Writing requirement uf reddit

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grade based on completion for the most part), and open book (online) final. It’s super easy! Took one on film that was pretty easy. I took creative writing and it was pretty easy and fun. So I am an International student. AP Exam Credit. The University of Florida requires all students 1 to complete a Writing Requirement. To earn a UF degree, students must meet the requirements of their major and college in addition to the university's foreign language requirement for admission. I rarely ever post on Reddit about anything, but the absolute fuckery that are Quest classes here at UF is maddening. ORH1030- Plants, Gardening, and You. I need an easy class class with at least 2000 words to fulfill the writing requirement. Quest Program Courses. EMS1055 is the didactic course and all lectures are live-streamed and recorded. I am simply interested in the easiest, least time consuming class that gives 6000 words (ideally online). General Education State Core. 3. I think I took a low level Religion class (intro to Christianity or something) that fulfilled 2nd Writing and Hi Again! I wanted some advice. Ideally an online one. Members Online UF threatens student protesters with suspension, banishment from campus for 3 years WIS2040, WIS2552. Hey guys, I'm 6000 words short of the writing requirement, and I'm not exactly jazzed about taking something basic like LIT2110. It’s much better to talk with upper class men, and get their input on the best classes, professors, study tips, extracurriculars and etc. They changed the requirements this semester, so it's actually a part of your grade. I also believe the traditional UF premed route is completing the biology and chemistry sequences first, then doing physics afterwards (around junior year). Cities of the World URP3001 is a really easy class with no proctored exams if I remember correctly. UF Writing Requirement assignments should include such elements as well-crafted paragraphs, a A letter from your supervisor or the offer letter from the internship would work for documentation. And they’re not “creative writing” they’re analysis pretty much. To earn a UF degree, students must Once an Admitted student begins courses at Berkeley, and the requirement has not otherwise been met, students must complete COLWRIT R1A. 8 GPA on all courses taken at UF beginning the semester after accumulating 60 credits. Sem: Poetry. This is not at all what UF’s website says. Also check out the Quest 1 courses to see whats offered during summer B. Thanks! You need to take one upper division UWP course. The L000 course number has no UF course equivalent. Two 3000 word papers and weekly quizzes answers are online. also, bsc2005 is stupid easy. 2000-level: Special Topics. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games Hello Reddit! Currently, I ma registered for PHI2010 and I have heard that the class is somewhat difficult. ”. Of course there are other university requirements, like the writing requirement (24,000 words) and the civic literacy requirement. The course is taught by Noah Rashkind (lawyer by trade, talented astrophotographer by night) and Dr. 18. Anyone know any easy A classes that fulfill both the 2nd writing requirement and a discipline area? I believe you should be able to go on Lous List and filter to find classes that fulfill multiple requirements. I am looking for a course that will give me word credits, however most of the ones I find, the word requirement is met with a single 6000 word paper. Hey everyone, I’m an incoming grad student at the University of Florida. Our Hpo office says that you need generally two semesters of a writing/English course or a writing intensive course. Quest 1 always counts as 3 credits of H while Quest 2 is either 3 credits of B, 3 credits of P, or 3 credits of S. I am interested in philosophy, but I am also somewhat interested in art appreciation, and there is a seat for ARH2000 fully online open. It’s the type of writing that you can BS pretty easily like the literary analysis type essays you would do in high school, but instead of metaphor and alliteration it’s harmony and timbre. Writing Requirement (6000 words). How much depends on the class, and should be in the syllabus. I recall pre med advising here gave me awful advice, and the ones I met gave a vibe that they didn’t really much about you. Under the University of Florida Writing Requirement, all students must complete courses that involve substantial writing for a total of 24,000 words. Every Tuesday you talk about how to write, and every Thursday you write in class. Members Online UF Faculty Banned from Recruiting Students from China and Iran As Koalas says, it's a higher-level writing course with different