Spamble. As someone else said, CBT may help, but I'll give some concrete advice. Parts also have their own relationships with each other, so the Critic part absolutely despises the child parts, while the protective parts take on a nurturing role towards them. BUT. i feel for you! growing up i was notorious for having crushes on people who either werent into me, or like just from afar even. Get over it. one thing that's helped me (and like, a bunch of other ppl) is practicing mindfulness. Believe it or not, you can learn how to be resilient and how to bounce back after set backs. Be strong and stand up for yourself. You don't get to say "Ooooh I am so filled with regret about my mistakes!" while STILL MAKING THEM. If you feel hurt, remember your worth, that you are beyond other peoples thoughts and opinions. You're gonna feel guilty. Put a reminder on your phone to do a breast check every month. I have nervous tics/habits that help me when I'm stressed out, like cleaning my nails. 44M subscribers in the AskReddit community. You can't change the past, so focus on the future. Well, we don't know what exactly you did. This isn't like you bought an $80k Audi which will be worth $40k in 3 years (Audi's depreciate like a joke). try out new hobbies! go back to old ones! reach out to old friends, family. im 32 years old, and i dont remember when the last time i felt feelings of shame. Remember, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. People can't remember world issues, man. Over time you will stop being guilty. Award. ” It never goes like that. If you were totally cool with dumping her, that would actually be more concerning. But in hindsight, it just makes me really fucking angry. Resilience can be learned. You are your own person and the center of your reality and no one else's. make it your goal in 2019 to be kinder and more tolerant. Every time you catch yourself dwelling on it, stop yourself. •. I keep starting games, but I am so bad at them I will spend a literal half hour+ trying to beat something before I do, and it's a bit frustrating and…. it’s been a year today since something bad happened to me and i still think about it everyday as if it happened a few weeks ago. Try to put words to the feelings it made you feel. You have to deal with the results of your actions. Really allow yourself to feel them. Accept that what happened happened , you can't go back in time and change it , you will make many more new friends and forget that this ever happened. true. Now, identify your feelings clearly in thoughts, on paper, or in words: “I’m feeling a little hopeless and embarrassed. rosaluxificate. It’s not your fault. Just any tiny step to start you moving out of feeling "bad" - and before you know it, you'll be paving yourself a new path. that's all you can do. Be happy that you've progressed in life. You also can’t make your future self a good person, at least not directly. You can't take advantage of 20 year-old opportunities. [1] Take a moment to reflect. And, at some point you might need to give him a deadline to make a decision. i forced myself to do things i valued at least a bit and started to concentrate on effort, trying, doing, process instead of being good or finishing things. Chances are you won’t be able to think of anything, even if you do, it probably has no bearing on your perception of them as a person. You don’t need to be doing a full workout at this point, just something to help you use the jitters and adrenaline you’re getting for something productive. The shame you feel is taking the place of more bad behavior and consequently it is noble. r/selfimprovement. They live in the same city with me and sometime I see that person and it reminds me of what I did and I become so Focus on doing things in the present to get what you want. The shame you feel is a corrective sensation designed to keep you from ever committing that sin again. You lose all self respect doing this. Start a new hobby. You can't change the past and you can't predict the future, the only thing you can control is how your going to react to certain situations. Yet in other ways, we're quite distinct: each part has their own gender identity, likes/dislikes, memories, personality, etc. The worst thing you can do is be stoic or 'strong' and letting the emotions bottle up. Especially during a breakup. very good advice! i was 100% op before when my depression was worse and i didnt have anything in my life, just scrolling in bed all day every day. The best thing to do is forgive yourself and leave everything with it in the past. Don’t sweat it. • 3 yr. Part of what you need to do is train your brain to stop traveling down the well-worn path mentally. Well the very fact that you acknowledge this reveals you are not that bad of a person as you want to improve. If you can't think of anything, think of something you think would be pleasant. To use the container exercise when these thoughts pop up outside of scheduled worry time. This let's you get it out and really, really take some positive away from it. That’s your self image. Be real and honest about that. People really don't care as much as you may think, you shouldn't either. let them know you’re going through something and need some help. Focus on progress and not perfection. ”. 4. -Learn how to bounce back. It was abusive and it was codependent. It makes me wanna die and i get very depressed. I had to learn to stop dreading on it and focus on the things I could do that would make me happy. You should sit down and talk with him about how it makes you feel in a forward but courteous manner. Crying over your grades means you're passionate about your future and you care enough to do well. But you don’t need that shame anymore. I always thought, maybe if I left for work a little earlier, maybe I could have done something. Give yourself some time to work out what the current situation is before moving on to the next steps. Remind yourself that people make friends, find sex, find romance after college is over. Share as much as you want, as long as you want, to people who are here to listen and talk to you. The most helpful thing is to focus on filling the time with good memories on your own. i was super anxiousss, but in my experience it can really go both ways! nobody is a mind reader, and not everyone picks up on “hints. That doesnt make it the easy thing to do. Exercise. Don't get lost in endless looping narratives of the self. (Perfect timing for me too, as I'm about to go on a 14-hour round trip solo drive to get some of my stuff out of storage, and my more recent themes are fixated on "being fully prepared" in some weird impossible way 😅 Previously I would pack and unpack over and over, I'm just going to take my 1 bag, water, pills and snacks and have faith that 10 votes, 10 comments. Do it. Stop self improvement. 1- Acknowledge the bad thing. Practice forgiveness. Othe people feel it and Also, maybe try to use your negative feelings as motivation to make good memories with her, try not to live in a headspace of insecurity but focus on the good times you could have with her, like doing something sweet or planning a date. One is that your crush reciprocates and you get to have a real relationship. Look back and realize you accomplished something. A therapist taught me two tips. What matters is now and the good work you will yet do. Rinse and repeat the next step until it's good enough. plus, apps like headspace and calm are pretty A force for self-improvement, goodness, and togetherness that helps humanity eliminate evil. Journaling I tried next, and specifically gratitude journaling. It's a mistake. Picture your ex. You don’t have to actually do it with the people involved in the memories unless you want to. Ex: You start to replay the scene in your head and cringe. You sound like you have more than just anxiety. not only irl, but also online. No one can change it, you can't wipe the memories of those involved. You can tell when I'm really freaking out when my nails are fucking fabulous. It would be so life changing for me if she would just say “sorry, I missed that and didn’t do it. Your mind eventually gets tired of the thought and stops bringing it up. Progression is key, so if you have decided to leave the bad behind, this is the place for you. Apparently, about five minutes before, a man had jumped off the bridge and into ice cold water. Make amends if necessary, forgive yourself, and make it right by not repeating your mistakes. C) Go to a completely different shop and have someone there fix it. Usually, prices aren't going to be drastically dropping or depreciating on these types of vehicles. Reply reply More replies. If you embarrassed yourself, then yeah move on. It shakes them, and makes them want to be my friend. They think they didn’t do enough, didn’t try hard enough, or simply weren’t good enough. fw jn rm at us il ef no me ei