subjects/areas, and depending on your choice, the assignments and essays are based on such. It was a subset of whatever the On the form it says that I need 75 credit hours before I can submit it, but right now I only have 71 credits completed. Found a great way to find writing credits! In another post saw a link to a searchable schedule database here: https://one. Florida Department of Education General Education Core Course Options: The State of Florida Statute 1007. Preferably 6,000 words and online but anything works. The CLEPs that I took were Principles of Marketing (scored a 71), Analyzing and Interpreting Which writing course should I take over the summer? GEA3600 is over summer A and ARC1720 is over summer B. That's a requirement every freshman has to complete. Any suggestions for which doable class I should take other than ENC1102 and architecture history this summer to meet the 6000 words requirement? I heard. Easiest 6000 word course. honestly this seems like a relaxed schedule as long as you get good professors. So if it's worth 2%, not doing it would bring your final average for the class down 2 points (i. I can tell you not to take "Dark Green Religion" by Bron Taylor (IDS2935). I'm making this post to share my experiences and share some of the study strategies/resources I picked up along the way. Reply. Out of this list, which one is the easiest/less work: GEA3600, GEO 2500, ARC1720, GEA3405, SPM3012? Easy writing requirement courses. Apparently it switched professors and the new one is a hard ass. Students are encouraged to take one workshop in an alternate genre: CRW 3310 Adv. A grade of C or higher is will satisfy both Entry Level Writing and Part A of the Reading and Composition requirement. Hello! I need 12,000 more words to satisfy the writing requirement, so I've been looking at the 6,000 word classes to minimize the amount of writing classes I have to take. ) in case I am accepted. I'm considering PHI 2016 Intro to philosophy, PHI 2630 Ethical Issues and Life Choices, and PHI 2635 Bioethics. The outlines for the papers are graded harshly (like bruh). I got 5s on AP Lang and AP Lit, so my writing requirement is done. aofnsbhdai • 4 yr. The credit applies to the minimum credits for the degree but does not provide credit for General Education, Writing Requirement or count toward the major. For the summer requirement waiver what supporting material would I need to provide for a summer internship and also who is the interviewing officer?…. A minimum grade of C is required for Quest and general education credit. Any advice helps! This is the unofficial subreddit for the University of Florida, a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. I'm a incoming gator for Summer B, and my major is in CALS. Students also need to take two Quest courses. it was SO EASY. WST2611 (or WST2612) Gender and Sexuality, it has only 2,000 words but it I found it very meaningful, interesting, and easy. Film analysis! If you’re into movies it’s a good and fun class. As for your classes, the model semester plan for preprofessional biology ( https://catalog University of Florida- 3/12 University of South Florida- Waitlisted and then rejected 4/26 Florida Atlantic University- Waitlisted on 3/23 rejected on 7/22 Withdrew application: Nova Southeastern University- I was offered an interview on 4/2 and decided to decline the interview and withdraw my application due to cost. Although I hear most quest courses are "meh" at best. Is that someone from UF? the easiest class ive taken at uf so far (I just completed my first year) is medical terminology, tbh I forgot the professor. I was required to take it, but it had no exams, really easy short written assignments. I took survey of architecture and thought it was a good deal. The content of a course approved for the UF Writing Requirement should meet the WR course guidelines, including assignments that contain extended analysis and develop CRW1101 is cake: 10, 600-word responses to short stories (you'll read several each week, and pick one to talk about or compare multiple), and you write a short story + revision. It's offered in both Summer A and B, so you can check them out. I'm on hold for an hour right now with the bright futures phone line, I'll probably call UF's financial aid number later. […] Regarding CLAS vs. I’m taking English 125 called monsters in society. Given you said you had already taken writing heavy courses, I’d recommend contacting one of your previous professors for whom you wrote at least 20 pages over two assignments to see if they would sign a petition. Sounds like people could help you better if you just mentioned the major. etc. Super easy, just some essays and research that take up a good chunk of time. I would look them up and write a polite email stating that this will effect your graduation and officially request a grade for the course. Please note that the “Time (s)” listed on this page are not hours but UF course periods. You need to complete first year comp (lower division) and one upper division course (4 units). ENC2210, Technical Writing. Which summer writing class should I take? I'm going to be taking calc 3 this summer as well and only need 10,000 more words for the writing requirement (will be a sophomore this fall). You also could finish the class early and at your own pace. 15. Human sexuality and culture. "Oh, it'll shave off your summer course requirement!" "Oh yeah, no more Quest 1/2 courses!" "Your degree time will be cut in half!" "You'll never take a math class again!" Every few weeks (5 times total) you have a longer assignment where you analyze a song of your choice by tossing in a few vocab words. CALS, I can't speak to the specific nuances between the two paths, but I will note that CLAS students have to take two semesters of a foreign language class. GEA3600. uf. like one paragraph each week. Studies in Fiction with Peter Baker is the easiest class I've taken here at UVA hands down. Are there any…. I’m assuming ap credit would be the same, so if it doesn’t show up on your degree 2nd Writing Requirement. Appeal to the Chair of the department for the class you are missing due to the strike. PO Box 112020. I was wondering if there are any resources that could help with ideas on what subject to choose? Was also missing Physics 2(not technically a requirement), but my advisor just said to complete it whenever I get the chance(no deadline). UF Writing Requirement (Formerly Gordon Rule) The Requirement. Category I: At least two, but not more than six, upper-division creative writing workshops. Send in your CC transcript to Berkeley when you get your grade. If it’s available, “Otherworlds” with Peter Baker is easy money and very cool as well. Elizabeth Lada (an extremely distinguished UF astronomer and an amazing mentor). MDST 2700 is chill. I need 6,000 more words to graduate and I was thinking of taking ENC3246 since I’m majoring in physics and it sounds like something I’d enjoy more…. University Writing Requirement. I should prepare if I don't have any college-level scores to waive So I am an International student. You write a couple of pages every Thursday, but the nice part is that there's never homework or reading. Written assignments that count toward the University of Florida Writing Requirement should contain extended analysis and develop original, sophisticated ideas, not merely present hastily written or cursory thoughts. Members Online Picking my science Gen-ed clasess As someone that has foregone the Journal experience, I still have an Upper Level Writing Requirement to complete before I graduate! My schedule is also structured in a way that I will need to do it as an independent study. The Chair / Director of each department / program has the authority to input a grade at their discretion at any time. Writing Requirement Courses. The content itself is still easy though, it literally went less in depth Earned 18 Credits in 3 weeks. The Creative Writing model, when sufficiently diverse, is adequate preparation for admission to graduate writing programs. You need to write 6 1000 word papers which is basically 2 pages each. AICE, AP, CLEP, and IB examination credit as well as dual enrollment or transfer credit may count toward this requirement. Also pre med advising is terrible at UF. I’m interested in both but I am taking physics 2 with them so something preferably easier would be nice. so i took ART 20AC. I would love to connect with fellow students. " Does this mean that I can't transfer credits for courses not counting towards gen-ed or the writing requirement? email for UC Entry-level Writing Requirement Before Getting Acceptance. 25 regarding General Education was revised in 2012 and again in 2013 to “improve articulation and reduce excess hours” for students entering the State University System (SUS) and Florida College System (FCS). GETR 3464: Stories of Love and Adventure with William McDonald. It's my last year at FSU and since my requirements wont fill a full schedule I'm interested in taking a philosophy course. Of these, I can choose between AEC3030C or SPC2608 (I need to choose one of the two) I can choose between ENC2210, ENC3254, or AEC3033C (I need to choose one of the three) I'm a poli sci and econ double major and there weren't that many courses in my departments that also satisfied AC requirement. e. 1. When I searched ENC3254, there were many variants of Professional Writing in the Disciplines, and I chose the Discipline version. ago. It says just take between 8-10 credits to fulfill this requirement. I APed out of the intro classes that most students take and I took two "nontraditional writing classes". The professor knows of the intensive writing requirement for med schools so you can make your final essay 10 pages instead of the usual 8 pages. I really liked “Anatomy of a Story” with Dr. ADV3008- Principles of Advertising. The weekly quizzes and discussion posts are still the same and are easy. :) So ask away! This is the unofficial subreddit for the University of Florida, a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. • 5 yr. 2 . are easy 6000-word courses, but I haven't taken either of them. Geography of Africa (GEA3600) Japanese Culture (JPT3500) Intro to African American Studies AFA2000. However, the exam credit website says this: "The UF course credit that students earn depends on their score on each AP exam and whether the credit earned will count for general education and the writing requirement (6,000 words). I have an incredibly busy schedule next semester and need to fit in a class that gives 6000 words. I'm in GSVS/RELG 2210 right now and it's fairly easy. Pretty fun and interesting, would recommend. Got admitted to MS Electrical and computer engineering. 3000- & 4000-level: Writing in the Disciplines. , if you had a 98%, now you have a 96%), just like a zero on a minor assignment Phil 558 (Medical History and Bioethics) specifically meets this requirement. Furthermore, there are a lot of upper-div UWP classes that do not cover the requirement. 0. My advisor suggested I take 3 classes during the summer, all to fulfill CALS credits. that class is soooo easy, I mean u spend like 30-40 min a week on this course. Essays were on difficult historical topics and are given Incoming grad student. AMA - pre-med, philosophy, biology, UF things in general. Quest classes are Hot Garbage. It fulfilled my second writing requirement and required a couple essays throughout the semester in addition to reading a couple fiction novels. Gainesville, FL 32611-2020. The course code is EMS 1055 (3 credits). I should prepare if I don't have any college-level scores to waive the test (AP Eng etc. Law school is a numbers game, with GPA and LSAT score being the most important factors. Students must complete a UF Quest 1 course with a minimum grade of C before taking a UF Quest 2 course. It's not extra credit. Completion of an approved research project or creative work. are the same. The University of Florida requires that all students complete the Writing Requirement. Make sure you get the right class. Writing Course Descriptions. Such as writing business memos, even had to do one based on the show Parks & Recreation. You can try and take the upper division writing exam to test out of taking the class but don't depend on that. Also a very interesting class for premeds. He's just a fun old dude who's passionate about what he teaches and wants everyone to have a good time I'm about to graduate so I'm taking a lot of upper devision math classes that are time consuming. u/PeachKnight96. I took a "honors seminar class" which was about Disasters and studying the sociology behind natural/man I mean, yes the essay is 6000 words not 2000, but the overall work of the class is like 15-20 minutes a week until the ending essay at the end. Some UF Quest courses may also fulfill either the Diversity (D) or the International (N) requirement and/or count toward the Writing requirement. Add a Comment. Taking 2 science courses per semester should be a good pace to stay on track and prevent burnout. I'm looking for a course that's interesting, but wont kill me in workload as The requirements for Summa Cum Laude in the college of engineering are: 3. If that's something that appeals to you, CLAS may be worth considering since that requirement is built into the degree (and you have the option to test out of that Philosophy courses for nonmajors. The class is basically poll questions during class, discussion posts, short reading responses, and tgree papers of 1500 words each. 1 comment. Reynolds. 6 1. I graduated last Fall with degrees in bio and philosophy (and recently accepted to med school) and thought I'd offer to answer any questions u guys might have about being pre-med at UF, being a double major, how to do well in philosophy classes. · “Super easy and you get free plants almost every class. I recommended great performances for my friend’s first year writing requirement but apparently there is no winter course for it this year so if you guys have any ideas it would be much appreciated. Does this mean I can't use this summers internship to waive the requirement, or do I need to wait until I complete more credits before I submit the form? Also, the form mentions an Interviewing officer. I applied to UC Berkeley as a CS Major and this morning I got an email from Berkley that my UC Entry level Writing Requirement Exam is scheduled on Saturday, May XX, 2024. just need to go to class, bullshit some essay (really short. But I also think ENWR writing classes in I can actually help here - I am also a shitty writer who wanted an easy-going teacher, and the class I took to fulfill my second writing requirement was an easy psych class! Specifically, it was PSYC 4110 (Psycholingistics) with Filip Loncke. It can be a 4000 or 6000 word class as long its easy to get an A even though I'm not great at writing. World of Water SWS2007 is an easy class as well with open book everything. PHIL 2820: Philosophy of Health and Health Care with Elizabeth Barnes. Hi, I took ENC1101/1102 equivalent through dual enrollment. Hey, so I need 4000 more words to graduate and don’t really want to take a super hard class does anyone know of any easy classes that have 4000 words or more? Human sexuality and culture is another easy one. The interviewing officer is normally your academic advisor. 5000-level: Graduate. Hey I need to do 9 summer credits and also to finish 12,000 words of my writing requirement. Writing Requirement Objectives. Must consult Faculty," under comments in your grades summary for that session. Idk but intro to African American studies sounds easy. gea3600! The degree audit for clas says you need to complete the beginner series of a language (in my case, Spanish) and then complete the first intermediate class. Need 6000 words left. As for admission, if you have an AA/enough transferable credits(I'm not sure how it works with a 2nd bachelor's), have a good enough GPA, and meet all the non-conditional prereqs, you should have a good shot MFA@FLA Requirements (2022) The MFA takes three years to complete, and requires 54 credit hours of the following: Each of the courses above carries 3 credit hours. These are often paired with the other Gen Ed courses. Maybe just a few easy assignments a week and a project at the end. My professor gave a lot of busywork though so it ended up taking WAYYYY too much of my time. 1000-level: First-Year Writing. · “Two exams, and they’re open book (not Proctor U), weekly assignments but you get 100s on all of them. AICE, AP, CLEP, and IB examination credit as well as dual enrollment or transfer credit may count toward the requirement. I took the War Games class this Spring and dear Christ, never have I ever experienced an assignment grading process so vague and arbitrary. UWP courses emphasize the practical importance of communication in students’ lives and take into consideration how arguments are shaped by our writing communities or academic disciplines. Best. The AHA BLS Provider certification will be offered to all students interested in the EMR Certification. ENL does not count towards satisfying the UD writing requirement. I have no interest in the subject matter, simply looking for the easiest class. They initially didn’t appear in my degree audit as counting towards anything, but I met with an advisor and she inputted them into my composition requirement and both counted towards 6,000 words. From the jump, it was clear that these two both cared immensely about their students and were contagiously enthusiastic about astrophotography. I really liked ENCW 2600 (Fiction Writing), it’s a class where you write 2 short stories and also read a lot of short stories. 6000 word classes. As I did my AA in high school, I heard a lot of hype (and plenty of myths!) from parents & teachers about the Associate of Arts degre and what it'll do for me at UF. Welcome to r/UCSD! This is a forum where the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other individuals associated with the University of California San Diego can discuss, share, advise, and collaborate among themselves! I think the difference is that in the Spring the topics for ENWR 2510 will change but other classes offered for FWR+ like ENCW 2300/2600, ENGL classes, etc. I’ve also heard that others have finished the requirement by just taking As a condition of admission to the university, students must complete two sequential courses of a foreign language in secondary school, 8-10 semester credits at the postsecondary level or document an equivalent level of proficiency. You can petition to have a writing heavy course count for the second writing requirement. scd. Writing Requirement. My options for Spring 2022 are: AFA3110, ARC1720, EDF3604, ENC2210, ENC3252, ENC3254, GEA3600, GEO2500, and ISS2160. We’ll see what the average is for the actual paper, but if it’s no too harsh this class should still be The Japanese language program at UF is extremely well developed with competent teachers, a well structured schedule for homework, and many opportunities to practice outside the classroom with reliable upperclassmen. Thanks all. Then, you must email/contact arts advising, or go in person, and I didn't think it was too much work. If you are still unsure about law school or are really interested in economics, then I do recommend it. Graduate courses on offer in the English department can be found here. SOP4777- Psychology of Human Sexuality. I'm not gonna lie, it's definitely very boring-- people don't speak up during class (which is usually just The UF Emergency Medical Responder course is available for credit for on-campus UF students. Does anyone have any suggestions for 1. Is there any classes at UF that give me writing credits, without making me write a 6000 word paper? maybe split into two paper (3000 each) or maybe a 4000 Some degrees also have additional, specific foreign language requirements. Let’s connect people!!! Admissions. 2215 Turlington Hall. Students completing approved AP examinations with scores of three or higher will earn UF transfer requirement I've been wanting to apply to UF so I always check the transfer requirements, and one of the requirements I see before is, I need to complete a science elective, in which I initially chose Bio 1 in my community college, because that's what was only available or Chem 2. If you want to take a challenge in an East Asian language, it’s a good place to look into. It was fully online. It's very informal (at least my class was). Political science and criminology are easy majors in which you should be able to get pretty close to a 4. PHI2010 seems to depend, as GGator24 said, on your TA. Normally, at the end of the session, if you haven't fulfilled the writing requirement within the 60 credits or 54 or whenever you were suppose to, it'll say something like, "Writing Requirement not met. It’s supposed to be a lot of words (6k words) but It’s through poetry writing, journaling, and writing close reading analysis of poems (5k words come from this), and portfolio reflection (1k comes from this), which I think will be a lot more interesting than other courses. Let me explain. If I set my mind to it I could finish them in >45 mins. And I loved the professor that's teaching the 2611 section (Mallory Szymansky) Just wondering what people have taken to fulfill Gordon Rule writing requirements that have been relatively easier, or meaningful/interesting Has anyone taken any of the following second writing requirement classes? Thank you in advance! ENWR 3660: Travel Writing with Sarah Stephenson. Writing credit without 6000 word paper. " Bright Futures Cancelled, says credit hour requirement not met. Atm I have these courses on my schedule: Film Analysis ENG2300. A couple of weeks ago, I did not know much about CLEP and what to expect going to into these exams. Some degrees also have additional, specific foreign language requirements. · “Favorite class ever. We support independent learning and encourage scholarship by providing one-on-one consultations, workshops tailored to specific classes (graduate and undergraduate), and faculty retreats focusing on publishing original research Parapurp. Median was a 40/50 just for the outline. Which of these Summer Classes are Easiest? Help pls. I'm an innovation academy student so I know things are weird with me, but I've taken 14 credits in spring, 9 credits in summer, and 4 credits last fall, shouldn Mission The new Writing Studio is committed to helping University of Florida students and faculty meet their academic and professional goals by becoming better writers. . Members Online With final exams approaching, last minute studying and prep can be stressful. This is the unofficial subreddit for the University of Florida, a public university located in Gainesville, Florida. WGS 2700: Men and Masculinities with Lisa Speidel. I already took ENC3254 I just have to finish my writing requirement. Members Online DeSantis' University of Florida press conference met with chanting pro-Palestinian protesters The UWP Mission The University Writing Program helps undergraduate students at the University of Florida achieve their academic and professional goals by offering broad-based instruction in composition. and tbh most of it is common knowledge especially if you've watched grey's anatomy or some other medical show with medical jargon. 5. edu/soc/ Select the term and your program at the top, then at the bottom go to advanced -> writing requirement -> check the 6000 box (or whatever you need) Depends on which instructor you get but very easy class, meet once a week for a discussion, interesting topics that make you think, etc. I would love to know new things and suggestions. Members Online Advice for BSC 2011 View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Computer Engineering Writing Requirement Hey all, so I'm in CompE and still have 6,000 words to kill. sz wn kx eh us uj fm cm ks nd